Hey leute ich habe immer in der console Mysql errors wie bekomme ich diese weg kenne mich mit mysql nich so gut aus
[02:10:58] Server brauchte 1705 ms zum Starten
[02:10:58] [connection] incoming connection: id: 0
[02:10:58] [npc:join] Zugfahrer_1 has joined the server (0:
[02:11:26] [connection] requests connection cookie.
[02:11:27] [connection] incoming connection: id: 1
[02:11:27] [join] [G.r.G]BlackD0wn002 has joined the server (1:
[02:11:29] Error-ID: 1146 | Error: Table 'samp.view_bans' doesn't exist | Callback: checkBanExecute | Query: SELECT * FROM view_bans WHERE user LIKE '[G.r.G]BlackD0wn002'
[02:11:31] Error-ID: 1146 | Error: Table 'samp.tb_outstanding' doesn't exist | Callback: CheckTimebans | Query: SELECT * FROM tb_outstanding WHERE usr_name LIKE '[G.r.G]BlackD0wn002' AND status = '0' ORDER BY id ASC LIMIT 1
[02:16:39] RCON (In-Game): Player #1 ([G.r.G]BlackD0wn002) has logged in.
[02:18:02] [part] [G.r.G]BlackD0wn002 has left the server (1:1)