kann mir jemand sagen wie man die balance ingnorieren kann? will 5 bots im gegnerischen team haben aber dann sind auch immer welche in meinem team geht das das man die balance ignoriert und wenn ja wie? habe hier ein dm script. vielleicht hilft das auch was!
// Sets whether or not CS:S DM is enabled.
// --
// Default: "1"
cssdm_enabled "1"
// Sets whether FFA mode is enabled. FFA lets
// players kill teammates for points, without any
// damage reduction or teamkill penalties.
// --
// Default: "0"
cssdm_ffa_enabled "0"
// Sets the CS:S DM spawn method.
// "none" -- Spawn at the normal map spawn points.
// "preset" -- Spawn at a random point from a config file.
// --
// Default: "none"
cssdm_spawn_method "none"
// Number of seconds to wait before deleting a ragdoll.
// If 0, ragdoll will be deleted instantly.
// If >=20, ragdoll will never be deleted.
// --
// Default: "2"
cssdm_ragdoll_time "2"
// Number of seconds to wait before respawning a player.
// --
// Default: "0.75"
cssdm_respawn_wait "0.00"
// Whether or not C4 should be allowed. If not allowed,
// It will be removed from the world when dropped and
// stripped from players when they spawn.
// --
// Default: "0"
cssdm_allow_c4 "0"
// Sets whether the equipment plugin is enabled.
// --
// Requires: dm_equipment.smx
// Default: "1"
cssdm_enable_equipment "1"
// Whether or not spawn protection is enabled.
// --
// Requires: sm_spawn_protection.smx
// Default: "1"
cssdm_spawn_protection "0"
// Number of seconds a client is protected for.
// --
// Requires: sm_spawn_protection.smx
// Default: "2"
cssdm_prot_time "2"
// Sets the spawn protection color for CTs.
// Format is "r g b a" (red, green, blue, alpha)
// --
// Requires: sm_spawn_protection.smx
// Default: "0 0 255 50"
cssdm_prot_ctcolor "0 0 255 128"
// Sets the spawn protection color for Ts.
// Format is "r g b a" (red, green, blue, alpha)
// --
// Requires: sm_spawn_protection.smx
// Default: "255 0 0 50"
cssdm_prot_tcolor "255 0 0 128"
// Allow clients to use the "respawn" command.
// Note that this command does not let players respawn before the
// cssdm_respawn_wait time.
// --
// Requires: dm_basics.smx
// Default: "1"
cssdm_respawn_command "1"
// Sets whether CS:S DM should force mapchanges.
// This is useful for Stripper:Source users.
// --
// Requires: dm_basics.smx
// Default: "0"
cssdm_force_mapchanges "0"
// Sets the mapchange file CS:S DM should use.
// This is only needed for cssdm_force_mapchanges.
// --
// Requres: dm_basics.smx
// Default: "mapcycle.txt"
cssdm_mapchange_file "mapcycle.txt"
// Sets whether CS:S DM should automatically refill ammo.
// --
// Requires: dm_basics.smx
// Default: "1"
cssdm_refill_ammo "1"
// Sets how many bots CS:S DM keeps in game. Use this instead
// of bot_quota for managing bots.
// bot_quota should be "0"
// bot_quota_mode should be "normal"
// bot_auto_vacate should be "0"
// --
// Requires: dm_bot_quotas.smx
// Default: "6"
cssdm_bots_balance "12"
// This is an experimental cvar that will prevent CS:S DM from
// removing dropped items. It is recommend that you don't set
// this to 0, because a huge number of weapon entities on the
// ground will cause lag (both server and client-side).
// --
// Default: "1"
cssdm_remove_drops "1"
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