Könnte mir vielleicht einer helfen?
Beiträge von Crumb
Der Downloadlink dort funktioniert nichtmehr.
Hallo Brotfisch.
Ich bräuchte dringend mal die Godfather Scriptfiles, da ich die gerade nicht finde. Wäre nett, wenn die mir einer schicken könnte.Mit freundlichen Grüßen,
Crumb -
Hat einer den funktionierenden Ordner? Wenn ja, bitte hochladen
Bei mir laden die Objekte nicht. Was kann ich tun?
Loaded log file: "server_log.txt".
----------SA-MP Dedicated Server
v0.3x, (C)2005-2013 SA-MP Team[12:11:14]
[12:11:14] Server Plugins
[12:11:14] --------------
[12:11:14] Loading plugin: streamer.so
[12:11:14]*** Streamer Plugin v2.6.1 by Incognito loaded ***
[12:11:14] Loaded.
[12:11:14] Loading plugin: sscanf.so
[12:11:14][12:11:14] ===============================
[12:11:14] sscanf plugin loaded.
[12:11:14] (c) 2009 Alex "Y_Less" Cole
[12:11:14] 0.3d-R2 500 Players "dnee"
[12:11:14] ===============================
[12:11:14] Loaded.
[12:11:14] Loading plugin: mysql.so
[12:11:14]> MySQL plugin R6 successfully loaded.
[12:11:14] Loaded.
[12:11:14] Loaded 3 plugins.[12:11:14]
[12:11:14] Filterscripts
[12:11:14] ---------------
[12:11:14] Loading filterscript 'AutoHide.amx'...
[12:11:14] Unable to load filterscript 'AutoHide.amx'.
[12:11:14] Loading filterscript 'MVD-System.amx'...
[12:11:14] [junkbuster] Loading JunkBuster...
[12:11:14] [junkbuster] Speichere/Lade MVD-System Konfiguration:
[12:11:14] [junkbuster] - WeaponHack = 0
[12:11:14] [junkbuster] - MoneyHack = 0
[12:11:14] [junkbuster] - Jetpack = 1
[12:11:14] [junkbuster] - HealthHack = 1
[12:11:14] [junkbuster] - ArmourHack = 1
[12:11:14] [junkbuster] - DriveBy = 0
[12:11:14] [junkbuster] - Spam = 0
[12:11:14] [junkbuster] - CommandSpam = 0
[12:11:14] [junkbuster] - BadWords = 0
[12:11:14] [junkbuster] - CarJackHack = 0
[12:11:14] [junkbuster] - TeleportHack = 1
[12:11:14] [junkbuster] - MaxPing = 1000
[12:11:14] [junkbuster] - SpectateHack = 0
[12:11:14] [junkbuster] - Blacklist = 0
[12:11:14] [junkbuster] - IpBans = 0
[12:11:14] [junkbuster] - TempBans = 0
[12:11:14] [junkbuster] - SpawnKill = 0
[12:11:14] [junkbuster] - CapsLock = 0
[12:11:14] [junkbuster] - 3DSpeed = 0
[12:11:14] [junkbuster] - MaxSpeed = 550
[12:11:14] [junkbuster] - AdminImmunity = 1
[12:11:14] [junkbuster] - Advertisement = 0
[12:11:14] [junkbuster] - FreezeUpdate = 0
[12:11:14] [junkbuster] - SpawnTime = 10
[12:11:14] [junkbuster] - CheckpointTeleport = 1
[12:11:14] [junkbuster] - Airbrake = 100
[12:11:14] [junkbuster] - TankMode = 1
[12:11:14] [junkbuster] - WarnPlayers = 0
[12:11:14] [junkbuster] - SingleplayerCheats = 1
[12:11:14] [junkbuster] - MinFPS = 0
[12:11:14] [junkbuster] - DisableBadWeapons = 1
[12:11:14] [junkbuster] - CBug = 0
[12:11:14] [junkbuster] - AntiBugKill = 1
[12:11:14] [junkbuster] - NoReload = 0
[12:11:14] [junkbuster] - NoReloadForSawnOff = 0
[12:11:14] [junkbuster] - ActiveGMC = 2
[12:11:14] [junkbuster] - GMCBan = 0
[12:11:14] [junkbuster] - ServerSideHealth = 1
[12:11:14] [junkbuster] - CheckVMPos = 0
[12:11:14] [junkbuster] - QuickTurn = 1
[12:11:14] [junkbuster] - VehicleTeleport = 1
[12:11:14] [junkbuster] - Wallride = 170
[12:11:14] [junkbuster] - DisplayTextDraw = 1
[12:11:14] [junkbuster] - AFK = 0
[12:11:14] [junkbuster] - PickupTeleport = 1
[12:11:14] [junkbuster] - FlyHack = 40
[12:11:14] [junkbuster] - JunkBusterChrome = 1
[12:11:14] [junkbuster] - CheckWalkAnims = 0
[12:11:14] [junkbuster] - ReportMoneyHack = 0
[12:11:14] [junkbuster] - SpeedhackAdvanced = 20
[12:11:14] [junkbuster] - Joypad = 2
[12:11:14] [junkbuster] - ArmedVehicles = 0
[12:11:14] [junkbuster] - VehicleRepair = 2
[12:11:14] [junkbuster] - TuningHack = 0
[12:11:14] [junkbuster] - PayForGuns = 0
[12:11:14] [junkbuster] - SpawnVehicles = 2
[12:11:14] [junkbuster] - MaxTotalWarnings = 0
[12:11:14] [junkbuster] - TooManyWarningsAction = 0
[12:11:14] [junkbuster] - AirbrakeDetection = 1
[12:11:14] [junkbuster] - SpeedhackDetection = 1
[12:11:14] [junkbuster] 0 IP-bans have been loaded.
[12:11:14] [junkbuster] 0 temporary bans have been loaded.
[12:11:14] [junkbuster] 0 whitelist entries have been loaded.
[12:11:14] [junkbuster] 5 blacklist entries have been loaded.
[12:11:14] [junkbuster] 41 bad words have been loaded.
[12:11:14] [junkbuster] 4 forbidden weapons have been loaded.
[12:11:14] [junkbuster] MVD-System wurde Konfiguriert.
[12:11:14] [junkbuster] JunkBuster (v11) has successfully been loaded.
[12:11:14] Loading filterscript 'objekt.amx'...
[12:11:14] MVD Objekte geladen
[12:11:14] --------------------------------------[12:11:14] Loaded 2 filterscripts.
[12:11:14] foreach called
[12:11:14] Filterscript 'objekt.amx' unloaded.
[12:11:14] MVD Objekte geladen
[12:11:14] --------------------------------------[12:11:14] Filterscript 'objekt.amx' loaded.
[12:11:14] <-| [MYSQL] Verbindung zur Datenbank wurde erfolgreich hergestellt!
[12:11:14] Lade H�user..
[12:11:14] H�user geladen!
[12:11:14] Lade Blacklisten..
[12:11:14] Blacklisten geladen!
[12:11:14] Lade Gesch�fte..
[12:11:14] Lade sGesch�fte..
[12:11:14] Gesch�fte (SBiz) geladen!
[12:11:14] Lade Boxstatisiken..
[12:11:14] Boxstatistiken geladen!
