ich habe mal eine Frage was das zu bedueten hat in der Server Log
[16:09:55] Loading plugin: RouteConnectorPlugin.so
[16:09:55] Failed (libsampgdk.so.2: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory)
[16:09:55] Loading plugin: libsampgdk.so.3.0.2
[16:09:55] Plugin does not conform to architecture.
[16:09:55] Failed.
[16:09:55] Failed (libsampgdk.so.2: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory)
[16:09:55] Loading plugin: libsampgdk.so.3.0.2
[16:09:55] Plugin does not conform to architecture.
[16:09:55] Failed.
Wär nett wenn mir wer halfen kann das mit dem runtime error 19 weiss ich aber ich weis nicht warum?
Wäre nett wenn mir wer helfen kann