Beiträge von Anthony_Lopes

    Guten Tag Community,

    heute stelle ich euch folgende Frage/Fragen:

    • Hat schon mal jemand das gesamte Tutorial bei dem pRP/Pure Roleplay Script entfernt und kann mir da helfen?
    • Weiß jemand wie es funktioniert? Das komplette Tutorial raus zu nehmen sodass man nach der registrierung normal spawnt usw?
    • Kann mir da jemand schnell helfen oder mir erklären wie das geht?

    Denn als ich es mal versucht habe, kam dabei nichts richtiges bei raus.
    Habe da irgendwie alles zerscheuert.

    Würde mich sehr freuen wenn mir da jemand helfen könnte.
    Danke im Voraus

    Mit freundlichen Grüßen
    Tobi_Wayne ?(

    Wenn man Häuser erstellt, und diese dann fertig gestellt hat, steht dort immer noch Haus Erstellung.
    Wenn man danach in das Houseicon läuft, erscheint eine komische Nachricht: Du bist nicht in der jeweiligen Fraktion oder so.
    Ist das nur bei mir so?
    Denn alles andere funktioniert, ausser das man noch für Fraktion 17 keine Fraktionsfahrzeuge erstellen kannst.

    Das von diesem Link funktioniert ingame super.
    Musste auch nichts verändern.
    Nur es gibt folgendes Problem: Man kann es nicht mehr ausblenden (Textdraws)
    Wie kann man für diesen Code einen Gegenbefehl erstellen mit dem man wieder die Textdraws weg bekommt?

    #include <a_samp>

    Text: text_Top5[2]

    enum rankingEnum

    public OnFilterScriptInit()
    text_Top5[0] = TextDrawCreate(79.000000, 135.000000, "Top 5");
    TextDrawAlignment(text_Top5[0], 2);
    TextDrawBackgroundColor(text_Top5[0], 255);
    TextDrawFont(text_Top5[0], 1);
    TextDrawLetterSize(text_Top5[0], 0.280000, 1.499999);
    TextDrawColor(text_Top5[0], -1);
    TextDrawSetOutline(text_Top5[0], 0);
    TextDrawSetProportional(text_Top5[0], 1);
    TextDrawSetShadow(text_Top5[0], 0);

    text_Top5[1] = TextDrawCreate(16.000000, 135.000000, " ");
    TextDrawBackgroundColor(text_Top5[1], 255);
    TextDrawFont(text_Top5[1], 1);
    TextDrawLetterSize(text_Top5[1], 0.200000, 0.999999);
    TextDrawColor(text_Top5[1], -1);
    TextDrawSetOutline(text_Top5[1], 0);
    TextDrawSetProportional(text_Top5[1], 1);
    TextDrawSetShadow(text_Top5[1], 0);
    TextDrawUseBox(text_Top5[1], 1);
    TextDrawBoxColor(text_Top5[1], 150);
    TextDrawTextSize(text_Top5[1], 143.000000, 20.000000);
    return 1;

    public OnFilterScriptExit()
    return 1;

    stock GetPlayerHighestScores(array[][rankingEnum], left, right)
    tempLeft = left,
    tempRight = right,
    pivot = array[(left + right) / 2][player_Score],
    while(tempLeft <= tempRight)
    while(array[tempLeft][player_Score] > pivot) tempLeft++;
    while(array[tempRight][player_Score] < pivot) tempRight--;

    if(tempLeft <= tempRight)
    tempVar = array[tempLeft][player_Score], array[tempLeft][player_Score] = array[tempRight][player_Score], array[tempRight][player_Score] = tempVar;
    tempVar = array[tempLeft][player_ID], array[tempLeft][player_ID] = array[tempRight][player_ID], array[tempRight][player_ID] = tempVar;
    tempLeft++, tempRight--;
    if(left < tempRight) GetPlayerHighestScores(array, left, tempRight);
    if(tempLeft < right) GetPlayerHighestScores(array, tempLeft, right);

