Beiträge von Boss123

    Loaded log file: "server_log.txt".

    SA-MP Dedicated Server
    v0.3.7-R2, (C)2005-2015 SA-MP Team

    [19:45:50] filterscripts = "" (string)
    [19:45:50] weburl = "" (string)
    [19:45:50] Server Plugins
    [19:45:50] --------------
    [19:45:50] Loading plugin:
    [19:45:50] >> plugin.mysql: R39-4 successfully loaded.
    [19:45:50] Loaded.
    [19:45:50] Loading plugin:

    *** Streamer Plugin v2.6.1 by Incognito loaded ***

    [19:45:50] Loaded.
    [19:45:50] Loading plugin:

    [19:45:50] ===============================

    [19:45:50] sscanf plugin loaded.

    [19:45:50] Version: 2.8.1

    [19:45:50] (c) 2012 Alex "Y_Less" Cole

    [19:45:50] ===============================

    [19:45:50] Loaded.
    [19:45:50] Loaded 3 plugins.

    [19:45:50] Filterscripts
    [19:45:50] ---------------
    [19:45:50] Loaded 0 filterscripts.

    [19:45:50] ..[Script wird gestartet]..
    [19:45:50] [PE]: MySQL Error! Server versucht es nochmal sich zu Verbinden!
    [19:45:50] -----------------------------------

    [19:45:50] [PE]: MySQL ERROR! Der Server wird jetzt heruntergefahren!
    [19:45:50] [PE]: Da die MySQL Verbindung nicht Erfolgreich hergestellt werden konnte.
    [19:45:50] -----------------------------------

    [19:45:50] Number of vehicle models: 87
    [19:45:50] --- Server Shutting Down.
    [19:45:50] ---------------[Speicher Vorgang!]-----------------
    [19:45:50] - Gangzonen gespeichert 14/14 -
    [19:45:50] - Drogenpflanzen gespeichert 0/50 -
    [19:45:50] - Funkmasten gespeichert 0/50 -
    [19:45:50] - Werbetafeln gespeichert 22/22 -
    [19:45:50] - Rennen gespeichert 0/50 -
    [19:45:50] - Schwarzmärkte gespeichert 1/20 -
    [19:45:50] - Stuff wurde gespeichert -
    [19:45:50] - Fraktionsvewaltungen gespeichert 18/18 -
    [19:45:50] - Häuser gespeichert 1/300 -
    [19:45:50] - Fraktionsfahrzeuge gespeichert 0/500 -
    [19:45:50] - Businesse gespeichert 1/100 -
    [19:45:50] - Organisationen gespeichert 0/10 -
    [19:45:50] - Partei gespeichert 0/5 -
    [19:45:50] --------------------------------------------------
    [19:45:50] [connection] requests connection cookie.
    [19:45:50] plugin.mysql: Unloading plugin...

    So jetzt kommt das , meine MySQL daten sind aber in der pwn richtig eingetragen

    Oh wartet da steht glaube ich muss da kurz die IP ändern.

    EDIT 2:

    Loaded log file: "server_log.txt".

    SA-MP Dedicated Server
    v0.3.7-R2, (C)2005-2015 SA-MP Team

    [19:55:14] filterscripts = "" (string)
    [19:55:14] weburl = "" (string)
    [19:55:14] Server Plugins
    [19:55:14] --------------
    [19:55:14] Loading plugin:
    [19:55:14] >> plugin.mysql: R39-4 successfully loaded.
    [19:55:14] Loaded.
    [19:55:14] Loading plugin:

    *** Streamer Plugin v2.6.1 by Incognito loaded ***

    [19:55:14] Loaded.
    [19:55:14] Loading plugin:

    [19:55:14] ===============================

    [19:55:14] sscanf plugin loaded.

    [19:55:14] Version: 2.8.1

    [19:55:14] (c) 2012 Alex "Y_Less" Cole

    [19:55:14] ===============================

    [19:55:14] Loaded.
    [19:55:14] Loaded 3 plugins.

    [19:55:14] Filterscripts
    [19:55:14] ---------------
    [19:55:14] Loaded 0 filterscripts.

