Autos werden neu erstellt beim Connect

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  • Hi,

    Wenn jetzt ein Spieler auf dem Server ist , und ein 2. Dazu kommt , werden alle Fahrzeuge 2x erstellt.

    Wo muss ich die Autos richtig Einfügen? X(

    Hab die jetzt bei OnPlayerConnect und bei OnGameModeInit gehabt
    Bei OnPlayerConnect waren se 2x da bei OnGameModeInit garnicht


  • public OnGameModeInit()
    // Don't use these lines if it's a filterscript
    SetGameModeText("Stunt Selfmade by [YAL]Team");
    AddPlayerClass(0, 2028.8400,-2249.4468,26.4815, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
    AddPlayerClass(1, 2028.8400,-2249.4468,26.4815, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
    AddPlayerClass(2, 2028.8400,-2249.4468,26.4815, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
    AddPlayerClass(3, 2028.8400,-2249.4468,26.4815, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
    AddPlayerClass(4, 2028.8400,-2249.4468,26.4815, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
    AddPlayerClass(5, 2028.8400,-2249.4468,26.4815, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
    AddPlayerClass(6, 2028.8400,-2249.4468,26.4815, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
    AddPlayerClass(7, 2028.8400,-2249.4468,26.4815, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
    AddPlayerClass(8, 2028.8400,-2249.4468,26.4815, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
    AddPlayerClass(9, 2028.8400,-2249.4468,26.4815, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
    AddPlayerClass(10, 2028.8400,-2249.4468,26.4815, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);

    AddStaticVehicle(411,506.4395,-2119.6858,787.3791,358.8654,3,3); //
    AddStaticVehicle(504,499.9986,-2119.5583,787.3791,358.8252,3,3); //
    AddStaticVehicle(541,493.5101,-2119.6655,787.3791,1.4987,3,3); //
    AddStaticVehicle(495,487.2304,-2119.5969,787.3791,0.4910,3,3); //
    AddStaticVehicle(444,480.8580,-2119.4041,787.3792,0.0861,3,3); //
    AddStaticVehicle(470,474.4054,-2119.6660,787.3792,359.8068,3,3); //
    AddStaticVehicle(437,445.2055,-2095.1172,788.1120,272.0513,79,7); //
    AddStaticVehicle(573,443.8618,-2101.1851,788.6276,270.9870,115,43); //
    AddStaticVehicle(407,443.5133,-2107.0410,788.2127,270.1729,3,1); //
    AddStaticVehicle(444,443.0598,-2112.9180,788.3651,268.9242,32,53); //

    return 1;

  • Was soll den das:


    Was willst du damit machen?

  • AddStaticVehicle(411,506.4395,-2119.6858,787.3791,358.8654,3,3,-1); //
    AddStaticVehicle(504,499.9986,-2119.5583,787.3791,358.8252,3,3,-1); //
    AddStaticVehicle(541,493.5101,-2119.6655,787.3791,1.4987,3,3,-1); //
    AddStaticVehicle(495,487.2304,-2119.5969,787.3791,0.4910,3,3,-1); //
    AddStaticVehicle(444,480.8580,-2119.4041,787.3792,0.0861,3,3,-1); //
    AddStaticVehicle(470,474.4054,-2119.6660,787.3792,359.8068,3,3,-1); //
    AddStaticVehicle(437,445.2055,-2095.1172,788.1120,272.0513,79,7,-1); //
    AddStaticVehicle(573,443.8618,-2101.1851,788.6276,270.9870,115,43,-1); //
    AddStaticVehicle(407,443.5133,-2107.0410,788.2127,270.1729,3,1,-1); //
    AddStaticVehicle(444,443.0598,-2112.9180,788.3651,268.9242,32,53,-1); //

    MfG :)

  • Jetzt hab ich 33 Warnings X( Voher 23

    Achja und die sind immernoch nicht da

  • WhIte, bei AddStaticVehicle gibts keinen Respawn Delay, nur bei AddStaticVehicleEx.

    @ Trust:
    Ersetze mal AddStaticVehicle durch CreateVehicle.

    the ones who are crazy enough to think that they can change the world, are the ones who do
    - Steve Jobs

  • Nimmst du die aus samp_debug oder MTA?

    Mit Freundlichen Grüßen
    WhItEoUt. aka [GeS]KoLLeGaH

  • MTA oder die in dein GTA Ordner
    samp_debug dann /vsel ;)

    P.S.:Mayor er meint Ingame Befehl für Autos erstellen ^^

    Mit freundlichen Grüßen
    WhItEoUt. aka. [GeS]KoLLeGaH