    public OnPlayerCommandText(playerid, cmdtext[])
    if(!strcmp(cmdtext, "/top5", true))
    for(new i; i != MAX_PLAYERS; ++i)
    if(IsPlayerConnected(i) && !IsPlayerNPC(i))
    playerScores[index][player_Score] = GetPlayerScore(i);
    playerScores[index++][player_ID] = i;
    GetPlayerHighestScores(playerScores, 0, index);

    score_Text[256] = "~n~",
    for(new i; i < 5; ++i)
    if(i < index)
    GetPlayerName(playerScores[i][player_ID], player_Name, sizeof(player_Name));
    format(score_Text, sizeof(score_Text), "%s~n~~b~%d. ~w~%s - ~r~%d", score_Text, i + 1, player_Name, playerScores[i][player_Score]);
    format(score_Text, sizeof(score_Text), "%s~n~~b~%d. ~r~N/A", score_Text, i + 1);
    TextDrawSetString(text_Top5[1], score_Text);
    TextDrawShowForPlayer(playerid, text_Top5[0]);
    TextDrawShowForPlayer(playerid, text_Top5[1]);
    return 1;
    return 0;

    Guten Abend Breadfish Community.
    Ich würde für mein Gangwar Script sehr gerne eine Topliste einfügen, mit dem Befehl /top5
    Nun weis ich aber nicht wie genau ich anfangen soll oder was genau ich machen muss.

    Es sollten die Top5 Spieler angezeigt werden, was die Killanzahl angeht.
    z.B schön untereinnander im Dialog:


    Das Script läuft über Dini und die Accounts werden hier gespeichert:


    Die Accountdateien enden mit .sav

    Was genau muss ich da nun machen um so etwas hinzubekommen?

    Danke im Voraus an alle die mir helfen.


    Hey Community.

    Habe wieder mal ein Problem!
    Der Score wird nicht gespeichert.

    Ich habe keine Ahnung wieso oder warum, Accounts werden angelegt und dort sollte das auch gespeichert werden.
    Aber so wie es aussieht, wird er nach jedem Relogg auf 0 gesetzt.
    Woran kann das liegen?

    Hallo Community.
    Wie die Überschrift schon sagt habe ich ein Problem mit meinen Pickups.

    Ich habe gelesen das die Pickup ID 3 so funktioniert:
    Man geht hinein, und es verschwindet, und kommt erst wieder wenn man stirbt.

    Das habe ich auch gemacht, denke ich zumindest.
    Aber wenn mein rein läuft, bleiben die Pickups da, und zwar dauerhaft.

    Hier mal ein Screenshop der Pickups.

    Habe ich da was falsch gemacht?
    Danke im Voraus

    MfG Tobi

    Habe das LAAdminV2 drin glaube ich, also habe es runtergeladen und probiert, dann kommt das:

    [16:37:55] Loaded.
    [16:37:55] Loading plugin:

    *** Streamer Plugin v2.6.1 by Incognito loaded ***

    [16:37:55] Loaded.
    [16:37:55] Loading plugin:
    [16:37:55] crashdetect v4.8.3 is OK.
    [16:37:55] Loaded.
    [16:37:55] Loading plugin:
    [16:37:55] Failed (plugins/ wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS64)
    [16:37:55] Loading plugin:

    *** Audio Plugin v0.5 R2 by Incognito loaded ***

    [16:37:55] Loaded.
    [16:37:55] Loaded 4 plugins.

    [16:37:55] Filterscripts
    [16:37:55] ---------------
    [16:37:55] Loading filterscript 'viceaadtdm.amx'...
    [16:37:55] Loaded 1 filterscripts.

