Hi Brotfische
ich habe einen Problem und zwar wenn ich meinen server starte und ein team zum spielen wähle
kommt das :
Brauch eure hilfe Danke im vorraus
Hi Brotfische
ich habe einen Problem und zwar wenn ich meinen server starte und ein team zum spielen wähle
kommt das :
Brauch eure hilfe Danke im vorraus
also das stuff.ini boxer.ini und das turgsf oder so is nicht drin woher bekomm ich das?
Hi, ich hab hier ein problem und zwar:
Ich habe ein Reallife script das ich zurzeit bearbeite
und möchte es zwichendurch Testen das geht aber nur auf einem Online server weil es
auf dem Lokalen server immer zu einem server respawn kommt das sieht dann so aus:
start samp 0.3a
connecting to
connected to Test
dann kommt das wo man /login machen soll
connected to Test
connected to Test
und das get immer so weiter hier mal der server log:
[22:09:13] filterscripts = "" (string)
[22:09:13] Server Plugins
[22:09:13] --------------
[22:09:13] Loaded 0 plugins.
[22:09:13] Filter Scripts
[22:09:13] ---------------
[22:09:13] Loaded 0 filter scripts.
[22:09:13] EnableTirePopping() function is removed.
[22:09:13] Warning: EnableZoneNames() is removed since 0.3
[22:09:13] Pickups Max = 100, Current Pickups = 80
[22:09:13] NG-Reallife
[22:09:13] _____________________
[22:09:13] By: Leon & parts of Astro
[22:09:13] Number of vehicle models: 42
[22:09:25] EnableTirePopping() function is removed.
[22:09:25] Warning: EnableZoneNames() is removed since 0.3
[22:09:25] Pickups Max = 100, Current Pickups = 80
[22:09:25] NG-Reallife
[22:09:25] _____________________
[22:09:25] By: Leon & parts of Astro
[22:09:25] Number of vehicle models: 42
[22:09:37] EnableTirePopping() function is removed.
[22:09:37] Warning: EnableZoneNames() is removed since 0.3
[22:09:37] Pickups Max = 100, Current Pickups = 80
[22:09:37] NG-Reallife
[22:09:37] _____________________
[22:09:37] By: Leon & parts of Astro
[22:09:37] Number of vehicle models: 43
[22:09:49] EnableTirePopping() function is removed.
[22:09:49] Warning: EnableZoneNames() is removed since 0.3
[22:09:49] Pickups Max = 100, Current Pickups = 80
[22:09:49] NG-Reallife
[22:09:49] _____________________
[22:09:49] By: Leon & parts of Astro
[22:09:49] Number of vehicle models: 45
[22:10:01] EnableTirePopping() function is removed.
[22:10:01] Warning: EnableZoneNames() is removed since 0.3
[22:10:01] Pickups Max = 100, Current Pickups = 80
[22:10:01] NG-Reallife
[22:10:01] _____________________
[22:10:01] By: Leon & parts of Astro
[22:10:01] Number of vehicle models: 39
[22:10:13] EnableTirePopping() function is removed.
[22:10:13] Warning: EnableZoneNames() is removed since 0.3
[22:10:13] Pickups Max = 100, Current Pickups = 80
[22:10:13] NG-Reallife
[22:10:13] _____________________
[22:10:13] By: Leon & parts of Astro
[22:10:13] Number of vehicle models: 41
[22:10:25] EnableTirePopping() function is removed.
[22:10:25] Warning: EnableZoneNames() is removed since 0.3
[22:10:25] Pickups Max = 100, Current Pickups = 80
[22:10:25] NG-Reallife
[22:10:25] _____________________
[22:10:25] By: Leon & parts of Astro
[22:10:25] Number of vehicle models: 41
[22:10:29] Incoming connection:
[22:10:29] [join] Player has joined the server (0:
[22:10:37] EnableTirePopping() function is removed.
[22:10:37] Warning: EnableZoneNames() is removed since 0.3
[22:10:37] Pickups Max = 100, Current Pickups = 80
[22:10:37] NG-Reallife
[22:10:37] _____________________
[22:10:37] By: Leon & parts of Astro
[22:10:37] Number of vehicle models: 42
[22:10:49] EnableTirePopping() function is removed.
[22:10:49] Warning: EnableZoneNames() is removed since 0.3
[22:10:49] Pickups Max = 100, Current Pickups = 80
[22:10:49] NG-Reallife
[22:10:49] _____________________
[22:10:49] By: Leon & parts of Astro
[22:10:49] Number of vehicle models: 40
[22:11:01] EnableTirePopping() function is removed.
[22:11:01] Warning: EnableZoneNames() is removed since 0.3
[22:11:01] Pickups Max = 100, Current Pickups = 80
[22:11:01] NG-Reallife
[22:11:01] _____________________
[22:11:01] By: Leon & parts of Astro
[22:11:01] Number of vehicle models: 43
Bitte helft mir
und wie kann man das auto einer fraktion zuteielen?
was mus bei a hin?
das was Eazy geschrieben hat hab ich bei keinen meiner cars und die spawnen normal
marci deins geht auch net -.-
AddStaticVehicleEx(405,-2072.7812,-84.49712,35.1640,0,0, 0, 60000);//Driving School/*Sentinel*/
AddStaticVehicleEx(405,-2064.1977,-84.49712,35.1640,0,0, 0, 60000);//Driving School/*Sentinel*/
AddStaticVehicleEx(405,-2068.4199,-84.49712,35.1640,0,0, 0, 60000);//Driving School/*Sentinel*/
AddStaticVehicleEx(405,-2076.8710,-84.49712,35.1640,0,0, 0, 60000);//Driving School/*Sentinel*/
das da
Guten abend sehr geehrte Breadfish community
ich habe ein problem und zwar ich habe mir fahrschul autos reingescriptet und die spawnen
nicht da wo sie sollen ich habe schon die koordinaten geprüft und sie stimmen und außerdem sind sie der falschen fraktion zugeteilt könnt ihr mir helfen?