Hey Leute
Ich habe wollte gerade ein GM starten
und dann kommt das raus !?!? und kann dann
keine befehle eingeben O.o

Filterscripts wurden nicht geladen
- Fancy
- Geschlossen
- Erledigt
Wichtiger Hinweis: Bitte ändert nicht manuell die Schriftfarbe auf schwarz sondern belasst es bei der Standardeinstellung. Somit tragt ihr dazu bei dass euer Text auch bei Verwendung unseren dunklen Forenstils noch lesbar ist!
Tipp: Ihr wollt längere Codeausschnitte oder Logfiles bereitstellen? Benutzt unseren eigenen PasteBin-Dienst Link
poste mal den letzten Server log scheint wohl daran zu liegen das sich das irgendwas beisst..
Loaded log file: "server_log.txt".
----------SA-MP Dedicated Server
v0.3d, (C)2005-2011 SA-MP Team[13:29:25]
[13:29:25] Server Plugins
[13:29:25] --------------
[13:29:25] Loading plugin: audi
[13:29:25] Failed.
[13:29:25] Loading plugin: DummyBot
[13:29:25] Failed.
[13:29:25] Loading plugin: libmysqlclient_r
[13:29:25] Failed.
[13:29:25] Loading plugin: mysql
[13:29:25] Failed.
[13:29:25] Loading plugin: sscanf
[13:29:25][13:29:25] ===============================
[13:29:25] sscanf plugin loaded.
[13:29:25] (c) 2009 Alex "Y_Less" Cole
[13:29:25] ===============================
[13:29:25] Loaded.
[13:29:25] Loading plugin: streamer
[13:29:25]*** Streamer Plugin v2.5.2 by Incognito loaded ***
[13:29:25] Loaded.
[13:29:25] Loaded 2 plugins.[13:29:25]
[13:29:25] Ban list
[13:29:25] --------
[13:29:25] Loaded: samp.ban
[13:29:25] Filterscripts
[13:29:25] ---------------
[13:29:25] Loading filterscript 'AdminPanel.amx'...
[13:29:25] GFR - Admin-Panel by [GFR]Angerfist
[13:29:25] --------------------------------------[13:29:25] Loading filterscript 'Adminspec.amx'...
[13:29:25] Loading filterscript 'anticbug.amx'...
[13:29:25] BigETI's Anti C-Bug System ©
[13:29:25] =============================[13:29:25] Loading filterscript 'antidb.amx'...
[13:29:25] Loading filterscript 'antisk.amx'...
[13:29:25] Unable to load filterscript 'antisk.amx'.
[13:29:25] Loading filterscript 'audio.amx'...
[13:29:25] Loading filterscript 'Autohaus.amx'...
[13:29:25] ------------------------------
[13:29:25] ~*~ Mobiles Autohaus 1.4 ~*~
[13:29:25] ~*~ (c) 2009 by ping ~*~
[13:29:25] ------------------------------[13:29:25] Loading filterscript 'base.amx'...
--Base FS loaded.[13:29:25] Loading filterscript 'baseaf.amx'...
--Base FS loaded.[13:29:25] Loading filterscript 'bauernhof.amx'...
...Opas Objectstremer loading [Filterscript connection]...[13:29:25]
[13:29:25] Mapped and made by Bruno_H
[13:29:25] for GFR@host.german-fun-reallife
[13:29:25] Filterscript made by Bruno_H
[13:29:25] --------------------------------------[13:29:25] Loading filterscript 'bomber96.amx'...
[13:29:25] Loading filterscript 'carh.amx'...
[13:29:25] ------------------------------
[13:29:25] ~*~ Mobiles Autohaus 1.4 ~*~
[13:29:25] ~*~ (c) 2009 by ping ~*~
[13:29:25] ------------------------------[13:29:25] Loading filterscript 'CopNb.amx'...
[13:29:25] Loading filterscript 'cops.amx'...
