SSD Festplatten gehen bei Amazone schon ab
74,99€ raus
SSD Festplatten gehen bei Amazone schon ab
74,99€ raus
mit 240GB reicht grade mal für Windows und paar kleine Spiele
stock SaveUserStats(playerid)
//Wen der Spieler nicht eingeloggt ist, dann speichere seine Statistiken nicht
if(!sInfo[playerid][eingeloggt])return 1;
//Ansonsten speichere Sie ab
new query[600];
mysql_format(handle,query,sizeof(query),"UPDATE Accounts Set Name = '%s',Adminlevel = '%d',Level = '%d',Money = '%d',Fraktion = '%i',Rang = '%d',Spawn = '%d' WHERE id = '%d' ",sInfo[playerid][Name],sInfo[playerid][Adminlevel],sInfo[playerid][Level],sInfo[playerid][Money],sInfo[playerid][Fraktion],sInfo[playerid][Rang],sInfo[playerid][Spawn],sInfo[playerid][db_id]);
printf("Speichervorgang der Accountdaten des Spielers!");
//Das Query wird abgesendet
return 1;
Alles anzeigen
@Y3tti deine Antwort ist ordentlich mit der man auch was anfangen kann
Dann würde kein CPU funktonieren wenn kein Arbeitsspeicher drin wäre.
[10/15/16 14:54:56] [INFO] changed log level from 'warning, error' to 'debug, info, warning, error'
[10/15/16 14:56:42] [DEBUG] mysql_format(1, 0xF5459898, 128, "SELECT id FROM Accounts WHERE Name = '%e'") (Nitradoscript.p:270)
[10/15/16 14:56:42] [DEBUG] CHandle::EscapeString(this=0x9896ab0, src='Pergus')
[10/15/16 14:56:42] [DEBUG] CConnection::EscapeString(src='Pergus', this=0x99876d0, connection=0x9a08178)
[10/15/16 14:56:42] [DEBUG] CHandle::EscapeString - return value: true, escaped string: 'Pergus'
[10/15/16 14:56:42] [DEBUG] mysql_format: return value: '45' (Nitradoscript.p:270)
[10/15/16 14:56:42] [DEBUG] mysql_pquery(1, "SELECT id FROM Accounts WHERE Name = 'Pergus'", "OnUserCheck", "d") (Nitradoscript.p:271)
[10/15/16 14:56:42] [DEBUG] CCallback::Create(amx=0x9a07d38, name='OnUserCheck', format='d', params=0xf5459880, param_offset=5)
[10/15/16 14:56:42] [DEBUG] CCallback::Create - callback index for 'OnUserCheck': 32
[10/15/16 14:56:42] [DEBUG] processing specifier 'd' with parameter index 0
[10/15/16 14:56:42] [DEBUG] retrieved and pushed value '0'
[10/15/16 14:56:42] [INFO] Callback 'OnUserCheck' set up for delayed execution.
[10/15/16 14:56:42] [DEBUG] created delayed callback with 1 parameter
[10/15/16 14:56:42] [DEBUG] CHandle::Execute(this=0x9896ab0, type=2, query=0x9a57038)
[10/15/16 14:56:42] [DEBUG] CConnectionPool::Queue(query=0x9a57038, this=0x998e490)
[10/15/16 14:56:42] [DEBUG] CHandle::Execute - return value: true
[10/15/16 14:56:42] [DEBUG] mysql_pquery: return value: '1' (Nitradoscript.p:271)
[10/15/16 14:56:42] [DEBUG] CConnection::Execute(query=0x9a57038, this=0xf4b2e008, connection=0x9a2eb08)
[10/15/16 14:56:42] [DEBUG] CQuery::Execute(this=0x9a57038, connection=0x9a2eb08)
[10/15/16 14:56:42] [INFO] query "SELECT id FROM Accounts WHERE Name = 'Pergus'" successfully executed within 0.305 milliseconds
[10/15/16 14:56:42] [DEBUG] CResultSet::Create(connection=0x9a2eb08, query_str='SELECT id FROM Accounts WHERE Name = 'Pergus'')
[10/15/16 14:56:42] [DEBUG] created new resultset '0xf41005c8'
[10/15/16 14:56:42] [DEBUG] fetched MySQL result '0xf4100800'
[10/15/16 14:56:42] [DEBUG] allocated 0 bytes for PAWN result
[10/15/16 14:56:42] [DEBUG] CCallback::Execute(amx=0x9a07d38, index=32, num_params=1)
[10/15/16 14:56:42] [INFO] Executing callback 'OnUserCheck' with 1 parameter...
[10/15/16 14:56:42] [DEBUG] processing internal specifier 'c'
[10/15/16 14:56:42] [DEBUG] pushed value '0' onto AMX stack
[10/15/16 14:56:42] [DEBUG] executing AMX callback with index '32'
[10/15/16 14:56:42] [DEBUG] cache_get_row_count(0xF5459A98) (Nitradoscript.p:296)
[10/15/16 14:56:42] [DEBUG] cache_get_row_count: return value: '1' (Nitradoscript.p:296)
[10/15/16 14:56:42] [DEBUG] AMX callback executed with error '0'
[10/15/16 14:56:42] [INFO] Callback successfully executed.
[10/15/16 14:56:44] [DEBUG] mysql_format(1, 0xF545968C, 256, "INSERT INTO Accounts (Name, password) VALUES ('%s', MD5('%s'))") (Nitradoscript.p:1056)
[10/15/16 14:56:44] [DEBUG] mysql_format: return value: '70' (Nitradoscript.p:1056)
[10/15/16 14:56:44] [DEBUG] mysql_pquery(1, "INSERT INTO Accounts (Name, password) VALUES ('Pergus', MD5('jagaur'))", "OnUserRegister", "d") (Nitradoscript.p:1058)
[10/15/16 14:56:44] [DEBUG] CCallback::Create(amx=0x9a07d38, name='OnUserRegister', format='d', params=0xf5459674, param_offset=5)
[10/15/16 14:56:44] [DEBUG] CCallback::Create - callback index for 'OnUserRegister': 34
[10/15/16 14:56:44] [DEBUG] processing specifier 'd' with parameter index 0
[10/15/16 14:56:44] [DEBUG] retrieved and pushed value '0'
[10/15/16 14:56:44] [INFO] Callback 'OnUserRegister' set up for delayed execution.
[10/15/16 14:56:44] [DEBUG] created delayed callback with 1 parameter
[10/15/16 14:56:44] [DEBUG] CHandle::Execute(this=0x9896ab0, type=2, query=0x9a57408)
[10/15/16 14:56:44] [DEBUG] CConnectionPool::Queue(query=0x9a57408, this=0x998e490)
[10/15/16 14:56:44] [DEBUG] CHandle::Execute - return value: true
[10/15/16 14:56:44] [DEBUG] mysql_pquery: return value: '1' (Nitradoscript.p:1058)
[10/15/16 14:56:44] [DEBUG] CConnection::Execute(query=0x9a57408, this=0xf42ac008, connection=0x9a35158)
[10/15/16 14:56:44] [DEBUG] CQuery::Execute(this=0x9a57408, connection=0x9a35158)
[10/15/16 14:56:44] [INFO] query "INSERT INTO Accounts (Name, password) VALUES ('Pergus', MD5('jagaur'))" successfully executed within 0.537 milliseconds
[10/15/16 14:56:44] [DEBUG] CResultSet::Create(connection=0x9a35158, query_str='INSERT INTO Accounts (Name, password) VALUES ('Pergus', MD5('jagaur'))')
[10/15/16 14:56:44] [DEBUG] created new resultset '0xf3700618'
[10/15/16 14:56:44] [DEBUG] fetched MySQL result '0x0'
[10/15/16 14:56:44] [DEBUG] CCallback::Execute(amx=0x9a07d38, index=34, num_params=1)
[10/15/16 14:56:44] [INFO] Executing callback 'OnUserRegister' with 1 parameter...
[10/15/16 14:56:44] [DEBUG] processing internal specifier 'c'
[10/15/16 14:56:44] [DEBUG] pushed value '0' onto AMX stack
[10/15/16 14:56:44] [DEBUG] executing AMX callback with index '34'
[10/15/16 14:56:44] [DEBUG] cache_insert_id() (Nitradoscript.p:1114)
[10/15/16 14:56:44] [DEBUG] cache_insert_id: return value: '4' (Nitradoscript.p:1114)
[10/15/16 14:56:44] [DEBUG] AMX callback executed with error '0'
[10/15/16 14:56:44] [INFO] Callback successfully executed.
[10/15/16 14:59:23] [DEBUG] mysql_format(1, 0xF5459898, 128, "SELECT id FROM Accounts WHERE Name = '%e'") (Nitradoscript.p:270)
[10/15/16 14:59:23] [DEBUG] CHandle::EscapeString(this=0x9896ab0, src='Tiriago')
[10/15/16 14:59:23] [DEBUG] CConnection::EscapeString(src='Tiriago', this=0x99876d0, connection=0x9a08178)
[10/15/16 14:59:23] [DEBUG] CHandle::EscapeString - return value: true, escaped string: 'Tiriago'
[10/15/16 14:59:23] [DEBUG] mysql_format: return value: '46' (Nitradoscript.p:270)
[10/15/16 14:59:23] [DEBUG] mysql_pquery(1, "SELECT id FROM Accounts WHERE Name = 'Tiriago'", "OnUserCheck", "d") (Nitradoscript.p:271)
[10/15/16 14:59:23] [DEBUG] CCallback::Create(amx=0x9a07d38, name='OnUserCheck', format='d', params=0xf5459880, param_offset=5)
[10/15/16 14:59:23] [DEBUG] CCallback::Create - callback index for 'OnUserCheck': 32
[10/15/16 14:59:23] [DEBUG] processing specifier 'd' with parameter index 0
[10/15/16 14:59:23] [DEBUG] retrieved and pushed value '0'
[10/15/16 14:59:23] [INFO] Callback 'OnUserCheck' set up for delayed execution.
[10/15/16 14:59:23] [DEBUG] created delayed callback with 1 parameter
[10/15/16 14:59:23] [DEBUG] CHandle::Execute(this=0x9896ab0, type=2, query=0x9a56fe8)
[10/15/16 14:59:23] [DEBUG] CConnectionPool::Queue(query=0x9a56fe8, this=0x998e490)
[10/15/16 14:59:23] [DEBUG] CHandle::Execute - return value: true
[10/15/16 14:59:23] [DEBUG] mysql_pquery: return value: '1' (Nitradoscript.p:271)
[10/15/16 14:59:23] [DEBUG] CConnection::Execute(query=0x9a56fe8, this=0xf4b2e008, connection=0x9a2eb08)
[10/15/16 14:59:23] [DEBUG] CQuery::Execute(this=0x9a56fe8, connection=0x9a2eb08)
[10/15/16 14:59:23] [INFO] query "SELECT id FROM Accounts WHERE Name = 'Tiriago'" successfully executed within 0.290 milliseconds
[10/15/16 14:59:23] [DEBUG] CResultSet::Create(connection=0x9a2eb08, query_str='SELECT id FROM Accounts WHERE Name = 'Tiriago'')
[10/15/16 14:59:23] [DEBUG] created new resultset '0xf4100530'
[10/15/16 14:59:23] [DEBUG] fetched MySQL result '0xf41007a8'
[10/15/16 14:59:23] [DEBUG] allocated 20 bytes for PAWN result
[10/15/16 14:59:23] [DEBUG] CCallback::Execute(amx=0x9a07d38, index=32, num_params=1)
[10/15/16 14:59:23] [INFO] Executing callback 'OnUserCheck' with 1 parameter...
[10/15/16 14:59:23] [DEBUG] processing internal specifier 'c'
[10/15/16 14:59:23] [DEBUG] pushed value '0' onto AMX stack
[10/15/16 14:59:23] [DEBUG] executing AMX callback with index '32'
[10/15/16 14:59:23] [DEBUG] cache_get_row_count(0xF5459A98) (Nitradoscript.p:296)
[10/15/16 14:59:23] [DEBUG] cache_get_row_count: return value: '1' (Nitradoscript.p:296)
[10/15/16 14:59:23] [DEBUG] AMX callback executed with error '0'
[10/15/16 14:59:23] [INFO] Callback successfully executed.
[10/15/16 14:59:28] [DEBUG] mysql_format(1, 0xF545968C, 256, "SELECT * FROM Accounts WHERE Name = '%s' AND password = MD5('%s')") (Nitradoscript.p:1069)
[10/15/16 14:59:28] [DEBUG] mysql_format: return value: '74' (Nitradoscript.p:1069)
[10/15/16 14:59:28] [DEBUG] mysql_pquery(1, "SELECT * FROM Accounts WHERE Name = 'Tiriago' AND password = MD5('jaguar')", "OnUserLogin", "d") (Nitradoscript.p:1071)
[10/15/16 14:59:28] [DEBUG] CCallback::Create(amx=0x9a07d38, name='OnUserLogin', format='d', params=0xf5459674, param_offset=5)
[10/15/16 14:59:28] [DEBUG] CCallback::Create - callback index for 'OnUserLogin': 33
[10/15/16 14:59:28] [DEBUG] processing specifier 'd' with parameter index 0
[10/15/16 14:59:28] [DEBUG] retrieved and pushed value '0'
[10/15/16 14:59:28] [INFO] Callback 'OnUserLogin' set up for delayed execution.
[10/15/16 14:59:28] [DEBUG] created delayed callback with 1 parameter
[10/15/16 14:59:28] [DEBUG] CHandle::Execute(this=0x9896ab0, type=2, query=0x9a57520)
[10/15/16 14:59:28] [DEBUG] CConnectionPool::Queue(query=0x9a57520, this=0x998e490)
[10/15/16 14:59:28] [DEBUG] CHandle::Execute - return value: true
[10/15/16 14:59:28] [DEBUG] mysql_pquery: return value: '1' (Nitradoscript.p:1071)
[10/15/16 14:59:28] [DEBUG] CConnection::Execute(query=0x9a57520, this=0xf42ac008, connection=0x9a35158)
[10/15/16 14:59:28] [DEBUG] CQuery::Execute(this=0x9a57520, connection=0x9a35158)
[10/15/16 14:59:28] [INFO] query "SELECT * FROM Accounts WHERE Name = 'Tiriago' AND password = MD5('jaguar')" successfully executed within 0.324 milliseconds
[10/15/16 14:59:28] [DEBUG] CResultSet::Create(connection=0x9a35158, query_str='SELECT * FROM Accounts WHERE Name = 'Tiriago' AND password = MD5('jaguar')')
[10/15/16 14:59:28] [DEBUG] created new resultset '0xf3700748'
[10/15/16 14:59:28] [DEBUG] fetched MySQL result '0xf3700630'
[10/15/16 14:59:28] [DEBUG] allocated 100 bytes for PAWN result
[10/15/16 14:59:28] [DEBUG] CCallback::Execute(amx=0x9a07d38, index=33, num_params=1)
[10/15/16 14:59:28] [INFO] Executing callback 'OnUserLogin' with 1 parameter...
