Beiträge von Masterman

    ich habe auch ein godfather edit und habe die include M_bot raus gemacht totaler blödsinn.

    Ich habe es so gemacht bei onplayerconnect, es müsste aber auch ohne M_Bot gehen

    gPlayerLogged[playerid] = 1;
    gPlayerAccount[playerid] = 1;
    return 1;

    und bei onplayerspawn:

    //aktionen z.B. putplayerinvehicle
    return 1;

    Mein server geht einfach aus nachdiesen fehlern (ich habe crashdetect benutzt)

    [13:53:50] [debug] #0 5f5f5f5f in ?? () from C:\Users\
    Master \Documents\SAMP SERVER\server\samp\SCRIPTBACKUP\samp-server.exe
    [13:53:50] [debug] #1 004010b6 in ?? () from C:\Users\
    Master \Documents\SAMP SERVER\server\samp\SCRIPTBACKUP\samp-server.exe
    [13:53:50] [debug] #2 6fff3c32 in ?? () from C:\Users\
    Master \Documents\SAMP SERVER\server\samp\SCRIPTBACKUP\plugins\crashdetect.DLL
    [13:53:50] [debug] #3 6fff6076 in ?? () from C:\Users\
    Master \Documents\SAMP SERVER\server\samp\SCRIPTBACKUP\plugins\crashdetect.DLL
    [13:53:50] [debug] #4 6ffec05a in ?? () from C:\Users\
    Master \Documents\SAMP SERVER\server\samp\SCRIPTBACKUP\plugins\crashdetect.DLL
    [13:53:50] [debug] #5 6fff3c5e in ?? () from C:\Users\
    Master \Documents\SAMP SERVER\server\samp\SCRIPTBACKUP\plugins\crashdetect.DLL
    [13:53:50] [debug] #6 0047e468 in ?? () from C:\Users\
    Master \Documents\SAMP SERVER\server\samp\SCRIPTBACKUP\samp-server.exe
    [13:53:50] [debug] #7 0048a04a in ?? () from C:\Users\
    Master \Documents\SAMP SERVER\server\samp\SCRIPTBACKUP\samp-server.exe
    [13:53:50] [debug] #8 004866ce in ?? () from C:\Users\
    Master \Documents\SAMP SERVER\server\samp\SCRIPTBACKUP\samp-server.exe
    [13:53:50] [debug] #9 00494881 in ?? () from C:\Users\
    Master \Documents\SAMP SERVER\server\samp\SCRIPTBACKUP\samp-server.exe
    [13:53:50] [debug] #10 00494891 in ?? () from C:\Users\
    Master \Documents\SAMP SERVER\server\samp\SCRIPTBACKUP\samp-server.exe
    [13:53:50] [debug] #11 ffc30000 in ?? () from C:\Users\
    Master \Documents\SAMP SERVER\server\samp\SCRIPTBACKUP\samp-server.exe
    [13:53:50] [debug] #12 e8042474 in ?? () from C:\Users\
    Master \Documents\SAMP SERVER\server\samp\SCRIPTBACKUP\samp-server.exe
    [13:53:50] [debug] #13 ffffffbf in ?? () from C:\Users\
    Master \Documents\SAMP SERVER\server\samp\SCRIPTBACKUP\samp-server.exe
    [13:53:50] [debug] #14 c01bd8f7 in ?? () from C:\Users\
    Master \Documents\SAMP SERVER\server\samp\SCRIPTBACKUP\samp-server.exe
    [13:53:50] [debug] #15 4859d8f7 in ?? () from C:\Users\
    Master \Documents\SAMP SERVER\server\samp\SCRIPTBACKUP\samp-server.exe
    [13:53:50] [debug] #16 247c83c3 in ?? () from C:\Users\
    Master \Documents\SAMP SERVER\server\samp\SCRIPTBACKUP\samp-server.exe
    [13:53:50] [debug] #17 06740008 in ?? () from C:\Users\
    Master \Documents\SAMP SERVER\server\samp\SCRIPTBACKUP\samp-server.exe
    [13:53:50] [debug] #18 412d01c6 in ?? () from C:\Users\
    Master \Documents\SAMP SERVER\server\samp\SCRIPTBACKUP\samp-server.exe
    [13:53:50] [debug] #19 8b56d8f7 in ?? () from C:\Users\
    Master \Documents\SAMP SERVER\server\samp\SCRIPTBACKUP\samp-server.exe
    [13:53:50] [debug] #20 f7d233f1 in ?? () from C:\Users\
    Master \Documents\SAMP SERVER\server\samp\SCRIPTBACKUP\samp-server.exe
    [13:53:50] [debug] #21 83082474 in ?? () from C:\Users\
    Master \Documents\SAMP SERVER\server\samp\SCRIPTBACKUP\samp-server.exe
    [13:53:50] [debug] #22 057609fa in ?? () from C:\Users\ Master \Documents\SAMP SERVER\server\samp\SCRIPTBACKUP\samp-server.exe
    [13:53:50] [debug] #23 eb57c280 in ?? () from C:\Users\
