Warum folgender Error:
for(new h = 0; h < sizeof(buscars); h++){//gg
if(GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid) == buscars[h]){
KillTimer (respawnL);
syntax error in the expression, or invalid function call
Warum folgender Error:
for(new h = 0; h < sizeof(buscars); h++){//gg
if(GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid) == buscars[h]){
KillTimer (respawnL);
syntax error in the expression, or invalid function call
[18:17:43] [debug] Run time error 4: "Array index out of bounds"
[18:17:43] [debug] Accessing element at index 40 past array upper bound 39
[18:17:43] [debug] AMX backtrace:
[18:17:43] [debug] #0 000604c4 in public OnGameModeInit () from irp(3).amx
Hab das nun so:
new Text:CTFDraw[40];
new Text:CTFDraw1[40];
bleiben jedoch
Hab das gelöst werden nun Ingame gezeigt jedoch hab ich das Problem das sobald der Textdraw drin ist der Gamemode crashed:
/*CTFDraw[i] = TextDrawCreate(446.000000, 435.000000, "_");
TextDrawBackgroundColor(CTFDraw[i], 255);
TextDrawFont(CTFDraw[i], 2);
TextDrawLetterSize(CTFDraw[i], 0.280000, 1.300000);
TextDrawColor(CTFDraw[i], -1);
TextDrawSetOutline(CTFDraw[i], 0);
TextDrawSetProportional(CTFDraw[i], 1);
TextDrawSetShadow(CTFDraw[i], 1);
TextDrawUseBox(CTFDraw[i], 1);
TextDrawBoxColor(CTFDraw[i], 103);
TextDrawTextSize(CTFDraw[i], 638.000000, 0.000000);
TextDrawSetSelectable(CTFDraw[i], 0);
CTFDraw1[i] = TextDrawCreate(446.000000, 435.000000, "~r~Flaggenbonus: ~w~IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII");
TextDrawBackgroundColor(CTFDraw1[i], 255);
TextDrawFont(CTFDraw1[i], 2);
TextDrawLetterSize(CTFDraw1[i], 0.270000, 1.100000);
TextDrawColor(CTFDraw1[i], -1);
TextDrawSetOutline(CTFDraw1[i], 0);
TextDrawSetProportional(CTFDraw1[i], 1);
TextDrawSetShadow(CTFDraw1[i], 1);
TextDrawSetSelectable(CTFDraw1[i], 0);*/
[17:28:59] [debug] Run time error 4: "Array index out of bounds"
[17:28:59] [debug] Accessing element at index 20 past array upper bound 19
[17:28:59] [debug] AMX backtrace:
[17:28:59] [debug] #0 00060270 in public OnGameModeInit () from irp(3).amx
Hab das nun so:
for(new i = 0; i < sizeof(GangfightSystemInfo); i++){
if(GangfightSystemInfo[i][GFOwnerID] == 5) { GANGZONE_COLOR = GANGCOLOR_LCN; }
if(GangfightSystemInfo[i][GFOwnerID] == 6) { GANGZONE_COLOR = GANGCOLOR_YAKUZA; }
if(GangfightSystemInfo[i][GFOwnerID] == 17) { GANGZONE_COLOR = GANGCOLOR_CAMORA; }
if(GangfightSystemInfo[i][GFOwnerID] == 18) { GANGZONE_COLOR = GANGCOLOR_ATZTECAS; }
if(GangfightSystemInfo[i][GFOwnerID] == 19) { GANGZONE_COLOR = GANGCOLOR_GROVESTREET; }
if(GangfightSystemInfo[i][GFOwnerID] == 20) { GANGZONE_COLOR = GANGCOLOR_BALLAS; }
if(GangfightSystemInfo[i][GFOwnerID] == 22) { GANGZONE_COLOR = GANGCOLOR_RIFA; }
if(GangfightSystemInfo[i][GFOwnerID] == 23) { GANGZONE_COLOR = GANGCOLOR_REDSOLDIER; }
if(GangfightSystemInfo[i][GFOwnerID] == 24) { GANGZONE_COLOR = GANGCOLOR_VAGOS; }
