Dieses Spiel ist ein Glücksspiel.
Du setzt Geld auf 25% Chance - 3,3-mal zu gewinnen. Du gewinnst das Spiel wenn du 3 der lilafarbenen Steine triffst, die sich je nach Glück drehen.
Befehl: /carkichest: ( Kann man beliebig ändern )
command /carkıchest:
aliases: carkichest
if player's balance >= 30000:
remove 30000 from player's balance
clear {_slotlar::*}
add 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 to {_slotlar::*}
open virtual chest with size 1 named "&6ÇarkıChest" to player
make gui slot 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 of player with Black_Stained_Glass_Pane named ""
set {oyun.%player%} to true
set {_a} to -1
set {_b} to 0
loop 24 times:
add 1 to {_a}
add 1 to {_b}
wait 0.05 seconds
make gui slot {_a} of player with purple_stained_glass named ""
wait 0.05 seconds
make gui slot {_b} of player with purple_stained_glass named ""
make gui slot {_a} of player with black_stained_glass named ""
wait 0.05 seconds
if {_a} is 7:
if {_b} is 8:
make gui slot {_a} + 1 of player with black_stained_glass named ""
set {_a} to -1
set {_b} to 0
wait 1 seconds
chance of 100%:
set {_n} to random element out of {_slotlar::*}
make gui slot {_n} of player with purple_stained_glass named ""
chance of 50%:
remove {_n} from {_slotlar::*}
set {_n1} to random element out of {_slotlar::*}
make gui slot {_n1} of player with purple_stained_glass named ""
chance of 50%:
remove {_n1} from {_slotlar::*}
set {_n2} to random element out of {_slotlar::*}
make gui slot {_n2} of player with purple_stained_glass named ""
wait 2 seconds
if {_n2} is set:
loop 4 times:
make gui slot 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 of player with Green_Stained_Glass_Pane named ""
wait 0.2 seconds
make gui slot 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 of player with Black_Stained_Glass_Pane named ""
wait 0.2 seconds
send "&a&lOYUN &8» &73 du hast&a100000 &7steine verdient"
send "&a&lOYUN &8» &7Ihr fortlaufender Verlustzähler wurde zurückgesetzt!"
add 100000 to player's balance
set {losestreak::%player%} to 0
wait 1 seconds
close player's inventory
if {_n1} is set:
send "&a&lOYUN &8» &7du hast das Spiel verloren."
add 1 to {losestreak::%player%}
send "&a&lOYUN &8» &7Anzahl der aufeinanderfolgenden Verluste: &c%{losestreak::%player%}%"
close player's inventory
if {_n} is set:
send "&a&lOYUN &8» &7Du hast heute großes Pech. du hast verloren."
add 1 to {losestreak::%player%}
send "&a&lOYUN &8» &7Anzahl der aufeinanderfolgenden Verluste: &c%{losestreak::%player%}%"
close player's inventory
set {oyun.%player%} to false
send "&a&lOYUN &8» &7Du musst &a30000 &7Geld haben, um dieses Spiel zu spielen. dein Geld: &a%player's balance%"
on command:
if {oyun.%player%} is true:
send "&a&lOYUN &8» &7Sie können während des Spiels keine Befehle verwenden.!"
send "&a&lOYUN &8» &7Wenn Sie diesen Fehler erhalten, obwohl Sie nicht im Spiel sind, verlassen Sie das Spiel und geben Sie ein."
cancel event
on join:
set {oyun.%player%} to false
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Viel Spaß
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