[10/15/16 14:59:28] [DEBUG] processing internal specifier 'c'
[10/15/16 14:59:28] [DEBUG] pushed value '0' onto AMX stack
[10/15/16 14:59:28] [DEBUG] executing AMX callback with index '33'
[10/15/16 14:59:28] [DEBUG] cache_get_row_count(0xF5459A98) (Nitradoscript.p:1121)
[10/15/16 14:59:28] [DEBUG] cache_get_row_count: return value: '1' (Nitradoscript.p:1121)
[10/15/16 14:59:28] [DEBUG] cache_get_value_name_int(0, "id", 0xF5444648) (Nitradoscript.p:1131)
[10/15/16 14:59:28] [DEBUG] cache_get_value_name_int: assigned value: '1' (Nitradoscript.p:1131)
[10/15/16 14:59:28] [DEBUG] cache_get_value_name_int: return value: '1' (Nitradoscript.p:1131)
[10/15/16 14:59:28] [DEBUG] cache_get_value_name_int(0, "Name", 0xF5444650) (Nitradoscript.p:1132)
[10/15/16 14:59:28] [ERROR] cache_get_value_name_int: value 'Tiriago' is not a number (Nitradoscript.p:1132)
[10/15/16 14:59:28] [DEBUG] cache_get_value_name_int(0, "Adminlevel", 0xF54446B0) (Nitradoscript.p:1133)
[10/15/16 14:59:28] [DEBUG] cache_get_value_name_int: assigned value: '7' (Nitradoscript.p:1133)
[10/15/16 14:59:28] [DEBUG] cache_get_value_name_int: return value: '1' (Nitradoscript.p:1133)
[10/15/16 14:59:28] [DEBUG] cache_get_value_name_int(0, "Level", 0xF54446B4) (Nitradoscript.p:1134)
[10/15/16 14:59:28] [DEBUG] cache_get_value_name_int: assigned value: '2' (Nitradoscript.p:1134)
[10/15/16 14:59:28] [DEBUG] cache_get_value_name_int: return value: '1' (Nitradoscript.p:1134)
[10/15/16 14:59:28] [DEBUG] cache_get_value_name_int(0, "Money", 0xF54446B8) (Nitradoscript.p:1135)
[10/15/16 14:59:28] [DEBUG] cache_get_value_name_int: assigned value: '0' (Nitradoscript.p:1135)
[10/15/16 14:59:28] [DEBUG] cache_get_value_name_int: return value: '1' (Nitradoscript.p:1135)
[10/15/16 14:59:28] [DEBUG] cache_get_value_name_int(0, "Fraktion", 0xF54446BC) (Nitradoscript.p:1136)
[10/15/16 14:59:28] [DEBUG] cache_get_value_name_int: assigned value: '0' (Nitradoscript.p:1136)
[10/15/16 14:59:28] [DEBUG] cache_get_value_name_int: return value: '1' (Nitradoscript.p:1136)
[10/15/16 14:59:28] [DEBUG] cache_get_value_name_int(0, "Rang", 0xF54446C0) (Nitradoscript.p:1137)
[10/15/16 14:59:28] [DEBUG] cache_get_value_name_int: assigned value: '0' (Nitradoscript.p:1137)
[10/15/16 14:59:28] [DEBUG] cache_get_value_name_int: return value: '1' (Nitradoscript.p:1137)
[10/15/16 14:59:28] [DEBUG] cache_get_value_name_int(0, "Spawn", 0xF54446C4) (Nitradoscript.p:1138)
[10/15/16 14:59:28] [DEBUG] cache_get_value_name_int: assigned value: '0' (Nitradoscript.p:1138)
[10/15/16 14:59:28] [DEBUG] cache_get_value_name_int: return value: '1' (Nitradoscript.p:1138)
[10/15/16 14:59:28] [DEBUG] AMX callback executed with error '0'
[10/15/16 14:59:28] [INFO] Callback successfully executed.
[10/15/16 14:59:55] [DEBUG] mysql_pquery(1, "INSERT INTO autos(besitzer,model,x,y,z,r) VALUES('1','411','1708.658203','-2291.018798','-1.224802','323.390472')", "carSavedToDB", "i") (Nitradoscript.p:879)
[10/15/16 14:59:55] [DEBUG] CCallback::Create(amx=0x9a07d38, name='carSavedToDB', format='i', params=0xf545957c, param_offset=5)
[10/15/16 14:59:55] [DEBUG] CCallback::Create - callback index for 'carSavedToDB': -10057
[10/15/16 14:59:55] [DEBUG] processing specifier 'i' with parameter index 0
[10/15/16 14:59:55] [DEBUG] retrieved and pushed value '0'
[10/15/16 14:59:55] [INFO] Callback 'carSavedToDB' set up for delayed execution.
[10/15/16 14:59:55] [DEBUG] created delayed callback with 1 parameter
[10/15/16 14:59:55] [DEBUG] CHandle::Execute(this=0x9896ab0, type=2, query=0x9a56ee8)
[10/15/16 14:59:55] [DEBUG] CConnectionPool::Queue(query=0x9a56ee8, this=0x998e490)
[10/15/16 14:59:55] [DEBUG] CHandle::Execute - return value: true
[10/15/16 14:59:55] [DEBUG] mysql_pquery: return value: '1' (Nitradoscript.p:879)
[10/15/16 14:59:55] [DEBUG] CConnection::Execute(query=0x9a56ee8, this=0xf4b2e008, connection=0x9a2eb08)
[10/15/16 14:59:55] [DEBUG] CQuery::Execute(this=0x9a56ee8, connection=0x9a2eb08)
[10/15/16 14:59:55] [INFO] query "INSERT INTO autos(besitzer,model,x,y,z,r) VALUES('1','411','1708.658203','-2291.018798','-1.224802','323.390472')" successfully executed within 1.99 milliseconds
[10/15/16 14:59:55] [DEBUG] CResultSet::Create(connection=0x9a2eb08, query_str='INSERT INTO autos(besitzer,model,x,y,z,r) VALUES('1','411','1708.658203','-2291.018798','-1.224802','323.390472')')
[10/15/16 14:59:55] [DEBUG] created new resultset '0xf4100808'
[10/15/16 14:59:55] [DEBUG] fetched MySQL result '0x0'
[10/15/16 14:59:55] [DEBUG] CCallback::Execute(amx=0x9a07d38, index=-10057, num_params=1)
[10/15/16 14:59:55] [INFO] Executing callback 'Ù' with 1 parameter...
[10/15/16 14:59:55] [DEBUG] processing internal specifier 'c'
[10/15/16 14:59:55] [DEBUG] pushed value '0' onto AMX stack
[10/15/16 14:59:55] [DEBUG] executing AMX callback with index '-10057'
[10/15/16 14:59:55] [DEBUG] AMX callback executed with error '0'
[10/15/16 14:59:55] [INFO] Callback successfully executed.
[10/15/16 15:01:14] [DEBUG] mysql_format(1, 0xF5459898, 128, "SELECT id FROM Accounts WHERE Name = '%e'") (Nitradoscript.p:270)
[10/15/16 15:01:14] [DEBUG] CHandle::EscapeString(this=0x9896ab0, src='Tiriago')
[10/15/16 15:01:14] [DEBUG] CConnection::EscapeString(src='Tiriago', this=0x99876d0, connection=0x9a08178)
[10/15/16 15:01:14] [DEBUG] CHandle::EscapeString - return value: true, escaped string: 'Tiriago'
[10/15/16 15:01:14] [DEBUG] mysql_format: return value: '46' (Nitradoscript.p:270)
[10/15/16 15:01:14] [DEBUG] mysql_pquery(1, "SELECT id FROM Accounts WHERE Name = 'Tiriago'", "OnUserCheck", "d") (Nitradoscript.p:271)
[10/15/16 15:01:14] [DEBUG] CCallback::Create(amx=0x9a07d38, name='OnUserCheck', format='d', params=0xf5459880, param_offset=5)
[10/15/16 15:01:14] [DEBUG] CCallback::Create - callback index for 'OnUserCheck': 32
[10/15/16 15:01:14] [DEBUG] processing specifier 'd' with parameter index 0
[10/15/16 15:01:14] [DEBUG] retrieved and pushed value '0'
[10/15/16 15:01:14] [INFO] Callback 'OnUserCheck' set up for delayed execution.
[10/15/16 15:01:14] [DEBUG] created delayed callback with 1 parameter
[10/15/16 15:01:14] [DEBUG] CHandle::Execute(this=0x9896ab0, type=2, query=0x9a56ae8)
[10/15/16 15:01:14] [DEBUG] CConnectionPool::Queue(query=0x9a56ae8, this=0x998e490)
[10/15/16 15:01:14] [DEBUG] CHandle::Execute - return value: true
[10/15/16 15:01:14] [DEBUG] mysql_pquery: return value: '1' (Nitradoscript.p:271)
[10/15/16 15:01:14] [DEBUG] CConnection::Execute(query=0x9a56ae8, this=0xf42ac008, connection=0x9a35158)
[10/15/16 15:01:14] [DEBUG] CQuery::Execute(this=0x9a56ae8, connection=0x9a35158)
[10/15/16 15:01:14] [INFO] query "SELECT id FROM Accounts WHERE Name = 'Tiriago'" successfully executed within 0.265 milliseconds
[10/15/16 15:01:14] [DEBUG] CResultSet::Create(connection=0x9a35158, query_str='SELECT id FROM Accounts WHERE Name = 'Tiriago'')
[10/15/16 15:01:14] [DEBUG] created new resultset '0xf37009a8'
[10/15/16 15:01:14] [DEBUG] fetched MySQL result '0xf3700550'
[10/15/16 15:01:14] [DEBUG] allocated 20 bytes for PAWN result
[10/15/16 15:01:14] [DEBUG] CCallback::Execute(amx=0x9a07d38, index=32, num_params=1)
[10/15/16 15:01:14] [INFO] Executing callback 'OnUserCheck' with 1 parameter...
[10/15/16 15:01:14] [DEBUG] processing internal specifier 'c'
[10/15/16 15:01:14] [DEBUG] pushed value '0' onto AMX stack
[10/15/16 15:01:14] [DEBUG] executing AMX callback with index '32'
[10/15/16 15:01:14] [DEBUG] cache_get_row_count(0xF5459A98) (Nitradoscript.p:296)
[10/15/16 15:01:14] [DEBUG] cache_get_row_count: return value: '1' (Nitradoscript.p:296)
[10/15/16 15:01:14] [DEBUG] AMX callback executed with error '0'
[10/15/16 15:01:14] [INFO] Callback successfully executed.
[10/15/16 15:01:17] [DEBUG] mysql_format(1, 0xF545968C, 256, "SELECT * FROM Accounts WHERE Name = '%s' AND password = MD5('%s')") (Nitradoscript.p:1069)
[10/15/16 15:01:17] [DEBUG] mysql_format: return value: '74' (Nitradoscript.p:1069)
[10/15/16 15:01:17] [DEBUG] mysql_pquery(1, "SELECT * FROM Accounts WHERE Name = 'Tiriago' AND password = MD5('jagaur')", "OnUserLogin", "d") (Nitradoscript.p:1071)
[10/15/16 15:01:17] [DEBUG] CCallback::Create(amx=0x9a07d38, name='OnUserLogin', format='d', params=0xf5459674, param_offset=5)
[10/15/16 15:01:17] [DEBUG] CCallback::Create - callback index for 'OnUserLogin': 33
[10/15/16 15:01:17] [DEBUG] processing specifier 'd' with parameter index 0
[10/15/16 15:01:17] [DEBUG] retrieved and pushed value '0'
[10/15/16 15:01:17] [INFO] Callback 'OnUserLogin' set up for delayed execution.
[10/15/16 15:01:17] [DEBUG] created delayed callback with 1 parameter
[10/15/16 15:01:17] [DEBUG] CHandle::Execute(this=0x9896ab0, type=2, query=0x9a57448)
[10/15/16 15:01:17] [DEBUG] CConnectionPool::Queue(query=0x9a57448, this=0x998e490)
[10/15/16 15:01:17] [DEBUG] CHandle::Execute - return value: true
[10/15/16 15:01:17] [DEBUG] mysql_pquery: return value: '1' (Nitradoscript.p:1071)
[10/15/16 15:01:17] [DEBUG] CConnection::Execute(query=0x9a57448, this=0xf4b2e008, connection=0x9a2eb08)
[10/15/16 15:01:17] [DEBUG] CQuery::Execute(this=0x9a57448, connection=0x9a2eb08)
[10/15/16 15:01:17] [INFO] query "SELECT * FROM Accounts WHERE Name = 'Tiriago' AND password = MD5('jagaur')" successfully executed within 0.281 milliseconds
[10/15/16 15:01:17] [DEBUG] CResultSet::Create(connection=0x9a2eb08, query_str='SELECT * FROM Accounts WHERE Name = 'Tiriago' AND password = MD5('jagaur')')
[10/15/16 15:01:17] [DEBUG] created new resultset '0xf41004f0'
[10/15/16 15:01:17] [DEBUG] fetched MySQL result '0xf41007a8'
[10/15/16 15:01:17] [DEBUG] allocated 0 bytes for PAWN result
[10/15/16 15:01:17] [DEBUG] CCallback::Execute(amx=0x9a07d38, index=33, num_params=1)
[10/15/16 15:01:17] [INFO] Executing callback 'OnUserLogin' with 1 parameter...
[10/15/16 15:01:17] [DEBUG] processing internal specifier 'c'
[10/15/16 15:01:17] [DEBUG] pushed value '0' onto AMX stack
[10/15/16 15:01:17] [DEBUG] executing AMX callback with index '33'
[10/15/16 15:01:17] [DEBUG] cache_get_row_count(0xF5459A98) (Nitradoscript.p:1121)
[10/15/16 15:01:17] [DEBUG] cache_get_row_count: return value: '1' (Nitradoscript.p:1121)
[10/15/16 15:01:17] [DEBUG] AMX callback executed with error '0'
[10/15/16 15:01:17] [INFO] Callback successfully executed.
[10/15/16 15:01:20] [DEBUG] mysql_format(1, 0xF545968C, 256, "SELECT * FROM Accounts WHERE Name = '%s' AND password = MD5('%s')") (Nitradoscript.p:1069)
[10/15/16 15:01:20] [DEBUG] mysql_format: return value: '74' (Nitradoscript.p:1069)
[10/15/16 15:01:20] [DEBUG] mysql_pquery(1, "SELECT * FROM Accounts WHERE Name = 'Tiriago' AND password = MD5('jaguar')", "OnUserLogin", "d") (Nitradoscript.p:1071)
[10/15/16 15:01:20] [DEBUG] CCallback::Create(amx=0x9a07d38, name='OnUserLogin', format='d', params=0xf5459674, param_offset=5)
[10/15/16 15:01:20] [DEBUG] CCallback::Create - callback index for 'OnUserLogin': 33
[10/15/16 15:01:20] [DEBUG] processing specifier 'd' with parameter index 0
[10/15/16 15:01:20] [DEBUG] retrieved and pushed value '0'
[10/15/16 15:01:20] [INFO] Callback 'OnUserLogin' set up for delayed execution.
[10/15/16 15:01:20] [DEBUG] created delayed callback with 1 parameter
[10/15/16 15:01:20] [DEBUG] CHandle::Execute(this=0x9896ab0, type=2, query=0x9a57448)
[10/15/16 15:01:20] [DEBUG] CConnectionPool::Queue(query=0x9a57448, this=0x998e490)
[10/15/16 15:01:20] [DEBUG] CHandle::Execute - return value: true
[10/15/16 15:01:20] [DEBUG] mysql_pquery: return value: '1' (Nitradoscript.p:1071)
[10/15/16 15:01:20] [DEBUG] CConnection::Execute(query=0x9a57448, this=0xf42ac008, connection=0x9a35158)
[10/15/16 15:01:20] [DEBUG] CQuery::Execute(this=0x9a57448, connection=0x9a35158)
[10/15/16 15:01:20] [INFO] query "SELECT * FROM Accounts WHERE Name = 'Tiriago' AND password = MD5('jaguar')" successfully executed within 0.332 milliseconds
[10/15/16 15:01:20] [DEBUG] CResultSet::Create(connection=0x9a35158, query_str='SELECT * FROM Accounts WHERE Name = 'Tiriago' AND password = MD5('jaguar')')
[10/15/16 15:01:20] [DEBUG] created new resultset '0xf3700688'
[10/15/16 15:01:20] [DEBUG] fetched MySQL result '0xf3700808'
[10/15/16 15:01:20] [DEBUG] allocated 100 bytes for PAWN result
[10/15/16 15:01:20] [DEBUG] CCallback::Execute(amx=0x9a07d38, index=33, num_params=1)
[10/15/16 15:01:20] [INFO] Executing callback 'OnUserLogin' with 1 parameter...
