Hallo aauf meinen server werde ich nach ca 40 minuten. Dann steht da You are Banned Server ...
Könnte mir einer dabei helfen wie ich das beheben könnte?
LOG:[12:05:41] Number of vehicle models: 101
[12:05:42] Incoming connection: id: 0
[12:05:42] [npc:join] Bus_LS has joined the server (0:
[12:07:54] [connection] requests connection cookie.
[12:07:55] Incoming connection: id: 1
[12:07:56] [join] [GER]Dubst3p. has joined the server (1:
[12:08:16] [GER]Dubst3p. has logged in.
[12:08:16] [death] [GER]Dubst3p. died 255
[12:19:40] [chat] [[GER]Dubst3p.]: robstadthalle
[12:20:12] RCON (In-Game): Player #1 ([GER]Dubst3p.) has logged in.
[12:20:34] AdminSystem: [GER]Dubst3p. hat [GER]Dubst3p. zu einem Level 2001 Admin befördert.
[12:22:10] AdminSystem: [GER]Dubst3p. hat [GER]Dubst3p. $50000 gegeben.
[12:36:06] [chat] [[GER]Dubst3p.]: 7RADIO
[12:36:44] Wetter ID: 9
[12:42:23] [warning] client exceeded 'ackslimit' (1651) Limit: 1000/sec
[12:42:33] [part] [GER]Dubst3p. has left the server (1:0)