[13:29:25] Cop Equipment Filterscript by I_LOVE_LINS
[13:29:25] --------------------------------------[13:29:25] Loading filterscript 'dini.dtest.amx'...
[13:29:25] Unable to load filterscript 'dini.dtest.amx'.
[13:29:25] Loading filterscript 'euro.amx'...
[13:29:25] Loading filterscript 'FGPS.amx'...
[13:29:25] Freddes GPS System Starts...
[13:29:25] 0, 2481.620361, -1660.524902, 13.121533, Grove Street Base
[13:29:25] 1, 1532.064208, -1673.687500, 13.164599, LSPD
[13:29:25] 2, 1483.026245, -1729.973510, 13.164486, Stadthalle
[13:29:25] 3, 1362.102661, -1279.185546, 13.243149, Waffenladen
[13:29:25] 4, 1458.712890, -1026.643432, 23.609781, Hauptbank
[13:29:25] 5, 1227.386840, -929.877197, 42.344104, BSN
[13:29:25] 6, 552.964782, -1272.602050, 17.026952, Sportwagen Autohaus
[13:29:25] 7, 1065.525146, -1790.156738, 13.439625, Zivispawn
[13:29:25] 8, 1080.611450, -1700.294799, 13.546875, NebenBank
[13:29:25] 9, 1993.704101, -1135.299072, 25.282712, Ballas Base
[13:29:25] 0, 2126.628173, -1130.948730, 25.304058, Lowrider Autohaus
[13:29:25] 0, 2159.433105, -1008.639404, 62.571830, Vagos Base
[13:29:25] Freddes GPS System Is Now Loaded...
[13:29:25] --------------------------------------[13:29:25] Loading filterscript 'fireworks.amx'...
[13:29:25] -- Fireworks by Martok
[13:29:25] Loading filterscript 'Flp.amx'...
[13:29:25] Unable to load filterscript 'Flp.amx'.
[13:29:25] Loading filterscript 'Fraktionsautohaus.amx'...
[13:29:25] Unable to load filterscript 'Fraktionsautohaus.amx'.
[13:29:25] Loading filterscript 'fsdebug.amx'...
[13:29:25] Unable to load filterscript 'fsdebug.amx'.
[13:29:25] Loading filterscript 'Gangfight.amx'...
[13:29:25] Unable to load filterscript 'Gangfight.amx'.
[13:29:25] Loading filterscript 'gl_actions.amx'...
[13:29:25] Unable to load filterscript 'gl_actions.amx'.
[13:29:25] Loading filterscript 'gl_chatbubble.amx'...
[13:29:25] Unable to load filterscript 'gl_chatbubble.amx'.
[13:29:25] Loading filterscript 'gl_mapicon.amx'...
[13:29:25] Unable to load filterscript 'gl_mapicon.amx'.
[13:29:25] Loading filterscript 'gl_npcs.amx'...
[13:29:25] Unable to load filterscript 'gl_npcs.amx'.
[13:29:25] Loading filterscript 'gl_property.amx'...
[13:29:25] Unable to load filterscript 'gl_property.amx'.
[13:29:25] Loading filterscript 'gl_realt.amx'...
[13:29:25] Unable to load filterscript 'gl_realt.amx'.
[13:29:25] Loaded 16 filterscripts.[13:29:25] AllowAdminTeleport() : function is deprecated. Please see OnPlayerClickMap()
[13:29:25] Pickups Max = 2048, Current Pickups = 436
[13:29:25] _______________________________________
[13:29:25] Das Script wurde Vollständig geladen!
[13:29:25] German Reallife: LS/SF/LV
[13:29:25] _______________________________________
[13:29:25] Number of vehicle models: 83 -
Wie viel Filterscripts konnte man doch gleich laden ? 16 oder nicht ? das sieht mir nach mehr als 16 FS aus
aso ja total vergessen
welche brauch ich alles für WoS script ?
Hat das Thema geschlossen.