Grove Street-Filterscipt

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  • Guten morgen/Guten Tag leute,

    Ich wollte in meinem Grove-Filterscipt einbauen das nur die Fraktion 5 (Grove) die Gates aufmachen kann. Bei mir zeigt er aber 4 errors an -.- Kann mir das wer machen´?

    Danke im voraus

    #include <a_samp>

    #pragma tabsize 0

    new GROVEg;
    new GROVEe;

    #define COLOR_YELLOW 0xFFCC33FF

    // This is a comment
    // uncomment the line below if you want to write a filterscript
    //#define FILTERSCRIPT
    #define Filterscript
    #if defined FILTERSCRIPT

    public OnFilterScriptInit()
    print(" GROVE Gates und Gefängnis");
    return 1;

    public OnFilterScriptExit()
    return 1;


    print(" Grove Gates und Gefängnis");


    public OnGameModeInit()

    GROVEg = CreateObject( 985, 2463.59375, -1660.033203125, 12.8046875, 0, 0, 91.309509277344 );
    GROVEe = CreateObject( 971, 2638.2841796875, -1467.96875, 18.319917678833, 0, 0, 332.21020507813 );

    CreateObject(987, 2463.962890625, -1645.8962402344, 12.460375785828, 0, 0, 268.69067382813);
    CreateObject(987, 2463.7255859375, -1664.0511474609, 12.468244552612, 0, 0, 268.69067382813);
    CreateObject(987, 2463.5275878906, -1674.8499755859, 12.509252548218, 0, 0, 268.69067382813);
    CreateObject(987, 2463.2209472656, -1686.66796875, 12.532457351685, 0, 0, 179.36633300781);
    CreateObject(987, 2451.3063964844, -1686.4216308594, 12.521547317505, 0, 0, 270.67565917969);
    CreateObject(987, 2469.4997558594, -1706.9608154297, 12.518135070801, 0, 0, 358.01501464844);
    CreateObject(987, 2481.328125, -1707.3347167969, 12.532783508301, 0, 0, 358.01501464844);
    CreateObject(987, 2540.5666503906, -1720.3470458984, 12.579949378967, 0, 0, 91.309509277344);
    CreateObject(987, 2529.3671875, -1721.5469970703, 12.546828269958, 0, 0, 0);
    CreateObject(987, 2519.9711914063, -1722.0041503906, 12.551071166992, 0, 0, 0);
    CreateObject(987, 2476.8439941406, -1636.9702148438, 12.489158630371, 0, 0, 0);
    CreateObject(987, 2471.9270019531, -1637.0479736328, 16.830883026123, 0, 0, 0);
    CreateObject(987, 2463.716796875, -1636.9060058594, 16.787631988525, 0, 0, 0);
    CreateObject(987, 2464.2209472656, -1636.8095703125, 16.758228302002, 0, 0, 272.66064453125);
    CreateObject(987, 2491.3664550781, -1628.7319335938, 15.842124938965, 0, 0, 177.38134765625);
    CreateObject(987, 2503.6513671875, -1628.0092773438, 16.391004562378, 0, 0, 181.35131835938);
    CreateObject(987, 2515.9079589844, -1627.4869384766, 16.759624481201, 0, 0, 179.36633300781);
    CreateObject(987, 2527.8420410156, -1627.2330322266, 16.80926322937, 0, 0, 181.35131835938);
    CreateObject(987, 2539.865234375, -1626.8333740234, 16.964822769165, 0, 0, 181.35131835938);
    CreateObject(987, 2540.7224121094, -1626.8802490234, 16.983310699463, 0, 0, 181.35131835938);

    return 1;

    public OnGameModeExit()
    return 1;

    public OnPlayerCommandText(playerid, cmdtext[])
    if (strcmp(cmdtext, "/groveop", true)==0)
    MoveObject(GROVEg,2463.59375, -1660.033203125, 12.8046875, 3.5);//close
    MoveObject(GROVEg,2463.4301757813, -1660.0677490234, 19.758811950684, 3.5);//open
    SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_YELLOW,"Grove Gate öffnet");
    return 1;

    if (strcmp(cmdtext, "/grovecl", true)==0)
    MoveObject(GROVEg,2463.4301757813, -1660.0677490234, 19.758811950684,3.5);//open
    MoveObject(GROVEg,2463.59375, -1660.033203125, 12.8046875,3.5);//close
    SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_YELLOW,"Grove Gate schließt");
    return 1;

    if (strcmp(cmdtext, "/grove1op", true)==0)
    MoveObject(GROVEe,2638.2841796875, -1467.96875, 25.319917678833,3.5);//close
    MoveObject(GROVEe,2638.2841796875, -1467.96875, 18.319917678833,3.5);//open
    SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_YELLOW,"Gefängnis offen");
    return 1;

    if (strcmp(cmdtext, "/grove1cl", true)==0)
    MoveObject(GROVEe,2638.2841796875, -1467.96875, 18.319917678833,3.5);//open
    MoveObject(GROVEe,2638.2841796875, -1467.96875, 25.319917678833,3.5);//close
    SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_YELLOW,"Gefängnis zu");
    return 1;

    return 0;
