Objekt Drehen lassen ?

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  • Moin warum geht das nicht :D ??

    • forward Drehen();

      new drehflak;

    drehflak = CreateObject(3884, 206.30000305176, 1930.5999755859, 25.299999237061, 0, 0, 179.75);


    • public Drehen()
      for(new i = 0; i < GetMaxPlayers(); i++)
      MoveObject(drehflak,206.30000305176, 1930.5999755859, 25.299999237061,3,0,0,180+3);
      return 1;
      return 1;

    Kann das seien das eine schleife fehlt :D?

  • http://wiki.sa-mp.com/wiki/MoveObject


    Important Note: This function can be used to make objects rotate smoothly. In order to achieve this however, the object must also be moved. The specified rotation is the rotation the object will have after the movement. Hence the object will not rotate when no movement is applied. For a script example take a look at the ferriswheel.pwn filterscript made by Kye included in the server package (SA-MP 0.3d and above).

    Außerdem ist die Schleife unnötig.