Problem mit /buyprods

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  • Hi Leute,
    hab mal wieder ein Problem. Bei funktioniert der Befehl /buyprods i-wie nicht ganz. Also wenn ich der Leader der Trucker Fraktion, /buyprods mache, steht da "Du bist kein Trucker ".
    Hier mal der Befehl:
    if(strcmp(cmd, "/buyprods", true) == 0)
    if (PlayerInfo[playerid][pMember] != 20 || PlayerInfo[playerid][pLeader] != 20)
    SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR_GREY," Du bist kein Trucker!");
    return 1;
    new tmpcar = GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid);
    new compcost = 100;
    if(PlayerToPoint(60.0, playerid, 1760.8212,-2057.1130,13.5870))
    if(PlayerHaul[tmpcar][pLoad] < PlayerHaul[tmpcar][pCapasity])
    new amount;
    tmp = strtok(cmdtext, idx);
    SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GRAD1, "FEHLER: /buyprods [Menge]");
    return 1;
    amount = strval(tmp);
    if(amount < 1 || amount > 100) { SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GREY, " Die Menge muss zwischen 1 und 100 sein !"); return 1; }
    new check= PlayerHaul[tmpcar][pLoad] + amount;
    if(check > PlayerHaul[tmpcar][pCapasity])
    format(string, sizeof(string), " Du hast das Limit mit %d Prods erreicht, Produkte: %d.",PlayerHaul[tmpcar][pCapasity],PlayerHaul[tmpcar][pLoad]);
    SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GREY, string);
    return 1;
    new cost = amount*compcost;
    if(GetPlayerMoney(playerid) >= cost)
    PlayerHaul[tmpcar][pLoad] += amount;
    format(string, sizeof(string), "Produkte: %d/%d.", PlayerHaul[tmpcar][pLoad],PlayerHaul[tmpcar][pCapasity]);
    SendClientMessage(playerid, TEAM_GROVE_COLOR, string);
    format(string, sizeof(string), "Du hast %d Produkte für $%d gekauft.", amount,cost);
    SendClientMessage(playerid, TEAM_GROVE_COLOR, string);
    GivePlayerMoney(playerid, -cost);
    PlayerPlaySound(playerid, 1052, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
    return 1;
    format(string, sizeof(string), "Du kannst nicht %d Produkte für $%d anfordern!", amount,cost);
    SendClientMessage(playerid, TEAM_GROVE_COLOR, string);
    return 1;
    format(string, sizeof(string), "Produkte: %d/%d.", PlayerHaul[tmpcar][pLoad],PlayerHaul[tmpcar][pCapasity]);
    SendClientMessage(playerid, TEAM_GROVE_COLOR, string);
    return 1;
    SendClientMessage(playerid, TEAM_GROVE_COLOR, "Dieses Fahrzeug kann keine Produkte ausliefern.");
    return 1;

    Hoffe Ihr könnt mir helfen

    MfG Joga

  • new tmpcar = GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid);

    wiso vehilce id? kapier ich jetzt nicht,
    if(check > PlayerHaul[tmpcar][pCapasity])

    musst doch gechekt werden ob das ein fahrzeug ist, hast du auch das fahzeug definiert oder so?

    526C4Hj.png Mit freundlichen Grüßen,

  • Versuchs ma so (ich weiß ja nicht, ob man bei dir auch noch Member ist, wenn man Leader ist):
    if (PlayerInfo[playerid][pMember] != 20 && PlayerInfo[playerid][pLeader] != 20)
    SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR_GREY," Du bist kein Trucker!");
    return 1;

  • Hab das Problem gelöst nur jetzt wenn ich im LKW drin bin und /load oder was anderes eingeben steht du bist nicht im lieferwagen. Heißt das ich muss in den Trucks /oldcar machen und die id´s ins script einfügen, oder was anderes ?

    MFG Joga

  • Ja was brauchste denn noch für codes ?

