4Errors was tun weis nciht weiter

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  • pawno\include\utils.inc(1) : warning 219: local variable "string" shadows a variable at a preceding level
    (1434) : warning 219: local variable "string" shadows a variable at a preceding level
    (1478) : warning 219: local variable "string" shadows a variable at a preceding level
    (1507) : warning 219: local variable "string" shadows a variable at a preceding level
    (1576) : warning 219: local variable "string" shadows a variable at a preceding level
    (1677) : warning 219: local variable "string" shadows a variable at a preceding level
    n(1700) : warning 219: local variable "string" shadows a variable at a preceding level
    (2038) : warning 219: local variable "string" shadows a variable at a preceding level
    (2211) : warning 219: local variable "string" shadows a variable at a preceding level
    (2244) : error 055: start of function body without function header
    (2247) : error 021: symbol already defined: "GetPlayerName"
    (2250) : error 010: invalid function or declaration
    (2255) : warning 219: local variable "pName" shadows a variable at a preceding level
    (2256) : warning 219: local variable "string" shadows a variable at a preceding level
    (2273) : warning 219: local variable "string" shadows a variable at a preceding level
    (2286) : warning 219: local variable "string" shadows a variable at a preceding level
    (2296) : warning 219: local variable "string" shadows a variable at a preceding level
    (2325) : warning 219: local variable "string" shadows a variable at a preceding level
    (2347) : warning 219: local variable "string" shadows a variable at a preceding level
    (2444) : warning 219: local variable "string" shadows a variable at a preceding level
    (2459) : warning 219: local variable "string" shadows a variable at a preceding level
    (2506) : warning 219: local variable "string" shadows a variable at a preceding level
    (2521) : warning 219: local variable "string" shadows a variable at a preceding level
    (2574) : warning 219: local variable "string" shadows a variable at a preceding level
    (2624) : error 021: symbol already defined: "OnPlayerDisconnect"
    (2667) : warning 219: local variable "string" shadows a variable at a preceding level
    (2757) : warning 209: function "OnPlayerDisconnect" should return a value
    (2797) : warning 219: local variable "string" shadows a variable at a preceding level
    (3016) : warning 219: local variable "string" shadows a variable at a preceding level
    (3461) : warning 219: local variable "string" shadows a variable at a preceding level
    (3471) : warning 219: local variable "string" shadows a variable at a preceding level
    (3481) : warning 219: local variable "string" shadows a variable at a preceding level
    (3491) : warning 219: local variable "string" shadows a variable at a preceding level
    (3503) : warning 219: local variable "string" shadows a variable at a preceding level
    (3843) : warning 219: local variable "string" shadows a variable at a preceding level
    (4233) : warning 219: local variable "string" shadows a variable at a preceding level
    (4414) : warning 219: local variable "string" shadows a variable at a preceding level
    (4692) : warning 219: local variable "string" shadows a variable at a preceding level


    (8842) : warning 217: loose indentation
    (8863) : warning 217: loose indentation
    (8982) : warning 217: loose indentation
    (9019) : warning 217: loose indentation
    (9187) : warning 217: loose indentation
    (9269) : warning 217: loose indentation
    (9321) : warning 217: loose indentation
    (9357) : warning 217: loose indentation
    (25642) : warning 219: local variable "string" shadows a variable at a preceding level
    (25756) : warning 219: local variable "string" shadows a variable at a preceding level
    (26085) : warning 219: local variable "string" shadows a variable at a preceding level
    (27288) : warning 203: symbol is never used: "pName"
    (27288) : warning 203: symbol is never used: "string"
    Pawn compiler 3.2.3664 Copyright (c) 1997-2006, ITB CompuPhase

    4 Errors.

    Was tun

    Der Server: [GRG]Grand Racing Game wurde 2014 Eingestampft.
    Weitere Infos: Klick Mich

  • Also
    2244) : error 055: start of function body without function header
    Hast kein forward oben ins script getan zu der funktion.
    (2247) : error 021: symbol already defined: "GetPlayerName"
    Haste schonmal mit new defineirt braucshte nicht nochmal,daher der Error
    (2250) : error 010: invalid function or declaration
    Das was du da gescriptet hast funtzt nicht.
    error 021: symbol already defined: "OnPlayerDisconnect"
    Onplayerdisconnect gibt es schon,du musst eines der beiden löschen oder sie zusammenscripten,wenns unterschiedlich ist

  • already defiened ist wenn du etwas was schon defieniert hast nochmal defienierst also eins muss raus


    new GetPlayerName;

    haste bestimmt 2 mal und


    und dieses call back hast du bestimmt 2 mal

    invalid function or declaration
    hast bestimmt ne klammer zu viel oder ein return 1; muss weg und ne klammer


  • ich hab die seite schon gefunden was ist wen ich des anderre drin bleiben muss wie muss ich des dan anhängen

    Erros Behoben jezt muss ich blos wiessen wie ich des da einfüge drin war das schon

    public JoinChannelNr(playerid, number)
    new string[256];
    new sendername[MAX_PLAYER_NAME];
    GetPlayerName(playerid, sendername, sizeof(sendername));
    if(PlayersChannel[playerid] < 999)
    format(string, sizeof(string), "* %s hat den Channel verlassen", sendername);
    SendIRCMessage(PlayersChannel[playerid], COLOR_GREEN, string);
    IRCInfo[PlayersChannel[playerid]][iPlayers] -= 1;
    new channel; channel = number; channel += 1;
    PlayersChannel[playerid] = number;
    IRCInfo[PlayersChannel[playerid]][iPlayers] += 1;
    new wstring[128];
    format(string, sizeof(string), "%s", sendername);
    strmid(wstring, string, 0, strlen(string), 255);
    if(strcmp(IRCInfo[number][iAdmin],wstring, true ) == 0 )
    format(string, sizeof(string), "* Du bist nun in IRC-Channel: %d als Admin", channel);
    SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_YELLOW, string);
    format(string, sizeof(string), "* Du bist nun in IRC-Channek: %d, als Admin: %s.", channel, IRCInfo[number][iAdmin]);
    SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_YELLOW, string);
    format(string, sizeof(string), "MOTD: %s.", IRCInfo[number][iMOTD]);
    SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_YELLOW, string);
    format(string, sizeof(string), "* %s has joined the Channel.", sendername);
    SendIRCMessage(number, COLOR_GREEN, string);
    return 1;

    Der Server: [GRG]Grand Racing Game wurde 2014 Eingestampft.
    Weitere Infos: Klick Mich

    2 Mal editiert, zuletzt von [GRG]Linux ()