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  • Robert's Overhaul Finale - The Best Modpack for SAMP / GTA San Andreas

    This modpack contains:
    -ENB - Natural and Realistic ENB by Robert
    -Timecyc by Robert
    -HD Road Textures for the whole Map by Robert
    -HD Skybox
    -Stars during the Night Time
    -HD Lights Streaming Distance - Project 2dfx
    -HD Lights
    -HD Weapons
    -HD Vegetation for the whole Map
    -HD Sounds
    -HD Lens Flare
    -HD Effects - Overdose Effects 1.5
    -HD Original Font
    -HD Original Cars - 41
    -HD Original Skins - 201
    -HD Rims - Similar to original ones
    -HD Paint Jobs
    -HD Loading Screens
    -New Ped Moves
    -Nature Sounds
    -Anti-Crasher for SA:MP 0.3.7
    -Sun in SA:MP is enabled
    -Water in SAMP is enabled
    -Single Player Vegetation in SA:MP is enabled ( without the grass )
    -GTA IV Hud with GTA IV addon
    -GTA IV Map
    -Added Fix Wheel Turn Back - The wheel will remain on the same position as you put it
    -Proportional Coronas
    -Stream Memory - 2GB


    "Die meisten Menschen wollen lieber durch Lob ruiniert als durch Kritik gerettet werden."