    [16:37:55] OnScriptInit 1
    [16:37:55] =======================================
    [16:37:55] | |
    [16:37:55] | YSI version 1.06.0002 |
    [16:37:55] | By Alex "Y_Less" Cole |
    [16:37:55] | |
    [16:37:55] =======================================
    [16:37:55] OnScriptInit 2
    [16:37:55] OnScriptInit 3
    [16:37:55] OnScriptInit 4
    [16:37:55] [debug] Run time error 19: "File or function is not found"
    [16:37:55] [debug] GameTextForAllBottom
    [16:37:55] [debug] SetWaterLevel
    [16:37:55] [debug] SetGamespeed
    [16:37:55] [debug] SetPlayerFriendlyFire
    [16:37:55] [debug] SetWorldBounds
    [16:37:55] [debug] SetCameraPos
    [16:37:55] [debug] SetCameraLookAt
    [16:37:55] [debug] SetPlayerStartPos
    [16:37:55] Bray Wyatts Gang Wars Script 0.3z
    [16:37:55] ----------------------------------

    [16:37:55] Number of vehicle models: 9
    [16:37:55] ==========================================
    [16:37:55] | |
    [16:37:55] | A new version (v3.09.0684) of YSI is |
    [16:37:55] | available from: |
    [16:37:55] | |
    [16:37:55] | |
    [16:37:55] | |
    [16:37:55] | Changelog: |
    [16:37:55] | |
    [16:37:55] | 3.00.0000: |
    [16:37:55] | |
    [16:37:55] | YSI 3.0 released! Now includes the |
    [16:37:55] | "y_text" library for better messages, |
    [16:37:55] | and a reworked "y_classes" library. |
    [16:37:55] | Largely documented here |
    [16:37:55] | " |
    [16:37:55] | ?t=321092". |
    [16:37:55] | |
    [16:37:55] | 3.01.0002: |
    [16:37:55] | |
    [16:37:55] | Small fixes to "y_text" and |
    [16:37:55] | "y_classes". |
    [16:37:55] | |
    [16:37:55] | 3.09.0684: |
    [16:37:55] | |
    [16:37:55] | Reverted to old download location. |
    [16:37:55] | Improved (and fixed) version checks; |
    [16:37:55] | added y_bitmap, y_areas, y_races, |
    [16:37:55] | y_zonenames, better documentation; |
    [16:37:55] | MANY other bug fixes - see the github |
    [16:37:55] | repository for more details: |
    [16:37:55] | |
    [16:37:55] ==========================================
    [16:38:23] Incoming connection:
    [16:38:23] [join] InceptioN has joined the server (0:
    [16:38:23] [debug] Run time error 19: "File or function is not found"
    [16:38:23] [debug] GameTextForAllBottom
    [16:38:23] [debug] SetWaterLevel
    [16:38:23] [debug] SetGamespeed
    [16:38:23] [debug] SetPlayerFriendlyFire
    [16:38:23] [debug] SetWorldBounds
    [16:38:23] [debug] SetCameraPos
    [16:38:23] [debug] SetCameraLookAt
    [16:38:23] [debug] SetPlayerStartPos
    [16:38:24] [debug] Run time error 19: "File or function is not found"
    [16:38:24] [debug] GameTextForAllBottom
    [16:38:24] [debug] SetWaterLevel
    [16:38:24] [debug] SetGamespeed
    [16:38:24] [debug] SetPlayerFriendlyFire
    [16:38:24] [debug] SetWorldBounds
    [16:38:24] [debug] SetCameraPos
    [16:38:24] [debug] SetCameraLookAt
    [16:38:24] [debug] SetPlayerStartPos
    [16:38:28] [debug] Run time error 19: "File or function is not found"
    [16:38:28] [debug] GameTextForAllBottom
    [16:38:28] [debug] SetWaterLevel
    [16:38:28] [debug] SetGamespeed
    [16:38:28] [debug] SetPlayerFriendlyFire
    [16:38:28] [debug] SetWorldBounds
    [16:38:28] [debug] SetCameraPos
    [16:38:28] [debug] SetCameraLookAt
    [16:38:28] [debug] SetPlayerStartPos
    [16:38:28] [debug] Run time error 19: "File or function is not found"
    [16:38:28] [debug] GameTextForAllBottom
    [16:38:28] [debug] SetWaterLevel
    [16:38:28] [debug] SetGamespeed
    [16:38:28] [debug] SetPlayerFriendlyFire
    [16:38:28] [debug] SetWorldBounds
    [16:38:28] [debug] SetCameraPos
    [16:38:28] [debug] SetCameraLookAt
    [16:38:28] [debug] SetPlayerStartPos
    [16:38:28] [debug] Run time error 19: "File or function is not found"
    [16:38:28] [debug] GameTextForAllBottom
    [16:38:28] [debug] SetWaterLevel
    [16:38:28] [debug] SetGamespeed
    [16:38:28] [debug] SetPlayerFriendlyFire
    [16:38:28] [debug] SetWorldBounds
    [16:38:28] [debug] SetCameraPos
    [16:38:28] [debug] SetCameraLookAt
    [16:38:28] [debug] SetPlayerStartPos
    [16:38:28] [debug] Run time error 19: "File or function is not found"
    [16:38:28] [debug] GameTextForAllBottom
    [16:38:28] [debug] SetWaterLevel
    [16:38:28] [debug] SetGamespeed
    [16:38:28] [debug] SetPlayerFriendlyFire
    [16:38:28] [debug] SetWorldBounds
    [16:38:28] [debug] SetCameraPos
    [16:38:28] [debug] SetCameraLookAt
    [16:38:28] [debug] SetPlayerStartPos
    [16:38:30] [debug] Run time error 19: "File or function is not found"
    [16:38:30] [debug] GameTextForAllBottom
    [16:38:30] [debug] SetWaterLevel
    [16:38:30] [debug] SetGamespeed
    [16:38:30] [debug] SetPlayerFriendlyFire
    [16:38:30] [debug] SetWorldBounds
    [16:38:30] [debug] SetCameraPos
    [16:38:30] [debug] SetCameraLookAt
    [16:38:30] [debug] SetPlayerStartPos
    [16:38:36] [debug] Run time error 19: "File or function is not found"
    [16:38:36] [debug] GameTextForAllBottom
    [16:38:36] [debug] SetWaterLevel
    [16:38:36] [debug] SetGamespeed
    [16:38:36] [debug] SetPlayerFriendlyFire
    [16:38:36] [debug] SetWorldBounds
    [16:38:36] [debug] SetCameraPos
    [16:38:36] [debug] SetCameraLookAt
    [16:38:36] [debug] SetPlayerStartPos

