Tipps für Eng. Münd. Prüfung?

  • Naja... das ist für ein Hauptabschluss erst in 2 Jahren werde ich (wahrscheinlich) ne Prüfung machen für die Mittlere Reife.

    Was ich bisher geschrieben habe^^ (vll. findet jmd. paar fehlern ;D)

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    Englisch Prüfung – Short Präsentation
    Anfang der Präsentation:
    Good morning Mrs. **** and good morning Ms. ****,
    Firstly I want give you some information’s about me and my family:
    My name is Marco
    And I’m 17 years old.
    I was born in Solofra near Naples.
    I have 2 brothers and no sisters. We live in in a Flat in ****(stadtname)
    My hobbies are listen music and go out with friends.
    I like Cola and Chips but I don’t like wine.
    My favorite car is the white Audi A3. Because the car looks so nice
    My father works as a depositor in a factory and my mother is at home operated as a housewife.
    My dream Job is to be a pilot.
    And I have two cats.
    -------------------- THEMA ANFANG ------------------------------------
    Today I’d like to talk about the famous company Apple,
    I have chosen the topic because I’m very interested in Apple Products
    I marshal it into three Category Groups. I will start with the Start of apple, followed by the
    Most important things of apple and after this I will talk about Steve Jobs.
    So let’s start with the start of Apple. Apple was grounded by Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak and Ronald Wayne at the 1. April 1976. They started with a Capital of 1500 Dollars and a few weeks later Steve Wozniak and Steve Jobs build the first Computer of the world.// But he didn’t sell very good and so they build a second Computer, which sell much better with over 2 Million Sells. In 1977 Apple was an official Company and they fired Ron Wayne. After this Apple gets even more and more popular.
    Let’s see, which big products Apple released.
    There we have some Computers like:
    - Apple II, which was built in 1977 and was a big hit for the company
    - Apple Macintosh, it was built in 1984 and was very famous because the Advertisement was played by the Super Bowl. It coasted 2495 Dollars.
    -Power Mac G4 Quicksilver, which was built in 2002, was the bridge between a simple Processor and a "High-Tech"-PC.
    After long time Apple started with Notebooks, a fully revolution for the Computer Industry, and here we have also some greats:
    - Apple Power-book, which was invented in 1989, was a great Hit and was the first real Notebook, because the first was too heavy...
    - Apple MacBook Air, invented in 2008 was a revolution, which connect High-Speed, with Low Weight.
    And now at least, i want to tell you something about Steve Jobs.
    Steve Jobs was the Grounder of Apple and was fired in 1986. Up to their Apple gets worse and worse.
    In 1997 he was back and Apple released awesome Technologies, like IPod, IPhone and so on. His Last big Invention was the IPhone 4s, which was really famous.
    At the 5.October 2011 Steve Jobs died and all around the world the Computer Industry was sad.

  • Dann wird es doch noch lockerer werden :) Kannst du in sich Englisch fließend reden oder sonst etwas? Warst du schon öfter im Ausland? Wenn ja, hast du ja schon Kenntnisse dort gesammelt und bring die einfach dort ein. Desweiteren macht dir einfach keinen Kopf und lass alles auf dich zu kommen. Jetzt ist es zu 100% sowieso zu spät :)

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  • Naja im Ausland war ich schon aber hab kein Englisch geredet... naja werde wohl die ganze Nacht durch lernen =/
    Und joa Englisch reden kann ich eig. gut

  • Schreib dir einen Zettel mit Spicksätzen und nun lern es mit dem Zettel auswendig, du wirst merken
    das du den Zettel irgendwann nicht mehr brauchst und für den Notfall langen dir auch die 10 Wörter ;)

    So hab ich es gemacht: 2,3 bekommen.