    //Habs hinbekommen, nur der /buyprods befehl geht noch nicht, da steht dieses fahrzeug kann keine Produkte ausliefern.
    if(strcmp(cmd, "/buyprods", true) == 0)
    new carid = GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid);
    new compcost = 50;
    if(PlayerToPoint(60.0, playerid, 1760.8212,-2057.1130,13.5870))
    if(PlayerHaul[carid][pLoad] < PlayerHaul[carid][pCapasity])
    new amount;
    tmp = strtok(cmdtext, idx);
    SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GRAD1, "FEHLER: /buyprods [Menge]");
    return 1;
    amount = strval(tmp);
    if(amount < 1 || amount > 100) { SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GREY, " Die Menge muss zwischen 1 und 100 sein !"); return 1; }
    new check= PlayerHaul[carid][pLoad] + amount;
    if(check > PlayerHaul[carid][pCapasity])
    format(string, sizeof(string), " Du hast das Limit mit %d Prods erreicht, Produkte: %d.",PlayerHaul[carid][pCapasity],PlayerHaul[carid][pLoad]);
    SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GREY, string);
    return 1;
    new cost = amount*compcost;
    if(GetPlayerMoney(playerid) >= cost)
    PlayerHaul[carid][pLoad] += amount;
    format(string, sizeof(string), "Produkte: %d/%d.", PlayerHaul[carid][pLoad],PlayerHaul[carid][pCapasity]);
    SendClientMessage(playerid, TEAM_GROVE_COLOR, string);
    format(string, sizeof(string), "Du hast %d Produkte für $%d gekauft.", amount,cost);
    SendClientMessage(playerid, TEAM_GROVE_COLOR, string);
    GivePlayerMoney(playerid, -cost);
    PlayerPlaySound(playerid, 1052, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
    return 1;
    format(string, sizeof(string), "Du kannst nicht %d Produkte für $%d anfordern!", amount,cost);
    SendClientMessage(playerid, TEAM_GROVE_COLOR, string);
    return 1;
    format(string, sizeof(string), "Produkte: %d/%d.", PlayerHaul[carid][pLoad],PlayerHaul[carid][pCapasity]);
    SendClientMessage(playerid, TEAM_GROVE_COLOR, string);
    return 1;
    SendClientMessage(playerid, TEAM_GROVE_COLOR, "Dieses Fahrzeug kann keine Produkte ausliefern.");
    return 1;
    return 1;

