Junkbuster richtig installieren?

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  • Hi,

    ich hatte ja einen thread welches anticheat am besten sei, naya hat keiner ein konkretes nennen können, habe aber shconmal Junkbuster 11 empfohlen bekommen, den hab ich auch nun.

    Das Problem ist aber jetz wie installier ich den richtig und vorallem wie bekomm ich das alte (was nicht funktiniert) komplett und einwandfrei raus??

    In der ReadMe steht ja folgendes:

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    >>> To install JunkBuster correctly, you must follow these 10 easy steps. <<<

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    Step 1)
    Copy the downloaded folder "JunkBuster" into your folder "scriptfiles".

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    Step 2)
    Copy "JunkBuster.pwn" into your "filterscripts" folder.
    Add "JunkBuster" to "filterscripts" in your "server.cfg" file.

    Write "JunkBuster" in front of all other filterscripts! JunkBuster must be loaded first!!!
    It must look like this: filterscripts JunkBuster FS1 FS2 FS3 ETC

    Copy all includes in "pawno/includes" into YOUR folder "include" located in
    the folder "pawno".

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    Step 3)
    Include "JunkBuster.inc" (this is the client script) in your GAMEMODE and ALL your FILTERSCRIPTS!
    Just use #include <JunkBuster>. If you do not do this, JunkBuster will not work properly and probably kick/ban innocent players.

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    Step 4)
    You are using a custom admin system with for example levels? Not only RCON?
    You can link this admin system with JunkBuster.
    JunkBuster can't recognize your adminsystem so you must add a function.

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    Function (This is only an EXAMPLE!):

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    public IsPlayerAdminCall(playerid)
    if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pAdmin] >= 1)
    return 1;
    return 0;

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    If you haven't understood yet: This function depends on YOUR admin system.
    The function above is ONLY FOR GODFATHER so you may have to customize this function.
    If you do not add this function admin immunity will only work for RCON-admins!!!

    TEMPLATE (copy this function into your admin script/gamemode and fill in the missing part [this was just for the bloody noobs]):

    public IsPlayerAdminCall(playerid)
    if(/* Missing part: Is playerid admin? */)
    return 1; // If yes, return 1.
    return 0; // If no, return 0.

    JunkBuster is compatible with the default Godfather gamemode! (Tested)

    JunkBuster is actually compatible with nearly every script! (It's designed to be)

    Step 5)
    Put '#define I_AM_NO_RETARD' on top of 'JunkBuster.pwn' and compile the script.

    Decide if you want to use the new SQLite Ban System by uncommenting the line where '#define USE_DATABASE' is.
    I do not recommend using it because it's experimental. So you probably should just compile JunkBuster without editing it.

    Compile "JunkBuster.pwn".
    Compile all your other gamemodes/filterscripts and check for errors. If there are any errors or warnings and you
    don't know how to fix it, post them in the JunkBuster topic on forum.sa-mp.com.
    (But there shouldn't be any errors in update 11.)

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    Step 6)
    Start your gamemode, go ingame and login as RCON-admin.
    Now type /jbcfg. A dialog will appear.
    Choose the listitem "Set a var". After you have done this
    you will see all JunkBuster variables with the current values.
    It's the best you choose every variable. Double-click on a variable and a new
    dialog will appear where you can set the variable. There will be a description for every variable, too.
    Read description for the chosen variable before you change it.
    After you have customized the JunkBuster configuration. Go back to the main dialog (/jbcfg) and
    choose "Save configuration to file".

    Step 7)
    Add more bad words and forbidden weapons (or don't).
    To do this open "BadWords.cfg" in the folder "scriptfiles/JunkBuster".
    Add or remove bad words. Now open "ForbiddenWeapons.cfg" and add or remove weapon IDs.
    Minigun (38), both rocket launchers (35,36) and flamethrower (37) are forbidden by default.
    Go ingame again, tpye /jbcfg and choose "Load configuration from file" to load the forbidden weapons and bad words.
    Now open "JunkBuster.cfg" in the folder "scriptfiles/JunkBuster" and change the value "Homepage".
    (If you don't have a homepage... hm... I don't know what to write there.
    Maybe write the homepage of a server you hate so the admins there will get annoyed by the cheaters?)

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    Step 8)
    Type ingame /jbcmds for more administration commands (RCON only).

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    Step 9)
    JunkBuster is now ready to protect your server from spammers, hackers, cheaters and other noobs.
    If you find a bug, REPORT it in SA-MP forums in the JunkBuster topic.

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    Step 10)
    Have fun and feel saver.

    Muss ma wirklich alle Steps befolgen ?? Oder reicht auch bis 3 ?? Was hat das mit dem Adminsystem auf sich ??

    Und vorallem wie bekomm ich das alte M-Bot weg...

    Über hilfe würde ich mich sehr freuen,