[10/15/16 15:01:20] [DEBUG] processing internal specifier 'c'
[10/15/16 15:01:20] [DEBUG] pushed value '0' onto AMX stack
[10/15/16 15:01:20] [DEBUG] executing AMX callback with index '33'
[10/15/16 15:01:20] [DEBUG] cache_get_row_count(0xF5459A98) (Nitradoscript.p:1121)
[10/15/16 15:01:20] [DEBUG] cache_get_row_count: return value: '1' (Nitradoscript.p:1121)
[10/15/16 15:01:20] [DEBUG] cache_get_value_name_int(0, "id", 0xF5444648) (Nitradoscript.p:1131)
[10/15/16 15:01:20] [DEBUG] cache_get_value_name_int: assigned value: '1' (Nitradoscript.p:1131)
[10/15/16 15:01:20] [DEBUG] cache_get_value_name_int: return value: '1' (Nitradoscript.p:1131)
[10/15/16 15:01:20] [DEBUG] cache_get_value_name_int(0, "Name", 0xF5444650) (Nitradoscript.p:1132)
[10/15/16 15:01:20] [ERROR] cache_get_value_name_int: value 'Tiriago' is not a number (Nitradoscript.p:1132)
[10/15/16 15:01:20] [DEBUG] cache_get_value_name_int(0, "Adminlevel", 0xF54446B0) (Nitradoscript.p:1133)
[10/15/16 15:01:20] [DEBUG] cache_get_value_name_int: assigned value: '7' (Nitradoscript.p:1133)
[10/15/16 15:01:20] [DEBUG] cache_get_value_name_int: return value: '1' (Nitradoscript.p:1133)
[10/15/16 15:01:20] [DEBUG] cache_get_value_name_int(0, "Level", 0xF54446B4) (Nitradoscript.p:1134)
[10/15/16 15:01:20] [DEBUG] cache_get_value_name_int: assigned value: '2' (Nitradoscript.p:1134)
[10/15/16 15:01:20] [DEBUG] cache_get_value_name_int: return value: '1' (Nitradoscript.p:1134)
[10/15/16 15:01:20] [DEBUG] cache_get_value_name_int(0, "Money", 0xF54446B8) (Nitradoscript.p:1135)
[10/15/16 15:01:20] [DEBUG] cache_get_value_name_int: assigned value: '0' (Nitradoscript.p:1135)
[10/15/16 15:01:20] [DEBUG] cache_get_value_name_int: return value: '1' (Nitradoscript.p:1135)
[10/15/16 15:01:20] [DEBUG] cache_get_value_name_int(0, "Fraktion", 0xF54446BC) (Nitradoscript.p:1136)
[10/15/16 15:01:20] [DEBUG] cache_get_value_name_int: assigned value: '0' (Nitradoscript.p:1136)
[10/15/16 15:01:20] [DEBUG] cache_get_value_name_int: return value: '1' (Nitradoscript.p:1136)
[10/15/16 15:01:20] [DEBUG] cache_get_value_name_int(0, "Rang", 0xF54446C0) (Nitradoscript.p:1137)
[10/15/16 15:01:20] [DEBUG] cache_get_value_name_int: assigned value: '0' (Nitradoscript.p:1137)
[10/15/16 15:01:20] [DEBUG] cache_get_value_name_int: return value: '1' (Nitradoscript.p:1137)
[10/15/16 15:01:20] [DEBUG] cache_get_value_name_int(0, "Spawn", 0xF54446C4) (Nitradoscript.p:1138)
[10/15/16 15:01:20] [DEBUG] cache_get_value_name_int: assigned value: '0' (Nitradoscript.p:1138)
[10/15/16 15:01:20] [DEBUG] cache_get_value_name_int: return value: '1' (Nitradoscript.p:1138)
[10/15/16 15:01:20] [DEBUG] AMX callback executed with error '0'
[10/15/16 15:01:20] [INFO] Callback successfully executed.
Alles anzeigen
Loaded log file: "server_log.txt".
SA-MP Dedicated Server
v0.3.7-R2, (C)2005-2015 SA-MP Team
[14:54:56] filterscripts = "" (string)
[14:54:56] weburl = "" (string)
[14:54:56] Server Plugins
[14:54:56] --------------
[14:54:56] Loading plugin:
[14:54:56] >> plugin.mysql: R41 successfully loaded.
[14:54:56] Loaded.
[14:54:56] Loading plugin:
[14:54:56] ===============================
[14:54:56] sscanf plugin loaded.
[14:54:56] Version: 2.8.2
[14:54:56] (c) 2012 Alex "Y_Less" Cole
[14:54:56] ===============================
[14:54:56] Loaded.
[14:54:56] Loading plugin:
*** Streamer Plugin v2.8.2 by Incognito loaded ***
[14:54:56] Loaded.
[14:54:56] Loaded 3 plugins.
[14:54:56] Filterscripts
[14:54:56] ---------------
[14:54:56] Loaded 0 filterscripts.
[14:54:56] [MYSQL] Verbingungsaufbau.........
[14:54:56] Selfmade Version 0.2
[14:54:56] ----------------------------------
[14:54:56] Number of vehicle models: 28
[14:56:40] [connection] requests connection cookie.
[14:56:41] [connection] incoming connection: id: 0
[14:56:42] [join] Pergus has joined the server (0:
[14:56:57] [part] Pergus has left the server (0:1)
[14:59:21] [connection] requests connection cookie.
[14:59:22] [connection] incoming connection: id: 0
[14:59:22] [join] Tiriago has joined the server (0:
[15:00:29] [death] Tiriago died 54
[15:00:36] [part] Tiriago has left the server (0:1)
[15:01:13] [connection] requests connection cookie.
[15:01:14] [connection] incoming connection: id: 0
[15:01:14] [join] Tiriago has joined the server (0:
[15:01:25] [part] Tiriago has left the server (0:1)
Alles anzeigen
Der CPU hat nichts mit den Arbeitspeicher zu tun den du einbauen kannst
Er Speichert ja nicht mal die Accounts richtig und ich weiß nicht Wieso.
Hier alles was mit dem Register/Login so wie Spielerenum und Fraktionsenum zu tun hat:
X = Zensiert!
Spieler und Fraktions Enum:
enum playerInfo{
new sInfo[MAX_PLAYER_NAME][playerInfo];
enum frakteEnum{
new fInfo[][frakteEnum] ={
{"Zivilist",329.0244,-1513.3033,36.0391,225.8344,0,0,weiß},//Zivilist 0
{"SAPD",213.4162,162.7460,1003.0234,274.4569,3,1,blau},//SAPD 1
Alles anzeigen
OnGamemodeInit und OnGamemodeExit:
public OnGameModeInit()
SetGameModeText("Reallife Version 0.2");
AddPlayerClass(115,1683.4589,-2333.0066,13.5469,358.7975,0,0,0,0,0,0); // Zivilist
for(new i=0; i<sizeof(ahCars); i++)
for(new i=0; i<sizeof(bInfo); i++)
Create3DTextLabel("Zum betretten des Gebäudes nutzen sie bitte /reingehen",duneklhelblau,bInfo[i][b_x],bInfo[i][b_y],bInfo[i][b_z],10,0,1);
//icon für Repair:
for(new i=0; i<sizeof(repair); i++)
Create3DTextLabel("Um das Fahrzeug zu reparieren benutzen sie bitte /reparieren.\nDas Reparieren kostet dich nur 60$",duneklhelblau,repair[i][r_x],repair[i][r_y],repair[i][r_z],10,0,1);
return 1;
public OnGameModeExit()
return 1;
Alles anzeigen
OnPlayerRequestClass OnPlayerConnect OnUserCheck resetplayer:
public OnPlayerRequestClass(playerid, classid)
SetPlayerPos(playerid, 1686.2013,-2315.4673,13.3828);
SetPlayerCameraPos(playerid, 1686.2013,-2315.4673,13.3828);
SetPlayerCameraLookAt(playerid, 1686.2013,-2315.4673,13.3828);
//Wenn der Spieler die Class-Selection betritt prüfe,ob er bereits eingeloggt ist
//Wenn nicht,dann prüfe ob der Spieler ein Konto hat
new query[128];
mysql_format(handle,query,sizeof(query),"SELECT id FROM Accounts WHERE Name = '%e'",sInfo[playerid][Name]);
return 1;
public OnPlayerConnect(playerid)
sInfo[playerid][db_id] =0;
sInfo[playerid][eingeloggt] =false;
sInfo[playerid][Adminlevel] =0;
sInfo[playerid][Level] = 0;
sInfo[playerid][Money] = 0;
sInfo[playerid][Fraktion] = 0;
sInfo[playerid][Rang] = 0;
sInfo[playerid][Spawn] = 0;
return 1;
public OnUserCheck(playerid)
//Query wurde ausgeführt und das Ergebnis im Cache gespeichert
new rows;
if(rows == 0)
ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,DIALOG_REGISTER,DIALOG_STYLE_PASSWORD,"Account erstellen","Bitte Registriere dich:","Registrieren","Abbrechen");
//Es existiert ein Ergebnis,das heißt der Spieler ist registriert und muss sich einloggen
ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,DIALOG_LOGIN,DIALOG_STYLE_PASSWORD,"Einloggen","Bitte loggte dich ein:","Einloggen","Abbrechen");
return 1;
for(new i=0; i<sizeof(sInfo[]); i++)
return 1;
Alles anzeigen
OnPlayerDisconnect und OnPlayerSpawn:
public OnPlayerDisconnect(playerid, reason)
return 1;
public OnPlayerSpawn(playerid)
new fID;
fID= sInfo[playerid][Fraktion];
SendClientMessage(playerid,rot,"/hilfe um die Befehle zu sehen!");
return 1;
Alles anzeigen
Admin und Fraktionsabfrage:
Fraktionsbefehle und Leadererstellenbefehl:
ocmd:annehmen(playerid, params[])
new item[64];
if(sscanf(params,"s[64]",item))return SendClientMessage(
playerid, gelb, "INFO: /accept [invite]");
if(!strcmp(item, "invite", false))
if(GetPVarInt(playerid, "inv_fraktid") == 0)return SendClientMessage(
playerid, grün, "Du wurdest in keine Fraktion eingeladen.");
new fID = GetPVarInt(playerid, "inv_fraktid");
sInfo[playerid][Fraktion] = fID;
sInfo[playerid][Rang] = 1;
new string[128];
format(string,sizeof(string), "Du bist der Fraktion %s beigetreten.",
SendClientMessage(playerid, grün, string);
format(string,sizeof(string), "%s ist der Fraktion beigetreten.",
SendClientMessage(GetPVarInt(playerid, "inv_inviter"), grün,
SetPVarInt(playerid, "inv_fraktid", 0);
return 1;
return 1;
if(isPlayerInFrakt(playerid,0)) return SendClientMessage(playerid,rot,"Du bist in keiner Fraktion.");
if(sInfo[playerid][Spawn] == 0)
sInfo[playerid][Spawn] = 1;
SendClientMessage(playerid,grün,"Spawn geändert");
return 1;
if(isPlayerInFrakt(playerid, 0))return SendClientMessage(
playerid, rot, "Du bist in keiner Fraktion.");
new string[128];
if(sscanf(params, "s[128]", string))return SendClientMessage(
playerid, rot, "INFO: /f [nachricht]");
new fID = sInfo[playerid][Fraktion];
format(string,sizeof(string), "**(( %s: %s ))**", getPlayerName(playerid), string);
for(new i=0; i<MAX_PLAYERS; i++)
if(!isPlayerInFrakt(i, fID))continue;
SendClientMessage(i, helblau, string);
return 1;
if(isPlayerInFrakt(playerid, 0))return SendClientMessage(
playerid, helblau, "Du bist in keiner Fraktion.");
if(sInfo[playerid][Rang] < 6)return SendClientMessage(
playerid, helblau, "Dein Rang ist zu niedrig.");
new pID, fID;
fID = sInfo[playerid][Fraktion];
if(sscanf(params, "u", pID))return SendClientMessage(
playerid, gelb, "INFO: /invite [playerid]");
if(!isPlayerInFrakt(pID, 0))return SendClientMessage(
playerid, gelb, "Spieler ist kein Zivilist.");
new string[128];
format(string,sizeof(string), "%s hat dich in die Fraktion %s eingeladen.",
getPlayerName(playerid), fInfo[fID][f_name]);
SendClientMessage(pID, gelb, string);
SendClientMessage(pID, gelb,
"Zum akzeptieren /accept invite eingeben.");
SetPVarInt(pID, "inv_fraktid", fID);
SetPVarInt(pID, "inv_inviter", playerid);
return 1;
if(isPlayerInFrakt(playerid,0))return SendClientMessage(playerid,rot,"Du bist in keiner Fraktion");
return 1;
if(!isPlayerInFrakt(playerid,1))return SendClientMessage(playerid,rot,"Du bist nicht im SAPD!");
new pID,wLevel;
if(sscanf(params,"ii",pID,wLevel))return SendClientMessage(playerid,duneklhelblau,"Info: /Fandungslevel[playerid][fandungslevel]");
if(wLevel<-1||wLevel>6)return SendClientMessage(playerid,rot,"Falsche Fandungslevel!");
return 1;
if(!isAdmin(playerid,5))return SendClientMessage(playerid,grün,"Du hast keine Berechtigung dazu!");
new pID, fID;
if(sscanf(params,"ui",pID,fID))return SendClientMessage(playerid,rot,"INFO: /Leadererstellen[playerid][fraktid]");
if(fID>= sizeof(fInfo))return SendClientMessage(playerid,rot,"Fraktion existiert nicht.");
sInfo[pID][Fraktion] = fID;
sInfo[pID][Rang] = 6;
new string[128];
format(string,sizeof(string),"%s hat dich zum Leader der Fraktion %s gemacht",getPlayerName(playerid),fInfo[fID][f_name]);
SendClientMessage(playerid,grün,"Du hast einen Spieler zum Leader gemacht.");
return 1;
Alles anzeigen
if(dialogid == DIALOG_REGISTER)
//Spieler hat Abbrechen gewählt
if(!response) return Kick(playerid);
//Wenn der Spieler kein, oder ein zu kurzes, Passwort eingegeben hat
if(strlen(inputtext) < 5) return ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DIALOG_REGISTER, DIALOG_STYLE_PASSWORD, "Registration", "Bitte registriere Dich:\n{0xFF0000FF}Mindestens 5 Zeichen!", "Ok", "Abbrechen");
//Wenn alles passt wird der Spieler in der Datenbank angelegt
//Als Verschlüsselung für das Passwort wird MD5 verwendet
new query[256];
mysql_format(handle, query, sizeof(query), "INSERT INTO Accounts (Name, password) VALUES ('%s', MD5('%s'))", sInfo[playerid][Name], inputtext);
//Das Query wird abgesendet und die playerid an OnUserRegister übergeben
mysql_pquery(handle, query, "OnUserRegister", "d", playerid);
return 1;
if(dialogid == DIALOG_LOGIN)
//Spieler hat Abbrechen gewählt
if(!response) return Kick(playerid);
//Wenn der Spieler kein, oder ein zu kurzes, Passwort eingegeben hat
if(strlen(inputtext) < 5) return ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DIALOG_LOGIN, DIALOG_STYLE_PASSWORD, "Anmeldung", "Bitte logge Dich ein:\n{0xFF0000FF}Mindestens 5 Zeichen!", "Ok", "Abbrechen");
//Wenn alles passt wird die Datenbank ausgelesen
new query[256];
mysql_format(handle, query, sizeof(query), "SELECT * FROM Accounts WHERE Name = '%s' AND password = MD5('%s')", sInfo[playerid][Name], inputtext);
//Das Query wird abgesendet und die playerid an OnUserLogin übergeben
mysql_pquery(handle, query, "OnUserLogin", "d", playerid);
return 1;
return 0;
Alles anzeigen
stock MySQL_SetupConnection(ttl=4)
print("[MYSQL] Verbingungsaufbau.........");
//MYSQL Verbindungsprüfung mit neu verbinden!:
if(mysql_errno(handle) != 0)
//Fehler bei der Verbindung mit der Datenban:
if(ttl >1)
//Versuche erneute Verbindung aufzubauen
print("[MYSQL] Es konnte keine Verbindung zur Datenbank hergestellt werden.");
printf("[MYSQL] Starte neuen Verbindungsaufbau versuch (ttl: %d).",ttl-1);
return MySQL_SetupConnection(ttl-1);
//Abbrechen und Server Schließen
print("[MYSQL] Es konnte keine Verbindung zur Datenbank hergestellt werden.");
print("[MYSQL] Bitte überprüfen Sie die Verbindungsdaten!");
print("[MYSQL] Der Server wird heruntergefahren!");
return SendRconCommand("exit");
//printf("[MYSQL] Die Verbindung zur Datenbank wurde erfolgreich hergestellt! Handle: %d",handle);
return 1;
Alles anzeigen
OnUserRegister und OnUserLogin:
public OnUserRegister(playerid)
//Der Spieler wurde in die Datenbank eingetragen, es wird die id ausgelsen
sInfo[playerid][db_id] = cache_insert_id();
SendClientMessage(playerid,grün,"[Konto]Registration erfolgreich");
return 1;
public OnUserLogin(playerid)
new rows;
if(rows == 0)
//Der Spieler hat ein falsches Passwort eingegeben
ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,DIALOG_LOGIN,DIALOG_STYLE_PASSWORD,"Einloggen","Bitte logge dich ein:\n{0xFF0000FF}Falsches Passwort!","Einloggen","Abbrechen");
//Es existiert ein Ergebnis,das heißt der Spieler hat das richtige Passwort eingegeben
//Wir lesen nun die erste Zeile des Caches aus (id 0)
return 1;
Alles anzeigen
SaveUserStats und SpielerName:
stock SaveUserStats(playerid)
//Wen der Spieler nicht eingeloggt ist, dann speichere seine Statistiken nicht
if(!sInfo[playerid][eingeloggt])return 1;
//Ansonsten speichere Sie ab
new query[600];
mysql_format(handle,query,sizeof(query),"UPDATE Accounts Set Name = '%s',Adminlevel = '%d',Level = '%d',Money = '%d',Fraktion = '%i',Rang = '%d',Spawn = '%d' WHERE id = '%d' ",sInfo[playerid][Name],sInfo[playerid][Adminlevel],sInfo[playerid][Level],sInfo[playerid][Money],sInfo[playerid][Fraktion],sInfo[playerid][Rang],sInfo[playerid][Spawn],sInfo[playerid][db_id]);
//Das Query wird abgesendet
return 1;
stock SpielerName(playerid)
new name[MAX_PLAYER_NAME];
return name;
Alles anzeigen
afiak was ist das?