    MFG Joga

  • Also ich hab jetzt alles geändern. Es ist wieder ein Job nur jetzt hab ich das Problem das wenn ich /load oder /sellprods mache der Text kommt: Du musst in einem Lieferwagen sein. Bei /buyprods kommt immer Unknow Command.
    Hier die Befehle:
    if(strcmp(cmd, "/load", true) == 0)
    new carid = GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid);
    GameTextForPlayer(playerid, "~r~Du musst in einem Lieferwagen sein", 5000, 1);
    return 1;
    format(string, sizeof(string), "Produkte: %d/%d.", PlayerHaul[carid][pLoad],PlayerHaul[carid][pCapasity]);
    SendClientMessage(playerid, TEAM_GROVE_COLOR, string);
    return 1;
    if(strcmp(cmd, "/buyprods", true) == 0)
    new carid = GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid);
    new compcost = 50;
    if(PlayerToPoint(60.0, playerid, 1760.8212,-2057.1130,13.5870))
    if(PlayerHaul[carid][pLoad] < PlayerHaul[carid][pCapasity])
    new amount;
    tmp = strtok(cmdtext, idx);
    SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GRAD1, "FEHLER: /buyprods [Menge]");
    return 1;
    amount = strval(tmp);
    if(amount < 1 || amount > 100) { SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GREY, " Die Menge muss zwischen 1 und 100 sein !"); return 1; }
    new check= PlayerHaul[carid][pLoad] + amount;
    if(check > PlayerHaul[carid][pCapasity])
    format(string, sizeof(string), " Du hast das Limit mit %d Prods erreicht, Produkte: %d.",PlayerHaul[carid][pCapasity],PlayerHaul[carid][pLoad]);
    SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GREY, string);
    return 1;
    new cost = amount*compcost;
    if(GetPlayerMoney(playerid) >= cost)
    PlayerHaul[carid][pLoad] += amount;
    format(string, sizeof(string), "Produkte: %d/%d.", PlayerHaul[carid][pLoad],PlayerHaul[carid][pCapasity]);
    SendClientMessage(playerid, TEAM_GROVE_COLOR, string);
    format(string, sizeof(string), "Du hast %d Produkte für $%d gekauft.", amount,cost);
    SendClientMessage(playerid, TEAM_GROVE_COLOR, string);
    GivePlayerMoney(playerid, -cost);
    PlayerPlaySound(playerid, 1052, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
    return 1;
    format(string, sizeof(string), "Du kannst nicht %d Produkte für $%d anfordern!", amount,cost);
    SendClientMessage(playerid, TEAM_GROVE_COLOR, string);
    return 1;
    format(string, sizeof(string), "Produkte: %d/%d.", PlayerHaul[carid][pLoad],PlayerHaul[carid][pCapasity]);
    SendClientMessage(playerid, TEAM_GROVE_COLOR, string);
    return 1;
    SendClientMessage(playerid, TEAM_GROVE_COLOR, "Dieses Fahrzeug kann keine Produkte ausliefern.");
    return 1;
    return 1;
    if(strcmp(cmd, "/sellprods", true) == 0)
    new cashmade;
    new carid;
    carid = GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid);
    GameTextForPlayer(playerid, "~r~Du musst in einem Lieferwagen sein", 5000, 1);
    return 1;
    if(PlayerHaul[carid][pLoad] == 0)
    GameTextForPlayer(playerid, "~r~Lieferwagen ist leer!", 5000, 1);
    format(string, sizeof(string), "Produkte: %d/%d.", PlayerHaul[carid][pLoad],PlayerHaul[carid][pCapasity]);
    SendClientMessage(playerid, TEAM_GROVE_COLOR, string);
    return 1;
    for(new i = 0; i < sizeof(BizzInfo); i++)
    if (PlayerToPoint(10, playerid,BizzInfo[i][bEntranceX], BizzInfo[i][bEntranceY], BizzInfo[i][bEntranceZ]))
    //printf("Found House :%d",i);
    for(new l = PlayerHaul[carid][pLoad]; l > 0; l--)
    if(BizzInfo[i][bProducts] == BizzInfo[i][bMaxProducts])
    GameTextForPlayer(playerid, "~r~Unser Geschaeft ist voll", 5000, 1);
    format(string, sizeof(string), "Einnahme: $%d.", cashmade);
    SendClientMessage(playerid, TEAM_GROVE_COLOR, string);
    format(string, sizeof(string), "Produkte: %d/%d.", PlayerHaul[carid][pLoad],PlayerHaul[carid][pCapasity]);
    SendClientMessage(playerid, TEAM_GROVE_COLOR, string);
    PlayerPlaySound(playerid, 1052, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
    return 1;
    if(BizzInfo[i][bPriceProd] > BizzInfo[i][bTill])
    GameTextForPlayer(playerid, "~r~Deal nicht möglich", 5000, 1);
    format(string, sizeof(string), "Einnahme: $%d.", cashmade);
    SendClientMessage(playerid, TEAM_GROVE_COLOR, string);
    format(string, sizeof(string), "Produkte: %d/%d.", PlayerHaul[carid][pLoad],PlayerHaul[carid][pCapasity]);
    SendClientMessage(playerid, TEAM_GROVE_COLOR, string);
    PlayerPlaySound(playerid, 1052, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
    return 1;
    cashmade = cashmade+BizzInfo[i][bPriceProd];
    ConsumingMoney[playerid] = 1;
    BizzInfo[i][bTill] -= BizzInfo[i][bPriceProd];
    if(PlayerHaul[carid][pLoad] == 0)
    GameTextForPlayer(playerid, "~r~Lieferwagen ist leer!", 5000, 1);
    format(string, sizeof(string), "Einnahme: $%d.", cashmade);
    SendClientMessage(playerid, TEAM_GROVE_COLOR, string);
    format(string, sizeof(string), "Produkte: %d/%d.", PlayerHaul[carid][pLoad],PlayerHaul[carid][pCapasity]);
    SendClientMessage(playerid, TEAM_GROVE_COLOR, string);
    PlayerPlaySound(playerid, 1052, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
    return 1;
    return 1;

    Hoffe ihr könnt mir sagen was der Fehler ist. Danke

    MfG Joga

  • Kann mir da einer helfen ?

