Beiträge von xKeqinz

    Das kannst du mit SetTimerEx machen.
    Dort wo die 15 Sekunden starten sollen:

    SetTimerEx("Nach15Sek", 15000, 0, "d", playerid);

    Und ganz unten im Gamemode:

    forward Nach15Sek(playerid);
    public Nach15Sek(playerid)
    	//Code der nach 15 Sekunden ausgeführt werden soll
    	return 1;


    Ich möchte gerne das Login um so 15 Sekunden verzögern da vorher noch sone Abflug Perspektive von meinen Intro kommt.

    Heißt im Klartext:

    User Joint -> 15 Sekunden "Rundflug" -> "Login öffnet sich" wie mache ich das das ich den Login 15 Sekunden Verzögerung gebe? <3

    Danke im Vorraus


    Jetzt hab ich schonmal kein Error mehr aber 2 Warnings.
    C:\Users\*\Desktop\SAMP Server\gamemodes\server.pwn(317) : warning 202: number of arguments does not match definition
    C:\Users\*\Desktop\SAMP Server\gamemodes\server.pwn(317) : warning 202: number of arguments does not match definition
    Pawn compiler 3.2.3664 Copyright (c) 1997-2006, ITB CompuPhase

    2 Warnings.

    C:\Users\*\Desktop\SAMP Server\gamemodes\server.pwn(175) : error 017: undefined symbol "num_fields"
    C:\Users\*\Desktop\SAMP Server\gamemodes\server.pwn(174) : warning 203: symbol is never used: "_num_fields"
    C:\Users\*\Desktop\SAMP Server\gamemodes\server.pwn(317) : error 035: argument type mismatch (argument 3)

    174: new num_rows,_num_fields;
    175: cache_get_data(num_rows,num_fields,dbhandle);
    317: mysql_tquery(dbhandle,query,false,"","");

    Hast du die MySQL Include oben in deinem Gamemode mit #include inkludiert?
    Wenn ja, dann öffne aus dem /pawno/ Ordner deine pawno.exe und wähle dort über "Öffnen" deinen Gamemode aus, dann kompiliere ihn erneut.
    Achte darauf, dass im /pawno/includes/ Ordner die Include vorhanden ist.

    Wie meinst du das? Ich hab an den anfang unter #include <a_samp> -> #include <a_mysql> gepackt
    oder wie meinste das?

    Willkommen auf Breadfish!

    Welche Plugin Version verwendest du denn, bzw. welche Include nutzt du?
    Poste, falls du es nicht weißt, die ganze Include bitte hier.

    R31 von (Weiß ich nicht)
    Hoffe du kannst mir helfen.

    * MySQL plugin R31

    #if defined mysql_included
    #define mysql_included

    * Common error codes
    * Client:…rror-messages-client.html
    * Server:…rror-messages-server.html

    #define ER_ACCESS_DENIED_ERROR 1045
    #define ER_UNKNOWN_TABLE 1109
    #define ER_SYNTAX_ERROR 1149
    #define CR_SERVER_GONE_ERROR 2006
    #define CR_SERVER_LOST 2013
    #define CR_COMMAND_OUT_OF_SYNC 2014
    #define CR_SERVER_LOST_EXTENDED 2055

    enum e_LogLevel {
    LOG_NONE = 0,
    LOG_ERROR = 1,
    LOG_WARNING = 2,
    LOG_DEBUG = 4

    enum e_LogType {
    LOG_TYPE_TEXT = 1,

    #define mysql_insert_id cache_insert_id
    #define mysql_affected_rows cache_affected_rows
    #define mysql_warning_count cache_warning_count
    #define mysql_real_escape_string mysql_escape_string

    // cache_get_field
    #define cache_get_field(%0) cache_get_field_name(%0)

    // mysql_function_query(conHandle, query[], bool:cache, callback[], format[], {Float,_}:...);
    #define mysql_function_query(%0,%1,%2,%3,"%4"%5) mysql_tquery(%0,%1,%3,#%4%5)

    // mysql_fetch_row(destination)
    #define mysql_fetch_row(%1) mysql_fetch_row_format(%1,"|")

    // mysql_next_row()
    #define mysql_next_row() mysql_retrieve_row()

    // mysql_get_field(fieldname, destination)
    #define mysql_get_field(%1,%2) mysql_fetch_field_row(%2,%1)

    // ismysqlnull(string[])
    #define ismysqlnull(%1) \

    // Natives
    native mysql_log(loglevel = LOG_ERROR | LOG_WARNING, logtype = LOG_TYPE_TEXT);
    native mysql_connect(const host[], const user[], const database[], const password[], port = 3306, bool:autoreconnect = true);
    native mysql_close(connectionHandle = 1, bool:wait = true);
    native mysql_reconnect(connectionHandle = 1);

    native mysql_errno(connectionHandle = 1);
    native mysql_escape_string(const source[], destination[], connectionHandle = 1, max_len=sizeof(destination));
    native mysql_format(connectionHandle, output[], len, format[], {Float,_}:...);
    native mysql_tquery(connectionHandle, query[], callback[], format[], {Float,_}:...);
    native mysql_function_query(conHandle, query[], bool:cache, callback[], format[], {Float,_}:...); //DEPRECATED

    native mysql_stat(destination[], connectionHandle = 1, max_len=sizeof(destination));
    native mysql_get_charset(destination[], connectionHandle = 1, max_len=sizeof(destination));
    native mysql_set_charset(charset[], connectionHandle = 1);

