Beiträge von [N.C.R]Powned
Also stunt geld machst du rauß in demm du bei OnGameModeInit fügst du das ein EnableStuntBonusForAll(0);
Hast du teamviewer? wenn ja per pm ich helfe dir
Wer lesen kann ist klar im vorteil.
Also ganz einfach er hat problem
[21:46:08] [MySQL] Error (0): Function: mysql_query called when not connected to any database.
[21:46:08] [MySQL] Error (0): Function: mysql_store_result called when not connected to any database.und er nutzt das Mysql plugin von StrickenKid und er bekommt halt diesen error. wo ist das problem?
Es soll einfach nur diesing bearbeitet werde. und es soll was mit Garrysmod zutuhn haben
Guten Abend, ich suche ein Diesinger für mein Wolterlab forum , es soll für das Spiel garrysmod sein.
ich biete:
5-10€ PayPal jenach arbeit
Webspace könnte ich dir anbieten. Domain könntest du bei grex bekommen.-
Du brauchst:
Eine Seriöse Hompage
Gewerbelicense( Das Gewerbe wird beim Gewerbeamt der Stadtverwaltung angemeldet. Der Vorgang kostet 25 bis 40 €)
Vernüpftige Support
Erfahrung in der Branche ( Ist kleiner tipp) -
Ich kann dir anstadt wie ander zu spammen die hoster empfehlen:
Sobald ich da plugin dauf mache krige ich:
Zitat[Tue Nov 1 21:49:22 2011] Error (0): Function: mysql_store_result called when not connected to any database.
[Tue Nov 1 21:49:22 2011] Error (0): Function: mysql_num_rows called when not connected to any database.
[Tue Nov 1 21:49:22 2011] Error (0): Function: mysql_free_result called when not connected to any database.
[Tue Nov 1 21:49:22 2011] Error (0): Function: mysql_query called when not connected to any database.
[Tue Nov 1 21:49:22 2011] Error (0): Function: mysql_store_result called when not connected to any database.
[Tue Nov 1 21:49:22 2011] Error (0): Function: mysql_num_rows called when not connected to any database.
[Tue Nov 1 21:49:22 2011] Error (0): Function: mysql_free_result called when not connected to any database.
[Tue Nov 1 21:49:22 2011] Error (0): Function: mysql_query called when not connected to any database.
[Tue Nov 1 21:49:22 2011] Error (0): Function: mysql_store_result called when not connected to any database.
[Tue Nov 1 21:49:22 2011] Error (0): Function: mysql_num_rows called when not connected to any database.
[Tue Nov 1 21:49:22 2011] Error (0): Function: mysql_free_result called when not connected to any database.
[Tue Nov 1 21:49:22 2011] Error (0): Function: mysql_query called when not connected to any database.
[Tue Nov 1 21:49:22 2011] Error (0): Function: mysql_store_result called when not connected to any database.
[Tue Nov 1 21:49:22 2011] Error (0): Function: mysql_num_rows called when not connected to any database.
[Tue Nov 1 21:49:22 2011] Error (0): Function: mysql_free_result called when not connected to any database.
[Tue Nov 1 21:49:22 2011] Error (0): Function: mysql_query called when not connected to any database.
[Tue Nov 1 21:49:22 2011] Error (0): Function: mysql_store_result called when not connected to any database.
[Tue Nov 1 21:49:22 2011] Error (0): Function: mysql_num_rows called when not connected to any database.
[Tue Nov 1 21:49:22 2011] Error (0): Function: mysql_free_result called when not connected to any database.
[Tue Nov 1 21:49:22 2011] Error (0): Function: mysql_query called when not connected to any database.
[Tue Nov 1 21:49:22 2011] Error (0): Function: mysql_store_result called when not connected to any database.
[Tue Nov 1 21:49:22 2011] Error (0): Function: mysql_num_rows called when not connected to any database.
[Tue Nov 1 21:49:22 2011] Error (0): Function: mysql_free_result called when not connected to any database.
[Tue Nov 1 21:49:22 2011] Error (0): Function: mysql_query called when not connected to any database.
[Tue Nov 1 21:49:22 2011] Error (0): Function: mysql_store_result called when not connected to any database.
