PAWNO problem

Wichtiger Hinweis: Bitte ändert nicht manuell die Schriftfarbe auf schwarz sondern belasst es bei der Standardeinstellung. Somit tragt ihr dazu bei dass euer Text auch bei Verwendung unseren dunklen Forenstils noch lesbar ist!

Tipp: Ihr wollt längere Codeausschnitte oder Logfiles bereitstellen? Benutzt unseren eigenen PasteBin-Dienst Link
  • Moin,

    hab seit neustem den Fehler

    Pawn compiler 3.2.3664 Copyright (c) 1997-2006, ITB CompuPhase

    Usage: pawncc <filename> [filename...] [options]

    -A<num> alignment in bytes of the data segment and the stack
    -a output assembler code
    -C[+/-] compact encoding for output file (default=+)
    -c<name> codepage name or number; e.g. 1252 for Windows Latin-1
    -Dpath active directory path
    -d<num> debugging level (default=-d1)
    0 no symbolic information, no run-time checks
    1 run-time checks, no symbolic information
    2 full debug information and dynamic checking
    3 same as -d2, but implies -O0
    -e<name> set name of error file (quiet compile)
    -H<hwnd> window handle to send a notification message on finish
    -i<name> path for include files
    -l create list file (preprocess only)
    -o<name> set base name of (P-code) output file
    -O<num> optimization level (default=-O1)
    0 no optimization
    1 JIT-compatible optimizations only
    2 full optimizations
    -p<name> set name of "prefix" file
    -r[name] write cross reference report to console or to specified file
    -S<num> stack/heap size in cells (default=4096)
    -s<num> skip lines from the input file
    -t<num> TAB indent size (in character positions, default=8)
    -v<num> verbosity level; 0=quiet, 1=normal, 2=verbose (default=1)
    -w<num> disable a specific warning by its number
    -X<num> abstract machine size limit in bytes
    -XD<num> abstract machine data/stack size limit in bytes
    -\ use '\' for escape characters
    -^ use '^' for escape characters
    -;[+/-] require a semicolon to end each statement (default=+)
    -([+/-] require parantheses for function invocation (default=+)
    sym=val define constant "sym" with value "val"
    sym= define constant "sym" with value 0

    Options may start with a dash or a slash; the options "-d0" and "/d0" are

    Options with a value may optionally separate the value from the option letter
    with a colon (":") or an equal sign ("="). That is, the options "-d0", "-d=0"
    and "-d:0" are all equivalent.

    weis da jemand weiter?

    MfG: Apoolecu

  • ne aber eine Settings.cfg

    Font_Name=Courier New


    die sieht so aus...