Beiträge von AG | Azure

    Wie heißt der Server jetzt? Life of Fun oder Infinity Reallife?!?!

    Server 0/10
    Forum 0/10 kein bock zu gucken
    Werbung 0/10 keine mühe

    MFG. Purx

    Hallo Darkside15,

    wenn ich schon sowas sehe

    Möchte ich nicht auf dem Ts³ Server joinen.
    Zum Forum möchte ich nur sagen Copy and Paste.([TRP]Typical Roleplay)
    Teamspeak die IP ist komplett komisch.
    Server habt halt bisschen verändert aber ist normal wie voher.
    Also ich sehe keine änderung.

    MFG. Purx

    Loaded log file: "server_log.txt".

    SA-MP Dedicated Server
    v0.3.7-R2, (C)2005-2015 SA-MP Team

    [17:28:06] filterscripts = "" (string)
    [17:28:06] Server Plugins
    [17:28:06] --------------
    [17:28:06] Loading plugin:

    *** Streamer Plugin v2.6.1 by Incognito loaded ***

    [17:28:06] Loaded.
    [17:28:06] Loading plugin:
    [17:28:06] Failed ( cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory)
    [17:28:06] Loading plugin:
    [17:28:06] Loaded.
    [17:28:06] Loaded 2 plugins.

    [17:28:06] Filterscripts
    [17:28:06] ---------------
    [17:28:06] Loaded 0 filterscripts.

    [17:28:06] Error: Function not registered: 'mysql_debug'
    [17:28:06] Error: Function not registered: 'mysql_query'
    [17:28:06] Error: Function not registered: 'mysql_connect'
    [17:28:06] Error: Function not registered: 'mysql_ping'
    [17:28:06] Error: Function not registered: 'mysql_real_escape_string'
    [17:28:06] Error: Function not registered: 'mysql_store_result'
    [17:28:06] Error: Function not registered: 'mysql_num_rows'
    [17:28:06] Error: Function not registered: 'mysql_free_result'
    [17:28:06] Error: Function not registered: 'mysql_fetch_float'
    [17:28:06] Error: Function not registered: 'mysql_fetch_row_format'
    [17:28:06] Error: Function not registered: 'mysql_fetch_int'
    [17:28:06] Error: Function not registered: 'mysql_retrieve_row'
    [17:28:06] Error: Function not registered: 'mysql_fetch_field_row'
    [17:28:06] Script[gamemodes/Deluxe.amx]: Run time error 19: "File or function is not found"
    [17:28:06] Number of vehicle models: 0
    [17:28:12] --- Server Shutting Down.

    *** Streamer Plugin v2.6.1 by Incognito unloaded ***

    Failed ( cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory)

    Wie kann man das Beheben?

    Loaded log file: "server_log.txt".

    SA-MP Dedicated Server
    v0.3.7-R2, (C)2005-2015 SA-MP Team

    [15:50:42] filterscripts = "" (string)
    [15:50:42] Server Plugins
    [15:50:42] --------------
    [15:50:42] Loading plugin:

    *** Streamer Plugin v2.6.1 by Incognito loaded ***

    [15:50:42] Loaded.
    [15:50:42] Loading plugin:
    [15:50:42] Failed (plugins/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory)
    [15:50:42] Loading plugin:
    [15:50:42] Loaded.
    [15:50:42] Loaded 2 plugins.

    [15:50:42] Filterscripts
    [15:50:42] ---------------
    [15:50:42] Loaded 0 filterscripts.

    [15:50:42] Error: Function not registered: 'mysql_debug'
    [15:50:42] Error: Function not registered: 'mysql_query'
    [15:50:42] Error: Function not registered: 'mysql_connect'
    [15:50:42] Error: Function not registered: 'mysql_ping'
    [15:50:42] Error: Function not registered: 'mysql_real_escape_string'
    [15:50:42] Error: Function not registered: 'mysql_store_result'
    [15:50:42] Error: Function not registered: 'mysql_num_rows'
    [15:50:42] Error: Function not registered: 'mysql_free_result'
    [15:50:42] Error: Function not registered: 'mysql_fetch_float'
    [15:50:42] Error: Function not registered: 'mysql_fetch_row_format'
    [15:50:42] Error: Function not registered: 'mysql_fetch_int'
    [15:50:42] Error: Function not registered: 'mysql_retrieve_row'
    [15:50:42] Error: Function not registered: 'mysql_fetch_field_row'
    [15:50:42] Script[gamemodes/Deluxe.amx]: Run time error 19: "File or function is not found"
    [15:50:42] Number of vehicle models: 0
    [15:50:46] --- Server Shutting Down.

    *** Streamer Plugin v2.6.1 by Incognito unloaded ***

    Das ist mein Fehler könnte mir jmd. die neue Version schicken für Linux finde die neuste nicht...