    Ich teste jetzt mal die 32 bit version vom whirpool
    Ich verstehe es nicht ganz, über windows server läuft er, aber linux nicht.
    Das hat was mit plugins oder includes zu tun

    Aber weis nicht was

    Habe die .so in den PLugins Ordner gepackt.
    Nun kommt:

    *** Streamer Plugin v2.6.1 by Incognito loaded ***

    [15:02:14] Loaded.
    [15:02:14] Loading plugin:
    [15:02:14] crashdetect v4.8.3 is OK.
    [15:02:14] Loaded.
    [15:02:14] Loading plugin:
    [15:02:14] Failed (plugins/ wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS64)
    [15:02:14] Loading plugin:

    *** Audio Plugin v0.5 R2 by Incognito loaded ***

    [15:02:14] Loaded.
    [15:02:14] Loaded 4 plugins.

    [15:02:14] Filterscripts
    [15:02:14] ---------------
    [15:02:14] Loading filterscript 'LuxAdmin.amx'...
    [15:02:14] [debug] Run time error 19: "File or function is not found"
    [15:02:14] [debug] WP_Hash
    [15:02:14] Loaded 1 filterscripts.

    [15:02:14] OnScriptInit 1
    [15:02:14] =======================================
    [15:02:14] | |
    [15:02:14] | YSI version 1.06.0002 |
    [15:02:14] | By Alex "Y_Less" Cole |
    [15:02:14] | |
    [15:02:14] =======================================
    [15:02:14] OnScriptInit 2
    [15:02:14] OnScriptInit 3
    [15:02:14] OnScriptInit 4
    [15:02:14] Bray Wyatts Gang Wars Script 0.3z
    [15:02:14] ----------------------------------

