Hallo Community,
ich hab mal wieder ein großes Problem.
Bei meinem SoL Script speichern sich die Tuning teile nicht mehr...
Kriege auch Warnings:
if (strcmp("/carkey", cmdtext, true, 10) == 0)
new mv = MaxVeh;
if(mv > 1)
Dtc_PlayerKey[playerid] += 1;
if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pDonateRank] > 0)
if(Dtc_PlayerKey[playerid] == MaxVeh)
Dtc_PlayerKey[playerid] = 0;
if(Dtc_PlayerKey[playerid] == MaxNODONVeh)
Dtc_PlayerKey[playerid] = 0;
format(string, sizeof(string), "Du nimmst deinen %dten Auto-Schlüssel, für deinen %s!",Dtc_PlayerKey[playerid]+1,CarName[PlayerCar[playerid][Dtc_PlayerKey[playerid]][CarModel]-400]);
format(string, sizeof(string), "Du nimmst deinen %dten Auto-Schlüssel, doch hast für diesen Schlüssel noch kein Auto!",Dtc_PlayerKey[playerid]+1);
return 1;
#define MaxVeh 4
#define MaxNODONVeh 2
liegt das vllt daran? Weil ich das so geschrieben habe?
Meine Warnings:
C:\Users\Moritz\Desktop\Scripte\Era Script\gamemodes\Release.pwn(63410) : warning 204: symbol is assigned a value that is never used: "SideL"
C:\Users\Moritz\Desktop\Scripte\Era Script\gamemodes\Release.pwn(63525) : warning 204: symbol is assigned a value that is never used: "SideR"
Function IsASideR(componentid)
if(componentid == 1007)
SideL = 1017;
return 1;
if(componentid == 1026)
SideL = 1027;
return 1;
if(componentid == 1030)
SideL = 1031;
return 1;
if(componentid == 1040)
SideL = 1036;
return 1;
if(componentid == 1041)
SideL = 1039;
return 1;
if(componentid == 1042)
SideL = 1099;
return 1;
if(componentid == 1051)
SideL = 1047;
return 1;
if(componentid == 1048)
SideL = 1052;
return 1;
if(componentid == 1056)
SideL = 1062;
return 1;
if(componentid == 1063)
SideL = 1057;
return 1;
if(componentid == 1069)
SideL = 1071;
return 1;
if(componentid == 1072)
SideL = 1070;
return 1;
if(componentid == 1094)
SideL = 1090;
return 1;
if(componentid == 1093)
SideL = 1095;
return 1;
if(componentid == 1122)
SideL = 1101;
return 1;
if(componentid == 1102)
SideL = 1133;
return 1;
if(componentid == 1124)
SideL = 1106;
return 1;
if(componentid == 1107)
SideL = 1108;
return 1;
if(componentid == 1118)
SideL = 1120;
return 1;
if(componentid == 1137)
SideL = 1134;// Warning
return 1;
return 0;
Function IsASideL(componentid)
if(componentid == 1134)
SideR = 1137;
return 1;
if(componentid == 1119)
SideR = 1121;
return 1;
if(componentid == 1120)
SideR = 1118;
return 1;
if(componentid == 1108)
SideR = 1107;
return 1;
if(componentid == 1017)
SideR = 1007;
return 1;
if(componentid == 1027)
SideR = 1026;
return 1;
if(componentid == 1031)
SideR = 1030;
return 1;
if(componentid == 1036)
SideR = 1040;
return 1;
if(componentid == 1039)
SideR = 1041;
return 1;
if(componentid == 1099)
SideR = 1042;
return 1;
if(componentid == 1047)
SideR = 1051;
return 1;
if(componentid == 1052)
SideR = 1048;
return 1;
if(componentid == 1062)
SideR = 1056;
return 1;
if(componentid == 1057)
SideR = 1063;
return 1;
if(componentid == 1071)
SideR = 1069;
return 1;
if(componentid == 1070)
SideR = 1072;
return 1;
if(componentid == 1090)
SideR = 1094;
return 1;
if(componentid == 1095)
SideR = 1093;
return 1;
if(componentid == 1095)
SideR = 1093;
return 1;
if(componentid == 1101)
SideR = 1122;
return 1;
if(componentid == 1133)
SideR = 1102;
return 1;
if(componentid == 1106)
SideR = 1124;// Warning
return 1;
return 0;
Ich hoffe es kann mir einer weiterhelfen