2 Errors?

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  • Ja Hallo ich habe da ein error und ein Warning Kann mir da jemand helfen pls

    Error and Warning:

    C:\Users\Marcel\Desktop\Project49.pwn(2206) : error 021: symbol already defined: "strtok"
    C:\Users\Marcel\Desktop\Project49.pwn(39133) : warning 219: local variable "mod" shadows a variable at a preceding level

    strtok(const string[], &index)
    new length = strlen(string);
    while ((index < length) && (string[index] <= ' '))

    new offset = index;
    new result[20];
    while ((index < length) && (string[index] > ' ') && ((index - offset) < (sizeof(result) - 1)))
    result[index - offset] = string[index];
    result[index - offset] = EOS;
    return result;

    public OnVehicleMod(playerid,vehicleid,componentid)
    for(new i = 0; i < Max_Player_Cars; i++)
    if (playerid!=GetPlayerFromCarlistCar(vehicleid)) {return 1;}
    new mod=GetModType(componentid);
    switch (mod)
    case 1: { Carlist[playerid][i][mod1]=componentid; }
    case 2: { Carlist[playerid][i][mod2]=componentid; }
    case 3: { Carlist[playerid][i][mod3]=componentid; }
    case 4: { Carlist[playerid][i][mod4]=componentid; }
    case 5: { Carlist[playerid][i][mod5]=componentid; }
    case 6: { Carlist[playerid][i][mod6]=componentid; }
    case 7: { Carlist[playerid][i][mod7]=componentid; }
    case 8: { Carlist[playerid][i][mod8]=componentid; }
    case 9: { Carlist[playerid][i][mod9]=componentid; }
    case 10: { Carlist[playerid][i][mod10]=componentid; }
    case 11: { Carlist[playerid][i][mod11]=componentid; }
    case 12: { Carlist[playerid][i][mod12]=componentid; }
    case 13: { Carlist[playerid][i][mod13]=componentid; }
    case 14: { Carlist[playerid][i][mod14]=componentid; }
    case 15: { Carlist[playerid][i][mod15]=componentid; }
    case 16: { Carlist[playerid][i][mod16]=componentid; }
    case 17: { Carlist[playerid][i][mod17]=componentid; }
    default: { new string[128]; format(string,128,"Unbekannte Komponentenid: %i",componentid); print(string); }
    return 1;

    mfg Hunter

  • Nee xd emm ich hab jetzt mal folgenes gemacht

    /*strtok(const string[], &index)
    new length = strlen(string);
    while ((index < length) && (string[index] <= ' '))

    new offset = index;
    new result[20];
    while ((index < length) && (string[index] > ' ') && ((index - offset) < (sizeof(result) - 1)))
    result[index - offset] = string[index];
    result[index - offset] = EOS;
    return result;

    so nun ist der error raus emm aber beim warning kommt ich net weiter kannste mir vileicht sagen Wie ich den raus kriege

  • public OnVehicleMod(playerid,vehicleid,componentid)
    for(new i = 0; i < Max_Player_Cars; i++)
    if (playerid!=GetPlayerFromCarlistCar(vehicleid)) {return 1;}
    //new mod=GetModType(componentid);
    switch (mod)
    case 1: { Carlist[playerid][i][mod1]=componentid; }
    case 2: { Carlist[playerid][i][mod2]=componentid; }
    case 3: { Carlist[playerid][i][mod3]=componentid; }
    case 4: { Carlist[playerid][i][mod4]=componentid; }
    case 5: { Carlist[playerid][i][mod5]=componentid; }
    case 6: { Carlist[playerid][i][mod6]=componentid; }
    case 7: { Carlist[playerid][i][mod7]=componentid; }
    case 8: { Carlist[playerid][i][mod8]=componentid; }
    case 9: { Carlist[playerid][i][mod9]=componentid; }
    case 10: { Carlist[playerid][i][mod10]=componentid; }
    case 11: { Carlist[playerid][i][mod11]=componentid; }
    case 12: { Carlist[playerid][i][mod12]=componentid; }
    case 13: { Carlist[playerid][i][mod13]=componentid; }
    case 14: { Carlist[playerid][i][mod14]=componentid; }
    case 15: { Carlist[playerid][i][mod15]=componentid; }
    case 16: { Carlist[playerid][i][mod16]=componentid; }
    case 17: { Carlist[playerid][i][mod17]=componentid; }
    default: { new string[128]; format(string,128,"Unbekannte Komponentenid: %i",componentid); print(string); }
    return 1;

  • Hab ich gemacht nun kommen diese Fehler

    C:\Users\Marcel\Desktop\Project49.pwn(39117) : error 076: syntax error in the expression, or invalid function call
    C:\Users\Marcel\Desktop\Project49.pwn(40034) : warning 203: symbol is never used: "GetModType"
    Pawn compiler 3.2.3664 Copyright (c) 1997-2006, ITB CompuPhase

    1 Error.