[12:11:14] Lade Fraktionskassen..
[12:11:14] Fraktionskassen geladen!
[12:11:14] Lade Servereinstellungen..
[12:11:14] Servereinstellungen geladen!
[12:11:14] Lade Kofferrauminhalte..
[12:11:14] Lade Gangzonen..
[12:11:14] Zone: 0 | 13 | 1858.178222 | -1347.223266 | 1980.648315 | -1454
[12:11:14] Zone: 1 | 12 | 818.592224 | -1824.480102 | 853.093994 | -2067.4
[12:11:14] Zone: 2 | 13 | 2701.477294 | -2330.616210 | 2810.611572 | -2565
[12:11:14] Zone: 3 | 13 | 2814.517578 | -1897.589843 | 2621.636718 | -2041
[12:11:14] Zone: 4 | 13 | -2096.761230 | -79.822196 | -2202.207763 | -282.
[12:11:14] Zone: 5 | 13 | -2646.468261 | -219.891296 | -2812.783203 | -423
[12:11:14] Zone: 6 | 12 | 1322.207275 | 134.880203 | 1252.236206 | 399.189
[12:11:14] Zone: 7 | 12 | 2189.463623 | 152.510299 | 2514.028808 | -75.999
[12:11:14] Lade Fraktionsmaterial..
[12:11:14] Lade Fraktionsdrogen..
[12:11:14] Lade LoadFractionCars..
[12:11:14] _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
[12:11:14] _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
[12:11:14] Scriptversion Versionsname
[12:11:14] (c) Mainscript | My Virtual Dream
[12:11:14] (c) MVD Team since 2012
[12:11:14] _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
[12:11:14] _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
[12:11:14] Number of vehicle models: 113
[12:11:15] Incoming connection:
[12:11:15] Incoming connection:
[12:11:15] Incoming connection:
[12:11:15] Incoming connection:
[12:11:15] Incoming connection:
[12:11:15] Incoming connection:
[12:11:15] Incoming connection:
[12:11:15] [npc:join] bot_bsn has joined the server (0:
[12:11:15] ID:0 X:0.000000 Y:0.000000 Z:0.000000
[12:11:15] ID:0 X:0.000000 Y:0.000000 Z:0.000000
[12:11:15] ID:0 X:0.000000 Y:0.000000 Z:0.000000
[12:11:15] [npc:join] bot_schalter has joined the server (1:
[12:11:15] ID:0 X:0.000000 Y:0.000000 Z:0.000000
[12:11:15] ID:0 X:0.000000 Y:0.000000 Z:0.000000
[12:11:15] ID:0 X:0.000000 Y:0.000000 Z:0.000000
[12:11:15] [npc:join] bot_kasse has joined the server (2:
[12:11:15] ID:0 X:0.000000 Y:0.000000 Z:0.000000
[12:11:15] ID:0 X:0.000000 Y:0.000000 Z:0.000000
[12:11:15] ID:0 X:0.000000 Y:0.000000 Z:0.000000
[12:11:15] [npc:join] bot_lauf has joined the server (3:
[12:11:15] ID:0 X:0.000000 Y:0.000000 Z:0.000000
[12:11:15] ID:0 X:0.000000 Y:0.000000 Z:0.000000
[12:11:15] ID:0 X:0.000000 Y:0.000000 Z:0.000000
[12:11:15] [npc:join] bot_noob has joined the server (4:
[12:11:15] ID:0 X:0.000000 Y:0.000000 Z:0.000000
[12:11:15] ID:0 X:0.000000 Y:0.000000 Z:0.000000
[12:11:15] ID:0 X:0.000000 Y:0.000000 Z:0.000000
[12:11:15] [npc:join] bot_lspd1 has joined the server (5:
[12:11:15] ID:0 X:0.000000 Y:0.000000 Z:0.000000
[12:11:15] ID:0 X:0.000000 Y:0.000000 Z:0.000000
[12:11:15] ID:0 X:0.000000 Y:0.000000 Z:0.000000
[12:11:15] [npc:join] bot_lspd2 has joined the server (6:
[12:11:15] ID:0 X:0.000000 Y:0.000000 Z:0.000000
[12:11:15] ID:0 X:0.000000 Y:0.000000 Z:0.000000
[12:11:15] ID:0 X:0.000000 Y:0.000000 Z:0.000000
[12:11:35] Incoming connection:
[12:11:35] Incoming connection:
[12:11:35] Incoming connection:
[12:11:35] Incoming connection:
[12:11:35] Incoming connection:
[12:11:35] Incoming connection:
[12:11:35] Incoming connection:
[12:11:35] Incoming connection:
[12:11:35] Incoming connection:
[12:11:35] Incoming connection:
[12:11:35] [npc:join] bot_fot1 has joined the server (7:
[12:11:35] ID:0 X:0.000000 Y:0.000000 Z:0.000000
[12:11:35] ID:0 X:0.000000 Y:0.000000 Z:0.000000
[12:11:35] ID:0 X:0.000000 Y:0.000000 Z:0.000000
[12:11:35] [npc:join] bot_fot2 has joined the server (8:
[12:11:35] ID:0 X:0.000000 Y:0.000000 Z:0.000000
[12:11:35] ID:0 X:0.000000 Y:0.000000 Z:0.000000
[12:11:35] ID:0 X:0.000000 Y:0.000000 Z:0.000000
[12:11:35] [npc:join] bot_fot3 has joined the server (9:
[12:11:35] ID:0 X:0.000000 Y:0.000000 Z:0.000000
[12:11:35] ID:0 X:0.000000 Y:0.000000 Z:0.000000
[12:11:35] ID:0 X:0.000000 Y:0.000000 Z:0.000000
[12:11:35] [npc:join] bot_chef has joined the server (11:
[12:11:35] ID:0 X:0.000000 Y:0.000000 Z:0.000000
[12:11:35] ID:0 X:0.000000 Y:0.000000 Z:0.000000
[12:11:35] ID:0 X:0.000000 Y:0.000000 Z:0.000000
[12:11:35] [npc:join] bot_tut1 has joined the server (12:
[12:11:35] ID:0 X:0.000000 Y:0.000000 Z:0.000000
[12:11:35] ID:0 X:0.000000 Y:0.000000 Z:0.000000
[12:11:35] ID:0 X:0.000000 Y:0.000000 Z:0.000000
[12:11:35] [npc:join] bot_tut2 has joined the server (13:
[12:11:35] ID:0 X:0.000000 Y:0.000000 Z:0.000000
[12:11:35] ID:0 X:0.000000 Y:0.000000 Z:0.000000
[12:11:35] ID:0 X:0.000000 Y:0.000000 Z:0.000000
[12:11:35] [npc:join] bot_fot4 has joined the server (10:
[12:11:35] ID:0 X:0.000000 Y:0.000000 Z:0.000000
[12:11:35] ID:0 X:0.000000 Y:0.000000 Z:0.000000
[12:11:35] ID:0 X:0.000000 Y:0.000000 Z:0.000000
[12:11:35] [npc:join] bot_tut3 has joined the server (14:
[12:11:35] ID:0 X:0.000000 Y:0.000000 Z:0.000000
[12:11:35] ID:0 X:0.000000 Y:0.000000 Z:0.000000
[12:11:35] ID:0 X:0.000000 Y:0.000000 Z:0.000000
[12:11:35] [npc:join] bot_doner1 has joined the server (15:
[12:11:35] ID:0 X:0.000000 Y:0.000000 Z:0.000000
[12:11:35] ID:0 X:0.000000 Y:0.000000 Z:0.000000
[12:11:35] ID:0 X:0.000000 Y:0.000000 Z:0.000000
[12:11:35] [npc:join] bot_doner3 has joined the server (16:
[12:11:35] ID:0 X:0.000000 Y:0.000000 Z:0.000000
[12:11:35] ID:0 X:0.000000 Y:0.000000 Z:0.000000
[12:11:35] ID:0 X:0.000000 Y:0.000000 Z:0.000000
[12:11:45] Incoming connection:
[12:11:45] Incoming connection:
[12:11:45] Incoming connection:
[12:11:45] Incoming connection:
[12:11:45] Incoming connection:
[12:11:45] Incoming connection:
[12:11:45] Incoming connection:
[12:11:45] Incoming connection:
[12:11:45] Incoming connection:
[12:11:46] [npc:join] bot_donut1 has joined the server (17:
[12:11:46] ID:0 X:0.000000 Y:0.000000 Z:0.000000
[12:11:46] ID:0 X:0.000000 Y:0.000000 Z:0.000000
[12:11:46] ID:0 X:0.000000 Y:0.000000 Z:0.000000
[12:11:46] [npc:join] bot_auto1 has joined the server (18:
[12:11:46] ID:0 X:0.000000 Y:0.000000 Z:0.000000
[12:11:46] ID:0 X:0.000000 Y:0.000000 Z:0.000000
[12:11:46] ID:0 X:0.000000 Y:0.000000 Z:0.000000
[12:11:46] [npc:join] bot_donut2 has joined the server (19:
[12:11:46] ID:0 X:0.000000 Y:0.000000 Z:0.000000
[12:11:46] ID:0 X:0.000000 Y:0.000000 Z:0.000000
[12:11:46] ID:0 X:0.000000 Y:0.000000 Z:0.000000
[12:11:46] [npc:join] bot_bike has joined the server (20:
[12:11:46] ID:0 X:0.000000 Y:0.000000 Z:0.000000
[12:11:46] ID:0 X:0.000000 Y:0.000000 Z:0.000000
[12:11:46] ID:0 X:0.000000 Y:0.000000 Z:0.000000
[12:11:46] [npc:join] bot_auto2 has joined the server (21:
[12:11:46] ID:0 X:0.000000 Y:0.000000 Z:0.000000
[12:11:46] ID:0 X:0.000000 Y:0.000000 Z:0.000000
[12:11:46] ID:0 X:0.000000 Y:0.000000 Z:0.000000
[12:11:46] [npc:join] bot_dealer1 has joined the server (23:
[12:11:46] ID:0 X:0.000000 Y:0.000000 Z:0.000000
[12:11:46] ID:0 X:0.000000 Y:0.000000 Z:0.000000
[12:11:46] ID:0 X:0.000000 Y:0.000000 Z:0.000000
[12:11:46] [npc:join] bot_frakhaus has joined the server (22:
[12:11:46] ID:0 X:0.000000 Y:0.000000 Z:0.000000
[12:11:46] ID:0 X:0.000000 Y:0.000000 Z:0.000000
[12:11:46] ID:0 X:0.000000 Y:0.000000 Z:0.000000
[12:11:46] [npc:join] bot_dealer2 has joined the server (24:
[12:11:46] ID:0 X:0.000000 Y:0.000000 Z:0.000000
[12:11:46] ID:0 X:0.000000 Y:0.000000 Z:0.000000
[12:11:46] ID:0 X:0.000000 Y:0.000000 Z:0.000000
[12:11:46] [npc:join] bot_dealer3 has joined the server (25:
[12:11:46] ID:0 X:0.000000 Y:0.000000 Z:0.000000
[12:11:46] ID:0 X:0.000000 Y:0.000000 Z:0.000000
[12:11:46] ID:0 X:0.000000 Y:0.000000 Z:0.000000
[12:11:56] Incoming connection:
[12:11:56] Incoming connection:
[12:11:56] Incoming connection:
[12:11:56] Incoming connection:
[12:11:56] Incoming connection:
[12:11:56] Incoming connection:
[12:11:56] Incoming connection:
[12:11:56] Incoming connection:
[12:11:56] Incoming connection:
[12:11:56] Incoming connection:
[12:11:56] [npc:join] bot_nutte1 has joined the server (26:
[12:11:56] ID:0 X:0.000000 Y:0.000000 Z:0.000000
[12:11:56] ID:0 X:0.000000 Y:0.000000 Z:0.000000
[12:11:56] ID:0 X:0.000000 Y:0.000000 Z:0.000000
[12:11:56] [npc:join] bot_nutte2 has joined the server (27:
[12:11:56] ID:0 X:0.000000 Y:0.000000 Z:0.000000
[12:11:56] ID:0 X:0.000000 Y:0.000000 Z:0.000000
[12:11:56] ID:0 X:0.000000 Y:0.000000 Z:0.000000
[12:11:56] [npc:join] bot_tanzer has joined the server (28:
[12:11:56] ID:0 X:0.000000 Y:0.000000 Z:0.000000
[12:11:56] ID:0 X:0.000000 Y:0.000000 Z:0.000000
[12:11:56] ID:0 X:0.000000 Y:0.000000 Z:0.000000
[12:11:56] [npc:join] bot_neu2 has joined the server (30:
[12:11:56] ID:0 X:0.000000 Y:0.000000 Z:0.000000
[12:11:56] ID:0 X:0.000000 Y:0.000000 Z:0.000000
[12:11:56] ID:0 X:0.000000 Y:0.000000 Z:0.000000
[12:11:56] [npc:join] bot_neu3 has joined the server (31:
[12:11:56] ID:0 X:0.000000 Y:0.000000 Z:0.000000
[12:11:56] ID:0 X:0.000000 Y:0.000000 Z:0.000000
[12:11:56] ID:0 X:0.000000 Y:0.000000 Z:0.000000
[12:11:56] [npc:join] bot_neu1 has joined the server (29:
[12:11:56] ID:0 X:0.000000 Y:0.000000 Z:0.000000
[12:11:56] ID:0 X:0.000000 Y:0.000000 Z:0.000000
[12:11:56] ID:0 X:0.000000 Y:0.000000 Z:0.000000
[12:11:56] [npc:join] bot_neu5 has joined the server (33:
[12:11:56] ID:0 X:0.000000 Y:0.000000 Z:0.000000
[12:11:56] ID:0 X:0.000000 Y:0.000000 Z:0.000000
[12:11:56] ID:0 X:0.000000 Y:0.000000 Z:0.000000
[12:11:56] [npc:join] bot_neu4 has joined the server (32:
[12:11:56] ID:0 X:0.000000 Y:0.000000 Z:0.000000
[12:11:56] ID:0 X:0.000000 Y:0.000000 Z:0.000000
[12:11:56] ID:0 X:0.000000 Y:0.000000 Z:0.000000
[12:11:56] [npc:join] bot_arb1 has joined the server (34:
[12:11:56] ID:0 X:0.000000 Y:0.000000 Z:0.000000
[12:11:56] ID:0 X:0.000000 Y:0.000000 Z:0.000000
[12:11:56] ID:0 X:0.000000 Y:0.000000 Z:0.000000
[12:11:56] [npc:join] bot_arb2 has joined the server (35:
[12:11:56] ID:0 X:0.000000 Y:0.000000 Z:0.000000
[12:11:56] ID:0 X:0.000000 Y:0.000000 Z:0.000000
[12:11:56] ID:0 X:0.000000 Y:0.000000 Z:0.000000
[12:12:07] Incoming connection:
[12:12:07] Incoming connection:
[12:12:07] Incoming connection:
[12:12:07] Incoming connection:
[12:12:07] Incoming connection:
[12:12:07] Incoming connection:
[12:12:07] Incoming connection:
[12:12:07] Incoming connection:
[12:12:07] [npc:join] bot_helm has joined the server (36:
[12:12:07] ID:0 X:0.000000 Y:0.000000 Z:0.000000
[12:12:07] ID:0 X:0.000000 Y:0.000000 Z:0.000000
[12:12:07] ID:0 X:0.000000 Y:0.000000 Z:0.000000
[12:12:07] [npc:join] bot_laden has joined the server (37:
[12:12:07] ID:0 X:0.000000 Y:0.000000 Z:0.000000
[12:12:07] ID:0 X:0.000000 Y:0.000000 Z:0.000000
[12:12:07] ID:0 X:0.000000 Y:0.000000 Z:0.000000
[12:12:07] [npc:join] bot_skin has joined the server (38:
[12:12:07] ID:0 X:0.000000 Y:0.000000 Z:0.000000
[12:12:07] ID:0 X:0.000000 Y:0.000000 Z:0.000000
[12:12:07] ID:0 X:0.000000 Y:0.000000 Z:0.000000
[12:12:07] [npc:join] bot_uhren has joined the server (39:
[12:12:07] ID:0 X:0.000000 Y:0.000000 Z:0.000000
[12:12:07] ID:0 X:0.000000 Y:0.000000 Z:0.000000
[12:12:07] ID:0 X:0.000000 Y:0.000000 Z:0.000000
[12:12:07] [npc:join] bot_lotto has joined the server (42:
[12:12:07] ID:0 X:0.000000 Y:0.000000 Z:0.000000
[12:12:07] ID:0 X:0.000000 Y:0.000000 Z:0.000000
[12:12:07] ID:0 X:0.000000 Y:0.000000 Z:0.000000
[12:12:07] [npc:join] bot_brille has joined the server (40:
[12:12:07] ID:0 X:0.000000 Y:0.000000 Z:0.000000
[12:12:07] ID:0 X:0.000000 Y:0.000000 Z:0.000000
[12:12:07] ID:0 X:0.000000 Y:0.000000 Z:0.000000
[12:12:07] [npc:join] bot_handy has joined the server (41:
[12:12:07] ID:0 X:0.000000 Y:0.000000 Z:0.000000
[12:12:07] ID:0 X:0.000000 Y:0.000000 Z:0.000000
[12:12:07] ID:0 X:0.000000 Y:0.000000 Z:0.000000
[12:12:07] [npc:join] bot_laden2 has joined the server (43:
[12:12:07] ID:0 X:0.000000 Y:0.000000 Z:0.000000
[12:12:07] ID:0 X:0.000000 Y:0.000000 Z:0.000000
[12:12:07] ID:0 X:0.000000 Y:0.000000 Z:0.000000
[12:12:17] Incoming connection:
[12:12:17] Incoming connection:
[12:12:17] Incoming connection:
[12:12:17] [npc:join] bot_kiosk1 has joined the server (44:
[12:12:17] ID:0 X:0.000000 Y:0.000000 Z:0.000000
[12:12:17] ID:0 X:0.000000 Y:0.000000 Z:0.000000
[12:12:17] ID:0 X:0.000000 Y:0.000000 Z:0.000000
[12:12:17] [npc:join] bot_kaufhaus has joined the server (46:
[12:12:17] ID:0 X:0.000000 Y:0.000000 Z:0.000000
[12:12:17] ID:0 X:0.000000 Y:0.000000 Z:0.000000
[12:12:17] ID:0 X:0.000000 Y:0.000000 Z:0.000000
[12:12:17] [npc:join] bot_kiosk2 has joined the server (45:
[12:12:17] ID:0 X:0.000000 Y:0.000000 Z:0.000000
[12:12:17] ID:0 X:0.000000 Y:0.000000 Z:0.000000
[12:12:17] ID:0 X:0.000000 Y:0.000000 Z:0.000000
[12:12:24] [junkbuster] Executing MVD-System Chrome for player 'bot_kaufhaus'.
[12:12:24] [npc:part] bot_kaufhaus has left the server (46:2) -
Was könnt ihr mir für 10 Euro PSC anbieten? Oder was soll ich damit machen?
Bei mir laden die Objekte nicht. Was kann ich tun?
Loaded log file: "server_log.txt".
----------SA-MP Dedicated Server
v0.3x, (C)2005-2013 SA-MP Team[12:11:14]
[12:11:14] Server Plugins
[12:11:14] --------------
[12:11:14] Loading plugin: streamer.so
[12:11:14]*** Streamer Plugin v2.6.1 by Incognito loaded ***
[12:11:14] Loaded.
[12:11:14] Loading plugin: sscanf.so
[12:11:14][12:11:14] ===============================
[12:11:14] sscanf plugin loaded.
[12:11:14] (c) 2009 Alex "Y_Less" Cole
[12:11:14] 0.3d-R2 500 Players "dnee"
[12:11:14] ===============================
[12:11:14] Loaded.
[12:11:14] Loading plugin: mysql.so
[12:11:14]> MySQL plugin R6 successfully loaded.
[12:11:14] Loaded.
[12:11:14] Loaded 3 plugins.[12:11:14]
[12:11:14] Filterscripts
[12:11:14] ---------------
[12:11:14] Loading filterscript 'AutoHide.amx'...
[12:11:14] Unable to load filterscript 'AutoHide.amx'.
[12:11:14] Loading filterscript 'MVD-System.amx'...
[12:11:14] [junkbuster] Loading JunkBuster...