Wie die Unterstützen von den Neuen Motherbords die DDR4 Schnittstellen haben weiß ich leider nicht bescheid
Intel Core I5 750 = 31,50€
Bei dem 12GB Ram müsste man wissen ob DDR2,DDR3 oder DDR4
Asus Nvidia Geforce GTX 750 TI = 134,02€
SSD 240GB sind zu wenig und keine ordentliche Information was es genau ist.
Logitech G105 = 49,99€
Logitech G502 Proteus Core =
Logitech G502 Proteus Core Tunable Gaming Maus = 86,99€
Logitech G502 Proteus Spectrum RGB Tunable Gaming Mouse (mit 11 programmierbaren Tasten) schwarz = 69,00€
Logitech G430 Gaming Headset = 64,99€
Geschaut bei
Wenn man die Teure Maus nimmt bist du bei 317,50€
Wenn du die Billigere Maus nimmst bist du bei 299,51€
Dann kommt aber noch die SSD Festplatte dazu wo du schon 1-2Tbit brauchst.
Arbeitsspeicher DDR3 oder DDR4 musst schauen was dein Mainbord/Motherbord nutzen kann.
Arbeitsspeicher kosten zwischen 17 und 50€
Ich habe leider immer noch kein plan warum der den Fraktionsspawn immer noch nicht nach dem Neu Einloggen übernimmt.
Die MySqL_Log habe ich dir auch wieder eingefügt:
[10/15/16 13:35:57] [INFO] changed log level from 'warning, error' to 'debug, info, warning, error'
[10/15/16 13:39:02] [DEBUG] mysql_format(1, 0xF542E7B4, 128, "SELECT id FROM Accounts WHERE Name = '%e'") (Nitradoscript.p:270)
[10/15/16 13:39:02] [DEBUG] CHandle::EscapeString(this=0x83d4ab0, src='Hergus')
[10/15/16 13:39:02] [DEBUG] CConnection::EscapeString(src='Hergus', this=0x84c56d0, connection=0x8546178)
[10/15/16 13:39:02] [DEBUG] CHandle::EscapeString - return value: true, escaped string: 'Hergus'
[10/15/16 13:39:02] [DEBUG] mysql_format: return value: '45' (Nitradoscript.p:270)
[10/15/16 13:39:02] [DEBUG] mysql_pquery(1, "SELECT id FROM Accounts WHERE Name = 'Hergus'", "OnUserCheck", "d") (Nitradoscript.p:271)
[10/15/16 13:39:02] [DEBUG] CCallback::Create(amx=0x8545d38, name='OnUserCheck', format='d', params=0xf542e79c, param_offset=5)
[10/15/16 13:39:02] [DEBUG] CCallback::Create - callback index for 'OnUserCheck': 32
[10/15/16 13:39:02] [DEBUG] processing specifier 'd' with parameter index 0
[10/15/16 13:39:02] [DEBUG] retrieved and pushed value '0'
[10/15/16 13:39:02] [INFO] Callback 'OnUserCheck' set up for delayed execution.
[10/15/16 13:39:02] [DEBUG] created delayed callback with 1 parameter
[10/15/16 13:39:02] [DEBUG] CHandle::Execute(this=0x83d4ab0, type=2, query=0x8595030)
[10/15/16 13:39:02] [DEBUG] CConnectionPool::Queue(query=0x8595030, this=0x84cc490)
[10/15/16 13:39:02] [DEBUG] CHandle::Execute - return value: true
[10/15/16 13:39:02] [DEBUG] mysql_pquery: return value: '1' (Nitradoscript.p:271)
[10/15/16 13:39:02] [DEBUG] CConnection::Execute(query=0x8595030, this=0xf4b03008, connection=0x856cb00)
[10/15/16 13:39:02] [DEBUG] CQuery::Execute(this=0x8595030, connection=0x856cb00)
[10/15/16 13:39:02] [INFO] query "SELECT id FROM Accounts WHERE Name = 'Hergus'" successfully executed within 0.262 milliseconds
[10/15/16 13:39:02] [DEBUG] CResultSet::Create(connection=0x856cb00, query_str='SELECT id FROM Accounts WHERE Name = 'Hergus'')
[10/15/16 13:39:02] [DEBUG] created new resultset '0xf4100688'
[10/15/16 13:39:02] [DEBUG] fetched MySQL result '0xf41008e0'
[10/15/16 13:39:02] [DEBUG] allocated 0 bytes for PAWN result
[10/15/16 13:39:02] [DEBUG] CCallback::Execute(amx=0x8545d38, index=32, num_params=1)
[10/15/16 13:39:02] [INFO] Executing callback 'OnUserCheck' with 1 parameter...
[10/15/16 13:39:02] [DEBUG] processing internal specifier 'c'
[10/15/16 13:39:02] [DEBUG] pushed value '0' onto AMX stack
[10/15/16 13:39:02] [DEBUG] executing AMX callback with index '32'
[10/15/16 13:39:02] [DEBUG] cache_get_row_count(0xF542E9B4) (Nitradoscript.p:296)
[10/15/16 13:39:02] [DEBUG] cache_get_row_count: return value: '1' (Nitradoscript.p:296)
[10/15/16 13:39:02] [DEBUG] AMX callback executed with error '0'
[10/15/16 13:39:02] [INFO] Callback successfully executed.
[10/15/16 13:39:06] [DEBUG] mysql_format(1, 0xF542E5A8, 256, "INSERT INTO Accounts (Name, password) VALUES ('%s', MD5('%s'))") (Nitradoscript.p:1056)
[10/15/16 13:39:06] [DEBUG] mysql_format: return value: '70' (Nitradoscript.p:1056)
[10/15/16 13:39:06] [DEBUG] mysql_pquery(1, "INSERT INTO Accounts (Name, password) VALUES ('Hergus', MD5('jaguar'))", "OnUserRegister", "d") (Nitradoscript.p:1058)
[10/15/16 13:39:06] [DEBUG] CCallback::Create(amx=0x8545d38, name='OnUserRegister', format='d', params=0xf542e590, param_offset=5)
[10/15/16 13:39:06] [DEBUG] CCallback::Create - callback index for 'OnUserRegister': 34
[10/15/16 13:39:06] [DEBUG] processing specifier 'd' with parameter index 0
[10/15/16 13:39:06] [DEBUG] retrieved and pushed value '0'
[10/15/16 13:39:06] [INFO] Callback 'OnUserRegister' set up for delayed execution.
[10/15/16 13:39:06] [DEBUG] created delayed callback with 1 parameter
[10/15/16 13:39:06] [DEBUG] CHandle::Execute(this=0x83d4ab0, type=2, query=0x85953e0)
[10/15/16 13:39:06] [DEBUG] CConnectionPool::Queue(query=0x85953e0, this=0x84cc490)
[10/15/16 13:39:06] [DEBUG] CHandle::Execute - return value: true
[10/15/16 13:39:06] [DEBUG] mysql_pquery: return value: '1' (Nitradoscript.p:1058)
[10/15/16 13:39:06] [DEBUG] CConnection::Execute(query=0x85953e0, this=0xf4281008, connection=0x8573150)
[10/15/16 13:39:06] [DEBUG] CQuery::Execute(this=0x85953e0, connection=0x8573150)
[10/15/16 13:39:06] [INFO] query "INSERT INTO Accounts (Name, password) VALUES ('Hergus', MD5('jaguar'))" successfully executed within 1.122 milliseconds
[10/15/16 13:39:06] [DEBUG] CResultSet::Create(connection=0x8573150, query_str='INSERT INTO Accounts (Name, password) VALUES ('Hergus', MD5('jaguar'))')
[10/15/16 13:39:06] [DEBUG] created new resultset '0xf3700618'
[10/15/16 13:39:06] [DEBUG] fetched MySQL result '0x0'
[10/15/16 13:39:06] [DEBUG] CCallback::Execute(amx=0x8545d38, index=34, num_params=1)
[10/15/16 13:39:06] [INFO] Executing callback 'OnUserRegister' with 1 parameter...
[10/15/16 13:39:06] [DEBUG] processing internal specifier 'c'
[10/15/16 13:39:06] [DEBUG] pushed value '0' onto AMX stack
[10/15/16 13:39:06] [DEBUG] executing AMX callback with index '34'
[10/15/16 13:39:06] [DEBUG] cache_insert_id() (Nitradoscript.p:1114)
[10/15/16 13:39:06] [DEBUG] cache_insert_id: return value: '3' (Nitradoscript.p:1114)
[10/15/16 13:39:06] [DEBUG] AMX callback executed with error '0'
[10/15/16 13:39:06] [INFO] Callback successfully executed.
[10/15/16 13:40:37] [DEBUG] mysql_format(1, 0xF542E7B4, 128, "SELECT id FROM Accounts WHERE Name = '%e'") (Nitradoscript.p:270)
[10/15/16 13:40:37] [DEBUG] CHandle::EscapeString(this=0x83d4ab0, src='Hergus')
[10/15/16 13:40:37] [DEBUG] CConnection::EscapeString(src='Hergus', this=0x84c56d0, connection=0x8546178)
[10/15/16 13:40:37] [DEBUG] CHandle::EscapeString - return value: true, escaped string: 'Hergus'
[10/15/16 13:40:37] [DEBUG] mysql_format: return value: '45' (Nitradoscript.p:270)
[10/15/16 13:40:37] [DEBUG] mysql_pquery(1, "SELECT id FROM Accounts WHERE Name = 'Hergus'", "OnUserCheck", "d") (Nitradoscript.p:271)
[10/15/16 13:40:37] [DEBUG] CCallback::Create(amx=0x8545d38, name='OnUserCheck', format='d', params=0xf542e79c, param_offset=5)
[10/15/16 13:40:37] [DEBUG] CCallback::Create - callback index for 'OnUserCheck': 32
[10/15/16 13:40:37] [DEBUG] processing specifier 'd' with parameter index 0
[10/15/16 13:40:37] [DEBUG] retrieved and pushed value '0'
[10/15/16 13:40:37] [INFO] Callback 'OnUserCheck' set up for delayed execution.
[10/15/16 13:40:37] [DEBUG] created delayed callback with 1 parameter
[10/15/16 13:40:37] [DEBUG] CHandle::Execute(this=0x83d4ab0, type=2, query=0x8594fe0)
[10/15/16 13:40:37] [DEBUG] CConnectionPool::Queue(query=0x8594fe0, this=0x84cc490)
[10/15/16 13:40:37] [DEBUG] CHandle::Execute - return value: true
[10/15/16 13:40:37] [DEBUG] mysql_pquery: return value: '1' (Nitradoscript.p:271)
[10/15/16 13:40:37] [DEBUG] CConnection::Execute(query=0x8594fe0, this=0xf4b03008, connection=0x856cb00)
[10/15/16 13:40:37] [DEBUG] CQuery::Execute(this=0x8594fe0, connection=0x856cb00)
[10/15/16 13:40:37] [INFO] query "SELECT id FROM Accounts WHERE Name = 'Hergus'" successfully executed within 0.257 milliseconds
[10/15/16 13:40:37] [DEBUG] CResultSet::Create(connection=0x856cb00, query_str='SELECT id FROM Accounts WHERE Name = 'Hergus'')
[10/15/16 13:40:37] [DEBUG] created new resultset '0xf4100530'
[10/15/16 13:40:37] [DEBUG] fetched MySQL result '0xf41007a8'
[10/15/16 13:40:37] [DEBUG] allocated 20 bytes for PAWN result
[10/15/16 13:40:37] [DEBUG] CCallback::Execute(amx=0x8545d38, index=32, num_params=1)
[10/15/16 13:40:37] [INFO] Executing callback 'OnUserCheck' with 1 parameter...
[10/15/16 13:40:37] [DEBUG] processing internal specifier 'c'
[10/15/16 13:40:37] [DEBUG] pushed value '0' onto AMX stack
[10/15/16 13:40:37] [DEBUG] executing AMX callback with index '32'
[10/15/16 13:40:37] [DEBUG] cache_get_row_count(0xF542E9B4) (Nitradoscript.p:296)
[10/15/16 13:40:37] [DEBUG] cache_get_row_count: return value: '1' (Nitradoscript.p:296)
[10/15/16 13:40:37] [DEBUG] AMX callback executed with error '0'
[10/15/16 13:40:37] [INFO] Callback successfully executed.
[10/15/16 13:40:38] [DEBUG] mysql_format(1, 0xF542E5A8, 256, "SELECT * FROM Accounts WHERE Name = '%s' AND password = MD5('%s')") (Nitradoscript.p:1069)
[10/15/16 13:40:38] [DEBUG] mysql_format: return value: '73' (Nitradoscript.p:1069)
[10/15/16 13:40:38] [DEBUG] mysql_pquery(1, "SELECT * FROM Accounts WHERE Name = 'Hergus' AND password = MD5('jaguar')", "OnUserLogin", "d") (Nitradoscript.p:1071)
[10/15/16 13:40:38] [DEBUG] CCallback::Create(amx=0x8545d38, name='OnUserLogin', format='d', params=0xf542e590, param_offset=5)
[10/15/16 13:40:38] [DEBUG] CCallback::Create - callback index for 'OnUserLogin': 33
[10/15/16 13:40:38] [DEBUG] processing specifier 'd' with parameter index 0
[10/15/16 13:40:38] [DEBUG] retrieved and pushed value '0'
[10/15/16 13:40:38] [INFO] Callback 'OnUserLogin' set up for delayed execution.
[10/15/16 13:40:38] [DEBUG] created delayed callback with 1 parameter
[10/15/16 13:40:38] [DEBUG] CHandle::Execute(this=0x83d4ab0, type=2, query=0x8595518)
[10/15/16 13:40:38] [DEBUG] CConnectionPool::Queue(query=0x8595518, this=0x84cc490)
[10/15/16 13:40:38] [DEBUG] CHandle::Execute - return value: true
[10/15/16 13:40:38] [DEBUG] mysql_pquery: return value: '1' (Nitradoscript.p:1071)
[10/15/16 13:40:38] [DEBUG] CConnection::Execute(query=0x8595518, this=0xf4281008, connection=0x8573150)
[10/15/16 13:40:38] [DEBUG] CQuery::Execute(this=0x8595518, connection=0x8573150)
[10/15/16 13:40:38] [INFO] query "SELECT * FROM Accounts WHERE Name = 'Hergus' AND password = MD5('jaguar')" successfully executed within 0.330 milliseconds
[10/15/16 13:40:38] [DEBUG] CResultSet::Create(connection=0x8573150, query_str='SELECT * FROM Accounts WHERE Name = 'Hergus' AND password = MD5('jaguar')')
[10/15/16 13:40:38] [DEBUG] created new resultset '0xf3700748'
[10/15/16 13:40:38] [DEBUG] fetched MySQL result '0xf3700628'
[10/15/16 13:40:38] [DEBUG] allocated 100 bytes for PAWN result
[10/15/16 13:40:38] [DEBUG] CCallback::Execute(amx=0x8545d38, index=33, num_params=1)
[10/15/16 13:40:38] [INFO] Executing callback 'OnUserLogin' with 1 parameter...