    Master \Documents\SAMP SERVER\server\samp\SCRIPTBACKUP\samp-server.exe
    [13:53:50] [debug] #24 30c28003 in ?? () from C:\Users\
    Master \Documents\SAMP SERVER\server\samp\SCRIPTBACKUP\samp-server.exe
    [13:53:50] [debug] #25 85411188 in ?? () from C:\Users\
    Master \Documents\SAMP SERVER\server\samp\SCRIPTBACKUP\samp-server.exe
    [13:53:50] [debug] #26 c6e677c0 in ?? () from C:\Users\
    Master \Documents\SAMP SERVER\server\samp\SCRIPTBACKUP\samp-server.exe
    [13:53:50] [debug] #27 8a490001 in ?? () from C:\Users\
    Master \Documents\SAMP SERVER\server\samp\SCRIPTBACKUP\samp-server.exe
    [13:53:50] [debug] #28 88018a16 in ?? () from C:\Users\
    Master \Documents\SAMP SERVER\server\samp\SCRIPTBACKUP\samp-server.exe
    [13:53:50] [debug] #29 06884911 in ?? () from C:\Users\
    Master \Documents\SAMP SERVER\server\samp\SCRIPTBACKUP\samp-server.exe
    [13:53:50] [debug] #30 72f13b46 in ?? () from C:\Users\
    Master \Documents\SAMP SERVER\server\samp\SCRIPTBACKUP\samp-server.exe
    [13:53:50] [debug] #31 55c35ef2 in ?? () from C:\Users\
    Master \Documents\SAMP SERVER\server\samp\SCRIPTBACKUP\samp-server.exe
    [13:53:50] [debug] #32 7d83ec8b in ?? () from C:\Users\
    Master \Documents\SAMP SERVER\server\samp\SCRIPTBACKUP\samp-server.exe
    [13:53:50] [debug] #33 458b0a10 in ?? () from C:\Users\
    Master \Documents\SAMP SERVER\server\samp\SCRIPTBACKUP\samp-server.exe
    [13:53:50] [debug] #34 850a7508 in ?? () from C:\Users\
    Master \Documents\SAMP SERVER\server\samp\SCRIPTBACKUP\samp-server.exe
    [13:53:50] [debug] #35 6a067dc0 in ?? () from C:\Users\
    Master \Documents\SAMP SERVER\server\samp\SCRIPTBACKUP\samp-server.exe
    [13:53:50] [debug] #36 eb0a6a01 in ?? () from C:\Users\
    Master \Documents\SAMP SERVER\server\samp\SCRIPTBACKUP\samp-server.exe
    [13:53:50] [debug] #37 ff006a05 in ?? () from C:\Users\
    Master \Documents\SAMP SERVER\server\samp\SCRIPTBACKUP\samp-server.exe
    [13:53:50] [debug] #38 4d8b1075 in ?? () from C:\Users\
    Master \Documents\SAMP SERVER\server\samp\SCRIPTBACKUP\samp-server.exe
    [13:53:50] [debug] #39 ff9fe80c in ?? () from C:\Users\
    Master \Documents\SAMP SERVER\server\samp\SCRIPTBACKUP\samp-server.exe
    [13:53:50] [debug] #40 458bffff in ?? () from C:\Users\
    Master \Documents\SAMP SERVER\server\samp\SCRIPTBACKUP\samp-server.exe
    [13:53:50] [debug] #41 5d59590c in ?? () from C:\Users\
    Master \Documents\SAMP SERVER\server\samp\SCRIPTBACKUP\samp-server.exe
    [13:53:50] [debug] #42 244c8bc3 in ?? () from C:\Users\
    Master \Documents\SAMP SERVER\server\samp\SCRIPTBACKUP\samp-server.exe
    [13:53:50] [debug] #43 24448b08 in ?? () from C:\Users\
    Master \Documents\SAMP SERVER\server\samp\SCRIPTBACKUP\samp-server.exe
    [13:53:50] [debug] #44 ff006a04 in ?? () from C:\Users\
    Master \Documents\SAMP SERVER\server\samp\SCRIPTBACKUP\samp-server.exe
    [13:53:50] [debug] #45 e8102474 in ?? () from C:\Users\
    Master \Documents\SAMP SERVER\server\samp\SCRIPTBACKUP\samp-server.exe
    [13:53:50] [debug] #46 ffffff85 in ?? () from C:\Users\Master\Documents\SAMP SERVER\server\samp\SCRIPTBACKUP\samp-server.exe
    [13:53:50] [debug] #47 1024448b in ?? () from C:\Users\Master\Documents\SAMP SERVER\server\samp\SCRIPTBACKUP\samp-server.exe
    [13:53:50] [debug] #48 a1c35959 in ?? () from C:\Users\Master\Documents\SAMP SERVER\server\samp\SCRIPTBACKUP\samp-server.exe
    [13:53:50] [debug] #49 004db7f0 in ?? () from C:\Users\Master\Documents\SAMP SERVER\server\samp\SCRIPTBACKUP\samp-server.exe
    [13:53:50] [debug] #50 0274c085 in ?? () from C:\Users\Master\Documents\SAMP SERVER\server\samp\SCRIPTBACKUP\samp-server.exe