[12:11:14] [junkbuster] Speichere/Lade MVD-System Konfiguration:
[12:11:14] [junkbuster] - WeaponHack = 0
[12:11:14] [junkbuster] - MoneyHack = 0
[12:11:14] [junkbuster] - Jetpack = 1
[12:11:14] [junkbuster] - HealthHack = 1
[12:11:14] [junkbuster] - ArmourHack = 1
[12:11:14] [junkbuster] - DriveBy = 0
[12:11:14] [junkbuster] - Spam = 0
[12:11:14] [junkbuster] - CommandSpam = 0
[12:11:14] [junkbuster] - BadWords = 0
[12:11:14] [junkbuster] - CarJackHack = 0
[12:11:14] [junkbuster] - TeleportHack = 1
[12:11:14] [junkbuster] - MaxPing = 1000
[12:11:14] [junkbuster] - SpectateHack = 0
[12:11:14] [junkbuster] - Blacklist = 0
[12:11:14] [junkbuster] - IpBans = 0
[12:11:14] [junkbuster] - TempBans = 0
[12:11:14] [junkbuster] - SpawnKill = 0
[12:11:14] [junkbuster] - CapsLock = 0
[12:11:14] [junkbuster] - 3DSpeed = 0
[12:11:14] [junkbuster] - MaxSpeed = 550
[12:11:14] [junkbuster] - AdminImmunity = 1
[12:11:14] [junkbuster] - Advertisement = 0
[12:11:14] [junkbuster] - FreezeUpdate = 0
[12:11:14] [junkbuster] - SpawnTime = 10
[12:11:14] [junkbuster] - CheckpointTeleport = 1
[12:11:14] [junkbuster] - Airbrake = 100
[12:11:14] [junkbuster] - TankMode = 1
[12:11:14] [junkbuster] - WarnPlayers = 0
[12:11:14] [junkbuster] - SingleplayerCheats = 1
[12:11:14] [junkbuster] - MinFPS = 0
[12:11:14] [junkbuster] - DisableBadWeapons = 1
[12:11:14] [junkbuster] - CBug = 0
[12:11:14] [junkbuster] - AntiBugKill = 1
[12:11:14] [junkbuster] - NoReload = 0
[12:11:14] [junkbuster] - NoReloadForSawnOff = 0
[12:11:14] [junkbuster] - ActiveGMC = 2
[12:11:14] [junkbuster] - GMCBan = 0
[12:11:14] [junkbuster] - ServerSideHealth = 1
[12:11:14] [junkbuster] - CheckVMPos = 0
[12:11:14] [junkbuster] - QuickTurn = 1
[12:11:14] [junkbuster] - VehicleTeleport = 1
[12:11:14] [junkbuster] - Wallride = 170
[12:11:14] [junkbuster] - DisplayTextDraw = 1
[12:11:14] [junkbuster] - AFK = 0
[12:11:14] [junkbuster] - PickupTeleport = 1
[12:11:14] [junkbuster] - FlyHack = 40
[12:11:14] [junkbuster] - JunkBusterChrome = 1
[12:11:14] [junkbuster] - CheckWalkAnims = 0
[12:11:14] [junkbuster] - ReportMoneyHack = 0
[12:11:14] [junkbuster] - SpeedhackAdvanced = 20
[12:11:14] [junkbuster] - Joypad = 2
[12:11:14] [junkbuster] - ArmedVehicles = 0
[12:11:14] [junkbuster] - VehicleRepair = 2
[12:11:14] [junkbuster] - TuningHack = 0
[12:11:14] [junkbuster] - PayForGuns = 0
[12:11:14] [junkbuster] - SpawnVehicles = 2
[12:11:14] [junkbuster] - MaxTotalWarnings = 0
[12:11:14] [junkbuster] - TooManyWarningsAction = 0
[12:11:14] [junkbuster] - AirbrakeDetection = 1
[12:11:14] [junkbuster] - SpeedhackDetection = 1
[12:11:14] [junkbuster] 0 IP-bans have been loaded.
[12:11:14] [junkbuster] 0 temporary bans have been loaded.
[12:11:14] [junkbuster] 0 whitelist entries have been loaded.
[12:11:14] [junkbuster] 5 blacklist entries have been loaded.
[12:11:14] [junkbuster] 41 bad words have been loaded.
[12:11:14] [junkbuster] 4 forbidden weapons have been loaded.
[12:11:14] [junkbuster] MVD-System wurde Konfiguriert.
[12:11:14] [junkbuster] JunkBuster (v11) has successfully been loaded.
[12:11:14] Loading filterscript 'objekt.amx'...
[12:11:14] MVD Objekte geladen
[12:11:14] --------------------------------------[12:11:14] Loaded 2 filterscripts.
[12:11:14] foreach called
[12:11:14] Filterscript 'objekt.amx' unloaded.
[12:11:14] MVD Objekte geladen
[12:11:14] --------------------------------------[12:11:14] Filterscript 'objekt.amx' loaded.
[12:11:14] <-| [MYSQL] Verbindung zur Datenbank wurde erfolgreich hergestellt!
[12:11:14] Lade H�user..
[12:11:14] H�user geladen!
[12:11:14] Lade Blacklisten..
[12:11:14] Blacklisten geladen!
[12:11:14] Lade Gesch�fte..
[12:11:14] Lade sGesch�fte..
[12:11:14] Gesch�fte (SBiz) geladen!
[12:11:14] Lade Boxstatisiken..
[12:11:14] Boxstatistiken geladen!
[12:11:14] Lade Fraktionskassen..
[12:11:14] Fraktionskassen geladen!
[12:11:14] Lade Servereinstellungen..
[12:11:14] Servereinstellungen geladen!
[12:11:14] Lade Kofferrauminhalte..
[12:11:14] Lade Gangzonen..
[12:11:14] Zone: 0 | 13 | 1858.178222 | -1347.223266 | 1980.648315 | -1454
[12:11:14] Zone: 1 | 12 | 818.592224 | -1824.480102 | 853.093994 | -2067.4
[12:11:14] Zone: 2 | 13 | 2701.477294 | -2330.616210 | 2810.611572 | -2565
[12:11:14] Zone: 3 | 13 | 2814.517578 | -1897.589843 | 2621.636718 | -2041
[12:11:14] Zone: 4 | 13 | -2096.761230 | -79.822196 | -2202.207763 | -282.
[12:11:14] Zone: 5 | 13 | -2646.468261 | -219.891296 | -2812.783203 | -423
[12:11:14] Zone: 6 | 12 | 1322.207275 | 134.880203 | 1252.236206 | 399.189
[12:11:14] Zone: 7 | 12 | 2189.463623 | 152.510299 | 2514.028808 | -75.999
[12:11:14] Lade Fraktionsmaterial..
[12:11:14] Lade Fraktionsdrogen..
[12:11:14] Lade LoadFractionCars..