[10/15/16 13:40:38] [DEBUG] processing internal specifier 'c'
[10/15/16 13:40:38] [DEBUG] pushed value '0' onto AMX stack
[10/15/16 13:40:38] [DEBUG] executing AMX callback with index '33'
[10/15/16 13:40:38] [DEBUG] cache_get_row_count(0xF542E9B4) (Nitradoscript.p:1121)
[10/15/16 13:40:38] [DEBUG] cache_get_row_count: return value: '1' (Nitradoscript.p:1121)
[10/15/16 13:40:38] [DEBUG] cache_get_value_name_int(0, "id", 0xF5419620) (Nitradoscript.p:1131)
[10/15/16 13:40:38] [DEBUG] cache_get_value_name_int: assigned value: '3' (Nitradoscript.p:1131)
[10/15/16 13:40:38] [DEBUG] cache_get_value_name_int: return value: '1' (Nitradoscript.p:1131)
[10/15/16 13:40:38] [DEBUG] cache_get_value_name_int(0, "Name", 0xF5419628) (Nitradoscript.p:1132)
[10/15/16 13:40:38] [ERROR] cache_get_value_name_int: value 'Hergus' is not a number (Nitradoscript.p:1132)
[10/15/16 13:40:38] [DEBUG] cache_get_value_name_int(0, "Adminlevel", 0xF5419688) (Nitradoscript.p:1133)
[10/15/16 13:40:38] [DEBUG] cache_get_value_name_int: assigned value: '7' (Nitradoscript.p:1133)
[10/15/16 13:40:38] [DEBUG] cache_get_value_name_int: return value: '1' (Nitradoscript.p:1133)
[10/15/16 13:40:38] [DEBUG] cache_get_value_name_int(0, "Level", 0xF541968C) (Nitradoscript.p:1134)
[10/15/16 13:40:38] [DEBUG] cache_get_value_name_int: assigned value: '2' (Nitradoscript.p:1134)
[10/15/16 13:40:38] [DEBUG] cache_get_value_name_int: return value: '1' (Nitradoscript.p:1134)
[10/15/16 13:40:38] [DEBUG] cache_get_value_name_int(0, "Money", 0xF5419690) (Nitradoscript.p:1135)
[10/15/16 13:40:38] [DEBUG] cache_get_value_name_int: assigned value: '0' (Nitradoscript.p:1135)
[10/15/16 13:40:38] [DEBUG] cache_get_value_name_int: return value: '1' (Nitradoscript.p:1135)
[10/15/16 13:40:38] [DEBUG] cache_get_value_name_int(0, "Fraktion", 0xF5419694) (Nitradoscript.p:1136)
[10/15/16 13:40:38] [DEBUG] cache_get_value_name_int: assigned value: '0' (Nitradoscript.p:1136)
[10/15/16 13:40:38] [DEBUG] cache_get_value_name_int: return value: '1' (Nitradoscript.p:1136)
[10/15/16 13:40:38] [DEBUG] cache_get_value_name_int(0, "Rang", 0xF5419698) (Nitradoscript.p:1137)
[10/15/16 13:40:38] [DEBUG] cache_get_value_name_int: assigned value: '0' (Nitradoscript.p:1137)
[10/15/16 13:40:38] [DEBUG] cache_get_value_name_int: return value: '1' (Nitradoscript.p:1137)
[10/15/16 13:40:38] [DEBUG] cache_get_value_name_int(0, "Spawn", 0xF541969C) (Nitradoscript.p:1138)
[10/15/16 13:40:38] [DEBUG] cache_get_value_name_int: assigned value: '0' (Nitradoscript.p:1138)
[10/15/16 13:40:38] [DEBUG] cache_get_value_name_int: return value: '1' (Nitradoscript.p:1138)
[10/15/16 13:40:38] [DEBUG] AMX callback executed with error '0'
[10/15/16 13:40:38] [INFO] Callback successfully executed.
[10/15/16 13:41:10] [DEBUG] mysql_pquery(1, "INSERT INTO autos(besitzer,model,x,y,z,r) VALUES('3','411','1707.832519','-2287.573242','-1.231296','44.303760')", "carSavedToDB", "i") (Nitradoscript.p:879)
[10/15/16 13:41:10] [DEBUG] CCallback::Create(amx=0x8545d38, name='carSavedToDB', format='i', params=0xf542e498, param_offset=5)
[10/15/16 13:41:10] [DEBUG] CCallback::Create - callback index for 'carSavedToDB': -10057
[10/15/16 13:41:10] [DEBUG] processing specifier 'i' with parameter index 0
[10/15/16 13:41:10] [DEBUG] retrieved and pushed value '0'
[10/15/16 13:41:10] [INFO] Callback 'carSavedToDB' set up for delayed execution.
[10/15/16 13:41:10] [DEBUG] created delayed callback with 1 parameter
[10/15/16 13:41:10] [DEBUG] CHandle::Execute(this=0x83d4ab0, type=2, query=0x8594ee0)
[10/15/16 13:41:10] [DEBUG] CConnectionPool::Queue(query=0x8594ee0, this=0x84cc490)
[10/15/16 13:41:10] [DEBUG] CHandle::Execute - return value: true
[10/15/16 13:41:10] [DEBUG] mysql_pquery: return value: '1' (Nitradoscript.p:879)
[10/15/16 13:41:10] [DEBUG] CConnection::Execute(query=0x8594ee0, this=0xf4b03008, connection=0x856cb00)
[10/15/16 13:41:10] [DEBUG] CQuery::Execute(this=0x8594ee0, connection=0x856cb00)
[10/15/16 13:41:10] [INFO] query "INSERT INTO autos(besitzer,model,x,y,z,r) VALUES('3','411','1707.832519','-2287.573242','-1.231296','44.303760')" successfully executed within 1.730 milliseconds
[10/15/16 13:41:10] [DEBUG] CResultSet::Create(connection=0x856cb00, query_str='INSERT INTO autos(besitzer,model,x,y,z,r) VALUES('3','411','1707.832519','-2287.573242','-1.231296','44.303760')')
[10/15/16 13:41:10] [DEBUG] created new resultset '0xf4100808'
[10/15/16 13:41:10] [DEBUG] fetched MySQL result '0x0'
[10/15/16 13:41:10] [DEBUG] CCallback::Execute(amx=0x8545d38, index=-10057, num_params=1)
[10/15/16 13:41:10] [INFO] Executing callback '��' with 1 parameter...
[10/15/16 13:41:10] [DEBUG] processing internal specifier 'c'
[10/15/16 13:41:10] [DEBUG] pushed value '0' onto AMX stack
[10/15/16 13:41:10] [DEBUG] executing AMX callback with index '-10057'
[10/15/16 13:41:10] [DEBUG] AMX callback executed with error '0'
[10/15/16 13:41:10] [INFO] Callback successfully executed.
[10/15/16 13:42:46] [DEBUG] mysql_format(1, 0xF542E7B4, 128, "SELECT id FROM Accounts WHERE Name = '%e'") (Nitradoscript.p:270)
[10/15/16 13:42:46] [DEBUG] CHandle::EscapeString(this=0x83d4ab0, src='Hergus')
[10/15/16 13:42:46] [DEBUG] CConnection::EscapeString(src='Hergus', this=0x84c56d0, connection=0x8546178)
[10/15/16 13:42:46] [DEBUG] CHandle::EscapeString - return value: true, escaped string: 'Hergus'
[10/15/16 13:42:46] [DEBUG] mysql_format: return value: '45' (Nitradoscript.p:270)
[10/15/16 13:42:46] [DEBUG] mysql_pquery(1, "SELECT id FROM Accounts WHERE Name = 'Hergus'", "OnUserCheck", "d") (Nitradoscript.p:271)
[10/15/16 13:42:46] [DEBUG] CCallback::Create(amx=0x8545d38, name='OnUserCheck', format='d', params=0xf542e79c, param_offset=5)
[10/15/16 13:42:46] [DEBUG] CCallback::Create - callback index for 'OnUserCheck': 32
[10/15/16 13:42:46] [DEBUG] processing specifier 'd' with parameter index 0
[10/15/16 13:42:46] [DEBUG] retrieved and pushed value '0'
[10/15/16 13:42:46] [INFO] Callback 'OnUserCheck' set up for delayed execution.
[10/15/16 13:42:46] [DEBUG] created delayed callback with 1 parameter
[10/15/16 13:42:46] [DEBUG] CHandle::Execute(this=0x83d4ab0, type=2, query=0x8594ae0)
[10/15/16 13:42:46] [DEBUG] CConnectionPool::Queue(query=0x8594ae0, this=0x84cc490)
[10/15/16 13:42:46] [DEBUG] CHandle::Execute - return value: true
[10/15/16 13:42:46] [DEBUG] mysql_pquery: return value: '1' (Nitradoscript.p:271)
[10/15/16 13:42:46] [DEBUG] CConnection::Execute(query=0x8594ae0, this=0xf4281008, connection=0x8573150)
[10/15/16 13:42:46] [DEBUG] CQuery::Execute(this=0x8594ae0, connection=0x8573150)
[10/15/16 13:42:46] [INFO] query "SELECT id FROM Accounts WHERE Name = 'Hergus'" successfully executed within 0.285 milliseconds
[10/15/16 13:42:46] [DEBUG] CResultSet::Create(connection=0x8573150, query_str='SELECT id FROM Accounts WHERE Name = 'Hergus'')
[10/15/16 13:42:46] [DEBUG] created new resultset '0xf3700708'
[10/15/16 13:42:46] [DEBUG] fetched MySQL result '0xf3700a88'
[10/15/16 13:42:46] [DEBUG] allocated 20 bytes for PAWN result
[10/15/16 13:42:46] [DEBUG] CCallback::Execute(amx=0x8545d38, index=32, num_params=1)
[10/15/16 13:42:46] [INFO] Executing callback 'OnUserCheck' with 1 parameter...
[10/15/16 13:42:46] [DEBUG] processing internal specifier 'c'
[10/15/16 13:42:46] [DEBUG] pushed value '0' onto AMX stack
[10/15/16 13:42:46] [DEBUG] executing AMX callback with index '32'
[10/15/16 13:42:46] [DEBUG] cache_get_row_count(0xF542E9B4) (Nitradoscript.p:296)
[10/15/16 13:42:46] [DEBUG] cache_get_row_count: return value: '1' (Nitradoscript.p:296)
[10/15/16 13:42:46] [DEBUG] AMX callback executed with error '0'
[10/15/16 13:42:46] [INFO] Callback successfully executed.
[10/15/16 13:42:48] [DEBUG] mysql_format(1, 0xF542E5A8, 256, "SELECT * FROM Accounts WHERE Name = '%s' AND password = MD5('%s')") (Nitradoscript.p:1069)
[10/15/16 13:42:48] [DEBUG] mysql_format: return value: '73' (Nitradoscript.p:1069)
[10/15/16 13:42:48] [DEBUG] mysql_pquery(1, "SELECT * FROM Accounts WHERE Name = 'Hergus' AND password = MD5('jaguar')", "OnUserLogin", "d") (Nitradoscript.p:1071)
[10/15/16 13:42:48] [DEBUG] CCallback::Create(amx=0x8545d38, name='OnUserLogin', format='d', params=0xf542e590, param_offset=5)
[10/15/16 13:42:48] [DEBUG] CCallback::Create - callback index for 'OnUserLogin': 33
[10/15/16 13:42:48] [DEBUG] processing specifier 'd' with parameter index 0
[10/15/16 13:42:48] [DEBUG] retrieved and pushed value '0'
[10/15/16 13:42:48] [INFO] Callback 'OnUserLogin' set up for delayed execution.
[10/15/16 13:42:48] [DEBUG] created delayed callback with 1 parameter
[10/15/16 13:42:48] [DEBUG] CHandle::Execute(this=0x83d4ab0, type=2, query=0x8595440)
[10/15/16 13:42:48] [DEBUG] CConnectionPool::Queue(query=0x8595440, this=0x84cc490)
[10/15/16 13:42:48] [DEBUG] CHandle::Execute - return value: true
[10/15/16 13:42:48] [DEBUG] mysql_pquery: return value: '1' (Nitradoscript.p:1071)
[10/15/16 13:42:48] [DEBUG] CConnection::Execute(query=0x8595440, this=0xf4b03008, connection=0x856cb00)
[10/15/16 13:42:48] [DEBUG] CQuery::Execute(this=0x8595440, connection=0x856cb00)
[10/15/16 13:42:48] [INFO] query "SELECT * FROM Accounts WHERE Name = 'Hergus' AND password = MD5('jaguar')" successfully executed within 0.288 milliseconds
[10/15/16 13:42:48] [DEBUG] CResultSet::Create(connection=0x856cb00, query_str='SELECT * FROM Accounts WHERE Name = 'Hergus' AND password = MD5('jaguar')')
[10/15/16 13:42:48] [DEBUG] created new resultset '0xf41004f0'
[10/15/16 13:42:48] [DEBUG] fetched MySQL result '0xf41007a0'
[10/15/16 13:42:48] [DEBUG] allocated 100 bytes for PAWN result
[10/15/16 13:42:48] [DEBUG] CCallback::Execute(amx=0x8545d38, index=33, num_params=1)
[10/15/16 13:42:48] [INFO] Executing callback 'OnUserLogin' with 1 parameter...
[10/15/16 13:42:48] [DEBUG] processing internal specifier 'c'
[10/15/16 13:42:48] [DEBUG] pushed value '0' onto AMX stack
[10/15/16 13:42:48] [DEBUG] executing AMX callback with index '33'
[10/15/16 13:42:48] [DEBUG] cache_get_row_count(0xF542E9B4) (Nitradoscript.p:1121)
[10/15/16 13:42:48] [DEBUG] cache_get_row_count: return value: '1' (Nitradoscript.p:1121)
[10/15/16 13:42:48] [DEBUG] cache_get_value_name_int(0, "id", 0xF5419620) (Nitradoscript.p:1131)
[10/15/16 13:42:48] [DEBUG] cache_get_value_name_int: assigned value: '3' (Nitradoscript.p:1131)
[10/15/16 13:42:48] [DEBUG] cache_get_value_name_int: return value: '1' (Nitradoscript.p:1131)
[10/15/16 13:42:48] [DEBUG] cache_get_value_name_int(0, "Name", 0xF5419628) (Nitradoscript.p:1132)
[10/15/16 13:42:48] [ERROR] cache_get_value_name_int: value 'Hergus' is not a number (Nitradoscript.p:1132)
[10/15/16 13:42:48] [DEBUG] cache_get_value_name_int(0, "Adminlevel", 0xF5419688) (Nitradoscript.p:1133)
[10/15/16 13:42:48] [DEBUG] cache_get_value_name_int: assigned value: '7' (Nitradoscript.p:1133)
[10/15/16 13:42:48] [DEBUG] cache_get_value_name_int: return value: '1' (Nitradoscript.p:1133)
[10/15/16 13:42:48] [DEBUG] cache_get_value_name_int(0, "Level", 0xF541968C) (Nitradoscript.p:1134)
[10/15/16 13:42:48] [DEBUG] cache_get_value_name_int: assigned value: '2' (Nitradoscript.p:1134)
[10/15/16 13:42:48] [DEBUG] cache_get_value_name_int: return value: '1' (Nitradoscript.p:1134)
[10/15/16 13:42:48] [DEBUG] cache_get_value_name_int(0, "Money", 0xF5419690) (Nitradoscript.p:1135)
[10/15/16 13:42:48] [DEBUG] cache_get_value_name_int: assigned value: '0' (Nitradoscript.p:1135)
[10/15/16 13:42:48] [DEBUG] cache_get_value_name_int: return value: '1' (Nitradoscript.p:1135)
[10/15/16 13:42:48] [DEBUG] cache_get_value_name_int(0, "Fraktion", 0xF5419694) (Nitradoscript.p:1136)
[10/15/16 13:42:48] [DEBUG] cache_get_value_name_int: assigned value: '0' (Nitradoscript.p:1136)
[10/15/16 13:42:48] [DEBUG] cache_get_value_name_int: return value: '1' (Nitradoscript.p:1136)
[10/15/16 13:42:48] [DEBUG] cache_get_value_name_int(0, "Rang", 0xF5419698) (Nitradoscript.p:1137)
[10/15/16 13:42:48] [DEBUG] cache_get_value_name_int: assigned value: '0' (Nitradoscript.p:1137)
[10/15/16 13:42:48] [DEBUG] cache_get_value_name_int: return value: '1' (Nitradoscript.p:1137)
[10/15/16 13:42:48] [DEBUG] cache_get_value_name_int(0, "Spawn", 0xF541969C) (Nitradoscript.p:1138)
[10/15/16 13:42:48] [DEBUG] cache_get_value_name_int: assigned value: '0' (Nitradoscript.p:1138)
[10/15/16 13:42:48] [DEBUG] cache_get_value_name_int: return value: '1' (Nitradoscript.p:1138)
[10/15/16 13:42:48] [DEBUG] AMX callback executed with error '0'
[10/15/16 13:42:48] [INFO] Callback successfully executed.
Alles anzeigen
OnUserLogin und SaveUserStats:
public OnUserLogin(playerid)
new rows;
if(rows == 0)
//Der Spieler hat ein falsches Passwort eingegeben
ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,DIALOG_LOGIN,DIALOG_STYLE_PASSWORD,"Einloggen","Bitte logge dich ein:\n{0xFF0000FF}Falsches Passwort!","Einloggen","Abbrechen");
//Es existiert ein Ergebnis,das heißt der Spieler hat das richtige Passwort eingegeben
//Wir lesen nun die erste Zeile des Caches aus (id 0)
return 1;
stock SaveUserStats(playerid)
//Wen der Spieler nicht eingeloggt ist, dann speichere seine Statistiken nicht
if(!sInfo[playerid][eingeloggt])return 1;
//Ansonsten speichere Sie ab
new query[600];
mysql_format(handle,query,sizeof(query),"UPDATE Accounts Set Name = '%s',Adminlevel = '%d',Level = '%d',Money = '%d',Fraktion = '%i',Rang = '%d',Spawn = '%d' WHERE id = '%d' ",sInfo[playerid][Name],sInfo[playerid][Adminlevel],sInfo[playerid][Level],sInfo[playerid][Money],sInfo[playerid][Fraktion],sInfo[playerid][Rang],sInfo[playerid][Spawn],sInfo[playerid][db_id]);
//Das Query wird abgesendet
return 1;
Alles anzeigen
stock SaveUserStats(playerid)
//Wen der Spieler nicht eingeloggt ist, dann speichere seine Statistiken nicht
if(!sInfo[playerid][eingeloggt])return 1;
//Ansonsten speichere Sie ab
new query[600];
mysql_format(handle,query,sizeof(query),"UPDATE Accounts Set Name = '%s',Adminlevel = '%d',Level = '%d',Money = '%d',Fraktion = '%i',Rang = '%d',Spawn = '%d' WHERE id = '%d' ",sInfo[playerid][Name],sInfo[playerid][Adminlevel],sInfo[playerid][Level],sInfo[playerid][Money],sInfo[playerid][Fraktion],sInfo[playerid][Rang],sInfo[playerid][Spawn],sInfo[playerid][db_id]);
//Das Query wird abgesendet
return 1;
Alles anzeigen
Bei OnUserLogin hatte ich ja das mit den Namen nicht drin.