    Ich habe ein problem undzwar manchmal spawnt man über las venturas und wenn man neu drauf connectet geht der server aus, das ist aber erst seit dem ich Junkbuster 10 drauf habe so.

    Hey ich habe ein Problem. Ich habe auf ein Godfatherscript M_bot gegen Junkbuster10 ausgetauscht (vorher auch getestet an Mbot liegts nicht)
    nur das problem ist wenn ich den server neustarte spawne ich in Las venturas über der map und ich falle runter, danach geht der server aus,
    außerdem geht der server nach einer bestimmten zeit einfach so aus, ich weiß aber nicht wieso?

    Hier die letzten 100 zeilen von server.log

    [17:27:48] [junkbuster] - MinFPS = 13
    [17:27:48] [junkbuster] - DisableBadWeapons = 1
    [17:27:48] [junkbuster] - CBug = 16
    [17:27:48] [junkbuster] - AntiBugKill = 1
    [17:27:48] [junkbuster] - NoReload = 20
    [17:27:48] [junkbuster] - NoReloadForSawnOff = 4
    [17:27:48] [junkbuster] - ActiveGMC = 2
    [17:27:48] [junkbuster] - GMCBan = 0
    [17:27:48] [junkbuster] - ServerSideHealth = 1
    [17:27:48] [junkbuster] - CheckVMPos = 0
    [17:27:48] [junkbuster] - QuickTurn = 1
    [17:27:48] [junkbuster] - VehicleTeleport = 1
    [17:27:48] [junkbuster] - Wallride = 170
    [17:27:48] [junkbuster] - DisplayTextDraw = 1
    [17:27:48] [junkbuster] - AFK = 5
    [17:27:48] [junkbuster] - PickupTeleport = 1
    [17:27:48] [junkbuster] - FlyHack = 40
    [17:27:48] [junkbuster] - JunkBusterChrome = 1
    [17:27:48] [junkbuster] - CheckWalkAnims = 1
    [17:27:48] [junkbuster] - ReportMoneyHack = 1
    [17:27:48] [junkbuster] - SpeedhackAdvanced = 20
    [17:27:48] [junkbuster] - Joypad = 0
    [17:27:48] [junkbuster] - ArmedVehicles = 0
    [17:27:48] [junkbuster] - VehicleRepair = 2
    [17:27:48] [junkbuster] - TuningHack = 1
    [17:27:48] [junkbuster] - PayForGuns = 3
    [17:27:48] [junkbuster] - SpawnVehicles = 2
    [17:27:48] [junkbuster] - MaxTotalWarnings = 15
    [17:27:48] [junkbuster] - TooManyWarningsAction = 1
    [17:27:48] [junkbuster] 0 IP-bans have been loaded.
    [17:27:48] [junkbuster] 0 temporary bans have been loaded.
    [17:27:48] [junkbuster] 0 whitelist entries have been loaded.
    [17:27:48] [junkbuster] 5 blacklist entries have been loaded.
    [17:27:48] [junkbuster] 41 bad words have been loaded.
    [17:27:48] [junkbuster] 4 forbidden weapons have been loaded.
    [17:27:48] [junkbuster] JunkBuster has been configurated.
    [17:27:48] [junkbuster] JunkBuster (v10.0) has successfully been loaded.
    [17:27:48] Loaded 1 filterscripts.

