Beiträge von Captain_morgan


    Ich habe einen Linux root auf meinem Pc geht alles aber wen ich das script auf den root lade laden die filterscripts nicht ?


    der serverlog

    Loaded log file: "server_log.txt".

    SA-MP Dedicated Server
    v0.3e-R2, (C)2005-2012 SA-MP Team

    [16:35:18] password = "" (string)
    [16:35:18] Server Plugins
    [16:35:18] --------------
    [16:35:18] Loading plugin:
    [16:35:18] Failed (plugins/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory)
    [16:35:18] Loading plugin:

    *** Streamer Plugin v2.5.2 R2 by Incognito loaded ***

    [16:35:18] Loaded.
    [16:35:18] Loading plugin:

    [16:35:18] ===============================

    [16:35:18] sscanf plugin loaded.

    [16:35:18] (c) 2009 Alex "Y_Less" Cole

    [16:35:18] 0.3d-R2 500 Players "dnee"

    [16:35:18] ===============================

    [16:35:18] sscanf error: The current build ONLY supports 0.3d
    [16:35:18] Loaded.
    [16:35:18] Loaded 2 plugins.

    [16:35:18] Ban list
    [16:35:18] --------
    [16:35:18] Loaded: samp.ban
    [16:35:18] Filterscripts
    [16:35:18] ---------------
    [16:35:18] Loading filterscript 'LuxAdmin.amx'...
    [16:35:18] Loading filterscript 'DSpeedo.amx'...
    [16:35:18] Clock Speedometer load
    [16:35:18] Loading filterscript 'Race.amx'...
    [16:35:18] | Race Filterscript v1.04|
    [16:35:18] +-------LOADED----------+

    [16:35:18] ERROR in RacerX (iList.iRf): Race '' doesn't exist!
    [16:35:18] race load: iRaces/SFAvulcanorace.iR
    [16:35:18] type: 0 location: 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000
    [16:35:18] type: 0 location: 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000
    [16:35:18] type: 0 location: 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000
    [16:35:18] type: 0 location: 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000
    [16:35:18] type: 0 location: 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000
    [16:35:18] No object data
    [16:35:18] Loading filterscript 'sp.amx'...
    [16:35:18] Unable to load filterscript 'sp.amx'.
    [16:35:18] Loading filterscript 'RandomMSG.amx'...
    [16:35:18] RandomMessages by Shadow
    [16:35:18] --------------------------------------

    [16:35:18] Loading filterscript 'time.amx'...
    [16:35:18] Clock System by Shadow Loaded
    [16:35:18] --------------------------------------

    [16:35:18] Loading filterscript 'glastowers.amx'...
    [16:35:18] Loading filterscript 'wmenu.amx'...
    [16:35:18] Loaded 7 filterscripts.

    [16:35:18] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    [16:35:18] ~~~[Ger] MonsterStunt Konfigurationen geladen!~~~
    [16:35:18] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    [16:35:18] [Ger] MonsterStunt by Captain_morgan erfolgreich geladen!
    [16:35:18] -------------------------------------------------------

    auf Pc so

    Loaded log file: "server_log.txt".

    SA-MP Dedicated Server
    v0.3e-R2, (C)2005-2012 SA-MP Team

    [18:44:32] password = "" (string)
    [18:44:32] Server Plugins
    [18:44:32] --------------
    [18:44:32] Loading plugin: WhirlPool
    [18:44:32] ==================
    [18:44:32] Whirlpool loaded
    [18:44:32] ==================
    [18:44:32] Loaded.
    [18:44:32] Loading plugin: streamer

    *** Streamer Plugin v2.5.2 R2 by Incognito loaded ***

    [18:44:32] Loaded.
    [18:44:32] Loading plugin: sscanf

    [18:44:32] ===============================

    [18:44:32] sscanf plugin loaded.

    [18:44:32] (c) 2009 Alex "Y_Less" Cole

    [18:44:32] 0.3d-R2 500 Players "dnee"

    [18:44:32] ===============================

    [18:44:32] sscanf error: The current build ONLY supports 0.3d
    [18:44:32] Loaded.
    [18:44:32] Loaded 3 plugins.

    [18:44:32] Ban list
    [18:44:32] --------
    [18:44:32] Loaded: samp.ban
    [18:44:32] Filterscripts
    [18:44:32] ---------------
    [18:44:32] Loading filterscript 'LuxAdmin.amx'...
    [18:44:32] L.A.S v1.6 Beta
    [18:44:32] ---------------
    [18:44:32] LuX Administration System
    [18:44:32] ___________________________________________________

    [18:44:32] -> Loading...
    -Current Configurations Successfully Loaded!

    [18:44:32] -> L.A.S Basic Loaded Configurations:

    [18:44:32] AutoLogin: [Enabled!] ReadCmds: [Enabled!]
    [18:44:32] AntiSwear: [Disabled] AntiSpam: [Enabled!]
    [18:44:32] NameKick: [Enabled!] AntiBot: [Enabled!]
    [18:44:32] ConnectMsgs: [Enabled!] NoCaps: [Disabled]
    [18:44:32] AdminCmdMsgs: [Enabled!] Anti Ads: [Enabled!]
    [18:44:32] SaveMoney: [Enabled!] MustLogin [Enabled!]
    [18:44:32] Forbid Weaps: [Disabled] AdmSkins: [Disabled]
    [18:44:32] ReadPms: [Enabled!] MaxLevel: [10]
    [18:44:32] SaveWeaps [Enabled!] Max Ping: [0ms]
    [18:44:32] ChatDisabled: [Disabled] MuteWarns: [4]
    [18:44:32] MustRegister: [Enabled!] AdmSkins [217, 214]

    [18:44:32] -> Loaded Successfully!

