Reporte Sie & die Admins werden das schon regeln.
Ich bin nicht zum Reporten bzw. melden auf den Server gejoined.
Reporte Sie & die Admins werden das schon regeln.
Ich bin nicht zum Reporten bzw. melden auf den Server gejoined.
Muss man sich neu registrieren ?
Ich war mal vor 1-2 Jahren registriert..
Muss man sich neu registrieren ?
Ich war mal vor 1-2 Jahren registriert..
Ja, die Datenbank wurde zurückgesetzt
Ja, die Datenbank wurde zurückgesetzt
Und warum?
Das würde mich mal Interessieren ..
Und warum?Das würde mich mal Interessieren ..
Weil New Dawn geschlossen wurde.
Seid 3 Jahren mein Lieblingsserver und er macht immer noch Spaß! weil immer neue Maps dazukommen.
Spiele pro Tag mindestens 2 Stunden oder mehr drauf
Moin, ich hole den Thread mal aus der Versenkung, da Fruity (Community Owner) gestern verkünden lies, dass New Dawn leider seine Pforten schließen wird.
Alles anzeigenIt is with great regret that I am announcing the closure of New Dawn in its entirety.
The decision to close has not been easy for me and it has taken its toll on me over the last few months however I now feel that it is the right time to say goodbye and delaying it any longer just is not fair for those who still play New Dawn.
When I reopened New Dawn I took it on as if it was my baby. I worked hard, along with others, getting everything back up and running as it was before it closed. A home for us crazy bunch of people in a very small part of the internet that share the same interest and love for a game. However, for the last few months you would have noticed I have not been around much and being honest with you, that was my attempt at pushing myself as far away from New Dawn as possible to lose the attachment that I have with it.
I wish there was a simple reason as to why this is happening. But there isn't. It's complicated. Life is finally starting to take over as I begin to enjoy the world a bit more. My goals and aspirations take priority as I am about to progress in my career and begin looking at moving in to my own house. Any free time, which is very limited now, is spent with friends or family and any time I have on the computer is spent playing something more recent and innovative.
New Dawn was once great and full of activity. Now... It's just not. As time goes by people change, society changes, people's needs change, the way people act towards each other has changed. This also goes for SAMP in general. It's old and outdated, just like New Dawn. And although there are updates in the works, it's just too little too late.
I feel that New Dawn 3.0 would have given us a little bit of freshness that we need, but with the constant change, how long would it last? It started out as a small upgrade for New Dawn but the possibilities and ideas that our development team brought in meant it no longer was "just a small update" but in fact a huge project, which I, nor anyone else involved, have the time to dedicate towards it. I feel there is only so many times you can say "It will be released soon" before you just have to admit defeat.
I would like to thank everyone that has been involved with my journey here. Everyone that was involved in the initial setup and assisted me during some difficult times. Those that supported me and New Dawn, whether you donated to help us pay server bills or just played for your own enjoyment, you've been a massive part of this place. To the past and present administration team for being there to keep things under control and keep New Dawn a safe place for people to hang out. Even those that went against everything we stood for. You allowed us to become stronger and more defiant.
New Dawn's final day will be Friday 3rd November 2017. After that all services will be shut down. I urge you all to share this with any one you know from New Dawn, if they still play or not, in order to them to come online and get contact details for any one they may wish to stay in contact with once we've closed.
Anyone with a VIP subscription still active past the 3rd of November should send an email to --- with the ingame name and email address used when making the donation and a full refund will be issued.
All the best,
Persönlich muss ich sagen, dass mich dies nun doch irgendwo traurig stimmt. Ich war seit 2011 eigentlich durchgehend ein halbwegs aktiver Spieler. Habe New Dawns höhen und tiefen mitbekommen, viel Zeit auf dem Server verbracht und nicht zuletzt war es dieser Server, weshalb ich mir SA:MP in den letzten Jahren überhaupt noch installiert habe. Nicht zuletzt begann dort auch meine DM "Karriere" und ich weiß noch, als ob es gestern war, wie ich das erste Mal einen Wallride geschafft habe. Wie ich zum ersten Mal das Hunterpickup erreichte und wie ich mich immer wieder dabei erwischt habe, diesen awesome Mode zur reinen Entspannung gespielt zu haben. Es war definitiv eine Erfahrung und ich werde das alles positiv in Errinnerung behalten!
Wie Fruity schrieb, werden die Pforten endgültig am 3. November (kommenden Freitag) geschlossen. Ich wage zu behaupten, dass Ihr alle gern dazu eingeladen seit, kurz auf dem Server vorbeizuschauen und Ihm sozusagen die letzte Ehre erweist. Ob Ihr nun etwas mit ND zutun hattet, oder nicht. Ich werde aufjedenfall die letzten Stunden dabei sein.
We'll remember New Dawn