    [17:27:48] GangZone 0 loadad: 2722.423828,-1901.509521,2812.729492,-2042.323974,2790.339355,-1944.110473,13.546897,14
    [17:27:48] GangZone 1 loadad: 560.538024,-724.028320,875.840576,-362.014099,681.371826,-474.094207,16.536300,14
    [17:27:48] GangZone 2 loadad: -2151.333007,-534.198120,-1969.786987,-368.509490,-2044.298217,-499.230285,35.335899,14
    [17:27:48] GangZone 3 loadad: -2760.101806,818.282775,-2838.311279,1321.169555,-2802.583007,1007.611877,48.113498,13
    [17:27:48] Maximale Pickups: 2048, Momentane Pickups: 54
    [17:27:48] _______________________________________
    [17:27:48] Das Script wurde Vollständig geladen!
    [17:27:48] Evolution of San Fierro V1.1
    [17:27:48] Script Edit by [ESF]Masterman
    [17:27:48] _______________________________________
    [17:27:48] Number of vehicle models: 93
    [17:28:11] Incoming connection:
    [17:28:11] [join] Masterman has joined the server (0:
    [17:28:43] Masterman hat sich Eingeloggt.
    [17:28:43] [death] Masterman died 255
    [17:28:48] [junkbuster] Executing JunkBuster Chrome for player 'Masterman'.
    [17:28:48] [part] Masterman has left the server (0:2)
    [17:28:48] [junkbuster] Resetting player classes.
    [17:29:00] GangZone 0 loadad: 2722.423828,-1901.509521,2812.729492,-2042.323974,2790.339355,-1944.110473,13.546897,14
    [17:29:00] GangZone 1 loadad: 560.538024,-724.028320,875.840576,-362.014099,681.371826,-474.094207,16.536300,14
    [17:29:00] GangZone 2 loadad: -2151.333007,-534.198120,-1969.786987,-368.509490,-2044.298217,-499.230285,35.335899,14
    [17:29:00] GangZone 3 loadad: -2760.101806,818.282775,-2838.311279,1321.169555,-2802.583007,1007.611877,48.113498,13
    [17:29:00] Maximale Pickups: 2048, Momentane Pickups: 54
    [17:29:00] _______________________________________
    [17:29:00] Das Script wurde Vollständig geladen!
    [17:29:00] Evolution of San Fierro V1.1
    [17:29:00] Script Edit by [ESF]Masterman
    [17:29:00] _______________________________________
    [17:29:00] Number of vehicle models: 93
    [17:29:58] Incoming connection:
    [17:29:58] [join] Masterman has joined the server (0:
    [17:30:08] Masterman hat sich Eingeloggt.
    [17:30:08] [death] Masterman died 255
    Console input: help
    [17:40:44] [junkbuster] Executing JunkBuster Chrome for player 'Masterman'.
    [17:40:44] [part] Masterman has left the server (0:2)
    [17:40:44] [junkbuster] Resetting player classes.
    [17:40:56] Setting server password to: "12745620"
    [17:40:56] GangZone 0 loadad: 2722.423828,-1901.509521,2812.729492,-2042.323974,2790.339355,-1944.110473,13.546897,14
    [17:40:56] GangZone 1 loadad: 560.538024,-724.028320,875.840576,-362.014099,681.371826,-474.094207,16.536300,14
    [17:40:56] GangZone 2 loadad: -2151.333007,-534.198120,-1969.786987,-368.509490,-2044.298217,-499.230285,35.335899,14
    [17:40:56] GangZone 3 loadad: -2760.101806,818.282775,-2838.311279,1321.169555,-2802.583007,1007.611877,48.113498,13
    [17:40:56] Maximale Pickups: 2048, Momentane Pickups: 54
    [17:40:56] _______________________________________
    [17:40:56] Das Script wurde Vollständig geladen!
    [17:40:56] Evolution of San Fierro V1.1
    [17:40:56] Script Edit by [ESF]Masterman
    [17:40:56] _______________________________________
    [17:40:56] Number of vehicle models: 93
    [17:40:59] Server password has been removed.
    [17:42:41] Incoming connection:
    [17:42:41] [join] Masterman has joined the server (0:
    [17:42:48] Incoming connection:
    [17:42:49] [join] N0_One has joined the server (1:
    [17:42:51] Masterman hat sich Eingeloggt.
    [17:42:56] N0_One hat sich Eingeloggt.
    [17:43:07] [chat] [N0_One]: 7REARM
    [17:43:53] [death] Masterman died 255

