[HILFE] MySQL Plugin will nicht -.-

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  • [22:39:47] ===============================

    [22:39:47] sscanf plugin loaded.

    [22:39:47] Version: 2.8.1

    [22:39:47] (c) 2012 Alex "Y_Less" Cole

    [22:39:47] ===============================
    Hey Leute...

    Wenn ich den Server starte kommt DAS:

    [22:39:47] Loaded.
    [22:39:47] Loading plugin: mysql.so
    [22:39:47] Failed (plugins/mysql.so: symbol __cxa_pure_virtual, version libmysqlclient_16 not defined in file libmysqlclient_r.so.16 with link time reference)
    [22:39:47] Loaded 1 plugins.

    [22:39:47] Filterscripts
    [22:39:47] ---------------
    [22:39:47] Loaded 0 filterscripts.

    [22:39:47] Script[gamemodes/Reallife.amx]: Run time error 19: "File or function is not found"
    [22:39:47] Number of vehicle models: 0

    Was zur Hölle ist der Fehler, kann der Fehler sein?
    Ich bin am verzweifeln..


  • [23:25:02]
    [23:25:02] Filterscripts
    [23:25:02] ---------------
    [23:25:02] Loaded 0 filterscripts.

    [23:25:02] [debug] Server crashed while executing Reallife.amx
    [23:25:02] [debug] AMX backtrace:
    [23:25:02] [debug] #0 native mysql_connect () [f728f840] from mysql_static.so
    [23:25:02] [debug] #1 00006170 in public SSCANF_OnGameModeInit () from Reallife.amx
    [23:25:02] [debug] #2 00000470 in public OnGameModeInit () from Reallife.amx
    [23:25:02] [debug] Native backtrace:
    [23:25:02] [debug] #0 f681ba4b in _ZN10StackTraceC1EPv () from plugins/crashdetect.so
    [23:25:02] [debug] #1 f6816c92 in _ZN11CrashDetect20PrintNativeBacktraceERSoPv () from plugins/crashdetect.so
    [23:25:02] [debug] #2 f681787c in _ZN11CrashDetect20PrintNativeBacktraceEPv () from plugins/crashdetect.so
    [23:25:02] [debug] #3 f6817d26 in _ZN11CrashDetect11OnExceptionEPv () from plugins/crashdetect.so
    [23:25:02] [debug] #4 f681b69c in ?? () from plugins/crashdetect.so
    [23:25:02] [debug] #5 f7702410 in ?? ()
    [23:25:02] [debug] #6 f7702425 in ?? ()
    [23:25:02] [debug] #7 45e4fb11 in gsignal () from /lib/libc.so.6
    [23:25:02] [debug] #8 45e513ea in abort () from /lib/libc.so.6
    [23:25:02] [debug] #9 f76b7b87 in _ZN9__gnu_cxx27__verbose_terminate_handlerEv () from /usr/lib/libstdc++.so.6
    [23:25:02] [debug] #10 f76b59e6 in ?? () from /usr/lib/libstdc++.so.6
    [23:25:02] [debug] #11 f76b5a23 in ?? () from /usr/lib/libstdc++.so.6
    [23:25:02] [debug] #12 f76b5b62 in ?? () from /usr/lib/libstdc++.so.6
    [23:25:02] [debug] #13 f7273f8f in _ZN5boost15throw_exceptionINS_21thread_resource_errorEEEvRKT_ () from plugins/mysql_static.so
    [23:25:02] [debug] #14 f727a151 in _ZN5boost6threadC1INS_3_bi6bind_tIvNS_4_mfi3mf0Iv16CMySQLConnectionEENS2_5list1INS2_5valueIPS6_EEEEEEEEOT_ () from plugins/mysql_static.so
    [23:25:02] [debug] #15 f7275c5c in _ZN16CMySQLConnectionC1ERSsS0_S0_S0_jbb () from plugins/mysql_static.so
    [23:25:02] [debug] #16 f7275db0 in _ZN16CMySQLConnection6CreateERSsS0_S0_S0_jbb () from plugins/mysql_static.so
    [23:25:02] [debug] #17 f727c756 in _ZN12CMySQLHandle6CreateESsSsSsSsjjb () from plugins/mysql_static.so
    [23:25:02] [debug] #18 f728fbd1 in _ZN6Native13mysql_connectEP6tagAMXPi () from plugins/mysql_static.so
    [23:25:02] [debug] #19 08093d84 in ?? () from ./samp03svr
    [23:25:02] [debug] #20 f681456c in _ZN11CrashDetect13DoAmxCallbackEiPiS0_ () from plugins/crashdetect.so
    [23:25:02] [debug] #21 f681a6d8 in ?? () from plugins/crashdetect.so
    [23:25:02] [debug] #22 f681ddce in amx_Exec () from plugins/crashdetect.so

    Ich nehme fast an es liegt am Script?

  • Liegt wohl an MySQL.
    Füge bei OnGameModeInit als allererstes mysql_log bzw mysql_debug mit LOG_ALL bzw 1 (je nach Plugin welches du verwendest) und poste dann was geloggt wird.
    Möglicherweise kann der Server keine Verbindung aufnehmen.

  • [00:03:48] [DEBUG] mysql_connect - host: "", user: "ni229285_2_DB", database: "ni229285_2_DB", password: "****", port: 3306, autoreconnect: true, pool_size: 27712
    [00:03:48] [DEBUG] CMySQLHandle::Create - creating new connection..
    [00:03:48] [DEBUG] CMySQLHandle::CMySQLHandle - constructor called
    [00:04:20] [DEBUG] mysql_connect - host: "", user: "ni229285_2_DB", database: "ni229285_2_DB", password: "****", port: 3306, autoreconnect: true, pool_size: 27712
    [00:04:20] [DEBUG] CMySQLHandle::Create - creating new connection..
    [00:04:20] [DEBUG] CMySQLHandle::CMySQLHandle - constructor called
    [00:04:58] [DEBUG] mysql_connect - host: "", user: "ni229285_2_DB", database: "ni229285_2_DB", password: "****", port: 3306, autoreconnect: true, pool_size: 27712
    [00:04:58] [DEBUG] CMySQLHandle::Create - creating new connection..
    [00:04:58] [DEBUG] CMySQLHandle::CMySQLHandle - constructor called

    Das stand alles im mysql_log..
    Ich hoffe das hilft.. :/

  • Hmm, das hilft nicht wirklich, das sagt mal gar nichts aus.

    Hast du, also du das Plugin neu heruntergeladen hast, wegen der statischen Version, die Includes die dabei waren auch in deinen Server eingebaut und deinen GameMode mit der Include neu kompiliert? Falls nicht, mach das bitte.

    Heißt deine Datenbank auch so wie es da steht?