samp-server startet net

Wichtiger Hinweis: Bitte ändert nicht manuell die Schriftfarbe auf schwarz sondern belasst es bei der Standardeinstellung. Somit tragt ihr dazu bei dass euer Text auch bei Verwendung unseren dunklen Forenstils noch lesbar ist!

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  • also ich hab versucht mein script zu testen..,aber mein server ging trotz ports die ok waren nicht on...

    ich habs mit nem anderen gamemode versucht und da ging

    Loaded log file: "server_log.txt".

    SA:MP Dedicated Server
    v0.2X, (C)2005-2008 SA:MP Team

    [15:41:34] filterscripts = "" (string)
    [15:41:34] Server Plugins
    [15:41:34] --------------
    [15:41:34] Loaded 0 plugins.

    [15:41:34] Filter Scripts
    [15:41:34] ---------------
    [15:41:34] Loaded 0 filter scripts.
    [15:41:58] Paper:0 Used: 0 Maker:No-one. Title: No Title. Text1: I have no text inserted here yet. Text2: I have no text inserted here yet. Text3: I have no text inserted here yet. Text4: I have no text inserted here yet. Text5: I have no text inserted here yet. Text6: I have no text inserted here yet. Text7: I have no text inserted here ye
    [15:41:58] Paper:1 Used: 0 Maker:0

    Title: No Title. Text1: I have no text inserted here yet. Text2: I have no text inserted here yet. Text3: I have no text inserted here yet. Text4: I have no text inserted here yet. Text5: I have no text inserted here yet. Text6: I have no text inserted here yet. Text7: I have no text inserted here ye
    [15:41:58] Paper:2 Used: 0 Maker:No-one. Title: No Title. Text1: I have no text inserted here yet. Text2: I have no text inserted here yet. Text3: I have no text inserted here yet. Text4: I have no text inserted here yet. Text5: I have no text inserted here yet. Text6: I have no text inserted here yet. Text7: I have no text inserted here ye
    [15:41:58] Paper:3 Used: 0 Maker:0

    Title: No Title. Text1: I have no text inserted here yet. Text2: I have no text inserted here yet. Text3: I have no text inserted here yet. Text4: I have no text inserted here yet. Text5: I have no text inserted here yet. Text6: I have no text inserted here yet. Text7: I have no text inserted here ye
    [15:41:58] Paper:4 Used: 0 Maker:No-one. Title: No Title. Text1: I have no text inserted here yet. Text2: I have no text inserted here yet. Text3: I have no text inserted here yet. Text4: I have no text inserted here yet. Text5: I have no text inserted here yet. Text6: I have no text inserted here yet. Text7: I have no text inserted here ye
    [15:41:58] Paper:5 Used: 0 Maker:0

    Title: No Title. Text1: I have no text inserted here yet. Text2: I have no text inserted here yet. Text3: I have no text inserted here yet. Text4: I have no text inserted here yet. Text5: I have no text inserted here yet. Text6: I have no text inserted here yet. Text7: I have no text inserted here ye
    [15:41:58] Paper:6 Used: 0 Maker:No-one. Title: No Title. Text1: I have no text inserted here yet. Text2: I have no text inserted here yet. Text3: I have no text inserted here yet. Text4: I have no text inserted here yet. Text5: I have no text inserted here yet. Text6: I have no text inserted here yet. Text7: I have no text inserted here ye
    [15:41:58] Paper:7 Used: 0 Maker:0

    Title: No Title. Text1: I have no text inserted here yet. Text2: I have no text inserted here yet. Text3: I have no text inserted here yet. Text4: I have no text inserted here yet. Text5: I have no text inserted here yet. Text6: I have no text inserted here yet. Text7: I have no text inserted here ye
    [15:41:58] Paper:8 Used: 0 Maker:No-one. Title: No Title. Text1: I have no text inserted here yet. Text2: I have no text inserted here yet. Text3: I have no text inserted here yet. Text4: I have no text inserted here yet. Text5: I have no text inserted here yet. Text6: I have no text inserted here yet. Text7: I have no text inserted here ye
    [15:41:58] Paper:9 Used: 0 Maker:0

    Title: No Title. Text1: I have no text inserted here yet. Text2: I have no text inserted here yet. Text3: I have no text inserted here yet. Text4: I have no text inserted here yet. Text5: I have no text inserted here yet. Text6: I have no text inserted here yet. Text7: I have no text inserted here ye
    [15:41:58] Pickups Max = 100, Current Pickups = 80
    [15:41:58] **************************
    [15:41:58] * Godfather *
    [15:41:58] * Made in Germany*
    [15:41:58] * edit by *
    [15:41:58] * walker008 *
    [15:41:58] **************************
    [15:41:59] --- Server Shutting Down.

    ich hoffe da kann mir einer helfen :)


  • Wenns mit nem anderen Gamemode funktioniert muss es wohl an deinem Script liegen...
    Ich würde mal die Sachen unter OnGameModeInit überprüfen...vllt hast du da was, was den server im ladevorgang crashen lässt.


    Mit freundlichen Grüßen,

  • [15:41:58] **************************
    [15:41:58] * Godfather *
    [15:41:58] * Made in Germany*
    [15:41:58] * edit by *
    [15:41:58] * walker008 *
    [15:41:58] **************************

    Beantwortet das deine frage xD

    Lust auf russisch roulette ?
    ... Ich hol mal meine Automatik ;D