if(GangfightSystemInfo[i][GFOwnerID] == 25) { GANGZONE_COLOR = GANGCOLOR_GUERILLA; }
if(GangfightSystemInfo[i][GFOwnerID] == 26) { GANGZONE_COLOR = GANGCOLOR_KARTEL; }
GangZoneShowForPlayer(playerid, GangfightSystemInfo[i][GFGangZoneID], GANGZONE_COLOR);
if(GangfightSystemInfo[i][GFGegnerID] != -1){
if(GangfightSystemInfo[i][GFGegnerID] == 5) { GANGZONE_COLOR = GANGCOLOR_LCN; }
if(GangfightSystemInfo[i][GFGegnerID] == 6) { GANGZONE_COLOR = GANGCOLOR_YAKUZA; }
if(GangfightSystemInfo[i][GFGegnerID] == 17) { GANGZONE_COLOR = GANGCOLOR_CAMORA; }
if(GangfightSystemInfo[i][GFGegnerID] == 18) { GANGZONE_COLOR = GANGCOLOR_ATZTECAS; }
if(GangfightSystemInfo[i][GFGegnerID] == 19) { GANGZONE_COLOR = GANGCOLOR_GROVESTREET; }
if(GangfightSystemInfo[i][GFGegnerID] == 20) { GANGZONE_COLOR = GANGCOLOR_BALLAS; }
if(GangfightSystemInfo[i][GFGegnerID] == 22) { GANGZONE_COLOR = GANGCOLOR_RIFA; }
if(GangfightSystemInfo[i][GFGegnerID] == 23) { GANGZONE_COLOR = GANGCOLOR_REDSOLDIER; }
if(GangfightSystemInfo[i][GFGegnerID] == 24) { GANGZONE_COLOR = GANGCOLOR_VAGOS; }
if(GangfightSystemInfo[i][GFGegnerID] == 25) { GANGZONE_COLOR = GANGCOLOR_GUERILLA; }
if(GangfightSystemInfo[i][GFGegnerID] == 26) { GANGZONE_COLOR = GANGCOLOR_KARTEL; }
GangZoneFlashForPlayer(playerid, GangfightSystemInfo[i][GFGangZoneID], GANGZONE_COLOR);
es kommt das:
[21:52:22] 1
[21:52:22] 1
[21:52:22] 1
[21:52:22] 1
[21:52:22] 1
[21:52:22] 1
[21:52:22] 1
[21:52:22] 1
[21:52:22] 1
[21:52:22] 1
[21:52:22] 1
[21:52:22] 1
[21:52:22] 1
[21:52:22] 1
[21:52:22] 1
[21:52:22] 1
[21:52:22] 1
[21:52:22] 1
[21:52:22] 1
[21:52:22] 1
[21:52:22] 1
[21:52:22] 1
[21:52:22] 1
[21:52:22] 1
[21:52:22] 1
[21:52:22] 1
[21:52:22] 1
[21:52:22] 1
[21:52:22] 1
[21:52:22] 1
[21:52:22] 1
[21:52:22] 1
Guten Tag
Ingame werden die Zonen nicht angezeigt Code:
enum GFInfo
new GangfightSystemInfo[16][GFInfo] =
{-1,18,-1,0,0,779.5656,-1639.3149, 1024.6346,-1411.4283,-1,0,874.6680,-1504.9249,12.7164},//Bss
{-1,17,-1,0,0,2105.925, -2372.717, 2269.447, -2147.695,-1,0,2150.9788,-2256.2292,13.2986},//LS Hafen
{-1,17,-1,0,0,986.386, 1809.776, 1185.533, 2049.596,-1,0,1066.4142,1883.8596,10.8203},//LV Container gebiet
{-1,6,-1,0,0,-1869.358, 870.2093, -1656.91, 1130.577,-1,0,-1717.2057,1017.6675,17.5859},//SF Bank
{-1,20,-1,0,0,-934.23, 1342.956, -537.1823, 1658.258,-1,0,-797.2783,1522.8790,26.9849},//LV Wüste
{-1,24,-1,0,0,-624.3357,-199.8011, -423.9013,-36.6984,-1,0,-533.4424,-102.6740,63.2969},//Nahe Bauernhof
{-1,24,-1,0,0,1828.318, -1946.361, 2075.502, -1756.869,-1,0,1956.6233,-1850.9685,4.1632},//Tanksten gebiet
{-1,25,-1,0,0,1352.5580, 658.3295, 1557.2694, 797.5881,-1,0,1457.9932,738.5165,11.0234},//LV Nahe GRP YakuzaBase
{-1,18,-1,0,0,-1424.701, 2230.474, -1132.754, 2639.2,-1,0,-1308.1746,2543.1692,87.7422},//Gangfight an den Tippies
{-1,18,-1,0,0,-1496.5255,1461.5786, -1342.6473,1511.1339,-1,0,-1423.2755,1489.7532,1.8672},//Schiff Gebiet
