Ka , ich installier es mal nochmal hoffe es klappt
Beiträge von Isyan
Ka , hast du ts3
Installiere dieses All-In-One-Paket, es enthält alle im Normalfall notwendigen Runtimes:
http://www.chip.de/downloads/A…ne-Runtimes_37449838.htmlAchte auch darauf, dass alle Plugins im Ordner /plugins/ liegen.
Hab alles gemacht , kann aber all in one runtimes nicht installieren auf win server
hab gepostet
Hallo , ich hab ein Problem mit Server.
Ich besitzt ein Windows vps server und hab Problem, die plugins werden nicht geladen aber sind drinne im scriptServer Plugins
[12:28:16] --------------
[12:28:16] Loading plugin: crashdetect.dll
[12:28:20] Failed.
[12:28:20] Loading plugin: mysql.dll
[12:28:22] Failed.
[12:28:22] Loading plugin: sscanf.dll
[12:28:24] Failed.
[12:28:24] Loading plugin: streamer.dll
[12:28:26] Failed.
[12:28:26] Loading plugin: Whirlpool.dll[12:28:26]
Quasi stehts da doch schon, irgendwas passt nicht, irgendwas fehlt oder du hast es falsch eingerichtet für das Betriebssystem.
Nehme mal an du hast einen Linux vServer, richtig ?Nein ich hab Windows server
Guten Abend, hab mal ein problem ich hab ein Script und über mein computer läuft es , aber über Server funktioniert es nicht .
Weißt jemand voran es liegt ? muss man Ports Freischalten ? Datenbank wurde eingesetzt alles funktioniert nur der Mode und Languane zeigt unknownSA-MP Dedicated Server
v0.3.7, (C)2005-2015 SA-MP Team[00:02:03] password = "" (string)
[00:02:03] Server Plugins
[00:02:03] --------------
[00:02:03] Loading plugin: mysql
[00:02:03]> MySQL plugin R5 successfully loaded.
[00:02:03] Loaded.
[00:02:03] Loading plugin: streamer
[00:02:03] Failed.
[00:02:03] Loading plugin: sscanf
[00:02:03][00:02:03] ===============================
[00:02:03] sscanf plugin loaded.
[00:02:03] Version: 2.8.1
[00:02:03] (c) 2012 Alex "Y_Less" Cole
[00:02:03] ===============================
[00:02:03] Loaded.
[00:02:03] Loading plugin: audio
[00:02:03]** Audio Plugin v0.5 R2 by Incognito loaded **
[00:02:03] Loaded.
[00:02:03] Loading plugin: crashdetect
[00:02:03] CrashDetect v4.14 is OK.
[00:02:03] Loaded.
[00:02:03] Loading plugin: FileManager
[00:02:03] ******************
[00:02:03] * FILE MANAGER *
[00:02:03] * Loaded *
[00:02:03] * Version 1.5 *
[00:02:03] ******************
[00:02:03] Loaded.
[00:02:03] Loading plugin: iTD
* iTD Plugin loaded. (Support for textdraw editor mouse/keyboard)[00:02:03] Loaded.
[00:02:03] Loaded 6 plugins.[00:02:03]
[00:02:03] Ban list
[00:02:03] --------
[00:02:03] Loaded: samp.ban
[00:02:03] Filterscripts
[00:02:03] ---------------
[00:02:03] Loading filterscript 'cameditor.amx'...
[00:02:03] CamEditor by Drebin
[00:02:03] --------------------------------------[00:02:03] Loading filterscript 'AntiCrash.amx'...
[00:02:04] Loading filterscript 'vehicleSpawner.amx'...
[00:02:04] |Vehicle spawner by x96664 loaded! |
[00:02:04] --------------------------------------[00:02:04] Loaded 3 filterscripts.
[00:02:04] [debug] Run time error 19: "File or function is not found"
[00:02:04] [debug] CreateDynamicObject
[00:02:04] [debug] MoveDynamicObject
[00:02:04] [debug] DestroyDynamicObject
[00:02:04] [debug] SetDynamicObjectMaterial
[00:02:04] [debug] SetDynamicObjectMaterialText
[00:02:04] [debug] GetDynamicObjectPos
[00:02:04] [debug] GetDynamicObjectRot
[00:02:04] [debug] DestroyDynamicPickup
[00:02:04] [debug] IsValidDynamic3DTextLabel
[00:02:04] [debug] DestroyDynamic3DTextLabel
[00:02:04] [debug] DestroyDynamicMapIcon
[00:02:04] [debug] IsValidDynamicPickup
[00:02:04] [debug] UpdateDynamic3DTextLabelText
[00:02:04] [debug] CreateDynamic3DTextLabel
[00:02:04] [debug] CreateDynamicPickup
[00:02:04] [debug] CreateDynamicMapIcon
[00:02:04] [debug] Run time error 19: "File or function is not found"
[00:02:04] [debug] CreateDynamicObject
[00:02:04] [debug] MoveDynamicObject
[00:02:04] [debug] DestroyDynamicObject
[00:02:04] [debug] SetDynamicObjectMaterial
[00:02:04] [debug] SetDynamicObjectMaterialText
[00:02:04] [debug] GetDynamicObjectPos
[00:02:04] [debug] GetDynamicObjectRot
[00:02:04] [debug] DestroyDynamicPickup
[00:02:04] [debug] IsValidDynamic3DTextLabel
[00:02:04] [debug] DestroyDynamic3DTextLabel
[00:02:04] [debug] DestroyDynamicMapIcon
[00:02:04] [debug] IsValidDynamicPickup
[00:02:04] [debug] UpdateDynamic3DTextLabelText
[00:02:04] [debug] CreateDynamic3DTextLabel
[00:02:04] [debug] CreateDynamicPickup
[00:02:04] [debug] CreateDynamicMapIcon
[00:02:04] Script[gamemodes/WB.amx]: Run time error 19: "File or function is not found"
[00:02:04] Number of vehicle models: 0[00:02:04] Script[gamemodes/WB.amx]: Run time error 19: "File or function is not found"
[00:02:04] Number of vehicle models: 0 Das zeigt mir an