[Tue Nov 1 21:49:22 2011] Error (0): Function: mysql_num_rows called when not connected to any database.
[Tue Nov 1 21:49:22 2011] Error (0): Function: mysql_free_result called when not connected to any database.
[Tue Nov 1 21:49:22 2011] Error (0): Function: mysql_query called when not connected to any database.
[Tue Nov 1 21:49:22 2011] Error (0): Function: mysql_store_result called when not connected to any database.
[Tue Nov 1 21:49:22 2011] Error (0): Function: mysql_num_rows called when not connected to any database.
[Tue Nov 1 21:49:22 2011] Error (0): Function: mysql_free_result called when not connected to any database.
[Tue Nov 1 21:49:22 2011] Error (0): Function: mysql_query called when not connected to any database.
[Tue Nov 1 21:49:22 2011] Error (0): Function: mysql_store_result called when not connected to any database.
[Tue Nov 1 21:49:22 2011] Error (0): Function: mysql_num_rows called when not connected to any database.
[Tue Nov 1 21:49:22 2011] Error (0): Function: mysql_free_result called when not connected to any database. -
Ich bin kein anfänger nur weiß ich nicht welche mysql plugin für linux :X
Habe auch problem:
Zitat[14:44:27] Script[gamemodes/reallife.amx]: Run time error 19: "File or function is not found"
Zitatecho Executing Server Config...
lanmode 0
rcon_password rconrcojn
maxplayers 500
port 7777
hostname BlackRevolutionGaming Reallife
filterscripts JunkBuster
gamemode0 reallife 1
announce 1
query 1
onfoot_rate 40
incar_rate 40
weapon_rate 40
stream_distance 300.0
stream_rate 1000
maxnpc 50 -
Ich habe linux
ich überlege schon ganze zeit woran es liegen kann.
Ich habe die Includets im script:
Zitat#include <a_samp>
#include <zcmd>
#include <sscanf2>
#include <streamer>
#include <M-Zones>
#include <mysql>
#include <audio>
#include <JunkBuster>
#include <osinc>
#include <GetVehicleColor>
#include <OPSP>
#include <mapandreas> //you have to set it up on your own (see )
#include <progress> -
Die amx ist hochgeladen.
Ok. Danke dir
Hey leute ich habe wie immer problem mit mein server.
und zwar sagt er mir
Zitat[10:30:29] Script[gamemodes/reallife.amx]: Run time error 19: "File or function is not found"
Loaded log file: "server_log.txt".Zitat----------
SA-MP Dedicated Server
v0.3c R2, (C)2005-2011 SA-MP Team[10:30:29]
[10:30:29] Server Plugins
[10:30:29] --------------
[10:30:29] Loading plugin:
[10:30:29]*** Streamer Plugin v2.5.2 by Incognito loaded ***
[10:30:29] Loaded.
[10:30:29] Loading plugin:
[10:30:29]> MySQL plugin R6 successfully loaded.
[10:30:29] Loaded.
[10:30:29] Loading plugin:
[10:30:29][10:30:29] ===============================
[10:30:29] sscanf plugin loaded.
[10:30:29] (c) 2009 Alex "Y_Less" Cole
[10:30:29] ===============================
[10:30:29] Loaded.
[10:30:29] Loading plugin:
[10:30:29] Loaded.
[10:30:29] Loading plugin:
[10:30:29]*** Audio Plugin v0.5 by Incognito loaded ***
[10:30:29] Loaded.
[10:30:29] Loaded 5 plugins.[10:30:29]
[10:30:29] Filter Scripts
[10:30:29] ---------------
[10:30:29] Loading filter script 'JunkBuster.amx'...