{-1,5,-1,0,0,1688.3701,2713.3540,1922.8389,2886.8803 ,-1,0,1797.1097,2784.0983,10.5630},//LV mit Pool
{-1,22,-1,0,0,2228.4958,2713.3449,2462.1494,2827.0939 ,-1,0,2335.4101,2786.2687,10.5481},//LV an der Tanke
{-1,6,-1,0,0,2527.4624,2233.3325,2677.5786,2484.3283 ,-1,0,2576.3649,2341.7500,17.8144},//LV am Hotel
{-1,19,-1,0,0,-917.0397,1872.3411,-487.1890,2175.4853 ,-1,0,-781.0264,2115.3237,60.3828},//LV Staudam
{-1,23,-1,0,0,-1522.6212,-1659.5980,-1318.6132,-1364.9719 ,-1,0,-1434.4113,-1540.5759,101.7578},//SF Am Mound Chilliad
{-1,19,-1,0,0,-1858.2706,1370.4858,-1692.5876,1584.2093 ,-1,0,-1741.3501,1544.2088,7.1875}//SF Am Schiff
Bei OnPlayerSpawn:
for(new i = 0; i < sizeof(GangfightSystemInfo); i++){
if(GangfightSystemInfo[i][GFOwnerID] == 5) { GANGZONE_COLOR = GANGCOLOR_LCN; }
if(GangfightSystemInfo[i][GFOwnerID] == 6) { GANGZONE_COLOR = GANGCOLOR_YAKUZA; }
if(GangfightSystemInfo[i][GFOwnerID] == 17) { GANGZONE_COLOR = GANGCOLOR_CAMORA; }
if(GangfightSystemInfo[i][GFOwnerID] == 18) { GANGZONE_COLOR = GANGCOLOR_ATZTECAS; }
if(GangfightSystemInfo[i][GFOwnerID] == 19) { GANGZONE_COLOR = GANGCOLOR_GROVESTREET; }
if(GangfightSystemInfo[i][GFOwnerID] == 20) { GANGZONE_COLOR = GANGCOLOR_BALLAS; }
if(GangfightSystemInfo[i][GFOwnerID] == 22) { GANGZONE_COLOR = GANGCOLOR_RIFA; }
if(GangfightSystemInfo[i][GFOwnerID] == 23) { GANGZONE_COLOR = GANGCOLOR_REDSOLDIER; }
if(GangfightSystemInfo[i][GFOwnerID] == 24) { GANGZONE_COLOR = GANGCOLOR_VAGOS; }
if(GangfightSystemInfo[i][GFOwnerID] == 25) { GANGZONE_COLOR = GANGCOLOR_GUERILLA; }
if(GangfightSystemInfo[i][GFOwnerID] == 26) { GANGZONE_COLOR = GANGCOLOR_KARTEL; }
GangZoneShowForPlayer(playerid, GangfightSystemInfo[i][GFGangZoneID], GANGZONE_COLOR);
if(GangfightSystemInfo[i][GFGegnerID] != -1){
if(GangfightSystemInfo[i][GFGegnerID] == 5) { GANGZONE_COLOR = GANGCOLOR_LCN; }
if(GangfightSystemInfo[i][GFGegnerID] == 6) { GANGZONE_COLOR = GANGCOLOR_YAKUZA; }
if(GangfightSystemInfo[i][GFGegnerID] == 17) { GANGZONE_COLOR = GANGCOLOR_CAMORA; }
if(GangfightSystemInfo[i][GFGegnerID] == 18) { GANGZONE_COLOR = GANGCOLOR_ATZTECAS; }
if(GangfightSystemInfo[i][GFGegnerID] == 19) { GANGZONE_COLOR = GANGCOLOR_GROVESTREET; }
if(GangfightSystemInfo[i][GFGegnerID] == 20) { GANGZONE_COLOR = GANGCOLOR_BALLAS; }
if(GangfightSystemInfo[i][GFGegnerID] == 22) { GANGZONE_COLOR = GANGCOLOR_RIFA; }
if(GangfightSystemInfo[i][GFGegnerID] == 23) { GANGZONE_COLOR = GANGCOLOR_REDSOLDIER; }
if(GangfightSystemInfo[i][GFGegnerID] == 24) { GANGZONE_COLOR = GANGCOLOR_VAGOS; }
if(GangfightSystemInfo[i][GFGegnerID] == 25) { GANGZONE_COLOR = GANGCOLOR_GUERILLA; }
if(GangfightSystemInfo[i][GFGegnerID] == 26) { GANGZONE_COLOR = GANGCOLOR_KARTEL; }
GangZoneFlashForPlayer(playerid, GangfightSystemInfo[i][GFGangZoneID], GANGZONE_COLOR);
Sieht nice aus 10/10 Punkte
Wie kann ich ein Random auslosen welches zwischen 1200 und 1500 ist?