[12:11:14] _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
[12:11:14] _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
[12:11:14] Scriptversion Versionsname
[12:11:14] (c) Mainscript | My Virtual Dream
[12:11:14] (c) MVD Team since 2012
[12:11:14] _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
[12:11:14] _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
[12:11:14] Number of vehicle models: 113
[12:11:15] Incoming connection:
[12:11:15] Incoming connection:
[12:11:15] Incoming connection:
[12:11:15] Incoming connection:
[12:11:15] Incoming connection:
[12:11:15] Incoming connection:
[12:11:15] Incoming connection:
[12:11:15] [npc:join] bot_bsn has joined the server (0:
[12:11:15] ID:0 X:0.000000 Y:0.000000 Z:0.000000
[12:11:15] ID:0 X:0.000000 Y:0.000000 Z:0.000000
[12:11:15] ID:0 X:0.000000 Y:0.000000 Z:0.000000
[12:11:15] [npc:join] bot_schalter has joined the server (1:
[12:11:15] ID:0 X:0.000000 Y:0.000000 Z:0.000000
[12:11:15] ID:0 X:0.000000 Y:0.000000 Z:0.000000
[12:11:15] ID:0 X:0.000000 Y:0.000000 Z:0.000000
[12:11:15] [npc:join] bot_kasse has joined the server (2:
[12:11:15] ID:0 X:0.000000 Y:0.000000 Z:0.000000
[12:11:15] ID:0 X:0.000000 Y:0.000000 Z:0.000000
[12:11:15] ID:0 X:0.000000 Y:0.000000 Z:0.000000
[12:11:15] [npc:join] bot_lauf has joined the server (3:
[12:11:15] ID:0 X:0.000000 Y:0.000000 Z:0.000000
[12:11:15] ID:0 X:0.000000 Y:0.000000 Z:0.000000
[12:11:15] ID:0 X:0.000000 Y:0.000000 Z:0.000000
[12:11:15] [npc:join] bot_noob has joined the server (4:
[12:11:15] ID:0 X:0.000000 Y:0.000000 Z:0.000000
[12:11:15] ID:0 X:0.000000 Y:0.000000 Z:0.000000
[12:11:15] ID:0 X:0.000000 Y:0.000000 Z:0.000000
[12:11:15] [npc:join] bot_lspd1 has joined the server (5:
[12:11:15] ID:0 X:0.000000 Y:0.000000 Z:0.000000
[12:11:15] ID:0 X:0.000000 Y:0.000000 Z:0.000000
[12:11:15] ID:0 X:0.000000 Y:0.000000 Z:0.000000
[12:11:15] [npc:join] bot_lspd2 has joined the server (6:
[12:11:15] ID:0 X:0.000000 Y:0.000000 Z:0.000000
[12:11:15] ID:0 X:0.000000 Y:0.000000 Z:0.000000
[12:11:15] ID:0 X:0.000000 Y:0.000000 Z:0.000000
[12:11:35] Incoming connection:
[12:11:35] Incoming connection:
[12:11:35] Incoming connection:
[12:11:35] Incoming connection:
[12:11:35] Incoming connection:
[12:11:35] Incoming connection:
[12:11:35] Incoming connection:
[12:11:35] Incoming connection:
[12:11:35] Incoming connection:
[12:11:35] Incoming connection:
[12:11:35] [npc:join] bot_fot1 has joined the server (7:
[12:11:35] ID:0 X:0.000000 Y:0.000000 Z:0.000000
[12:11:35] ID:0 X:0.000000 Y:0.000000 Z:0.000000
[12:11:35] ID:0 X:0.000000 Y:0.000000 Z:0.000000
[12:11:35] [npc:join] bot_fot2 has joined the server (8:
[12:11:35] ID:0 X:0.000000 Y:0.000000 Z:0.000000
[12:11:35] ID:0 X:0.000000 Y:0.000000 Z:0.000000
[12:11:35] ID:0 X:0.000000 Y:0.000000 Z:0.000000
[12:11:35] [npc:join] bot_fot3 has joined the server (9:
[12:11:35] ID:0 X:0.000000 Y:0.000000 Z:0.000000
[12:11:35] ID:0 X:0.000000 Y:0.000000 Z:0.000000
[12:11:35] ID:0 X:0.000000 Y:0.000000 Z:0.000000
[12:11:35] [npc:join] bot_chef has joined the server (11:
[12:11:35] ID:0 X:0.000000 Y:0.000000 Z:0.000000
[12:11:35] ID:0 X:0.000000 Y:0.000000 Z:0.000000
[12:11:35] ID:0 X:0.000000 Y:0.000000 Z:0.000000
[12:11:35] [npc:join] bot_tut1 has joined the server (12:
[12:11:35] ID:0 X:0.000000 Y:0.000000 Z:0.000000
[12:11:35] ID:0 X:0.000000 Y:0.000000 Z:0.000000
[12:11:35] ID:0 X:0.000000 Y:0.000000 Z:0.000000
[12:11:35] [npc:join] bot_tut2 has joined the server (13:
[12:11:35] ID:0 X:0.000000 Y:0.000000 Z:0.000000
[12:11:35] ID:0 X:0.000000 Y:0.000000 Z:0.000000
[12:11:35] ID:0 X:0.000000 Y:0.000000 Z:0.000000
[12:11:35] [npc:join] bot_fot4 has joined the server (10:
[12:11:35] ID:0 X:0.000000 Y:0.000000 Z:0.000000
[12:11:35] ID:0 X:0.000000 Y:0.000000 Z:0.000000
[12:11:35] ID:0 X:0.000000 Y:0.000000 Z:0.000000
[12:11:35] [npc:join] bot_tut3 has joined the server (14:
[12:11:35] ID:0 X:0.000000 Y:0.000000 Z:0.000000
[12:11:35] ID:0 X:0.000000 Y:0.000000 Z:0.000000
[12:11:35] ID:0 X:0.000000 Y:0.000000 Z:0.000000
[12:11:35] [npc:join] bot_doner1 has joined the server (15:
[12:11:35] ID:0 X:0.000000 Y:0.000000 Z:0.000000
[12:11:35] ID:0 X:0.000000 Y:0.000000 Z:0.000000
[12:11:35] ID:0 X:0.000000 Y:0.000000 Z:0.000000
[12:11:35] [npc:join] bot_doner3 has joined the server (16:
[12:11:35] ID:0 X:0.000000 Y:0.000000 Z:0.000000
[12:11:35] ID:0 X:0.000000 Y:0.000000 Z:0.000000
[12:11:35] ID:0 X:0.000000 Y:0.000000 Z:0.000000
[12:11:45] Incoming connection:
[12:11:45] Incoming connection:
[12:11:45] Incoming connection:
[12:11:45] Incoming connection:
[12:11:45] Incoming connection:
[12:11:45] Incoming connection:
[12:11:45] Incoming connection:
[12:11:45] Incoming connection:
[12:11:45] Incoming connection:
[12:11:46] [npc:join] bot_donut1 has joined the server (17:
[12:11:46] ID:0 X:0.000000 Y:0.000000 Z:0.000000
[12:11:46] ID:0 X:0.000000 Y:0.000000 Z:0.000000
[12:11:46] ID:0 X:0.000000 Y:0.000000 Z:0.000000
[12:11:46] [npc:join] bot_auto1 has joined the server (18:
[12:11:46] ID:0 X:0.000000 Y:0.000000 Z:0.000000
[12:11:46] ID:0 X:0.000000 Y:0.000000 Z:0.000000
[12:11:46] ID:0 X:0.000000 Y:0.000000 Z:0.000000
[12:11:46] [npc:join] bot_donut2 has joined the server (19:
[12:11:46] ID:0 X:0.000000 Y:0.000000 Z:0.000000
[12:11:46] ID:0 X:0.000000 Y:0.000000 Z:0.000000
[12:11:46] ID:0 X:0.000000 Y:0.000000 Z:0.000000
[12:11:46] [npc:join] bot_bike has joined the server (20:
[12:11:46] ID:0 X:0.000000 Y:0.000000 Z:0.000000
[12:11:46] ID:0 X:0.000000 Y:0.000000 Z:0.000000
[12:11:46] ID:0 X:0.000000 Y:0.000000 Z:0.000000
[12:11:46] [npc:join] bot_auto2 has joined the server (21:
[12:11:46] ID:0 X:0.000000 Y:0.000000 Z:0.000000
[12:11:46] ID:0 X:0.000000 Y:0.000000 Z:0.000000
[12:11:46] ID:0 X:0.000000 Y:0.000000 Z:0.000000
[12:11:46] [npc:join] bot_dealer1 has joined the server (23:
