Errors beim Tabellen hochladen

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  • hi
    ich habe mir eine MySQL Tabelle gemacht für ein Tankstellen System
    aber wenn ich es hochladen will kommen errors


    DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `Tankstellen`;CREATE TABLE `Tankstellen` (  `TankID` int(24) NOT NULL,  `Name` varchar(40) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'Freie Tankstelle',  `Owned` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',  `oName` varchar(30) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'The State',  `PosX` float(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0.0',  `PosY` float(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0.0',  `PosZ` float(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0.0',  `Preis` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '250000',  `Spritpreis` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '10',  `Tankgeld` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '15000',  PRIMARY KEY (`TankID`)) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1;INSERT INTO `Tankstellen` (`TankID`, `Name`, `Owned`, `oName`, `PosX`, `PosY`, `PosZ`, `Preis`, `Spritpreis`, `Tankgeld`) VALUES(0, 'Tankstelle', 0, 'The State', 1004.0070, -939.3102, 42.1797, 250000, 7, 15000),(1, 'Tankstelle', 0, 'The State', 1944.3260, -1772.9254, 13.3906, 250000, 7, 15000),(2, 'Tankstelle', 0, 'The State', -90.5515, -1169.4578, 2.4079, 250000, 7, 15000),(3, 'Tankstelle', 0, 'The State', -1609.7958, -2718.2048, 48.5391, 250000, 7, 15000),(4, 'Tankstelle', 0, 'The State', -2029.4968, 156.4366, 28.9498, 250000, 7, 15000),(5, 'Tankstelle', 0, 'The State', -2408.7590, 976.0934, 45.4175, 250000, 7, 15000),(6, 'Tankstelle', 0, 'The State', -2243.9629, -2560.6477, 31.8841, 250000, 7, 15000),(7, 'Tankstelle', 0, 'The State', -1676.6323, 414.0262, 6.9484, 250000, 7, 15000),(8, 'Tankstelle', 0, 'The State', 2202.2349, 2474.3494, 10.5258, 250000, 7, 15000),(9, 'Tankstelle', 0, 'The State', 614.9333, 1689.7418, 6.6968, 250000, 7, 15000),(10, 'Tankstelle', 0, 'The State', -1328.8250, 2677.2173, 49.7665, 250000, 7, 15000),(11, 'Tankstelle', 0, 'The State', 70.3882, 1218.6783, 18.5165, 250000, 7, 15000),(12, 'Tankstelle', 0, 'The State', -2243.9629, -2560.6477, 31.8841, 250000, 7, 15000),(13 'Tankstelle', 0, 'The State', 2113.7390, 920.1079, 10.5255, 250000, 7, 15000),(14, 'Tankstelle', 0, 'The State', -1327.7218, 2678.8723, 50.0625, 250000, 7, 15000),(15, 'Tankstelle', 0, 'The State', 2146.6143, 2748.4758, 10.3852, 250000, 7, 15000),(16, 'Tankstelle', 0, 'The State', 2639.0022, 1108.0353, 10.3852, 250000, 7, 15000),(17, 'Tankstelle', 0, 'The State', 1598.2035, 2198.6448, 10.3856, 250000, 7, 15000);


    INSERT INTO `Tankstellen` (`TankID`, `Name`, `Owned`, `oName`, `PosX`, `PosY`, `PosZ`, `Preis`, `Spritpreis`, `Tankgeld`) VALUES (0, 'Tankstelle', 0, 'The State', 1004.0070, -939.3102, 42.1797, 250000, 7, 15000), (1, 'Tankstelle', 0, 'The State', 1944.3260, -1772.9254, 13.3906, 250000, 7, 15000), (2, 'Tankstelle', 0, 'The State', -90.5515, -1169.4578, 2.4079, 250000, 7, 15000), (3, 'Tankstelle', 0, 'The State', -1609.7958, -2718.2048, 48.5391, 250000, 7, 15000), (4, 'Tankstelle', 0, 'The State', -2029.4968, 156.4366, 28.9498, 250000, 7, 15000), (5, 'Tankstelle', 0, 'The State', -2408.7590, 976.0934, 45.4175, 250000, 7, 15000), (6, 'Tankstelle', 0, 'The State', -2243.9629, -2560.6477, 31.8841, 250000, 7, 15000), (7, 'Tankstelle', 0, 'The State', -1676.6323, 414.0262, 6.9484, 250000, 7, 15000), (8, 'Tankstelle', 0, 'The State', 2202.2349, 2474.3494, 10.5258, 250000, 7, 15000), (9, 'Tankstelle', 0, 'The State', 614.9333, 1689.7418, 6.6968, 250000, 7, 15000), (10, 'Tankstelle', 0, 'The S[...]

    MySQL meldet: Dokumentation

    #1064 - You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ''Tankstelle', 0, 'The State', 2113.7390, 920.1079, 10.5255, 250000, 7, 15000),
    (' at line 15