[10:30:29][10:30:29] [AOR-Security] Aktuelle AOR-Security configuration:
[10:30:29] [AOR-Security] - WeaponHack = 0
[10:30:29] [AOR-Security] - MoneyHack = 1
[10:30:29] [AOR-Security] - Jetpack = 1
[10:30:29] [AOR-Security] - HealthHack = 1
[10:30:29] [AOR-Security] - ArmourHack = 1
[10:30:29] [AOR-Security] - DriveBy = 2
[10:30:29] [AOR-Security] - Spam = 1
[10:30:29] [AOR-Security] - CommandSpam = 0
[10:30:29] [AOR-Security] - BadWords = 1
[10:30:29] [AOR-Security] - CarJackHack = 1
[10:30:29] [AOR-Security] - TeleportHack = 1
[10:30:29] [AOR-Security] - MaxPing = 2000
[10:30:29] [AOR-Security] - SpectateHack = 1
[10:30:29] [AOR-Security] - Blacklist = 1
[10:30:29] [AOR-Security] - IpBans = 1
[10:30:29] [AOR-Security] - TempBans = 1
[10:30:29] [AOR-Security] - SpawnKill = 3
[10:30:29] [AOR-Security] - CapsLock = 1
[10:30:29] [AOR-Security] - 3DSpeed = 1
[10:30:29] [AOR-Security] - MaxSpeed = 200
[10:30:29] [AOR-Security] - AdminImmunity = 1
[10:30:29] [AOR-Security] - Advertisement = 0
[10:30:29] [AOR-Security] - FreezeUpdate = 0
[10:30:29] [AOR-Security] - SpawnTime = 10
[10:30:29] [AOR-Security] - CheckpointTeleport = 1
[10:30:29] [AOR-Security] - Airbreak = 1
[10:30:29] [AOR-Security] - TankMode = 1
[10:30:29] [AOR-Security] - WarnPlayers = 0
[10:30:29] [AOR-Security] - SingleplayerCheats = 1
[10:30:29] [AOR-Security] - MinFPS = 1
[10:30:29] [AOR-Security] - DisableBadWeapons = 1
[10:30:29] [AOR-Security] - CBug = 16
[10:30:29] [AOR-Security] - AntiBugKill = 1
[10:30:29] [AOR-Security] - NoReload = 20
[10:30:29] [AOR-Security] - NoReloadForSawnOff = 4
[10:30:29] [AOR-Security] - ActiveGMC = 2
[10:30:29] [AOR-Security] - GMCBan = 0
[10:30:29] [AOR-Security] - ServerSideHealth = 1
[10:30:29] [AOR-Security] - CheckVMPos = 0
[10:30:29] [AOR-Security] - QuickTurn = 0
[10:30:29][10:30:29] [AOR-Security] 0 IP-bans have been loaded.
[10:30:29] [AOR-Security] 0 temporary bans have been loaded.
[10:30:29] [AOR-Security] 5 whitelist entries have been loaded.
[10:30:29] [AOR-Security] 4 blacklist entries have been loaded.
[10:30:29] [AOR-Security] 41 bad words have been loaded.
[10:30:29] [AOR-Security] 4 forbidden weapons have been loaded.
[10:30:29] [AOR-Security] AOR-Security wurde eingestellt.
[10:30:29] [AOR-Security] JunkBuster has successfully been loaded.
[10:30:29] Loaded 1 filter scripts.[10:30:29] Script[gamemodes/reallife.amx]: Run time error 19: "File or function is not found"
[10:30:29] Number of vehicle models: 0ServerCFG:
Zitatecho Executing Server Config...
lanmode 0
rcon_password test234
maxplayers 500
port 7777
hostname BlackRevolutionGaming Reallife
filterscripts JunkBuster
gamemode0 reallife 1
announce 1
query 1
onfoot_rate 40
incar_rate 40
weapon_rate 40
stream_distance 300.0
stream_rate 1000
maxnpc 50 -
Ok habe heraus gefunde es war das falsche mysql plugin
aber ander frage:
[09:37:28] Script[gamemodes/reallife.amx]: Run time error 19: "File or function is not found"
[09:37:28] Number of vehicle models: 0 -
deb squeeze main
deb squeeze main contrib non-free
deb-src squeeze main contrib non-free
deb squeeze main contrib non-freedeb squeeze/updates main
deb-src squeeze/updates main//edit 1
Wie soll ich jeds nur:
enfernen oder?
Wie gesagt ich habe genehmigung. Ich hoffe es in ordnung und mann kann ein auge zu drücken. Das hatte ich ihn auch gesagt aber muss er selber wissen.