Carlito's RolePlay

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  • Hallo leute,

    ich wollte euch mal Carlito's RolePlay aus dem Englischen SA:MP Forum vorstellen.

    Dynamics: The script is completely dynamic, meaning we can set every single thing that you see ingame with a simple command. No restarts needed for anything at all a part from main script changes. This makes for better roleplay experience and all round effectiveness.

    Business System: Each business has a business type assigned to it, every type gets different commands, so again it will make for a better roleplay experience. Currently there are 7 types of business.

    Phone Networks: Much like real life, when you get a simcard and you top it up. The money from phone calls amd text messages goes to that network. It's the same in the script, you buy phones from businesses that are phone networks and all money from calls and text messages goes straight into that businesses till. This is a feature i wanted to create from day one as i think it's great.

    Advertisements: Unlike most roleplay scripts, to do an advertisement you must be in an advertisement business, there are several spread out throughout the city and are all player-owned.

    Car System: I've decided not to add player-owned vehicles as of yet, it's easily done and will be added in the future if the playerbase is ok. At the moment the car system enables administrators to park vehicles, change models/colors etc. Also set factions to cars.

    House System: House system is just like any other house script, you can buy,sell,rent. Only difference in mine is that you can store up to 2000 materials and 500 grams of drugs in your house. But be aware, the police can raid houses.

    Faction System: Much like any other faction system, except factions can be created ingame with simple administrator commands.

    Vehicle Engine System: Our vehicle engine system is very simple, like most others. Fuel will not go down in vehicles unless the engine is turned on and if the engine is turned off you will be froze until you exit the vehicle (Hit Enter) or start the vehicles engine. Fuel will go down if the vehicles engine is on and the vehicle is unoccupied, for a more realistic feel.

    Vehicle Lock: We do not use vehicle params for our vehicle lock system, we use custom vehicle checks. If you lock a car, it's not only locked for everyone else besides you, it's also locked for you! If you want to unlock, you must stand beside the vehicle.

    Serverside Money: This makes spawning money, IMPOSSIBLE. Which means we can be sure that all our players money was earned.

    Pickup Streamer: We can have up to 30000 pickups, this makes for stability when adding large amounts of houses.

    Arms Dealer: as the title suggests, you will be selling firearms if this is your job.
    Drug Dealer: Your job will be to earn money supplying drugs to the city.
    Detective: You will be able to find people, if they have there phones switched on.
    Lawyer: You will be able to get justice for those wrongly imprisoned, and set them free.
    Products Seller: You will supply products to business owners.

    And more, check the script.

    // Wenn ich Zeit habe übersetze ich das alles ins Deutsche //

    Ihr könnt hier das Script mit kompletten Ordner runterladen.

  • Allso ich finde den GM gut habs getestet ... leider muss man viel noch machen wenn man zusätzliche sachen im Script haben will ...
    Naja testet es selber und macht euch eure eigene Meinung zum GM ;)

    Ich Sponsor: Teamspeak², Teamspeak³, Mumble, Ventrilo, SA-MP Server
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  • Da steht ja es ist kein GF edit.

    Stimmt aber nicht^^

    Ist GF


  • Ich habe ja nicht gesagt das es kein GF ist ...
    und wenn es einer wäre ist es sehr sehr sehr Stark verändert worden ... da viele Funktionen rausgenommen wurden und die,die noch drinne sind wurden umbennant und verändert.
    Zumal da ein ganz anderes Housesystem drinne ist ...

    Was habt ihr eig. gegen GF ? Höre andauernd das sich manche beschweren ...
    Meine Meinung:
    Und wenn es GF wäre hätte man eine Grundbasis die man weiter Modifizieren kann bzw darauf weiter aufbaut ...
    KLar ist ein Selfmade etwas besonderes weil man sich da viel Mühe gegeben hat und Monate Lang was zusammen gescriptet hat ...

    Is auch egal soll jeder selber wissen :)

    Ich Sponsor: Teamspeak², Teamspeak³, Mumble, Ventrilo, SA-MP Server
    Einfach per pm nachfragen

  • Ich sag ja nicht das GF schlecht ist.

    Schließlich ist Nova auch GF und echt Gut.^^

  • Copbot was findest du Cool ?

    Das ich es hier vorstelle oder den GameMode ?
    Ich glaube mal beides^^