    [19:55:14] ..[Script wird gestartet]..
    [19:55:14] [PE]: MySQL Error! Server versucht es nochmal sich zu Verbinden!
    [19:55:14] -----------------------------------

    [19:55:14] [PE]: MySQL ERROR! Der Server wird jetzt heruntergefahren!
    [19:55:14] [PE]: Da die MySQL Verbindung nicht Erfolgreich hergestellt werden konnte.
    [19:55:14] -----------------------------------

    [19:55:14] Number of vehicle models: 87
    [19:55:14] --- Server Shutting Down.
    [19:55:14] ---------------[Speicher Vorgang!]-----------------
    [19:55:14] - Gangzonen gespeichert 14/14 -
    [19:55:14] - Drogenpflanzen gespeichert 0/50 -
    [19:55:14] - Funkmasten gespeichert 0/50 -
    [19:55:14] - Werbetafeln gespeichert 22/22 -
    [19:55:14] - Rennen gespeichert 0/50 -
    [19:55:14] - Schwarzmärkte gespeichert 1/20 -
    [19:55:14] - Stuff wurde gespeichert -
    [19:55:14] - Fraktionsvewaltungen gespeichert 18/18 -
    [19:55:14] - Häuser gespeichert 1/300 -
    [19:55:14] - Fraktionsfahrzeuge gespeichert 0/500 -
    [19:55:14] - Businesse gespeichert 1/100 -
    [19:55:14] - Organisationen gespeichert 0/10 -
    [19:55:14] - Partei gespeichert 0/5 -
    [19:55:14] --------------------------------------------------
    [19:55:14] plugin.mysql: Unloading plugin...

    Keine ahnung warum das jetzt nicht geht..
    Hab mich gerade in phpmyadmin eingeloggt unten steht folgendes:

    Verbindung für den controluser, wie er in Ihrer Konfiguration angegeben ist, ist fehlgeschlagen.

    Loaded log file: "server_log.txt".

    SA-MP Dedicated Server
    v0.3.7-R2, (C)2005-2015 SA-MP Team

    [19:55:14] filterscripts = "" (string)
    [19:55:14] weburl = "" (string)
    [19:55:14] Server Plugins
    [19:55:14] --------------
    [19:55:14] Loading plugin:
    [19:55:14] >> plugin.mysql: R39-4 successfully loaded.
    [19:55:14] Loaded.
    [19:55:14] Loading plugin:

    *** Streamer Plugin v2.6.1 by Incognito loaded ***

    [19:55:14] Loaded.
    [19:55:14] Loading plugin:

    [19:55:14] ===============================

    [19:55:14] sscanf plugin loaded.

    [19:55:14] Version: 2.8.1

    [19:55:14] (c) 2012 Alex "Y_Less" Cole

    [19:55:14] ===============================

    [19:55:14] Loaded.
    [19:55:14] Loaded 3 plugins.

    [19:55:14] Filterscripts
    [19:55:14] ---------------
    [19:55:14] Loaded 0 filterscripts.

    [19:55:14] ..[Script wird gestartet]..
    [19:55:14] [PE]: MySQL Error! Server versucht es nochmal sich zu Verbinden!
    [19:55:14] -----------------------------------

    [19:55:14] [PE]: MySQL ERROR! Der Server wird jetzt heruntergefahren!
    [19:55:14] [PE]: Da die MySQL Verbindung nicht Erfolgreich hergestellt werden konnte.
    [19:55:14] -----------------------------------

    [19:55:14] Number of vehicle models: 87
    [19:55:14] --- Server Shutting Down.
    [19:55:14] ---------------[Speicher Vorgang!]-----------------
    [19:55:14] - Gangzonen gespeichert 14/14 -
    [19:55:14] - Drogenpflanzen gespeichert 0/50 -
    [19:55:14] - Funkmasten gespeichert 0/50 -
    [19:55:14] - Werbetafeln gespeichert 22/22 -
    [19:55:14] - Rennen gespeichert 0/50 -
    [19:55:14] - Schwarzmärkte gespeichert 1/20 -
    [19:55:14] - Stuff wurde gespeichert -
    [19:55:14] - Fraktionsvewaltungen gespeichert 18/18 -
    [19:55:14] - Häuser gespeichert 1/300 -
    [19:55:14] - Fraktionsfahrzeuge gespeichert 0/500 -
    [19:55:14] - Businesse gespeichert 1/100 -
    [19:55:14] - Organisationen gespeichert 0/10 -
    [19:55:14] - Partei gespeichert 0/5 -
    [19:55:14] --------------------------------------------------
    [19:55:14] plugin.mysql: Unloading plugin...

    Wenn ich mich in phpmyadmin einlogge steht unten folgendes:
    Verbindung für den controluser, wie er in Ihrer Konfiguration angegeben ist, ist fehlgeschlagen.

