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There is a feature in the streamer plugin that updates the items only if the player moves. This is to save some performance but has the side effect that moving objects don't stream in while players are idle.
Idle update is off by default, but you can turn it on by using Streamer_ToggleIdleUpdate, you can use -1 for playerid to toggle it for all players in OnGameModeInit, or in OnPlayerConnect with the playerid (you can also toggle it only for specific players, if this makes sense to do).
This will lead to slightly more CPU usage by the streamer, but if you don't have too many objects all over the map it should barely be noticable. I turn it on in almost any script that has moving objects, especially when the objects should be surfed on.
Another workaround would be using a static object (CreateObject) or toggling a streamer item static (Streamer_ToggleItemStatic), if you only have a handful of moving objects that should not be a problem.
schon seit längerem habe ich ein seltsames Problem mit meinem streamer ( ich nutze den aktuellsten Streamer von -> Inkoginito)
Nur wenn ich mich bewege, wird das Objekt angezeigt, wenn nicht, dann existiert es quasy überhaupt nicht mehr, das gilt nur für Objekte die ich mit
MoveDynamicObject bewege.
habe dazu ein Video gemacht:
Ich nutze immer Default streamingdistance.
Code z.B fürs Bombe droppen:
new Float:Height;
PlayerZ = PlayerZ - 1.5;
BombSystem[id][localBomb] = CreateDynamicObject(1636,PlayerX,PlayerY,PlayerZ,0,0,0);
new Float:rx, Float:ry, Float:rz;
MapAndreas_FindZ_For2DCoord(PlayerX, PlayerY, Height);
new movetime = MoveDynamicObject(BombSystem[id][localBomb],PlayerX,PlayerY,Height,debug_speed);
DroppingBombs[playerid] = 1;
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