Habe es jetzt so aussehen nach der Änderung:
public OnUserLogin(playerid)
new rows;
if(rows == 0)
//Der Spieler hat ein falsches Passwort eingegeben
ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,DIALOG_LOGIN,DIALOG_STYLE_PASSWORD,"Einloggen","Bitte logge dich ein:\n{0xFF0000FF}Falsches Passwort!","Einloggen","Abbrechen");
//Es existiert ein Ergebnis,das heißt der Spieler hat das richtige Passwort eingegeben
//Wir lesen nun die erste Zeile des Caches aus (id 0)
return 1;
Alles anzeigen
Mein Spawnbefehl:
if(isPlayerInFrakt(playerid,0)) return SendClientMessage(playerid,rot,"Du bist in keiner Fraktion.");
if(sInfo[playerid][Spawn] == 0)
sInfo[playerid][Spawn] = 1;
SendClientMessage(playerid,grün,"Spawn geändert");
return 1;
Alles anzeigen
Guten Morgen
@Jeffry Wenn du zeit hast
Ich habe derzeit probleme mit mein Fraktionssystem:
Wie sieht der Fehler aus:
Spieler A = Admin setzt Spieler B zum LSPD-Leader.
Spieler B = benutzt /spawnchange um sein Spawn zum LSPD-Spawn zu setzen.
Spieler B = Stirbt und spawnt nicht am LSPD-Spawn.
Spieler B = Loggt sich aus sollte normal alles gespeichert werden.
Spieler B = Loggt sich wieder ein und ist kein Leader vom LSPD ,mehr.
Hier die Logs:
[10/14/16 06:34:38] [INFO] changed log level from 'warning, error' to 'debug, info, warning, error'
[10/14/16 06:35:58] [DEBUG] mysql_format(1, 0xF5488734, 128, "SELECT id FROM Accounts WHERE Name = '%e'") (Nitradoscript.p:270)
[10/14/16 06:35:58] [DEBUG] CHandle::EscapeString(this=0x9953ab0, src='Tiriago')
[10/14/16 06:35:58] [DEBUG] CConnection::EscapeString(src='Tiriago', this=0x9a446d0, connection=0x9ac5178)
[10/14/16 06:35:58] [DEBUG] CHandle::EscapeString - return value: true, escaped string: 'Tiriago'
[10/14/16 06:35:58] [DEBUG] mysql_format: return value: '46' (Nitradoscript.p:270)
[10/14/16 06:35:58] [DEBUG] mysql_pquery(1, "SELECT id FROM Accounts WHERE Name = 'Tiriago'", "OnUserCheck", "d") (Nitradoscript.p:271)
[10/14/16 06:35:58] [DEBUG] CCallback::Create(amx=0x9ac4d38, name='OnUserCheck', format='d', params=0xf548871c, param_offset=5)
[10/14/16 06:35:58] [DEBUG] CCallback::Create - callback index for 'OnUserCheck': 32
[10/14/16 06:35:58] [DEBUG] processing specifier 'd' with parameter index 0
[10/14/16 06:35:58] [DEBUG] retrieved and pushed value '0'
[10/14/16 06:35:58] [INFO] Callback 'OnUserCheck' set up for delayed execution.
[10/14/16 06:35:58] [DEBUG] created delayed callback with 1 parameter
[10/14/16 06:35:58] [DEBUG] CHandle::Execute(this=0x9953ab0, type=2, query=0x9b14030)
[10/14/16 06:35:58] [DEBUG] CConnectionPool::Queue(query=0x9b14030, this=0x9a4b490)
[10/14/16 06:35:58] [DEBUG] CHandle::Execute - return value: true
[10/14/16 06:35:58] [DEBUG] CConnection::Execute(query=0x9b14030, this=0xf4b5d008, connection=0x9aebb00)
[10/14/16 06:35:58] [DEBUG] mysql_pquery: return value: '1' (Nitradoscript.p:271)
[10/14/16 06:35:58] [DEBUG] CQuery::Execute(this=0x9b14030, connection=0x9aebb00)
[10/14/16 06:35:58] [INFO] query "SELECT id FROM Accounts WHERE Name = 'Tiriago'" successfully executed within 0.309 milliseconds
[10/14/16 06:35:58] [DEBUG] CResultSet::Create(connection=0x9aebb00, query_str='SELECT id FROM Accounts WHERE Name = 'Tiriago'')
[10/14/16 06:35:58] [DEBUG] created new resultset '0xf41004f0'
[10/14/16 06:35:58] [DEBUG] fetched MySQL result '0xf4100768'
[10/14/16 06:35:58] [DEBUG] allocated 20 bytes for PAWN result
[10/14/16 06:35:58] [DEBUG] CCallback::Execute(amx=0x9ac4d38, index=32, num_params=1)
[10/14/16 06:35:58] [INFO] Executing callback 'OnUserCheck' with 1 parameter...
[10/14/16 06:35:58] [DEBUG] processing internal specifier 'c'
[10/14/16 06:35:58] [DEBUG] pushed value '0' onto AMX stack
[10/14/16 06:35:58] [DEBUG] executing AMX callback with index '32'
[10/14/16 06:35:58] [DEBUG] cache_get_row_count(0xF5488934) (Nitradoscript.p:296)
[10/14/16 06:35:58] [DEBUG] cache_get_row_count: return value: '1' (Nitradoscript.p:296)
[10/14/16 06:35:58] [DEBUG] AMX callback executed with error '0'
[10/14/16 06:35:58] [INFO] Callback successfully executed.
[10/14/16 06:35:59] [DEBUG] mysql_format(1, 0xF5488528, 256, "SELECT * FROM Accounts WHERE Name = '%s' AND password = MD5('%s')") (Nitradoscript.p:1069)
[10/14/16 06:35:59] [DEBUG] mysql_format: return value: '74' (Nitradoscript.p:1069)
[10/14/16 06:35:59] [DEBUG] mysql_pquery(1, "SELECT * FROM Accounts WHERE Name = 'Tiriago' AND password = MD5('jaguar')", "OnUserLogin", "d") (Nitradoscript.p:1071)
[10/14/16 06:35:59] [DEBUG] CCallback::Create(amx=0x9ac4d38, name='OnUserLogin', format='d', params=0xf5488510, param_offset=5)
[10/14/16 06:35:59] [DEBUG] CCallback::Create - callback index for 'OnUserLogin': 33
[10/14/16 06:35:59] [DEBUG] processing specifier 'd' with parameter index 0
[10/14/16 06:35:59] [DEBUG] retrieved and pushed value '0'
[10/14/16 06:35:59] [INFO] Callback 'OnUserLogin' set up for delayed execution.
[10/14/16 06:35:59] [DEBUG] created delayed callback with 1 parameter
[10/14/16 06:35:59] [DEBUG] CHandle::Execute(this=0x9953ab0, type=2, query=0x9b143e8)
[10/14/16 06:35:59] [DEBUG] CConnectionPool::Queue(query=0x9b143e8, this=0x9a4b490)
[10/14/16 06:35:59] [DEBUG] CHandle::Execute - return value: true
[10/14/16 06:35:59] [DEBUG] mysql_pquery: return value: '1' (Nitradoscript.p:1071)
[10/14/16 06:35:59] [DEBUG] CConnection::Execute(query=0x9b143e8, this=0xf42db008, connection=0x9af2150)
[10/14/16 06:35:59] [DEBUG] CQuery::Execute(this=0x9b143e8, connection=0x9af2150)
[10/14/16 06:35:59] [INFO] query "SELECT * FROM Accounts WHERE Name = 'Tiriago' AND password = MD5('jaguar')" successfully executed within 1.271 milliseconds
[10/14/16 06:35:59] [DEBUG] CResultSet::Create(connection=0x9af2150, query_str='SELECT * FROM Accounts WHERE Name = 'Tiriago' AND password = MD5('jaguar')')
[10/14/16 06:35:59] [DEBUG] created new resultset '0xf37004f0'
[10/14/16 06:35:59] [DEBUG] fetched MySQL result '0xf37007a8'
[10/14/16 06:35:59] [DEBUG] allocated 100 bytes for PAWN result
[10/14/16 06:35:59] [DEBUG] CCallback::Execute(amx=0x9ac4d38, index=33, num_params=1)
[10/14/16 06:35:59] [INFO] Executing callback 'OnUserLogin' with 1 parameter...
[10/14/16 06:35:59] [DEBUG] processing internal specifier 'c'
[10/14/16 06:35:59] [DEBUG] pushed value '0' onto AMX stack
[10/14/16 06:35:59] [DEBUG] executing AMX callback with index '33'
[10/14/16 06:35:59] [DEBUG] cache_get_row_count(0xF5488934) (Nitradoscript.p:1121)
[10/14/16 06:35:59] [DEBUG] cache_get_row_count: return value: '1' (Nitradoscript.p:1121)
[10/14/16 06:35:59] [DEBUG] cache_get_value_name_int(0, "id", 0xF54735B4) (Nitradoscript.p:1131)
[10/14/16 06:35:59] [DEBUG] cache_get_value_name_int: assigned value: '1' (Nitradoscript.p:1131)
[10/14/16 06:35:59] [DEBUG] cache_get_value_name_int: return value: '1' (Nitradoscript.p:1131)
[10/14/16 06:35:59] [DEBUG] cache_get_value_name_int(0, "Adminlevel", 0xF547361C) (Nitradoscript.p:1132)
[10/14/16 06:35:59] [DEBUG] cache_get_value_name_int: assigned value: '7' (Nitradoscript.p:1132)
[10/14/16 06:35:59] [DEBUG] cache_get_value_name_int: return value: '1' (Nitradoscript.p:1132)
[10/14/16 06:35:59] [DEBUG] cache_get_value_name_int(0, "Level", 0xF5473620) (Nitradoscript.p:1133)
[10/14/16 06:35:59] [DEBUG] cache_get_value_name_int: assigned value: '2' (Nitradoscript.p:1133)
[10/14/16 06:35:59] [DEBUG] cache_get_value_name_int: return value: '1' (Nitradoscript.p:1133)
[10/14/16 06:35:59] [DEBUG] cache_get_value_name_int(0, "Money", 0xF5473624) (Nitradoscript.p:1134)
[10/14/16 06:35:59] [DEBUG] cache_get_value_name_int: assigned value: '0' (Nitradoscript.p:1134)
[10/14/16 06:35:59] [DEBUG] cache_get_value_name_int: return value: '1' (Nitradoscript.p:1134)
[10/14/16 06:35:59] [DEBUG] cache_get_value_name_int(0, "Fraktion", 0xF5473628) (Nitradoscript.p:1135)
[10/14/16 06:35:59] [DEBUG] cache_get_value_name_int: assigned value: '0' (Nitradoscript.p:1135)
[10/14/16 06:35:59] [DEBUG] cache_get_value_name_int: return value: '1' (Nitradoscript.p:1135)
[10/14/16 06:35:59] [DEBUG] cache_get_value_name_int(0, "Rang", 0xF547362C) (Nitradoscript.p:1136)
[10/14/16 06:35:59] [DEBUG] cache_get_value_name_int: assigned value: '0' (Nitradoscript.p:1136)
[10/14/16 06:35:59] [DEBUG] cache_get_value_name_int: return value: '1' (Nitradoscript.p:1136)
[10/14/16 06:35:59] [DEBUG] cache_get_value_name_int(0, "Spawn", 0xF5473630) (Nitradoscript.p:1137)
[10/14/16 06:35:59] [DEBUG] cache_get_value_name_int: assigned value: '0' (Nitradoscript.p:1137)
[10/14/16 06:35:59] [DEBUG] cache_get_value_name_int: return value: '1' (Nitradoscript.p:1137)
[10/14/16 06:35:59] [DEBUG] AMX callback executed with error '0'
[10/14/16 06:35:59] [INFO] Callback successfully executed.
[10/14/16 06:38:48] [DEBUG] mysql_pquery(1, "INSERT INTO autos(besitzer,model,x,y,z,r) VALUES('1','411','1705.761108','-2313.811279','13.546875','263.543304')", "carSavedToDB", "i") (Nitradoscript.p:879)
[10/14/16 06:38:48] [DEBUG] CCallback::Create(amx=0x9ac4d38, name='carSavedToDB', format='i', params=0xf5488418, param_offset=5)
[10/14/16 06:38:48] [DEBUG] CCallback::Create - callback index for 'carSavedToDB': -10057
[10/14/16 06:38:48] [DEBUG] processing specifier 'i' with parameter index 0
[10/14/16 06:38:48] [DEBUG] retrieved and pushed value '0'
[10/14/16 06:38:48] [INFO] Callback 'carSavedToDB' set up for delayed execution.
[10/14/16 06:38:48] [DEBUG] created delayed callback with 1 parameter
[10/14/16 06:38:48] [DEBUG] CHandle::Execute(this=0x9953ab0, type=2, query=0x997d380)
[10/14/16 06:38:48] [DEBUG] CConnectionPool::Queue(query=0x997d380, this=0x9a4b490)
[10/14/16 06:38:48] [DEBUG] CHandle::Execute - return value: true
[10/14/16 06:38:48] [DEBUG] mysql_pquery: return value: '1' (Nitradoscript.p:879)
[10/14/16 06:38:48] [DEBUG] CConnection::Execute(query=0x997d380, this=0xf4b5d008, connection=0x9aebb00)
[10/14/16 06:38:48] [DEBUG] CQuery::Execute(this=0x997d380, connection=0x9aebb00)
[10/14/16 06:38:48] [INFO] query "INSERT INTO autos(besitzer,model,x,y,z,r) VALUES('1','411','1705.761108','-2313.811279','13.546875','263.543304')" successfully executed within 2.723 milliseconds
[10/14/16 06:38:48] [DEBUG] CResultSet::Create(connection=0x9aebb00, query_str='INSERT INTO autos(besitzer,model,x,y,z,r) VALUES('1','411','1705.761108','-2313.811279','13.546875','263.543304')')
[10/14/16 06:38:48] [DEBUG] created new resultset '0xf4100800'
[10/14/16 06:38:48] [DEBUG] fetched MySQL result '0x0'
[10/14/16 06:38:48] [DEBUG] CCallback::Execute(amx=0x9ac4d38, index=-10057, num_params=1)
[10/14/16 06:38:48] [INFO] Executing callback '��' with 1 parameter...
[10/14/16 06:38:48] [DEBUG] processing internal specifier 'c'
[10/14/16 06:38:48] [DEBUG] pushed value '0' onto AMX stack
[10/14/16 06:38:48] [DEBUG] executing AMX callback with index '-10057'
[10/14/16 06:38:48] [DEBUG] AMX callback executed with error '0'
[10/14/16 06:38:48] [INFO] Callback successfully executed.
[10/14/16 06:40:20] [DEBUG] mysql_format(1, 0xF5488734, 128, "SELECT id FROM Accounts WHERE Name = '%e'") (Nitradoscript.p:270)
[10/14/16 06:40:20] [DEBUG] CHandle::EscapeString(this=0x9953ab0, src='Tiriago')
[10/14/16 06:40:20] [DEBUG] CConnection::EscapeString(src='Tiriago', this=0x9a446d0, connection=0x9ac5178)
[10/14/16 06:40:20] [DEBUG] CHandle::EscapeString - return value: true, escaped string: 'Tiriago'
[10/14/16 06:40:20] [DEBUG] mysql_format: return value: '46' (Nitradoscript.p:270)
[10/14/16 06:40:20] [DEBUG] mysql_pquery(1, "SELECT id FROM Accounts WHERE Name = 'Tiriago'", "OnUserCheck", "d") (Nitradoscript.p:271)
[10/14/16 06:40:20] [DEBUG] CCallback::Create(amx=0x9ac4d38, name='OnUserCheck', format='d', params=0xf548871c, param_offset=5)
[10/14/16 06:40:20] [DEBUG] CCallback::Create - callback index for 'OnUserCheck': 32
[10/14/16 06:40:20] [DEBUG] processing specifier 'd' with parameter index 0
[10/14/16 06:40:20] [DEBUG] retrieved and pushed value '0'
[10/14/16 06:40:20] [INFO] Callback 'OnUserCheck' set up for delayed execution.
