Errors - Altbekannt und immernoch der Fehler !

Wichtiger Hinweis: Bitte ändert nicht manuell die Schriftfarbe auf schwarz sondern belasst es bei der Standardeinstellung. Somit tragt ihr dazu bei dass euer Text auch bei Verwendung unseren dunklen Forenstils noch lesbar ist!

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  • Hallo Community ,

    Ich habe 2 liebe nette errors von sa:mp bekommen und auch schon alles darin gesetzt , das ganze zu beheben aber diese sind hartneckik .

    hier :

    C:\Users\Niklas\Desktop\Scripten\gamemodes\Feuerwehr.pwn(1357) : warning 217: loose indentation
    Pawn compiler 3.2.3664 Copyright (c) 1997-2006, ITB CompuPhase

    1 Warning.

    stock AddFire(Float:x, Float:y, Float:z, Health)
    new ID = TotalFires; // Problemzeile
    FireObj[ID] = CreateObject(3461, x, y, z-2.61, 0, 0, 0.0);
    FirePos[ID][0] = x, FirePos[ID][1] = y, FirePos[ID][2] = z;
    FireHealth[ID] = Health;
    FireHealthMax[ID] = Health;
    #if defined Labels
    new string[128];
    format(string, sizeof(string), "%d/%d", FireHealth[ID], FireHealthMax[ID]);
    FireText[ID] = Create3DTextLabel(string, 0xFFFFFFFFF, x, y, z, 20, 0);

    Hoffentlich könnt ihr mir helfen :D


  • Entweder ein #pragma tabsize 0
    oder so:

    stock AddFire(Float:x, Float:y, Float:z, Health)
    new ID = TotalFires; // Problemzeile
    FireObj[ID] = CreateObject(3461, x, y, z-2.61, 0, 0, 0.0);
    FirePos[ID][0] = x, FirePos[ID][1] = y, FirePos[ID][2] = z;
    FireHealth[ID] = Health;
    FireHealthMax[ID] = Health;
    #if defined Labels
    new string[128];
    format( by CouponDropDown">string, sizeof(string), "%d/%d", FireHealth[ID], FireHealthMax[ID]);
    FireText[ID] = Create3DTextLabel(string, 0xFFFFFFFFF, x, y, z, 20, 0);

    So :)?

  • Entweder ein #pragma tabsize 0

    Dann solltest du ihm vielleicht auch erklären, was der Fehler ist. :S


    warning 217: loose indentation

    Dieser Fehler besagt, dass in der Zeile etwas nicht richtig eingerückt ist. Einfach die Zeile richtig einrücken und gut ist. Aber bitte benutze nicht


    #pragma tabsize 0

    Es funktioniert zwar, aber es ist doch schöner, ein sauberes Script zu haben oder? ;)

  • Hi ,

    1. Erstmal danke für den schnellen Support :)

    2. Hier ist der Gesammttext , Ich glaube der war auch von dir mit K3VIN

    /* Fire-Script

    #include <a_samp>
    //#define Labels // 3D Labels above the Fires showing the Health?
    //#define LoseHealth // Should Players and Vehicles lose Health if they stand in the fire?
    #define Holding(%0) \
    ((newkeys & (%0)) == (%0))
    #define MaxFire 80 // How many fires max.?
    forward OnFireKill(ID, killerid);
    forward f_OnPlayerUpdate(playerid);
    forward VehicleToPoint(Float:radi, vehicleid, Float:x, Float:y, Float:z);
    forward HealthDown();
    forward f_init();

    public f_init()
    #if defined LoseHealth
    SetTimer("HealthDown", 600, 1);

    TotalFires = 0,

    #if defined Labels
    new Text3D:FireText[MaxFire];

    stock AddFire(Float:x, Float:y, Float:z, Health)
    new ID = TotalFires;
    FireObj[ID] = CreateObject(3461, x, y, z-2.61, 0, 0, 0.0);
    FirePos[ID][0] = x, FirePos[ID][1] = y, FirePos[ID][2] = z;
    FireHealth[ID] = Health;
    FireHealthMax[ID] = Health;
    #if defined Labels
    new string[128];
    format(string, sizeof(string), "%d/%d", FireHealth[ID], FireHealthMax[ID]);
    FireText[ID] = Create3DTextLabel(string, 0xFFFFFFFFF, x, y, z, 20, 0);
    stock DeleteFire(ID)
    FirePos[ID][0] = 0, FirePos[ID][1] = 0, FirePos[ID][2] = 0;
    #if defined Labels
    stock DeleteAllFire()
    new ID;
    for(ID = 0; ID<MaxFire; ID++)
    TotalFires= 0;
    FirePos[ID][0] = 0, FirePos[ID][1] = 0, FirePos[ID][2] = 0;
    #if defined Labels
    stock IsValidFire(ID)
    if( (FirePos[ID][0] != 0) && (FirePos[ID][1] != 0) && (FirePos[ID][2] != 0) ) return true;
    else return false;