    [15:02:14] Number of vehicle models: 9
    [15:02:14] ==========================================
    [15:02:14] | |
    [15:02:14] | A new version (v3.09.0684) of YSI is |
    [15:02:14] | available from: |
    [15:02:14] | |
    [15:02:14] | |
    [15:02:14] | |
    [15:02:14] | Changelog: |
    [15:02:14] | |
    [15:02:14] | 3.00.0000: |
    [15:02:14] | |
    [15:02:14] | YSI 3.0 released! Now includes the |
    [15:02:14] | "y_text" library for better messages, |
    [15:02:14] | and a reworked "y_classes" library. |
    [15:02:14] | Largely documented here |
    [15:02:14] | " |
    [15:02:14] | ?t=321092". |
    [15:02:14] | |
    [15:02:14] | 3.01.0002: |
    [15:02:14] | |
    [15:02:14] | Small fixes to "y_text" and |
    [15:02:14] | "y_classes". |
    [15:02:14] | |
    [15:02:14] | 3.09.0684: |
    [15:02:14] | |
    [15:02:14] | Reverted to old download location. |
    [15:02:14] | Improved (and fixed) version checks; |
    [15:02:14] | added y_bitmap, y_areas, y_races, |
    [15:02:14] | y_zonenames, better documentation; |
    [15:02:14] | MANY other bug fixes - see the github |
    [15:02:14] | repository for more details: |
    [15:02:14] | |
    [15:02:14] ==========================================
    [15:02:49] Incoming connection:
    [15:02:49] [join] InceptioN has joined the server (0:
    [15:02:49] [debug] Run time error 19: "File or function is not found"
    [15:02:49] [debug] WP_Hash
    [15:02:54] [debug] Run time error 19: "File or function is not found"
    [15:02:54] [debug] WP_Hash
    [15:02:54] [debug] Run time error 19: "File or function is not found"
    [15:02:54] [debug] WP_Hash
    [15:02:54] [debug] Run time error 19: "File or function is not found"
    [15:02:54] [debug] WP_Hash
    [15:02:54] [debug] Run time error 19: "File or function is not found"
    [15:02:54] [debug] WP_Hash
    [15:02:54] [debug] Run time error 19: "File or function is not found"
    [15:02:54] [debug] WP_Hash
    [15:02:56] [debug] Run time error 19: "File or function is not found"
    [15:02:56] [debug] WP_Hash
    [15:02:56] [debug] Run time error 19: "File or function is not found"
    [15:02:56] [debug] WP_Hash
    [15:02:57] [debug] Run time error 19: "File or function is not found"
    [15:02:57] [debug] WP_Hash
    [15:02:58] [debug] Run time error 19: "File or function is not found"
    [15:02:58] [debug] WP_Hash
    [15:02:58] [debug] Run time error 19: "File or function is not found"
    [15:02:58] [debug] WP_Hash
    [15:02:58] [debug] Run time error 19: "File or function is not found"
    [15:02:58] [debug] WP_Hash
    [15:02:58] [debug] Run time error 19: "File or function is not found"
    [15:02:58] [debug] WP_Hash
    [15:02:59] [debug] Run time error 19: "File or function is not found"
    [15:02:59] [debug] WP_Hash
    [15:02:59] [debug] Run time error 19: "File or function is not found"
    [15:02:59] [debug] WP_Hash
    [15:02:59] [debug] Run time error 19: "File or function is not found"
    [15:02:59] [debug] WP_Hash
    [15:02:59] [debug] Run time error 19: "File or function is not found"
    [15:02:59] [debug] WP_Hash
    [15:02:59] [debug] Run time error 19: "File or function is not found"
    [15:02:59] [debug] WP_Hash
    [15:02:59] [debug] Run time error 19: "File or function is not found"
    [15:02:59] [debug] WP_Hash
    [15:02:59] [debug] Run time error 19: "File or function is not found"
    [15:02:59] [debug] WP_Hash
    [15:02:59] [debug] Run time error 19: "File or function is not found"
    [15:02:59] [debug] WP_Hash
    [15:02:59] [debug] Run time error 19: "File or function is not found"
    [15:02:59] [debug] WP_Hash
    [15:03:00] [debug] Run time error 19: "File or function is not found"
    [15:03:00] [debug] WP_Hash
    [15:03:01] [debug] Run time error 19: "File or function is not found"
    [15:03:03] [debug] WP_Hash
    [15:03:03] [part] InceptioN has left the server (0:1)

    Das steht zuletzt im log.

