Unswar mir ist heute der server abgeschmiert aber ich weis leider icht warum.
Ich habe diese stelle gefunden:
<21:44:51> "The Don": xd
] [MySQL] Error (0): Function: mysql_close called when not connected to any database. Host 'uk1.volt-host.com' is blocked because of many connection errors; unblock with 'mysqladmin flush-hosts'.
[2013/06/03 19:39:24]
Reconnection to Database due to error!
[2013/06/03 19:39:24] [MySQL] Error (0): Function: mysql_close called when not connected to any database. Host 'uk1.volt-host.com' is blocked because of many connection errors; unblock with 'mysqladmin flush-hosts'.
[2013/06/03 19:39:24] [debug] Run time error 3: "Stack/heap collision (insufficient stack size)"
[2013/06/03 19:39:24] [debug] Stack pointer (STK) is 0x3340E4, heap pointer (HEA) is 0x3341FC
[2013/06/03 19:39:24] [debug] AMX backtrace:
[2013/06/03 19:39:24] [debug] #0 0002084c in public OnMysqlError () from bfsamp.amx
[2013/06/03 19:39:24] [debug] #1 0002084c in ?? () from bfsamp.amx
Alles anzeigen
Ich hoffe jemand kann mir sagen was das zu bedeuten hat.
MFG K44n