    [18:44:32] Date: 23/9/2012 - Time: 18:44:32
    [18:44:32] ___________________________________________________

    [18:44:32] Loading filterscript 'DSpeedo.amx'...
    [18:44:32] Clock Speedometer load
    [18:44:32] Loading filterscript 'Race.amx'...
    [18:44:32] | Race Filterscript v1.04|
    [18:44:32] +-------LOADED----------+

    [18:44:32] race load: iRaces/RoadTrainRace.iR
    [18:44:32] type: 0 location: 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000
    [18:44:32] type: 0 location: 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000
    [18:44:32] type: 0 location: 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000
    [18:44:32] type: 0 location: 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000
    [18:44:32] type: 0 location: 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000
    [18:44:32] No object data
    [18:44:32] Loading filterscript 'sp.amx'...
    [18:44:32] Speed Boost With Car Fly Has been loaded by Boom
    [18:44:32] -------------------------------------------------

    [18:44:32] Loading filterscript 'RandomMSG.amx'...
    [18:44:32] RandomMessages by Shadow
    [18:44:32] --------------------------------------

    [18:44:32] Loading filterscript 'time.amx'...
    [18:44:32] Clock System by Shadow Loaded
    [18:44:32] --------------------------------------

    [18:44:32] Loading filterscript 'glastowers.amx'...
    [18:44:32] Loading filterscript 'wmenu.amx'...
    [18:44:32] Loaded 8 filterscripts.

    [18:44:32] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    [18:44:32] ~~~[Ger] MonsterStunt Konfigurationen geladen!~~~
    [18:44:32] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    [18:44:32] [Ger] MonsterStunt by Captain_morgan erfolgreich geladen!
    [18:44:32] -------------------------------------------------------

    [18:44:32] Number of vehicle models: 75

    meinst du so ?

    CMD:cmds(playerid, params[])
    ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DIALOG_CMDS1, DIALOG_STYLE_LIST, "Die Liste der Befehle", "{0000FF} um jemandem geld zugeben: /givecash <playerid> <anzahl>
    \n{0000FF}um ein getuntes auto zubekommen: /tcar [1/10]\n{0000FF}um schnell ein auto zubekommen: /car <Id oder Name> <color1> <color2>\n{E76D00}/rjoin um an einem Rennen teilzunehmen
    \n{FFFF00}um das auto zu drehen: /flip\n{FF00FF}Reparieren: H\n{00FF00}Um die Klasse zu welchseln: /reclass\n{E76D00}Um ein Radio zu hören: /radio\n{FF0000}Für eine Liste aller Autos: /v", "OK", "Abbrechen");

    return 1;


    Mr. X \Desktop\Scripten\Sunt Server\Windows\gamemodes\TorettoRacing.pwn(6908) : error 075: input line too long (after substitutions)C:\Users\Mr. X\Desktop\Scripten\Sunt Server\Windows\gamemodes\TorettoRacing.pwn(6909) : error 037: invalid string (possibly non-terminated string)C:\Users\
    Mr. X \Desktop\Scripten\Sunt Server\Windows\gamemodes\TorettoRacing.pwn(6909) : error 017: undefined symbol "FF0000"C:\Users\
    Mr. X \Desktop\Scripten\Sunt Server\Windows\gamemodes\TorettoRacing.pwn(6909) : warning 217: loose indentationC:\Users\
    Mr. X \Desktop\Scripten\Sunt Server\Windows\gamemodes\TorettoRacing.pwn(6909) : error 017: undefined symbol "um"C:\Users\
    Mr. X \Desktop\Scripten\Sunt Server\Windows\gamemodes\TorettoRacing.pwn(6909) : fatal error 107: too many error messages on one line

    CMD:Hilfe(playerid, params[]){ ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DIALOG_CMDS1, DIALOG_STYLE_LIST, "Die Liste der Befehle", "{FF0000}um jemandem geld zugeben: /givecash <playerid> <anzahl>\n{0000FF}um ein getuntes auto zubekommen: /tcar [1/10]\n{FFFF00}um schnell ein auto zubekommen: /car <Id oder Name> <color1> <color2>\n{E76D00}/rjoin um an einem Rennen teilzunehmen\n{FFFF00}um das auto zu drehen: /flip\n{FF00FF}Reparieren: H\n{00FF00}Um die Klasse zu welchseln: /reclass\n{E76D00}Um ein Radio zu hören: /radio\n{FF0000}Für eine Liste aller Autos: /v", "OK", "Abbrechen"); return 1;}

    Könnt ihr mir helfen ????

    //------------------------------------ 24/7_----------------------------------------------
    else if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid,-1980.4042,172.3712,27.6875,268.5592))//24 7
    else if (IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid,-27.1561,-31.4814,1003.5573) && GetPlayerVirtualWorld(playerid) == 1)// 24 7


    Warum Klappt das nicht ? ich möchte von -1980.4042,172.3712,27.6875,268.5592
    In den 24/7 -27.1561,-31.4814,1003.5573

    Warum ?


    Ich habe ein GF script wen ich mir im Autohaus ein auto kaufe wird mir das Geld abgezogen aber kein auto spawn ich Spawn plätze sind im script festgelegt ich weis auch wo aber dort passiert einfach nichts.

    Ich hoffe auf schnelle Hilfe

    Mfg Captain