Suche id dieser Obbjekte hauptsache von der Theke:
Sagst du uns deine Texturen?
Sieht mehr als nice aus 10/10
Wie kann ich die random Farben von spielern abschalten?
Wie ist das mit den neuen Objecten jetzt?
SInd die Map Editor drin?
Guten Abend,
Ich möchte einen Dialog machen in dem sich alle 30 Minuten die Inhalte ändern ohne den befehl etc. zu verändern.
Danke im vorraus.
Warum errors:
if(newkeys & 16)
for(new h = 0; h < sizeof(AutomatikPortInfo); h++){
if(pickupid == AutomatikPortInfo[h][APAusgangPickup] && PortedTimer[playerid] == 0 && GetPlayerVirtualWorld(playerid) == AutomatikPortInfo[h][APVirtualWorld]){
SetPlayerInterior(playerid, 0); SetPlayerPos(playerid, AutomatikPortInfo[h][APEingangX], AutomatikPortInfo[h][APEingangY], AutomatikPortInfo[h][APEingangZ]);
SetPlayerVirtualWorld(playerid, 0); PortedTimer[playerid] = 5; PlayerInfo[playerid][pLocal] = -1;
return 1;
if(pickupid == AutomatikPortInfo[h][APEingangPickup] && PortedTimer[playerid] == 0){
SetPlayerInterior(playerid, AutomatikPortInfo[h][APInterior]);
SetPlayerPos(playerid, AutomatikPortInfo[h][APAusgangX], AutomatikPortInfo[h][APAusgangY], AutomatikPortInfo[h][APAusgangZ]); SetPlayerVirtualWorld(playerid, AutomatikPortInfo[h][APVirtualWorld]); PortedTimer[playerid] = 5; PlayerInfo[playerid][pLocal] = AutomatikPortInfo[h][APLocation];
return 1;
error 017: undefined symbol "pickupid"
.pwn(7280) : error 017: undefined symbol "pickupid"
error 017: undefined symbol "pickupid"
Warum die Error:
public OnPlayerKeyStateChange(playerid, newkeys, oldkeys, pickupid)//hier
if(newkeys & 16)
if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid,2,-2133.1331,1213.7354,47.2734)) // Schwarzmarkt enter
else if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid,2,-2132.9165,1212.0477,1047.3760)) // Schwarzmarkt exit
if(newkeys & 16)
for(new h = 0; h < sizeof(AutomatikPortInfo); h++){
if(pickupid == AutomatikPortInfo[h][APAusgangPickup] && PortedTimer[playerid] == 0 && GetPlayerVirtualWorld(playerid) == AutomatikPortInfo[h][APVirtualWorld]){
SetPlayerInterior(playerid, 0); SetPlayerPos(playerid, AutomatikPortInfo[h][APEingangX], AutomatikPortInfo[h][APEingangY], AutomatikPortInfo[h][APEingangZ]);
SetPlayerVirtualWorld(playerid, 0); PortedTimer[playerid] = 5; PlayerInfo[playerid][pLocal] = -1;
return 1;
if(pickupid == AutomatikPortInfo[h][APEingangPickup] && PortedTimer[playerid] == 0){
SetPlayerInterior(playerid, AutomatikPortInfo[h][APInterior]);
SetPlayerPos(playerid, AutomatikPortInfo[h][APAusgangX], AutomatikPortInfo[h][APAusgangY], AutomatikPortInfo[h][APAusgangZ]); SetPlayerVirtualWorld(playerid, AutomatikPortInfo[h][APVirtualWorld]); PortedTimer[playerid] = 5; PlayerInfo[playerid][pLocal] = AutomatikPortInfo[h][APLocation];
return 1;
error 025: function heading differs from prototype
enum Firma
new Firmaname[3][Firma] =
{Twixo,15,15}, //595
Warum folgende Errors:
(595) : error 020: invalid symbol name ""
(597) : error 010: invalid function or declaration
Habe derzeit das Problem das ich auf Seiten welche auf php basieren nicht mehr zugreifen kann jedoch auf jedes Normale Forum schon am Internet kanns nicht liegen da gute Verbing und nidrieger PIN.
Online Spiele wie LOL können auch keine Verbindung mehr herstellen.
Danke im vorraus.
Bin gerade an einem Tut Textdraw und wollte fragen ob es eine andere Möglichekit gibt ein Große flächte mit Text zufüllen als mit 20 Textdraws.
Warum bekomme ich einen Error:
format(string,sizeof(string),"* HQ: Officer %s hat die S.W.A.T erlaubnis entzogen.",SpielerName(playerid));
new string[258];
new SpielerName[MAX_PLAYER_NAME];