    und hier noch das letzte was in der crashinfo steht.


    Loaded Modules:

    samp-server.exe A: 0x00400000 - 0x004EE000 (C:\Users\Masterman\Documents\SAMP SERVER\server\samp\SCRIPTBACKUP\samp-server.exe)

    ntdll.dll A: 0x77000000 - 0x77180000 (C:\Windows\SysWOW64\ntdll.dll)

    kernel32.dll A: 0x762D0000 - 0x763E0000 (C:\Windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll)

    KERNELBASE.dll A: 0x763E0000 - 0x76426000 (C:\Windows\syswow64\KERNELBASE.dll)

    SHELL32.dll A: 0x74AE0000 - 0x7572A000 (C:\Windows\syswow64\SHELL32.dll)

    msvcrt.dll A: 0x747D0000 - 0x7487C000 (C:\Windows\syswow64\msvcrt.dll)

    SHLWAPI.dll A: 0x749F0000 - 0x74A47000 (C:\Windows\syswow64\SHLWAPI.dll)

    GDI32.dll A: 0x75CB0000 - 0x75D40000 (C:\Windows\syswow64\GDI32.dll)

    USER32.dll A: 0x75A10000 - 0x75B10000 (C:\Windows\syswow64\USER32.dll)

    ADVAPI32.dll A: 0x75B10000 - 0x75BB0000 (C:\Windows\syswow64\ADVAPI32.dll)

    sechost.dll A: 0x749D0000 - 0x749E9000 (C:\Windows\SysWOW64\sechost.dll)

    RPCRT4.dll A: 0x75BC0000 - 0x75CB0000 (C:\Windows\syswow64\RPCRT4.dll)

    SspiCli.dll A: 0x746E0000 - 0x74740000 (C:\Windows\syswow64\SspiCli.dll)

    CRYPTBASE.dll A: 0x746D0000 - 0x746DC000 (C:\Windows\syswow64\CRYPTBASE.dll)

    LPK.dll A: 0x76FD0000 - 0x76FDA000 (C:\Windows\syswow64\LPK.dll)

    USP10.dll A: 0x75730000 - 0x757CD000 (C:\Windows\syswow64\USP10.dll)

    WSOCK32.dll A: 0x72940000 - 0x72947000 (C:\Windows\system32\WSOCK32.dll)

    WS2_32.dll A: 0x766A0000 - 0x766D5000 (C:\Windows\syswow64\WS2_32.dll)