    Kann es vlt damit zusammenhängen ?

    Loaded log file: "server_log.txt".

    SA-MP Dedicated Server
    v0.3.7-R2, (C)2005-2015 SA-MP Team

    [19:37:10] filterscripts = "" (string)
    [19:37:10] weburl = "" (string)
    [19:37:10] Server Plugins
    [19:37:10] --------------
    [19:37:10] Loading plugin:
    [19:37:10] >> plugin.mysql: R39-4 successfully loaded.
    [19:37:10] Loaded.
    [19:37:10] Loaded 1 plugins.

    [19:37:10] Filterscripts
    [19:37:10] ---------------
    [19:37:10] Loaded 0 filterscripts.

    [19:37:10] Script[gamemodes/Script.amx]: Run time error 19: "File or function is not found"
    [19:37:10] Number of vehicle models: 0

    So habs geändert jedoch steht hier immer noch Error 19 , auch bei Samp steht unter Gamemode "Unknown" .

    SA-MP Dedicated Server
    v0.3.7-R2, (C)2005-2015 SA-MP Team

    [19:23:28] filterscripts = "" (string)
    [19:23:28] weburl = "" (string)
    [19:23:28] Server Plugins
    [19:23:28] --------------
    [19:23:28] Loading plugin:
    [19:23:28] >> plugin.mysql: R39-3 successfully loaded.
    [19:23:28] Loaded.
    [19:23:28] Loaded 1 plugins.

    [19:23:28] Filterscripts
    [19:23:28] ---------------
    [19:23:28] Loaded 0 filterscripts.

    [19:23:28] Script[gamemodes/Script.amx]: Run time error 19: "File or function is not found"
    [19:23:28] Number of vehicle models: 0
    [19:23:33] --- Server Shutting Down.
    [19:23:33] plugin.mysql: Unloading plugin...
    [19:23:33] plugin.mysql: Plugin unloaded.

    Hmm anscheinend geht es immer noch nicht.. ?(

    DU MUSST DIE Version nutzen

    Hmm habe die jetzt in der server.cfg drin ABER jetzt kommt das..

    Loaded log file: "server_log.txt".

    SA-MP Dedicated Server
    v0.3.7-R2, (C)2005-2015 SA-MP Team

    [19:18:50] filterscripts = "" (string)
    [19:18:50] weburl = "" (string)
    [19:18:50] Server Plugins
    [19:18:50] --------------
    [19:18:50] Loading plugin:
    [19:18:50] >> plugin.mysql: R39-4 successfully loaded.
    [19:18:50] Loaded.
    [19:18:50] Loaded 1 plugins.

    [19:18:50] Filterscripts
    [19:18:50] ---------------
    [19:18:50] Loaded 0 filterscripts.

    [19:18:50] Script[gamemodes/Script.amx]: Run time error 19: "File or function is not found"
    [19:18:50] Number of vehicle models: 0

    Hilfe O.o

    System Linux VServer


    Loaded log file: "server_log.txt".

    SA-MP Dedicated Server
    v0.3.7-R2, (C)2005-2015 SA-MP Team

    [19:07:46] filterscripts = "" (string)
    [19:07:46] weburl = "" (string)
    [19:07:46] Server Plugins
    [19:07:46] --------------
    [19:07:46] Loading plugin:

    *** Streamer Plugin v2.6.1 by Incognito loaded ***

    [19:07:46] Loaded.
    [19:07:46] Loading plugin:
    [19:07:46] Failed ( cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory)
    [19:07:46] Loading plugin:

    [19:07:46] ===============================

    [19:07:46] sscanf plugin loaded.

    [19:07:46] Version: 2.8.1

    [19:07:46] (c) 2012 Alex "Y_Less" Cole

    [19:07:46] ===============================

    [19:07:46] Loaded.
    [19:07:46] Loaded 2 plugins.

    [19:07:46] Filterscripts
    [19:07:46] ---------------
    [19:07:46] Loaded 0 filterscripts.

    [19:07:46] Script[gamemodes/Script.amx]: Run time error 19: "File or function is not found"
    [19:07:46] Number of vehicle models: 0
    [19:07:49] --- Server Shutting Down.

    *** Streamer Plugin v2.6.1 by Incognito unloaded ***


    [19:07:49] ===============================

    [19:07:49] sscanf plugin unloaded.

    [19:07:49] ===============================