Exclusive FiveM Scripts
Heute stelle ich euch ein Medic Job vor! Außerdem werde ich euch zeigen welche Einstellungen Ihr vornehmen müsst!
Es handelt sich um das esx_ambulancejob Script, das von mir übersetzt wurde.
Sprache: Deutsch
Download: Medic Job.rar
Was hat das Script?
- Ränge geben
- Equipment wählen
- Outfits wechseln
- Leader Einstellungen, Geld einzahlen usw...
- Spieler wiederbeleben
- Spieler kleine und große Wunden geilen
- Krankenwagen rufen
- Fahrzeuge
- usw
Das sind Einstellungen die wichtig sein könnten...
Hier könnt Ihr den Preis einstellen
Config.ReviveReward = 2000
Die Zeit nach wieviel Minuten man ins Krankenhaus gebracht wird.
Config.RespawnDelayAfterRPDeath = 5 * minute
Hier sind die ganzen Coordinaten von Ein und Ausgängen sowie von Fahrzeugen.
Config.Zones = {
HospitalInteriorEntering1 = { -- Main entrance
Pos = { x = 332.04, y = -595.65, z = 42.28 },
Type = 1
HospitalInteriorInside1 = {
Pos = { x = 272.8, y = -1358.8, z = 23.5 },
Type = -1
HospitalInteriorOutside1 = {
Pos = { x = 322.62, y = -592.72, z = 42.28 },
Type = -1
HospitalInteriorExit1 = {
Pos = { x = 275.7, y = -1361.5, z = 23.5 },
Type = 1
HospitalInteriorEntering2 = { -- Lift go to the roof
Pos = { x = 327.15, y = -603.49, z = 42.28 },
Type = 1
HospitalInteriorInside2 = { -- Roof outlet
Pos = { x = 341.46, y = -584.99, z = 73.20 },
Type = -1
HospitalInteriorOutside2 = { -- Lift back from roof
Pos = { x = 322.15, y = -593.34, z = 42.28 },
Type = -1
HospitalInteriorExit2 = { -- Roof entrance
Pos = { x = 339.2, y = -584.05, z = 73.20 },
Type = 1
AmbulanceActions = { -- Cloakroom
Pos = { x = 299.01, y = -598.24, z = 43.28 },
Type = 22
VehicleSpawner = {
Pos = { x = 297.36, y = -603.22, z = 42.3 },
Type = 1
VehicleSpawnPoint = {
Pos = { x = 290.41, y = -573.81, z = 43.18 },
Type = -1
VehicleDeleter = {
Pos = { x = 294.36, y = -578.12, z = 42.2 },
Type = 1
Pharmacy = {
Pos = { x = 306.69, y = -601.79, z = 43.28 },
Type = 22
ParkingDoorGoOutInside = {
Pos = { x = 330.06, y = -601.14, z = 42.28 },
Type = 1
ParkingDoorGoOutOutside = {
Pos = { x = 319.28, y = -557.23, z = 28.74 },
Type = -1
ParkingDoorGoInInside = {
Pos = { x = 324.78, y = -593.51, z = 43.29 },
Type = -1
ParkingDoorGoInOutside = {
Pos = { x = 319.71, y = -560.11, z = 27.74 },
Type = 1
PIPEnter = {
--Text = '.',
Pos = { x = -1537.27, y = 130.2, z = 56.39 },
Type = 27
PIPExit = {
--Text = '.',
Pos = { x = 1397.11, y = 1141.72, z = 113.33 },
Type = 27
KEnter = {
Pos = { x = -64.95, y = 80.99, z = 70.6 },
Type = 27
KExit = {
Pos = { x = 999.87, y = -3164.14, z = -39.86 },
Type = 27
PsychoEnter = {
--Text = 'Nacisnij ~INPUT_CONTEXT~ aby wejsc do ~y~Psychologa~s~.',
Pos = { x = -1898.12, y = -572.5, z = 10.9 },
Type = 27
PsychoExit = {
--Text = 'Nacisnij ~INPUT_CONTEXT~ aby wyjsc od ~y~Psychologa~s~.',
Pos = { x = -1902.12, y = -572.33, z = 18.1 },
Type = 27
PsychoBEnter = {
--Text = 'Nacisnij ~INPUT_CONTEXT~ aby wyjsc na ~y~balkon~s~.',
Pos = { x = -1910.54, y = -574.74, z = 18.1 },
Type = 27
PsychoBExit = {
--Text = 'Nacisnij ~INPUT_CONTEXT~ aby wejsc do ~y~Psychologa~s~.',
Pos = { x = -1911.4, y = -576.03, z = 18.1 },
Type = 27
StairsGoTopTop = {
Pos = { x = 251.91, y = -1363.3, z = 38.53 },
Type = -1
StairsGoTopBottom = {
Pos = { x = 237.45, y = -1373.89, z = 26.30 },
Type = -1
StairsGoBottomTop = {
Pos = { x = 256.58, y = -1357.7, z = 37.30 },
Type = -1
StairsGoBottomBottom = {
Pos = { x = 235.45, y = -1372.89, z = 26.30 },
Type = -1
Eure Wunschfahrzeuge
Config.AuthorizedVehicles = {
model = 'ambulance',
label = 'krankenwagen'
model = 'ambulance2',
label = 'krankenwagen v2'
Das wärs