    NSI.dll A: 0x75BB0000 - 0x75BB6000 (C:\Windows\syswow64\NSI.dll)

    WINMM.dll A: 0x727A0000 - 0x727D2000 (C:\Windows\system32\WINMM.dll)

    IMM32.DLL A: 0x766E0000 - 0x76740000 (C:\Windows\system32\IMM32.DLL)

    MSCTF.dll A: 0x76200000 - 0x762CC000 (C:\Windows\syswow64\MSCTF.dll)

    streamer.DLL A: 0x6C5B0000 - 0x6C5EB000 (C:\Users\Masterman\Documents\SAMP SERVER\server\samp\SCRIPTBACKUP\plugins\streamer.DLL)

    MSVCP90.dll A: 0x6C520000 - 0x6C5AE000 (C:\Windows\WinSxS\x86_microsoft.vc90.crt_1fc8b3b9a1e18e3b_9.0.30729.6161_none_50934f2ebcb7eb57\MSVCP90.dll)

    MSVCR90.dll A: 0x6C470000 - 0x6C513000 (C:\Windows\WinSxS\x86_microsoft.vc90.crt_1fc8b3b9a1e18e3b_9.0.30729.6161_none_50934f2ebcb7eb57\MSVCR90.dll)

    sscanf.DLL A: 0x10000000 - 0x1000B000 (C:\Users\Masterman\Documents\SAMP SERVER\server\samp\SCRIPTBACKUP\plugins\sscanf.DLL)

    MSVCR80.dll A: 0x6C3D0000 - 0x6C46B000 (C:\Windows\WinSxS\x86_microsoft.vc80.crt_1fc8b3b9a1e18e3b_8.0.50727.4940_none_d08cc06a442b34fc\MSVCR80.dll)

    mswsock.dll A: 0x72900000 - 0x7293C000 (C:\Windows\system32\mswsock.dll)

    wshtcpip.dll A: 0x727F0000 - 0x727F5000 (C:\Windows\System32\wshtcpip.dll)

    NLAapi.dll A: 0x70D00000 - 0x70D10000 (C:\Windows\system32\NLAapi.dll)

    napinsp.dll A: 0x73570000 - 0x73580000 (C:\Windows\system32\napinsp.dll)

    pnrpnsp.dll A: 0x73550000 - 0x73562000 (C:\Windows\system32\pnrpnsp.dll)

    DNSAPI.dll A: 0x71E50000 - 0x71E94000 (C:\Windows\system32\DNSAPI.dll)

    winrnr.dll A: 0x73540000 - 0x73548000 (C:\Windows\System32\winrnr.dll)

    WLIDNSP.DLL A: 0x71E20000 - 0x71E47000 (C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Windows Live\WLIDNSP.DLL)

    PSAPI.DLL A: 0x759F0000 - 0x759F5000 (C:\Windows\syswow64\PSAPI.DLL)

    IPHLPAPI.DLL A: 0x740E0000 - 0x740FC000 (C:\Windows\system32\IPHLPAPI.DLL)

    WINNSI.DLL A: 0x740D0000 - 0x740D7000 (C:\Windows\system32\WINNSI.DLL)

    rasadhlp.dll A: 0x718F0000 - 0x718F6000 (C:\Windows\system32\rasadhlp.dll)

    Wie geht das denn, das würde ich gerne Wissen. Also da wird die anzeigetafel mit einem Text ersetzt, ich glaube das geht mit setobjectmaterial oder so

    was für ein 1.7 Patch ? Ich glaube du meintest aber ich habe kein GTA IV sondern Gta episodes from liberty city (so ÄHNLICH wie gta IV)

    //edit da stand außerdem das das kompatibel ist weil ich schon patch drauf hatte für EFLC

    Hallo leute ich bins, Ich habe mir Gta IV San andreas runtergeladen, für GTA IV EFLC.
    Ich habe es installiert und es kamen keine fehler.
    Ich starte das spiel und es lädt mit den normalen bildschirmen, danach geht das spiel einfach aus als ob ichs schließen würde aber das tu ich nich!

    Bitte um hilfe!