Wie kann man bei Dota 2 Das Tutorial Überspringen ?

Dota 2
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Englische Version:
ZitatWhy is the new intro tutorial not skippable?
Very disappointed with this new update. Gf just got Dota2, was gonna set up a lobby of just bots so she could get comfortable or join a co-op passive game. Valve is forcing her to do it their way instead?It was enough to make her not feel like playing tonight afterall. We didn't know how long it was going to take, there's no indication of how many we have to do, just a giant map with a starting point and no way to skip it. It's a good feature that's in a pretty ridiculous state.
Please let us skip this if we choose...you allow us to set up solo practice games with bots, there are other ways to get familiar with the game than being forced to do it one way like this.
Laut Steam ist das Tutorial nicht mehr überspringbar.
Englische Version:
Laut Steam ist das Tutorial nicht mehr überspringbar.
Das ist nämlich LW
Überwinde deinen inneren Schweinehund und mach das Tutorial
Überwinde deinen inneren Schweinehund und mach das Tutorial
Muss ich wohl