[10/14/16 06:40:20] [DEBUG] created delayed callback with 1 parameter
[10/14/16 06:40:20] [DEBUG] CHandle::Execute(this=0x9953ab0, type=2, query=0x9b13e88)
[10/14/16 06:40:20] [DEBUG] CConnectionPool::Queue(query=0x9b13e88, this=0x9a4b490)
[10/14/16 06:40:20] [DEBUG] CHandle::Execute - return value: true
[10/14/16 06:40:20] [DEBUG] mysql_pquery: return value: '1' (Nitradoscript.p:271)
[10/14/16 06:40:20] [DEBUG] CConnection::Execute(query=0x9b13e88, this=0xf42db008, connection=0x9af2150)
[10/14/16 06:40:20] [DEBUG] CQuery::Execute(this=0x9b13e88, connection=0x9af2150)
[10/14/16 06:40:20] [INFO] query "SELECT id FROM Accounts WHERE Name = 'Tiriago'" successfully executed within 0.274 milliseconds
[10/14/16 06:40:20] [DEBUG] CResultSet::Create(connection=0x9af2150, query_str='SELECT id FROM Accounts WHERE Name = 'Tiriago'')
[10/14/16 06:40:20] [DEBUG] created new resultset '0xf3700938'
[10/14/16 06:40:20] [DEBUG] fetched MySQL result '0xf3700838'
[10/14/16 06:40:20] [DEBUG] allocated 20 bytes for PAWN result
[10/14/16 06:40:20] [DEBUG] CCallback::Execute(amx=0x9ac4d38, index=32, num_params=1)
[10/14/16 06:40:20] [INFO] Executing callback 'OnUserCheck' with 1 parameter...
[10/14/16 06:40:20] [DEBUG] processing internal specifier 'c'
[10/14/16 06:40:20] [DEBUG] pushed value '0' onto AMX stack
[10/14/16 06:40:20] [DEBUG] executing AMX callback with index '32'
[10/14/16 06:40:20] [DEBUG] cache_get_row_count(0xF5488934) (Nitradoscript.p:296)
[10/14/16 06:40:20] [DEBUG] cache_get_row_count: return value: '1' (Nitradoscript.p:296)
[10/14/16 06:40:20] [DEBUG] AMX callback executed with error '0'
[10/14/16 06:40:20] [INFO] Callback successfully executed.
[10/14/16 06:40:22] [DEBUG] mysql_format(1, 0xF5488528, 256, "SELECT * FROM Accounts WHERE Name = '%s' AND password = MD5('%s')") (Nitradoscript.p:1069)
[10/14/16 06:40:22] [DEBUG] mysql_format: return value: '74' (Nitradoscript.p:1069)
[10/14/16 06:40:22] [DEBUG] mysql_pquery(1, "SELECT * FROM Accounts WHERE Name = 'Tiriago' AND password = MD5('jaguar')", "OnUserLogin", "d") (Nitradoscript.p:1071)
[10/14/16 06:40:22] [DEBUG] CCallback::Create(amx=0x9ac4d38, name='OnUserLogin', format='d', params=0xf5488510, param_offset=5)
[10/14/16 06:40:22] [DEBUG] CCallback::Create - callback index for 'OnUserLogin': 33
[10/14/16 06:40:22] [DEBUG] processing specifier 'd' with parameter index 0
[10/14/16 06:40:22] [DEBUG] retrieved and pushed value '0'
[10/14/16 06:40:22] [INFO] Callback 'OnUserLogin' set up for delayed execution.
[10/14/16 06:40:22] [DEBUG] created delayed callback with 1 parameter
[10/14/16 06:40:22] [DEBUG] CHandle::Execute(this=0x9953ab0, type=2, query=0x994bce0)
[10/14/16 06:40:22] [DEBUG] CConnectionPool::Queue(query=0x994bce0, this=0x9a4b490)
[10/14/16 06:40:22] [DEBUG] CHandle::Execute - return value: true
[10/14/16 06:40:22] [DEBUG] mysql_pquery: return value: '1' (Nitradoscript.p:1071)
[10/14/16 06:40:22] [DEBUG] CConnection::Execute(query=0x994bce0, this=0xf4b5d008, connection=0x9aebb00)
[10/14/16 06:40:22] [DEBUG] CQuery::Execute(this=0x994bce0, connection=0x9aebb00)
[10/14/16 06:40:22] [INFO] query "SELECT * FROM Accounts WHERE Name = 'Tiriago' AND password = MD5('jaguar')" successfully executed within 0.330 milliseconds
[10/14/16 06:40:22] [DEBUG] CResultSet::Create(connection=0x9aebb00, query_str='SELECT * FROM Accounts WHERE Name = 'Tiriago' AND password = MD5('jaguar')')
[10/14/16 06:40:22] [DEBUG] created new resultset '0xf41004f0'
[10/14/16 06:40:22] [DEBUG] fetched MySQL result '0xf41007a8'
[10/14/16 06:40:22] [DEBUG] allocated 100 bytes for PAWN result
[10/14/16 06:40:22] [DEBUG] CCallback::Execute(amx=0x9ac4d38, index=33, num_params=1)
[10/14/16 06:40:22] [INFO] Executing callback 'OnUserLogin' with 1 parameter...
[10/14/16 06:40:22] [DEBUG] processing internal specifier 'c'
[10/14/16 06:40:22] [DEBUG] pushed value '0' onto AMX stack
[10/14/16 06:40:22] [DEBUG] executing AMX callback with index '33'
[10/14/16 06:40:22] [DEBUG] cache_get_row_count(0xF5488934) (Nitradoscript.p:1121)
[10/14/16 06:40:22] [DEBUG] cache_get_row_count: return value: '1' (Nitradoscript.p:1121)
[10/14/16 06:40:22] [DEBUG] cache_get_value_name_int(0, "id", 0xF54735B4) (Nitradoscript.p:1131)
[10/14/16 06:40:22] [DEBUG] cache_get_value_name_int: assigned value: '1' (Nitradoscript.p:1131)
[10/14/16 06:40:22] [DEBUG] cache_get_value_name_int: return value: '1' (Nitradoscript.p:1131)
[10/14/16 06:40:22] [DEBUG] cache_get_value_name_int(0, "Adminlevel", 0xF547361C) (Nitradoscript.p:1132)
[10/14/16 06:40:22] [DEBUG] cache_get_value_name_int: assigned value: '7' (Nitradoscript.p:1132)
[10/14/16 06:40:22] [DEBUG] cache_get_value_name_int: return value: '1' (Nitradoscript.p:1132)
[10/14/16 06:40:22] [DEBUG] cache_get_value_name_int(0, "Level", 0xF5473620) (Nitradoscript.p:1133)
[10/14/16 06:40:22] [DEBUG] cache_get_value_name_int: assigned value: '2' (Nitradoscript.p:1133)
[10/14/16 06:40:22] [DEBUG] cache_get_value_name_int: return value: '1' (Nitradoscript.p:1133)
[10/14/16 06:40:22] [DEBUG] cache_get_value_name_int(0, "Money", 0xF5473624) (Nitradoscript.p:1134)
[10/14/16 06:40:22] [DEBUG] cache_get_value_name_int: assigned value: '0' (Nitradoscript.p:1134)
[10/14/16 06:40:22] [DEBUG] cache_get_value_name_int: return value: '1' (Nitradoscript.p:1134)
[10/14/16 06:40:22] [DEBUG] cache_get_value_name_int(0, "Fraktion", 0xF5473628) (Nitradoscript.p:1135)
[10/14/16 06:40:22] [DEBUG] cache_get_value_name_int: assigned value: '0' (Nitradoscript.p:1135)
[10/14/16 06:40:22] [DEBUG] cache_get_value_name_int: return value: '1' (Nitradoscript.p:1135)
[10/14/16 06:40:22] [DEBUG] cache_get_value_name_int(0, "Rang", 0xF547362C) (Nitradoscript.p:1136)
[10/14/16 06:40:22] [DEBUG] cache_get_value_name_int: assigned value: '0' (Nitradoscript.p:1136)
[10/14/16 06:40:22] [DEBUG] cache_get_value_name_int: return value: '1' (Nitradoscript.p:1136)
[10/14/16 06:40:22] [DEBUG] cache_get_value_name_int(0, "Spawn", 0xF5473630) (Nitradoscript.p:1137)
[10/14/16 06:40:22] [DEBUG] cache_get_value_name_int: assigned value: '0' (Nitradoscript.p:1137)
[10/14/16 06:40:22] [DEBUG] cache_get_value_name_int: return value: '1' (Nitradoscript.p:1137)
[10/14/16 06:40:22] [DEBUG] AMX callback executed with error '0'
[10/14/16 06:40:22] [INFO] Callback successfully executed.
Alles anzeigen
Pawn Code für das Fraktionssystem:
enum playerInfo{
new sInfo[MAX_PLAYER_NAME][playerInfo];
enum frakteEnum{
new fInfo[][frakteEnum] ={
{"Zivilist",329.0244,-1513.3033,36.0391,225.8344,0,0,weiß},//Zivilist 0
{"SAPD",213.4162,162.7460,1003.0234,274.4569,3,1,blau},//SAPD 1
Alles anzeigen
Spieler verbindet sich mit dem Server:
public OnPlayerConnect(playerid)
sInfo[playerid][db_id] =0;
sInfo[playerid][eingeloggt] =false;
sInfo[playerid][Adminlevel] =0;
sInfo[playerid][Level] = 0;
sInfo[playerid][Money] = 0;
sInfo[playerid][Fraktion] = 0;
sInfo[playerid][Rang] = 0;
sInfo[playerid][Spawn] = 0;
return 1;
Alles anzeigen
Spieler Speicher/Resten:
for(new i=0; i<sizeof(sInfo[]); i++)
return 1;
stock SaveUserStats(playerid)
//Wen der Spieler nicht eingeloggt ist, dann speichere seine Statistiken nicht
if(!sInfo[playerid][eingeloggt])return 1;
//Ansonsten speichere Sie ab
new query[600];
mysql_format(handle,query,sizeof(query),"UPDATE Accounts Set Name = '%s',Adminlevel = '%d',Level = '%d',Money = '%d',Fraktion = '%i',Rang = '%d',Spawn = '%d' WHERE id = '%d' ",sInfo[playerid][Adminlevel],sInfo[playerid][Level],sInfo[playerid][Money],sInfo[playerid][Fraktion],sInfo[playerid][Rang],sInfo[playerid][Spawn],sInfo[playerid][db_id]);
//Das Query wird abgesendet
return 1;
Alles anzeigen
Spieler geht vom Server:
public OnPlayerDisconnect(playerid, reason)
return 1;
public OnPlayerSpawn(playerid)
new fID;
fID= sInfo[playerid][Fraktion];
SendClientMessage(playerid,rot,"/hilfe um die Befehle zu sehen!");
return 1;
Alles anzeigen
if(!isAdmin(playerid,5))return SendClientMessage(playerid,grün,"Du hast keine Berechtigung dazu!");
new pID, fID;
if(sscanf(params,"ui",pID,fID))return SendClientMessage(playerid,rot,"INFO: /Leadererstellen[playerid][fraktid]");
if(fID>= sizeof(fInfo))return SendClientMessage(playerid,rot,"Fraktion existiert nicht.");
sInfo[pID][Fraktion] = fID;
sInfo[pID][Rang] = 6;
new string[128];
format(string,sizeof(string),"%s hat dich zum Leader der Fraktion %s gemacht",getPlayerName(playerid),fInfo[fID][f_name]);
SendClientMessage(playerid,grün,"Du hast einen Spieler zum Leader gemacht.");
return 1;
Alles anzeigen
public OnUserLogin(playerid)
new rows;
if(rows == 0)
//Der Spieler hat ein falsches Passwort eingegeben
ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,DIALOG_LOGIN,DIALOG_STYLE_PASSWORD,"Einloggen","Bitte logge dich ein:\n{0xFF0000FF}Falsches Passwort!","Einloggen","Abbrechen");
//Es existiert ein Ergebnis,das heißt der Spieler hat das richtige Passwort eingegeben
//Wir lesen nun die erste Zeile des Caches aus (id 0)
return 1;
Alles anzeigen
@dreamtex Schöne Mapp von dir. Ist zwar was kleines aber selbst kleine Dinge können so gut aussehen wie dein Busbahnhof
@Julius72 Dein ernst?
Nur weil @dreamtex lust hat zu Mappen muss er doch nicht gleich ein Busfahrer-System schreiben.
Wenn du es ja besser kannst @Julius72 dann möchte ich von dir folgendes sehen:
Reallife-Mässiges Busfahrersystem:
Linien auswahl
Haltestellenmeldung mit Richtigen Sound.
Guten Morgen
Ich wollte fragen ob es möglich ist so wie in der 8 Track Stadium diese TV-Tafeln so zu benutzen kann das wenn man an der Stadthalle steht das sehen kann
Das Register/Login System da wurde vieles rausgeholt damit es nicht geht
Habe es zwar geändert aber leider bleibt die Fraktion nicht gepeichert und wird auch nicht in der Datenbank gesetzt.
Geschweige wird der Rang mir für die Fraktion gesetzt. Spawnchange wird nach dem Neu Einloggen auch nicht gesetzt,.
Hier die MYSL_LOG:
[10/12/16 23:53:07] [INFO] changed log level from 'warning, error' to 'debug, info, warning, error'
[10/12/16 23:54:11] [DEBUG] mysql_format(1, 0xF5416724, 128, "SELECT id FROM Accounts WHERE Name = '%e'") (Nitradoscript.p:264)
[10/12/16 23:54:11] [DEBUG] CHandle::EscapeString(this=0x9a2cab0, src='Tiriago')
[10/12/16 23:54:11] [DEBUG] CConnection::EscapeString(src='Tiriago', this=0x9b1d6d0, connection=0x9b9e178)
[10/12/16 23:54:11] [DEBUG] CHandle::EscapeString - return value: true, escaped string: 'Tiriago'
[10/12/16 23:54:11] [DEBUG] mysql_format: return value: '46' (Nitradoscript.p:264)
[10/12/16 23:54:11] [DEBUG] mysql_pquery(1, "SELECT id FROM Accounts WHERE Name = 'Tiriago'", "OnUserCheck", "d") (Nitradoscript.p:265)
[10/12/16 23:54:11] [DEBUG] CCallback::Create(amx=0x9b9dd38, name='OnUserCheck', format='d', params=0xf541670c, param_offset=5)
[10/12/16 23:54:11] [DEBUG] CCallback::Create - callback index for 'OnUserCheck': 32
[10/12/16 23:54:11] [DEBUG] processing specifier 'd' with parameter index 0
[10/12/16 23:54:11] [DEBUG] retrieved and pushed value '0'
[10/12/16 23:54:11] [INFO] Callback 'OnUserCheck' set up for delayed execution.
[10/12/16 23:54:11] [DEBUG] created delayed callback with 1 parameter
[10/12/16 23:54:11] [DEBUG] CHandle::Execute(this=0x9a2cab0, type=2, query=0x9bed028)
[10/12/16 23:54:11] [DEBUG] CConnectionPool::Queue(query=0x9bed028, this=0x9b24490)
[10/12/16 23:54:11] [DEBUG] CHandle::Execute - return value: true
[10/12/16 23:54:11] [DEBUG] mysql_pquery: return value: '1' (Nitradoscript.p:265)
[10/12/16 23:54:11] [DEBUG] CConnection::Execute(query=0x9bed028, this=0xf4aeb008, connection=0x9bc4af8)
[10/12/16 23:54:11] [DEBUG] CQuery::Execute(this=0x9bed028, connection=0x9bc4af8)
[10/12/16 23:54:11] [INFO] query "SELECT id FROM Accounts WHERE Name = 'Tiriago'" successfully executed within 0.296 milliseconds
[10/12/16 23:54:11] [DEBUG] CResultSet::Create(connection=0x9bc4af8, query_str='SELECT id FROM Accounts WHERE Name = 'Tiriago'')
[10/12/16 23:54:11] [DEBUG] created new resultset '0xf4100688'
[10/12/16 23:54:11] [DEBUG] fetched MySQL result '0xf41008e0'
[10/12/16 23:54:11] [DEBUG] allocated 20 bytes for PAWN result
[10/12/16 23:54:11] [DEBUG] CCallback::Execute(amx=0x9b9dd38, index=32, num_params=1)
[10/12/16 23:54:11] [INFO] Executing callback 'OnUserCheck' with 1 parameter...
