Hallo Brotfisch,ich hab mir das GarHouse Filterscript gedownloadet.Aber jetzt weis ich ned wie man die Plugins dafür installiert.
Also in der Anleitung steht es so:
1) Put ”GarHouse.amx”(and ”GarHouse.pwn”) into your Filterscripts folder.
2) Install Incongito's Streamer Plugin and Y_Less's sscanf2 plugin.
3) Put all the includes into \pawno\include
4) Create a folder called "GarHouse" in your scriptfiles directory.
5) Create a folder called "Houses" in the "GarHouse" folder (\scriptfiles\GarHouse\Houses)
6) Open up server.cfg and add “GarHouse” to the filterscript line.
filterscripts GarHouse base
7) Open up server.cfg and add streamer and sscanf to the plugins line
[Windows Users] plugins streamer sscanf
[Linux Users] plugins streamer.so sscanf.so
You're Done! Enjoy This Release!
Rot=Weis nicht wie es geht
Hoffe mir kann einer Helfen
MFG Floli