    ** Streamer Plugin v2.6.1 by Incognito loaded ***

    [13:33:51] Loaded.
    [13:33:51] Loading plugin:
    [13:33:51] crashdetect v4.8.3 is OK.
    [13:33:51] Loaded.
    [13:33:51] Loading plugin:
    [13:33:51] Failed (plugins/ wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS64)
    [13:33:51] Loading plugin:

    *** Audio Plugin v0.5 R2 by Incognito loaded ***

    [13:33:51] Loaded.
    [13:33:51] Loaded 4 plugins.

    [13:33:51] Filterscripts
    [13:33:51] ---------------
    [13:33:51] Loading filterscript 'LuxAdmin.amx'...
    [13:33:51] [debug] Run time error 19: "File or function is not found"
    [13:33:51] [debug] WP_Hash
    [13:33:51] Loaded 1 filterscripts.

    [13:33:51] OnScriptInit 1
    [13:33:51] =======================================
    [13:33:51] | |
    [13:33:51] | YSI version 1.06.0002 |
    [13:33:51] | By Alex "Y_Less" Cole |
    [13:33:51] | |
    [13:33:51] =======================================
    [13:33:51] OnScriptInit 2
    [13:33:51] OnScriptInit 3
    [13:33:51] OnScriptInit 4
    [13:33:51] Bray Wyatts Gang Wars Script 0.3z
    [13:33:51] ----------------------------------

    [13:33:51] Number of vehicle models: 9
    [13:33:51] ==========================================
    [13:33:51] | |
    [13:33:51] | A new version (v3.09.0684) of YSI is |
    [13:33:51] | available from: |
    [13:33:51] | |
    [13:33:51] | |
    [13:33:51] | |
    [13:33:51] | Changelog: |
    [13:33:51] | |
    [13:33:51] | 3.00.0000: |
    [13:33:51] | |
    [13:33:51] | YSI 3.0 released! Now includes the |
    [13:33:51] | "y_text" library for better messages, |
    [13:33:51] | and a reworked "y_classes" library. |
    [13:33:51] | Largely documented here |
    [13:33:51] | " |
    [13:33:51] | ?t=321092". |
    [13:33:51] | |
    [13:33:51] | 3.01.0002: |
    [13:33:51] | |
    [13:33:51] | Small fixes to "y_text" and |
    [13:33:51] | "y_classes". |
    [13:33:51] | |
    [13:33:51] | 3.09.0684: |
    [13:33:51] | |
    [13:33:51] | Reverted to old download location. |
    [13:33:51] | Improved (and fixed) version checks; |
    [13:33:51] | added y_bitmap, y_areas, y_races, |
    [13:33:51] | y_zonenames, better documentation; |
    [13:33:51] | MANY other bug fixes - see the github |
    [13:33:51] | repository for more details: |
    [13:33:51] | |
    [13:33:51] ==========================================
    [13:34:14] Incoming connection:
    [13:34:15] [join] InceptioN has joined the server (0:
    [13:34:15] [debug] Run time error 19: "File or function is not found"
    [13:34:15] [debug] WP_Hash
    [13:34:27] [debug] Run time error 19: "File or function is not found"
    [13:34:27] [debug] WP_Hash
    [13:34:27] [debug] Run time error 19: "File or function is not found"
    [13:34:27] [debug] WP_Hash
    [13:34:27] [debug] Run time error 19: "File or function is not found"
    [13:34:27] [debug] WP_Hash
    [13:34:27] [debug] Run time error 19: "File or function is not found"
    [13:34:27] [debug] WP_Hash
    [13:34:28] [debug] Run time error 19: "File or function is not found"
    [13:34:28] [debug] WP_Hash
    [13:34:28] [debug] Run time error 19: "File or function is not found"
    [13:34:28] [debug] WP_Hash
    [13:34:30] [debug] Run time error 19: "File or function is not found"
    [13:34:30] [debug] WP_Hash
    [13:34:30] [part] InceptioN has left the server (0:1)