Poblem mit Opas Object Streamer !

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  • Hi Leute,
    Ich habe folgendes Problem: Ich habe alles mögliche versucht mit dem Streamer jedoch wird bei mir nichts gestreamt. Ich habe Objecte gemappt, habe dann ein neues Filterscript aufgemacht.
    Danach habe ich die #include <opa_objects> oben im Filterscript eingefügt und habe die Objecte unter public onfilterscriptint eingefügt. Danach habe ich in der server.cfg den Namen bei Filterscript eingefügt. Danach habe ich den Server gestartet und es waren keine Objecte zu sehen. Was habe ich Falsch gemacht ???

  • #include <a_samp>

    ####### ######## ########
    # # # # # #
    # # # # # #
    # # # # # # #####
    # # ######## ######## #
    # # # # # #####
    # # # # # #
    ####### # # # #####

    >> VERSION 2.6.0 <<

    #define MAX_STREAMOBJ 100000 //Maximum Objects (Total)
    #define WARNING_COLOR 0xBBBBBBFF //Color Code
    #define LABEL_COLOR 0xBBBBBBFF //Color Code
    #define MAX_SLOTS 500 //Your Player Slots
    #define DIALOG_ID 8072 //Should not be used in other Scripts
    #define DIALOG_ID2 8073 //Should not be used in other Scripts
    #define DIALOG_ID3 8074 //Should not be used in other Scripts
    #define DIALOG_ID4 8075 //Should not be used in other Scripts
    #define DIALOG_ID5 8076 //Should not be used in other Scripts
    #define DIALOG_ID6 8077 //Should not be used in other Scripts
    #define DIALOG_ID7 8078 //Should not be used in other Scripts
    #define DIALOG_ID8 8079 //Should not be used in other Scripts
    #define DIALOG_ID9 8080 //Should not be used in other Scripts
    #define DIALOG_ID10 8081 //Should not be used in other Scripts
    #define CONFIG_FILE "opa_objcets.cfg" //Your configuration file
    #define LOG_FILE "opa_objects.log" //Your log file
    #define SAVEOBJ_FILE "savedobjects.txt"//Your file for /saveobj
    #define LOG_ACTIVE 1 //logfile On(1)/Off(0)
    #define SEND_WARN 1 //Send Warn-Message to Player?
    #define ANTIFAIL 1 //Enable Anti-Config-Fail?
    #define CALLBACK 0 //Enable "OnObjectStreamIn"?
    forward test();
    forward remoteObject(xx1,Float:xx2,Float:xx3,Float:xx4,Float:xx5,Float:xx6,Float:xx7);
    forward remoteVirtual(xx1,xx2);
    forward remoteMove(xx1,Float:xx2,Float:xx3,Float:xx4,Float:xx5);
    forward remoteSetPos(xx1,Float:xx2,Float:xx3,Float:xx4);
    forward remoteSetRot(xx1,Float:xx2,Float:xx3,Float:xx4);
    forward remoteDestroy(xx1);
    forward remoteStop(xx1);
    forward remoteConnectGM();
    forward remoteConnectFS();
    forward remoteMakeWait(playerid);
    forward remoteObjectEx();
    forward remoteDestroyEx();
    forward remoteIsStreamed(xx1,xx2);
    new obj,DRAW_DISTANCE=125,MAXPLAYEROBJ=254,kill,timeT=948;
    enum oen{mod,Float:x,Float:y,Float:z,Float:rx,Float:ry,Float:rz,vw};
    new bool:warn[MAX_SLOTS],bool:wait[MAX_SLOTS],crash[MAX_SLOTS],allwarns,admin=-1;
    new PlayerText3D:noob[MAX_STREAMOBJ],edit,step=5,exobjects;
    #define DINI_MAX_STRING 255
    #define dcmd(%1,%2,%3) if ((strcmp((%3)[1], #%1, true, (%2)) == 0) && ((((%3)[(%2) + 1] == 0) && (dcmd_%1(playerid, "")))||(((%3)[(%2) + 1] == 32) && (dcmd_%1(playerid, (%3)[(%2) + 2]))))) return 1
    public OnFilterScriptInit()
    print("\n...Opas Objectstremer loading [1/2]...\n");
    #if LOG_ACTIVE==1
    new File:ffhandle=fopen(LOG_FILE,io_write);
    log("Starting streamer...");
    for(new n;n<MAX_OBJECTS;n++)o[n][vw]=-1;
    new xz=strval(dini_Get(CONFIG_FILE,"drawdistance"));
    #if ANTIFAIL==1
    log("[Antifail] drawdistance should be 5-400");
    #if ANTIFAIL==1
    log("[Antifail] maxplayerobj should be 1-254");


    MFG Joga

  • Da steht sowas drin [21:21:01]Starting streamer...
    [21:21:01]Successfully started!
    [21:21:01]Starting streamer...
    [21:21:01]Successfully started!
    [21:21:13]Starting streamer...
    [21:21:13]Successfully started!
    [21:12:01]Starting streamer...
    [21:12:01]Successfully started!
    [20:06:30]Filterscript Connected!

  • Dann rate ich dir zunächst mal den kompletten Server neu zu starten, tut sicher nicht gut, wenn das erste FS über 22 Stunden nach Streamerstart connected...

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