    stock GetClosestFire(playerid)
    new i;
    for(i = 0; i<MaxFire; i++)
    if(IsValidFire(i) && IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid, 1, FirePos[i][0], FirePos[i][1], FirePos[i][2]))
    return i;
    return 0;

    public f_OnPlayerUpdate(playerid)
    new newkeys,l,u;
    GetPlayerKeys(playerid, newkeys, l, u);
    new i;
    if(GetPlayerWeapon(playerid) == 42)
    for(i = 0; i<MaxFire; i++)
    if(PlayerFaces(playerid, FirePos[i][0], FirePos[i][1], FirePos[i][2], 1) && IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid, 4, FirePos[i][0], FirePos[i][1], FirePos[i][2]))
    #if defined Labels
    new string[128];
    format(string, sizeof(string), "%d/%d", FireHealth[i], FireHealthMax[i]);
    Update3DTextLabelText(FireText[i], 0xFFFFFFFF, string);
    //FireText[i] = Create3DTextLabel(string, 0xFFFFFFFF, FirePos[i][0], FirePos[i][1], FirePos[i][2], 20, 0);
    if(FireHealth[i] <= 0)
    CallRemoteFunction("OnFireDeath", "dd", i, playerid);
    return 1;

    Float:DistanceCameraTargetToLocation(Float:CamX, Float:CamY, Float:CamZ, Float:ObjX, Float:ObjY, Float:ObjZ, Float:FrX, Float:FrY, Float:FrZ) {

    new Float:TGTDistance;
    TGTDistance = floatsqroot((CamX - ObjX) * (CamX - ObjX) + (CamY - ObjY) * (CamY - ObjY) + (CamZ - ObjZ) * (CamZ - ObjZ));
    new Float:tmpX, Float:tmpY, Float:tmpZ;
    tmpX = FrX * TGTDistance + CamX;
    tmpY = FrY * TGTDistance + CamY;
    tmpZ = FrZ * TGTDistance + CamZ;
    return floatsqroot((tmpX - ObjX) * (tmpX - ObjX) + (tmpY - ObjY) * (tmpY - ObjY) + (tmpZ - ObjZ) * (tmpZ - ObjZ));

    stock PlayerFaces(playerid, Float:x, Float:y, Float:z, Float:radius)
    new Float:cx,Float:cy,Float:cz,Float:fx,Float:fy,Float:fz;
    GetPlayerCameraPos(playerid, cx, cy, cz);
    GetPlayerCameraFrontVector(playerid, fx, fy, fz);
    return (radius >= DistanceCameraTargetToLocation(cx, cy, cz, x, y, z, fx, fy, fz));

    public VehicleToPoint(Float:radi, vehicleid, Float:x, Float:y, Float:z)
    new Float:oldposx, Float:oldposy, Float:oldposz;
    new Float:tempposx, Float:tempposy, Float:tempposz;
    GetVehiclePos(vehicleid, oldposx, oldposy, oldposz);
    tempposx = (oldposx -x);
    tempposy = (oldposy -y);
    tempposz = (oldposz -z);
    //printf("DEBUG: X:%f Y:%f Z:%f",posx,posy,posz);
    if (((tempposx < radi) && (tempposx > -radi)) && ((tempposy < radi) && (tempposy > -radi)) && ((tempposz < radi) && (tempposz > -radi)))
    return 1;
    return 0;

    public HealthDown()
    new i,v,p;
    for(i = 0; i<MaxFire; i++)
    for(p = 0; p<MAX_PLAYERS; p++)
    if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(p, 1, FirePos[i][0], FirePos[i][1], FirePos[i][2]) && !IsPlayerInAnyVehicle(p))
    new Float:HP;
    GetPlayerHealth(p, HP);
    SetPlayerHealth(p, HP-4);
    for(v = 0; v<MAX_VEHICLES; v++)
    if(VehicleToPoint(2, v, FirePos[i][0], FirePos[i][1], FirePos[i][2]))
    new Float:HP;
    GetVehicleHealth(v, HP);
    SetVehicleHealth(v, HP-30);