    // Cache functions.
    native cache_get_data(&num_rows, &num_fields, connectionHandle = 1);
    native cache_get_field_name(field_index, destination[], connectionHandle = 1, max_len=sizeof(destination));

    native cache_get_row(row, idx, destination[], connectionHandle = 1, max_len=sizeof(destination));
    native cache_get_row_int(row, idx, connectionHandle = 1);
    native Float:cache_get_row_float(row, idx, connectionHandle = 1);

    native cache_get_field_content(row, const field_name[], destination[], connectionHandle = 1, max_len=sizeof(destination));
    native cache_get_field_content_int(row, const field_name[], connectionHandle = 1);
    native Float:cache_get_field_content_float(row, const field_name[], connectionHandle = 1);

    native cache_save(connectionHandle = 1);
    native cache_delete(cacheID, connectionHandle = 1);
    native cache_set_active(cacheID, connectionHandle = 1);

    native cache_affected_rows(connectionHandle = 1);
    native cache_insert_id(connectionHandle = 1);
    native cache_warning_count(connectionHandle = 1);

    #if defined MYSQL_USE_YINLINE
    #include <YSI\>
    new g_MySQL_InlineData[500][E_CALLBACK_DATA];
    new g_MySQL_InlineCounter = 0;

    stock MySQL_Internal_SaveInline(callback:CB) {
    new InlineData[E_CALLBACK_DATA];
    if (Callback_Get(CB, InlineData))
    g_MySQL_InlineData[g_MySQL_InlineCounter] = InlineData;

    #define mysql_tquery_inline(%0,%1,%2,"%3"%4) \
    MySQL_Internal_SaveInline(%2); \

    forward FJ37DH3JG_MYSQL_INTERNAL(...);
    public FJ37DH3JG_MYSQL_INTERNAL(...) {
    new VarArray[32];
    new AddressArray[32];
    for(new i=0; i < numargs()-1; ++i) {
    VarArray[i] = getarg(i+1);
    AddressArray[i] = AMX_GetRelativeAddress(VarArray[i]);
    Callback_Array(g_MySQL_InlineData[getarg(0)], AddressArray);

    // Wrappers for cache functions
    stock mysql_reload(connectionHandle = 1) {
    mysql_tquery(connectionHandle, "FLUSH PRIVILEGES", "", "");
    return 1;

    static RowIndex[20];
    static bool:RetrieveRow[20];
    stock mysql_store_result(connectionHandle = 1) {
    RowIndex[connectionHandle] = 0;
    RetrieveRow[connectionHandle] = false;
    stock mysql_free_result(connectionHandle = 1) {
    #pragma unused connectionHandle
    stock mysql_num_rows(connectionHandle = 1) {
    new Rows, Fields;
    cache_get_data(Rows, Fields, connectionHandle);
    return Rows;
    stock mysql_num_fields(connectionHandle = 1) {
    new Rows, Fields;
    cache_get_data(Rows, Fields, connectionHandle);
    return Fields;
    stock mysql_retrieve_row(connectionHandle = 1) {
    if(RetrieveRow[connectionHandle] != false)
    RetrieveRow[connectionHandle] = true;
    if(RowIndex[connectionHandle] >= mysql_num_rows(connectionHandle))
    return 0;
    return 1;
    stock mysql_data_seek(offset, connectionHandle = 1) {
    new Rows = mysql_num_rows(connectionHandle);
    if(offset < 0)
    offset = 0;
    else if(offset >= Rows)
    offset = Rows-1;
    RowIndex[connectionHandle] = offset;
    stock mysql_fetch_field(number, destination[], connectionHandle = 1, max_len=sizeof(destination)) {
    strdel(destination, 0, max_len-1);
    return cache_get_field(number, destination, connectionHandle, max_len);
    stock mysql_fetch_field_row(destination[], const fieldname[], connectionHandle = 1, max_len=sizeof(destination)) {
    strdel(destination, 0, max_len-1);
    new RIDX = RowIndex[connectionHandle];
    cache_get_field_content(RIDX < 0 ? 0 : RIDX, fieldname, destination, connectionHandle, max_len);
    stock mysql_fetch_row_format(destination[], const delimiter[] = "|", connectionHandle = 1, max_len=sizeof(destination)) {
    strdel(destination, 0, max_len-1);
    new Fields = mysql_num_fields(connectionHandle);
    for(new f=0; f < Fields; f++) {
    if(f != 0) {
    strcat(destination, delimiter, max_len);

    new row_val_tmp[512];
    new RIDX = RowIndex[connectionHandle];
    cache_get_row(RIDX < 0 ? 0 : RIDX, f, row_val_tmp, connectionHandle);
    if(f == 0)
    strins(destination, row_val_tmp, 0, max_len);
    strcat(destination, row_val_tmp, max_len);

    // Forward declarations.
    forward OnQueryError(errorid, error[], callback[], query[], connectionHandle);