[SUCHE] Guten Streamer

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  • Guten Morgen :)

    Ich suche einen guten Streamer für 03x :)
    Denn wenn ich meinen reintue kommt das in der Serverlog :

    [02/03/2013 10:24:28] *** Streamer Plugin: Warning: Obsolete or invalid native "Streamer_RegisterInterface" found (script might need to be recompiled with the latest include file)
    [02/03/2013 10:24:28] *** Streamer Plugin: Warning: Obsolete or invalid native "Streamer_AddPlayer" found (script might need to be recompiled with the latest include file)
    [02/03/2013 10:24:28] *** Streamer Plugin: Warning: Obsolete or invalid native "Streamer_RemovePlayer" found (script might need to be recompiled with the latest include file)
    [02/03/2013 10:24:28] *** Streamer Plugin: Warning: Obsolete or invalid native "Streamer_VerifyPickup" found (script might need to be recompiled with the latest include file)
    [02/03/2013 10:24:28] *** Streamer Plugin: Warning: Obsolete or invalid native "Streamer_VerifyCheckpoint" found (script might need to be recompiled with the latest include file)
    [02/03/2013 10:24:28] *** Streamer Plugin: Warning: Include file version (unknown version) does not match plugin version (0x26105) (script might need to be recompiled with the latest include file)
    [02/03/2013 10:24:28] -mSelection- WARNING: No Items found in file: skins.txt
    [02/03/2013 10:24:28] '0' Fraktionsfahrzeuge wurden geladen & erstellt.
    [02/03/2013 10:24:28] FRAKMATS.INI FEHLT
    [02/03/2013 10:24:28] FRAKDRUGS.INI FEHLT
    [02/03/2013 10:24:28] AllowAdminTeleport() : function is deprecated. Please see OnPlayerClickMap()
    [02/03/2013 10:24:28] Pickups Max = 2048, Current Pickups = 459
    [02/03/2013 10:24:28] Ultimate Roleplay by [UR]-Team Script wurde geladen! 0 Fehler gefunden!
    [02/03/2013 10:24:28] Number of vehicle models: 54
    [02/03/2013 10:24:28] Incoming connection:
    [02/03/2013 10:24:28] [npc:join] Antonio has joined the server (0:

    Hat jemand einen guten Streamer? :$