[12:11:46] ID:0 X:0.000000 Y:0.000000 Z:0.000000
[12:11:46] ID:0 X:0.000000 Y:0.000000 Z:0.000000
[12:11:46] ID:0 X:0.000000 Y:0.000000 Z:0.000000
[12:11:46] [npc:join] bot_frakhaus has joined the server (22:
[12:11:46] ID:0 X:0.000000 Y:0.000000 Z:0.000000
[12:11:46] ID:0 X:0.000000 Y:0.000000 Z:0.000000
[12:11:46] ID:0 X:0.000000 Y:0.000000 Z:0.000000
[12:11:46] [npc:join] bot_dealer2 has joined the server (24:
[12:11:46] ID:0 X:0.000000 Y:0.000000 Z:0.000000
[12:11:46] ID:0 X:0.000000 Y:0.000000 Z:0.000000
[12:11:46] ID:0 X:0.000000 Y:0.000000 Z:0.000000
[12:11:46] [npc:join] bot_dealer3 has joined the server (25:
[12:11:46] ID:0 X:0.000000 Y:0.000000 Z:0.000000
[12:11:46] ID:0 X:0.000000 Y:0.000000 Z:0.000000
[12:11:46] ID:0 X:0.000000 Y:0.000000 Z:0.000000
[12:11:56] Incoming connection:
[12:11:56] Incoming connection:
[12:11:56] Incoming connection:
[12:11:56] Incoming connection:
[12:11:56] Incoming connection:
[12:11:56] Incoming connection:
[12:11:56] Incoming connection:
[12:11:56] Incoming connection:
[12:11:56] Incoming connection:
[12:11:56] Incoming connection:
[12:11:56] [npc:join] bot_nutte1 has joined the server (26:
[12:11:56] ID:0 X:0.000000 Y:0.000000 Z:0.000000
[12:11:56] ID:0 X:0.000000 Y:0.000000 Z:0.000000
[12:11:56] ID:0 X:0.000000 Y:0.000000 Z:0.000000
[12:11:56] [npc:join] bot_nutte2 has joined the server (27:
[12:11:56] ID:0 X:0.000000 Y:0.000000 Z:0.000000
[12:11:56] ID:0 X:0.000000 Y:0.000000 Z:0.000000
[12:11:56] ID:0 X:0.000000 Y:0.000000 Z:0.000000
[12:11:56] [npc:join] bot_tanzer has joined the server (28:
[12:11:56] ID:0 X:0.000000 Y:0.000000 Z:0.000000
[12:11:56] ID:0 X:0.000000 Y:0.000000 Z:0.000000
[12:11:56] ID:0 X:0.000000 Y:0.000000 Z:0.000000
[12:11:56] [npc:join] bot_neu2 has joined the server (30:
[12:11:56] ID:0 X:0.000000 Y:0.000000 Z:0.000000
[12:11:56] ID:0 X:0.000000 Y:0.000000 Z:0.000000
[12:11:56] ID:0 X:0.000000 Y:0.000000 Z:0.000000
[12:11:56] [npc:join] bot_neu3 has joined the server (31:
[12:11:56] ID:0 X:0.000000 Y:0.000000 Z:0.000000
[12:11:56] ID:0 X:0.000000 Y:0.000000 Z:0.000000
[12:11:56] ID:0 X:0.000000 Y:0.000000 Z:0.000000
[12:11:56] [npc:join] bot_neu1 has joined the server (29:
[12:11:56] ID:0 X:0.000000 Y:0.000000 Z:0.000000
[12:11:56] ID:0 X:0.000000 Y:0.000000 Z:0.000000
[12:11:56] ID:0 X:0.000000 Y:0.000000 Z:0.000000
[12:11:56] [npc:join] bot_neu5 has joined the server (33:
[12:11:56] ID:0 X:0.000000 Y:0.000000 Z:0.000000
[12:11:56] ID:0 X:0.000000 Y:0.000000 Z:0.000000
[12:11:56] ID:0 X:0.000000 Y:0.000000 Z:0.000000
[12:11:56] [npc:join] bot_neu4 has joined the server (32:
[12:11:56] ID:0 X:0.000000 Y:0.000000 Z:0.000000
[12:11:56] ID:0 X:0.000000 Y:0.000000 Z:0.000000
[12:11:56] ID:0 X:0.000000 Y:0.000000 Z:0.000000
[12:11:56] [npc:join] bot_arb1 has joined the server (34:
[12:11:56] ID:0 X:0.000000 Y:0.000000 Z:0.000000
[12:11:56] ID:0 X:0.000000 Y:0.000000 Z:0.000000
[12:11:56] ID:0 X:0.000000 Y:0.000000 Z:0.000000
[12:11:56] [npc:join] bot_arb2 has joined the server (35:
[12:11:56] ID:0 X:0.000000 Y:0.000000 Z:0.000000
[12:11:56] ID:0 X:0.000000 Y:0.000000 Z:0.000000
[12:11:56] ID:0 X:0.000000 Y:0.000000 Z:0.000000
[12:12:07] Incoming connection:
[12:12:07] Incoming connection:
[12:12:07] Incoming connection:
[12:12:07] Incoming connection:
[12:12:07] Incoming connection:
[12:12:07] Incoming connection:
[12:12:07] Incoming connection:
[12:12:07] Incoming connection:
[12:12:07] [npc:join] bot_helm has joined the server (36:
[12:12:07] ID:0 X:0.000000 Y:0.000000 Z:0.000000
[12:12:07] ID:0 X:0.000000 Y:0.000000 Z:0.000000
[12:12:07] ID:0 X:0.000000 Y:0.000000 Z:0.000000
[12:12:07] [npc:join] bot_laden has joined the server (37:
[12:12:07] ID:0 X:0.000000 Y:0.000000 Z:0.000000
[12:12:07] ID:0 X:0.000000 Y:0.000000 Z:0.000000
[12:12:07] ID:0 X:0.000000 Y:0.000000 Z:0.000000
[12:12:07] [npc:join] bot_skin has joined the server (38:
[12:12:07] ID:0 X:0.000000 Y:0.000000 Z:0.000000
[12:12:07] ID:0 X:0.000000 Y:0.000000 Z:0.000000
[12:12:07] ID:0 X:0.000000 Y:0.000000 Z:0.000000
[12:12:07] [npc:join] bot_uhren has joined the server (39:
[12:12:07] ID:0 X:0.000000 Y:0.000000 Z:0.000000
[12:12:07] ID:0 X:0.000000 Y:0.000000 Z:0.000000
[12:12:07] ID:0 X:0.000000 Y:0.000000 Z:0.000000
[12:12:07] [npc:join] bot_lotto has joined the server (42:
[12:12:07] ID:0 X:0.000000 Y:0.000000 Z:0.000000
[12:12:07] ID:0 X:0.000000 Y:0.000000 Z:0.000000
[12:12:07] ID:0 X:0.000000 Y:0.000000 Z:0.000000
[12:12:07] [npc:join] bot_brille has joined the server (40:
[12:12:07] ID:0 X:0.000000 Y:0.000000 Z:0.000000
[12:12:07] ID:0 X:0.000000 Y:0.000000 Z:0.000000
[12:12:07] ID:0 X:0.000000 Y:0.000000 Z:0.000000
[12:12:07] [npc:join] bot_handy has joined the server (41:
[12:12:07] ID:0 X:0.000000 Y:0.000000 Z:0.000000
[12:12:07] ID:0 X:0.000000 Y:0.000000 Z:0.000000
[12:12:07] ID:0 X:0.000000 Y:0.000000 Z:0.000000
[12:12:07] [npc:join] bot_laden2 has joined the server (43:
[12:12:07] ID:0 X:0.000000 Y:0.000000 Z:0.000000
[12:12:07] ID:0 X:0.000000 Y:0.000000 Z:0.000000
[12:12:07] ID:0 X:0.000000 Y:0.000000 Z:0.000000
[12:12:17] Incoming connection:
[12:12:17] Incoming connection:
[12:12:17] Incoming connection:
[12:12:17] [npc:join] bot_kiosk1 has joined the server (44:
[12:12:17] ID:0 X:0.000000 Y:0.000000 Z:0.000000
[12:12:17] ID:0 X:0.000000 Y:0.000000 Z:0.000000
[12:12:17] ID:0 X:0.000000 Y:0.000000 Z:0.000000
[12:12:17] [npc:join] bot_kaufhaus has joined the server (46:
[12:12:17] ID:0 X:0.000000 Y:0.000000 Z:0.000000
[12:12:17] ID:0 X:0.000000 Y:0.000000 Z:0.000000
[12:12:17] ID:0 X:0.000000 Y:0.000000 Z:0.000000
[12:12:17] [npc:join] bot_kiosk2 has joined the server (45:
[12:12:17] ID:0 X:0.000000 Y:0.000000 Z:0.000000
[12:12:17] ID:0 X:0.000000 Y:0.000000 Z:0.000000
[12:12:17] ID:0 X:0.000000 Y:0.000000 Z:0.000000
[12:12:24] [junkbuster] Executing MVD-System Chrome for player 'bot_kaufhaus'.
