Beiträge von [D.S.Z]Alex

    hey unzwar habe ich n problem mit dem server_log.

    Also ich habe Tabelle (Navicat) und XAMPP Control Panel alles an , tabelle alles gemacht und eingetragen und wenn ich den Server starte
    kommen millionene solche Meldungen:

    [10:46:11] [MySQL] Error (0): Function: mysql_query called when not connected to any database. Access denied for user 'root' localhost (using password: YES).
    [10:46:11] [MySQL] Error (0): Function: mysql_store_result called when not connected to any database. Access denied for user 'root' localhost (using password: YES).
    [10:46:11] [MySQL] Error (0): Function: mysql_fetch_int called when not connected to any database. Access denied for user 'root' localhost (using password: YES).
    [10:46:11] [MySQL] Error (0): Function: mysql_free_result called when not connected to any database. Access denied for user 'root' localhost (using password: YES).
    [10:46:11] [MySQL] Error (0): Function: mysql_query called when not connected to any database. Access denied for user 'root' localhost (using password: YES).
    [10:46:11] [MySQL] Error (0): Function: mysql_store_result called when not connected to any database. Access denied for user 'root' localhost (using password: YES).
    [10:46:11] [MySQL] Error (0): Function: mysql_fetch_row called when not connected to any database. Access denied for user 'root' localhost (using password: YES).
    [10:46:11] [MySQL] Error (0): Function: mysql_free_result called when not connected to any database. Access denied for user 'root' localhost (using password: YES).

    Ich hab beim Navicat wo ich die Datenbank erstellt hab kein PW gesetzt und sonst weiß ich auch nicht weiter,