[10/12/16 23:54:11] [DEBUG] processing internal specifier 'c'
[10/12/16 23:54:11] [DEBUG] pushed value '0' onto AMX stack
[10/12/16 23:54:11] [DEBUG] executing AMX callback with index '32'
[10/12/16 23:54:11] [DEBUG] cache_get_row_count(0xF5416924) (Nitradoscript.p:290)
[10/12/16 23:54:11] [DEBUG] cache_get_row_count: return value: '1' (Nitradoscript.p:290)
[10/12/16 23:54:11] [DEBUG] AMX callback executed with error '0'
[10/12/16 23:54:11] [INFO] Callback successfully executed.
[10/12/16 23:54:17] [DEBUG] mysql_format(1, 0xF5416518, 256, "SELECT * FROM Accounts WHERE Name = '%s' AND password = MD5('%s')") (Nitradoscript.p:1063)
[10/12/16 23:54:17] [DEBUG] mysql_format: return value: '74' (Nitradoscript.p:1063)
[10/12/16 23:54:17] [DEBUG] mysql_pquery(1, "SELECT * FROM Accounts WHERE Name = 'Tiriago' AND password = MD5('jaguar')", "OnUserLogin", "d") (Nitradoscript.p:1065)
[10/12/16 23:54:17] [DEBUG] CCallback::Create(amx=0x9b9dd38, name='OnUserLogin', format='d', params=0xf5416500, param_offset=5)
[10/12/16 23:54:17] [DEBUG] CCallback::Create - callback index for 'OnUserLogin': 33
[10/12/16 23:54:17] [DEBUG] processing specifier 'd' with parameter index 0
[10/12/16 23:54:17] [DEBUG] retrieved and pushed value '0'
[10/12/16 23:54:17] [INFO] Callback 'OnUserLogin' set up for delayed execution.
[10/12/16 23:54:17] [DEBUG] created delayed callback with 1 parameter
[10/12/16 23:54:17] [DEBUG] CHandle::Execute(this=0x9a2cab0, type=2, query=0x9bed4e8)
[10/12/16 23:54:17] [DEBUG] CConnectionPool::Queue(query=0x9bed4e8, this=0x9b24490)
[10/12/16 23:54:17] [DEBUG] CHandle::Execute - return value: true
[10/12/16 23:54:17] [DEBUG] mysql_pquery: return value: '1' (Nitradoscript.p:1065)
[10/12/16 23:54:17] [DEBUG] CConnection::Execute(query=0x9bed4e8, this=0xf4269008, connection=0x9bcb148)
[10/12/16 23:54:17] [DEBUG] CQuery::Execute(this=0x9bed4e8, connection=0x9bcb148)
[10/12/16 23:54:17] [INFO] query "SELECT * FROM Accounts WHERE Name = 'Tiriago' AND password = MD5('jaguar')" successfully executed within 0.292 milliseconds
[10/12/16 23:54:17] [DEBUG] CResultSet::Create(connection=0x9bcb148, query_str='SELECT * FROM Accounts WHERE Name = 'Tiriago' AND password = MD5('jaguar')')
[10/12/16 23:54:17] [DEBUG] created new resultset '0xf37004f0'
[10/12/16 23:54:17] [DEBUG] fetched MySQL result '0xf37007a8'
[10/12/16 23:54:17] [DEBUG] allocated 100 bytes for PAWN result
[10/12/16 23:54:17] [DEBUG] CCallback::Execute(amx=0x9b9dd38, index=33, num_params=1)
[10/12/16 23:54:17] [INFO] Executing callback 'OnUserLogin' with 1 parameter...
[10/12/16 23:54:17] [DEBUG] processing internal specifier 'c'
[10/12/16 23:54:17] [DEBUG] pushed value '0' onto AMX stack
[10/12/16 23:54:17] [DEBUG] executing AMX callback with index '33'
[10/12/16 23:54:17] [DEBUG] cache_get_row_count(0xF5416924) (Nitradoscript.p:1115)
[10/12/16 23:54:17] [DEBUG] cache_get_row_count: return value: '1' (Nitradoscript.p:1115)
[10/12/16 23:54:17] [DEBUG] cache_get_value_name_int(0, "id", 0xF54015A4) (Nitradoscript.p:1125)
[10/12/16 23:54:17] [DEBUG] cache_get_value_name_int: assigned value: '1' (Nitradoscript.p:1125)
[10/12/16 23:54:17] [DEBUG] cache_get_value_name_int: return value: '1' (Nitradoscript.p:1125)
[10/12/16 23:54:17] [DEBUG] cache_get_value_name_int(0, "Adminlevel", 0xF540160C) (Nitradoscript.p:1126)
[10/12/16 23:54:17] [DEBUG] cache_get_value_name_int: assigned value: '7' (Nitradoscript.p:1126)
[10/12/16 23:54:17] [DEBUG] cache_get_value_name_int: return value: '1' (Nitradoscript.p:1126)
[10/12/16 23:54:17] [DEBUG] cache_get_value_name_int(0, "Level", 0xF5401610) (Nitradoscript.p:1127)
[10/12/16 23:54:17] [DEBUG] cache_get_value_name_int: assigned value: '2' (Nitradoscript.p:1127)
[10/12/16 23:54:17] [DEBUG] cache_get_value_name_int: return value: '1' (Nitradoscript.p:1127)
[10/12/16 23:54:17] [DEBUG] cache_get_value_name_int(0, "Money", 0xF5401614) (Nitradoscript.p:1128)
[10/12/16 23:54:17] [DEBUG] cache_get_value_name_int: assigned value: '0' (Nitradoscript.p:1128)
[10/12/16 23:54:17] [DEBUG] cache_get_value_name_int: return value: '1' (Nitradoscript.p:1128)
[10/12/16 23:54:17] [DEBUG] cache_get_value_name_int(0, "Fraktion", 0xF5401618) (Nitradoscript.p:1129)
[10/12/16 23:54:17] [DEBUG] cache_get_value_name_int: assigned value: '0' (Nitradoscript.p:1129)
[10/12/16 23:54:17] [DEBUG] cache_get_value_name_int: return value: '1' (Nitradoscript.p:1129)
[10/12/16 23:54:17] [DEBUG] cache_get_value_name_int(0, "Rang", 0xF540161C) (Nitradoscript.p:1130)
[10/12/16 23:54:17] [DEBUG] cache_get_value_name_int: assigned value: '0' (Nitradoscript.p:1130)
[10/12/16 23:54:17] [DEBUG] cache_get_value_name_int: return value: '1' (Nitradoscript.p:1130)
[10/12/16 23:54:17] [DEBUG] cache_get_value_name_int(0, "Spawn", 0xF5401620) (Nitradoscript.p:1131)
[10/12/16 23:54:17] [DEBUG] cache_get_value_name_int: assigned value: '0' (Nitradoscript.p:1131)
[10/12/16 23:54:17] [DEBUG] cache_get_value_name_int: return value: '1' (Nitradoscript.p:1131)
[10/12/16 23:54:17] [DEBUG] AMX callback executed with error '0'
[10/12/16 23:54:17] [INFO] Callback successfully executed.
[10/12/16 23:57:40] [DEBUG] mysql_format(1, 0xF5416724, 128, "SELECT id FROM Accounts WHERE Name = '%e'") (Nitradoscript.p:264)
[10/12/16 23:57:40] [DEBUG] CHandle::EscapeString(this=0x9a2cab0, src='Tiriago')
[10/12/16 23:57:40] [DEBUG] CConnection::EscapeString(src='Tiriago', this=0x9b1d6d0, connection=0x9b9e178)
[10/12/16 23:57:40] [DEBUG] CHandle::EscapeString - return value: true, escaped string: 'Tiriago'
[10/12/16 23:57:40] [DEBUG] mysql_format: return value: '46' (Nitradoscript.p:264)
[10/12/16 23:57:40] [DEBUG] mysql_pquery(1, "SELECT id FROM Accounts WHERE Name = 'Tiriago'", "OnUserCheck", "d") (Nitradoscript.p:265)
[10/12/16 23:57:40] [DEBUG] CCallback::Create(amx=0x9b9dd38, name='OnUserCheck', format='d', params=0xf541670c, param_offset=5)
[10/12/16 23:57:40] [DEBUG] CCallback::Create - callback index for 'OnUserCheck': 32
[10/12/16 23:57:40] [DEBUG] processing specifier 'd' with parameter index 0
[10/12/16 23:57:40] [DEBUG] retrieved and pushed value '0'
[10/12/16 23:57:40] [INFO] Callback 'OnUserCheck' set up for delayed execution.
[10/12/16 23:57:40] [DEBUG] created delayed callback with 1 parameter
[10/12/16 23:57:40] [DEBUG] CHandle::Execute(this=0x9a2cab0, type=2, query=0x9becd10)
[10/12/16 23:57:40] [DEBUG] CConnectionPool::Queue(query=0x9becd10, this=0x9b24490)
[10/12/16 23:57:40] [DEBUG] CHandle::Execute - return value: true
[10/12/16 23:57:40] [DEBUG] mysql_pquery: return value: '1' (Nitradoscript.p:265)
[10/12/16 23:57:40] [DEBUG] CConnection::Execute(query=0x9becd10, this=0xf4aeb008, connection=0x9bc4af8)
[10/12/16 23:57:40] [DEBUG] CQuery::Execute(this=0x9becd10, connection=0x9bc4af8)
[10/12/16 23:57:40] [INFO] query "SELECT id FROM Accounts WHERE Name = 'Tiriago'" successfully executed within 0.268 milliseconds
[10/12/16 23:57:40] [DEBUG] CResultSet::Create(connection=0x9bc4af8, query_str='SELECT id FROM Accounts WHERE Name = 'Tiriago'')
[10/12/16 23:57:40] [DEBUG] created new resultset '0xf4100530'
[10/12/16 23:57:40] [DEBUG] fetched MySQL result '0xf41007a8'
[10/12/16 23:57:40] [DEBUG] allocated 20 bytes for PAWN result
[10/12/16 23:57:40] [DEBUG] CCallback::Execute(amx=0x9b9dd38, index=32, num_params=1)
[10/12/16 23:57:40] [INFO] Executing callback 'OnUserCheck' with 1 parameter...
[10/12/16 23:57:40] [DEBUG] processing internal specifier 'c'
[10/12/16 23:57:40] [DEBUG] pushed value '0' onto AMX stack
[10/12/16 23:57:40] [DEBUG] executing AMX callback with index '32'
[10/12/16 23:57:40] [DEBUG] cache_get_row_count(0xF5416924) (Nitradoscript.p:290)
[10/12/16 23:57:40] [DEBUG] cache_get_row_count: return value: '1' (Nitradoscript.p:290)
[10/12/16 23:57:40] [DEBUG] AMX callback executed with error '0'
[10/12/16 23:57:40] [INFO] Callback successfully executed.
[10/12/16 23:57:44] [DEBUG] mysql_format(1, 0xF5416518, 256, "SELECT * FROM Accounts WHERE Name = '%s' AND password = MD5('%s')") (Nitradoscript.p:1063)
[10/12/16 23:57:44] [DEBUG] mysql_format: return value: '74' (Nitradoscript.p:1063)
[10/12/16 23:57:44] [DEBUG] mysql_pquery(1, "SELECT * FROM Accounts WHERE Name = 'Tiriago' AND password = MD5('jaguar')", "OnUserLogin", "d") (Nitradoscript.p:1065)
[10/12/16 23:57:44] [DEBUG] CCallback::Create(amx=0x9b9dd38, name='OnUserLogin', format='d', params=0xf5416500, param_offset=5)
[10/12/16 23:57:44] [DEBUG] CCallback::Create - callback index for 'OnUserLogin': 33
[10/12/16 23:57:44] [DEBUG] processing specifier 'd' with parameter index 0
[10/12/16 23:57:44] [DEBUG] retrieved and pushed value '0'
[10/12/16 23:57:44] [INFO] Callback 'OnUserLogin' set up for delayed execution.
[10/12/16 23:57:44] [DEBUG] created delayed callback with 1 parameter
[10/12/16 23:57:44] [DEBUG] CHandle::Execute(this=0x9a2cab0, type=2, query=0x9bed530)
[10/12/16 23:57:44] [DEBUG] CConnectionPool::Queue(query=0x9bed530, this=0x9b24490)
[10/12/16 23:57:44] [DEBUG] CHandle::Execute - return value: true
[10/12/16 23:57:44] [DEBUG] mysql_pquery: return value: '1' (Nitradoscript.p:1065)
[10/12/16 23:57:44] [DEBUG] CConnection::Execute(query=0x9bed530, this=0xf4269008, connection=0x9bcb148)
[10/12/16 23:57:44] [DEBUG] CQuery::Execute(this=0x9bed530, connection=0x9bcb148)
[10/12/16 23:57:44] [INFO] query "SELECT * FROM Accounts WHERE Name = 'Tiriago' AND password = MD5('jaguar')" successfully executed within 0.317 milliseconds
[10/12/16 23:57:44] [DEBUG] CResultSet::Create(connection=0x9bcb148, query_str='SELECT * FROM Accounts WHERE Name = 'Tiriago' AND password = MD5('jaguar')')
[10/12/16 23:57:44] [DEBUG] created new resultset '0xf3700938'
[10/12/16 23:57:44] [DEBUG] fetched MySQL result '0xf3700630'
[10/12/16 23:57:44] [DEBUG] allocated 100 bytes for PAWN result
[10/12/16 23:57:44] [DEBUG] CCallback::Execute(amx=0x9b9dd38, index=33, num_params=1)
[10/12/16 23:57:44] [INFO] Executing callback 'OnUserLogin' with 1 parameter...
[10/12/16 23:57:44] [DEBUG] processing internal specifier 'c'
[10/12/16 23:57:44] [DEBUG] pushed value '0' onto AMX stack
[10/12/16 23:57:44] [DEBUG] executing AMX callback with index '33'
[10/12/16 23:57:44] [DEBUG] cache_get_row_count(0xF5416924) (Nitradoscript.p:1115)
[10/12/16 23:57:44] [DEBUG] cache_get_row_count: return value: '1' (Nitradoscript.p:1115)
[10/12/16 23:57:44] [DEBUG] cache_get_value_name_int(0, "id", 0xF54015A4) (Nitradoscript.p:1125)
[10/12/16 23:57:44] [DEBUG] cache_get_value_name_int: assigned value: '1' (Nitradoscript.p:1125)
[10/12/16 23:57:44] [DEBUG] cache_get_value_name_int: return value: '1' (Nitradoscript.p:1125)
[10/12/16 23:57:44] [DEBUG] cache_get_value_name_int(0, "Adminlevel", 0xF540160C) (Nitradoscript.p:1126)
[10/12/16 23:57:44] [DEBUG] cache_get_value_name_int: assigned value: '7' (Nitradoscript.p:1126)
[10/12/16 23:57:44] [DEBUG] cache_get_value_name_int: return value: '1' (Nitradoscript.p:1126)
[10/12/16 23:57:44] [DEBUG] cache_get_value_name_int(0, "Level", 0xF5401610) (Nitradoscript.p:1127)
[10/12/16 23:57:44] [DEBUG] cache_get_value_name_int: assigned value: '2' (Nitradoscript.p:1127)
[10/12/16 23:57:44] [DEBUG] cache_get_value_name_int: return value: '1' (Nitradoscript.p:1127)
[10/12/16 23:57:44] [DEBUG] cache_get_value_name_int(0, "Money", 0xF5401614) (Nitradoscript.p:1128)
[10/12/16 23:57:44] [DEBUG] cache_get_value_name_int: assigned value: '0' (Nitradoscript.p:1128)
[10/12/16 23:57:44] [DEBUG] cache_get_value_name_int: return value: '1' (Nitradoscript.p:1128)
[10/12/16 23:57:44] [DEBUG] cache_get_value_name_int(0, "Fraktion", 0xF5401618) (Nitradoscript.p:1129)
[10/12/16 23:57:44] [DEBUG] cache_get_value_name_int: assigned value: '0' (Nitradoscript.p:1129)
[10/12/16 23:57:44] [DEBUG] cache_get_value_name_int: return value: '1' (Nitradoscript.p:1129)
[10/12/16 23:57:44] [DEBUG] cache_get_value_name_int(0, "Rang", 0xF540161C) (Nitradoscript.p:1130)
[10/12/16 23:57:44] [DEBUG] cache_get_value_name_int: assigned value: '0' (Nitradoscript.p:1130)
[10/12/16 23:57:44] [DEBUG] cache_get_value_name_int: return value: '1' (Nitradoscript.p:1130)
[10/12/16 23:57:44] [DEBUG] cache_get_value_name_int(0, "Spawn", 0xF5401620) (Nitradoscript.p:1131)
[10/12/16 23:57:44] [DEBUG] cache_get_value_name_int: assigned value: '0' (Nitradoscript.p:1131)
[10/12/16 23:57:44] [DEBUG] cache_get_value_name_int: return value: '1' (Nitradoscript.p:1131)
[10/12/16 23:57:44] [DEBUG] AMX callback executed with error '0'
[10/12/16 23:57:44] [INFO] Callback successfully executed.
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