[12:12:24] [npc:part] bot_kaufhaus has left the server (46:2) -
Ich spawne am Anfang am 0 Punkt.
Verkaufst du diese Map auch?
Ohne die Lizenz könnte ich leider damit nichts anfangen. Tut mir Leid.
Gameserver nach Wahl(Über meinen VServer , 2GB Ram)
Ein Selfmade Deathmatch Script (Kann ich dir auch zeigen)
Steam Account mit c.a 20 Spielen (Dann wärs mit den 10€ aber knapp)
5x alte Random Domains (.de | .info)
0,30€ Nitrado GuthabenWas für Spiele beim Steam Account? Was für 5 Random Domains?
Hallo Brotfisch.
Ich besitze noch eine 10 Euro PaysafeCard und weiß leider nicht, was ich damit anstellen soll. Deswegen bin ich auf die Idee gekommen, euch zu fragen. Ihr macht mir Angebote was ihr mir für die 10€ PSC geben würdest. Wenn ich was gebrauchen könnte stimme ich dem Angebot dann gerne zu.
Angebote können mehr PN oder im Thread kommen.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen,
Unverbindlicher Hinweis: Die Sicherheit einer Transaktion kann am besten durch die Einschaltung eines Mittelsmannes gewährleistet werden. Weitere Informationen dazu gibt es hier. -
Hallo liebe Brotfische.
Ich habe meine eine Frage an euch bezüglich Minecraft.
Undzwar: Wer kennt von euch Warp Plugins für die Minecraft Bukkit Version 1.5.1?
Wenn ihr welche kennt, könnt ihr dann auch noch den Downloadlink posten?
Ich bedanke mich schonmal.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen,
Hey Brotfisch.
Ich habe ein Problem und jede Menge MySQL Fehler, womit ich nix anfangen kann. SQL Daten sind im Script angegeben und Datenbank existiert auch.MySQL Errors:
Alles anzeigen[12:56:34] OnPlayerSpawn - Debug 01 [12:56:34] OnPlayerSpawn - Debug 02 [12:56:34] OnPlayerSpawn - Debug 03 [12:56:34] OnPlayerSpawn - Debug 04 [12:56:34] OnPlayerSpawn - Debug 05 [12:56:34] OnPlayerSpawn - Debug 06 [12:56:34] OnPlayerSpawn - Debug 07 [12:56:34] [MySQL] Error (0): Function: mysql_query called when not connected to any database. Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/tmp/mysql.sock' (2). [12:56:34] [MySQL] Error (0): Function: mysql_store_result called when not connected to any database. Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/tmp/mysql.sock' (2). [12:56:34] [MySQL] Error (0): Function: mysql_fetch_field called when not connected to any database. Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/tmp/mysql.sock' (2). [12:56:34] [MySQL] Error (0): Function: mysql_free_result called when not connected to any database. Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/tmp/mysql.sock' (2). [12:56:34] [MySQL] Error (3): Function: mysql_query called when not connected to any database. Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/tmp/mysql.sock' (2). [12:56:43] [chat] [Timmi]: Hi [12:56:46] OnPlayerDisconnect f r Timmi ausgef hrt. [12:56:46] [MySQL] Error (0): Function: mysql_query called when not connected to any database. Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/tmp/mysql.sock' (2). [12:56:46] [MySQL] Error (0): Function: mysql_store_result called when not connected to any database. Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/tmp/mysql.sock' (2). [12:56:46] [MySQL] Error (0): Function: mysql_num_rows called when not connected to any database. Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/tmp/mysql.sock' (2). [12:56:46] [MySQL] Error (0): Function: mysql_free_result called when not connected to any database. Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/tmp/mysql.sock' (2). [12:56:46] [MySQL] Error (0): Function: mysql_query called when not connected to any database. Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/tmp/mysql.sock' (2). [12:56:46] [MySQL] Error (0): Function: mysql_free_result called when not connected to any database. Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/tmp/mysql.sock' (2). [12:56:46] [MySQL] Error (0): Function: mysql_query called when not connected to any database. Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/tmp/mysql.sock' (2).
Ich hoffe ihr könnt mir helfen.
Geht. dankeschön
Hi Leute
Habe schonwieder ein paar Errors im Kick Befehl :IErrors:
C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\Phil\Desktop\Vinewood Roleplay\gamemodes\vRP1.0.pwn(165) : error 001: expected token: ")", but found "return"Zeilen:
if(!isPlayerAnAdmin(playerid,1)return SendClientMessage(playerid,ORANGE,"Du bist kein Adminlevel 1 (Probe Supporter) oder höher.");
new pID, reason[128], string[128];
if(sscanf(params,"us",pID,reason))return SendClientMessage(playerid,GRAU,"BEFEHL: /kick [ID] [GRUND]");
format(string,sizeof(string),"%s wurde von Administrator %s gekickt. Grund: %s",SpielerName(pID),Spielername(playerid),reason);
return 1;
} -
Ich habe da doch ein Muster gepostetNutzt das doch, denn ist eure frage gelöst
Selber machen statt um den Code zu bettelnDas Problem ist das ich seit kurzem erst scripte und deine Codes nicht so verstehe. Es wäre cool wenn man den kompletten Code posten würde. Wäre echt nett.