modey drop sa-mp 03 probleme

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  • hi alle zusammen ich habe nen dickes kleines problem also ich habe ein weapon drop dies funktioniert mit picups doch da man die picups bei sa-mp03 anders erstellen muss klappt dies jetzt nicht mehr

    das ist das script

    #include <a_samp>

    #define MAX_DROP_AMOUNT -1 // special drop-limits like 500 ammo are possible; -1 = all ammo is dropped
    #define MAX_DROP_LIFETIME 30 // after 30 seconds the pickup gets destroyed. Note: old pickups will be destroyed anyway.

    #define WEAPON_SLOTS 13
    #define INVALID_PICKUP -1
    #define MAX_PICKUPS 90
    #define PICKUP_TYPE 19

    forward DestroyPickupEx( p );

    enum pickup
    new pickups [ MAX_PICKUPS ][ pickup ];
    // Set any of those to -1 to disable dropping of that weapon
    new weapons[] =
    -1, // no fists
    331, // - Brass Knuckles
    333, // Golf Club
    334, // Night Stick
    335, // Knife
    336, // baseball bat
    337, // shovel
    338, // pool cue
    339, // katama
    341, // chainsaw
    321, // regular dildo
    322, // white dildo
    323, // Medium, white vibrator
    324, // smaill, silver vibrator
    325, // flowers
    326, // cane
    342, // grendade
    343, // tear gas
    344, // molotov
    -1, // RPG rocket - we can't pick up those, do we oO
    -1, // Heat-Seeking Rocket
    -1, // Hydra rocket
    346, // colt 45
    347, // colt 45 + silencer
    348, // deagle
    349, // shotgun
    350, // sawn-off
    351, // spaz
    352, // micro-uzi
    353, // mp5
    355, // ak47
    356, // m4
    372, // tec9
    357, // country rifle
    358, // sniper rifle
    359, // rocket launcher
    360, // heat-seeking rocket launcher
    361, // flamethrower
    362, // minigun
    363, // sachtel charges
    -1, // detonator
    365, // spray can
    366, // fire extinguisher
    367, // camera
    -1, // night-vision goggles
    -1, // heat-vision goggles
    371 // parachute

    public OnFilterScriptInit( )
    print(" ");
    print(" Weapon Drop Script v1.0");
    print(" by mabako -");
    print(" ");

    public OnFilterScriptExit( )
    print(" ");
    print(" Weapon Drop Script unloaded!");
    print(" ");

    public OnPlayerCommandText( playerid, cmdtext[] )
    if( !strcmp(cmdtext,"/drop", true) )
    DropWeapons( playerid );
    ResetPlayerWeapons( playerid );
    return 1;
    return 0;

    public OnPlayerDeath( playerid, killerid, reason )
    DropWeapons( playerid );
    return 1;

    DropWeapons( playerid )
    new Float: px, Float: py, Float: pz;
    new hour,minute,second;
    new year, month,day;
    gettime(hour, minute, second);
    getdate(year, month, day);

    GetPlayerPos( playerid, px, py, pz );

    new weapon_slots[WEAPON_SLOTS + 1][2];
    new used_weapon_slots;

    for( new i = 0; i < WEAPON_SLOTS; i ++ )
    GetPlayerWeaponData( playerid, i, weapon_slots[ i ][ 0 ], weapon_slots[ i ][ 1 ]);
    if( i == 0 && weapon_slots[ i ][ 0 ] == 0 ) weapon_slots[ i ][ 1 ] = 0; // no fist...

    if( weapon_slots[ i ][ 1 ] > 0 && weapon_slots[ i ][ 0 ] < sizeof( weapons ) && weapons[ weapon_slots[ i ][ 0 ] ] != -1 )
    used_weapon_slots ++;
    weapon_slots[ i ][ 0 ] = 0;
    weapon_slots[ i ][ 1 ] = 0;
    // Create the pickups
    new used_weapon_slots2 = used_weapon_slots;
    for( new i = 0; i < WEAPON_SLOTS; i ++ )
    if( weapon_slots[ i ][ 1 ] > 0 )
    new Float:angle = 360.0 - float(used_weapon_slots--) * ( 360.0 / float(used_weapon_slots2) );
    // see... if there's a pickup we create by any chance

    new p = CreatePickup( weapons[ weapon_slots[ i ][ 0 ] ], PICKUP_TYPE, px + floatsin(angle,degrees) * (used_weapon_slots2/2 + 1.0), py + floatcos(angle,degrees) * (used_weapon_slots2/2 + 1.0), pz );
    if( p == INVALID_PICKUP )
    new lowest_time;
    new _id;
    for( new j = 0; j < MAX_PICKUPS; j ++ )
    if( pickups[ j ][ creation_time ] < lowest_time )
    lowest_time = pickups[ j ][ creation_time ];
    _id = j;

    DestroyPickupEx( _id );
    KillTimer( pickups[ _id ][ timer ] );

    p = CreatePickup( weapons[ weapon_slots[ i ][ 0 ] ], PICKUP_TYPE, px + floatsin(angle,degrees) * (used_weapon_slots2/2 + 1.0), py + floatcos(angle,degrees) * (used_weapon_slots2/2 + 1.0), pz );
    pickups[ p ][ creation_time ] = mktime(hour,minute,second,day,month,year);
    pickups[ p ][ weapon ] = weapon_slots[ i ][ 0 ];
    pickups[ p ][ ammo ] = weapon_slots[ i ][ 1 ];
    #if MAX_DROP_AMOUNT != -1
    if( pickups[ p ][ ammo ] > MAX_DROP_AMOUNT )
    pickups[ p ][ ammo ] = MAX_DROP_AMOUNT;
    pickups[ p ][ timer ] = SetTimerEx("DestroyPickupEx", MAX_DROP_LIFETIME * 1000, 0, "i", p);

    // by mabako :D
    mktime(hour,minute,second,day,month,year) {
    new timestamp;
    timestamp = second;
    timestamp += minute * 60;
    timestamp += hour * 3600;

    new days_of_month[12];
    if(((year % 4 == 0) && (year % 100 != 0)) || (year % 400 == 0)) {
    days_of_month = {31,29,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31}; // Schaltjahr
    } else {
    days_of_month = {31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31}; // keins
    new days_this_year = 0;
    days_this_year = day;
    if(month > 1) { // No January Calculation, because its always the 0 past months
    for(new i=0; i<month-1;i++) {
    days_this_year += days_of_month[i];
    timestamp += days_this_year * 86400;

    for(new j=1970;j<year;j++) {
    timestamp += 31536000;
    if(((year % 4 == 0) && (year % 100 != 0)) || (year % 400 == 0)) timestamp += 86400; // Schaltjahr + 1 Tag
    return timestamp;

    public DestroyPickupEx( p )
    DestroyPickup( p );
    pickups[ p ][ creation_time ] = 0;
    pickups[ p ][ weapon ] = 0;
    pickups[ p ][ ammo ] = 0;

    public OnPlayerPickUpPickup( playerid, pickupid )
    if( pickups[ pickupid ][ creation_time ] != 0 )
    GivePlayerWeapon( playerid, pickups[ pickupid ][ weapon ], pickups[ pickupid ][ ammo ] );
    return 1;

    öhm ja ist aus dem englischen samp forum klappt aber gut und erfüllt seinen zweck ;)

    so ich muss ja da irgentwo die virtuelle welt anhängen richtig ? mit ,-1 aber wo ? :( blick da nicht genau durch könnte mir vieleicht jemand helfen wäre sehr dankbar dafür