    //EDIT:Habs bisschen verändert geht trotzdem noch nicht -.-
    if(strcmp(cmd, "/load", true) == 0)
    new tmpcar = GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid);
    GameTextForPlayer(playerid, "~r~Du bist nicht im Truck", 5000, 1);
    return 1;
    format(string, sizeof(string), "Products: %d/%d.", PlayerHaul[tmpcar][pLoad],PlayerHaul[tmpcar][pCapasity]);
    SendClientMessage(playerid, TEAM_GROVE_COLOR, string);
    return 1;
    if(strcmp(cmd, "/buyprods", true) == 0)
    new tmpcar = GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid);
    new compcost = 50;
    if(PlayerToPoint(60.0, playerid, 1760.8212,-2057.1130,13.5870))
    if(PlayerHaul[tmpcar][pLoad] < PlayerHaul[tmpcar][pCapasity])
    new amount;
    tmp = strtok(cmdtext, idx);
    SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GRAD1, "Benutze: /buyprods [Summe]");
    return 1;
    amount = strval(tmp);
    if(amount < 1 || amount > 500) { SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GREY, " Produktvergabe 1 - 500"); return 1; }
    new check= PlayerHaul[tmpcar][pLoad] + amount;
    if(check > PlayerHaul[tmpcar][pCapasity])
    format(string, sizeof(string), " Du brichst das Limit %d, Momentane Produkte: %d.",PlayerHaul[tmpcar][pCapasity],PlayerHaul[tmpcar][pLoad]);
    SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GREY, string);
    return 1;
    new cost = amount*compcost;
    if(GetPlayerMoney(playerid) >= cost)
    PlayerHaul[tmpcar][pLoad] += amount;
    // format(string, sizeof(string), "Produkte: %d/%d.", PlayerHaul[tmpcar][pLoad],PlayerHaul[tmpcar][pCapasity]);
    SendClientMessage(playerid, TEAM_GROVE_COLOR, string);
    format(string, sizeof(string), "Du kaufst %d Produkte Kosten: $%d.", amount,cost);
    SendClientMessage(playerid, TEAM_GROVE_COLOR, string);
    PlayerPlaySound(playerid, 1052, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
    return 1;
    format(string, sizeof(string), "You cant afford %d Products at $%d !", amount,cost);
    SendClientMessage(playerid, TEAM_GROVE_COLOR, string);
    return 1;
    // format(string, sizeof(string), "Produkte: %d/%d.", PlayerHaul[tmpcar][pLoad],PlayerHaul[tmpcar][pCapasity]);
    SendClientMessage(playerid, TEAM_GROVE_COLOR, string);
    return 1;
    SendClientMessage(playerid, TEAM_GROVE_COLOR, " Dies ist kein Lieferwagen.");
    return 1;
    return 1;
    if(strcmp(cmd, "/sellprods", true) == 0)
    new cashmade;
    new tmpcar;
    tmpcar = GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid);
    GameTextForPlayer(playerid, "~r~Du bist nicht im Lieferwagen", 5000, 1);
    return 1;
    if(PlayerHaul[tmpcar][pLoad] == 0)
    GameTextForPlayer(playerid, "~r~Fahrzeug ist Leer", 5000, 1);
    // format(string, sizeof(string), "Produkte: %d/%d.", PlayerHaul[tmpcar][pLoad],PlayerHaul[tmpcar][pCapasity]);
    SendClientMessage(playerid, TEAM_GROVE_COLOR, string);
    return 1;
    for(new i = 0; i < sizeof(BizzInfo); i++)
    if (PlayerToPoint(10, playerid,BizzInfo[i][bEntranceX], BizzInfo[i][bEntranceY], BizzInfo[i][bEntranceZ]))
    for(new l = PlayerHaul[tmpcar][pLoad]; l > 0; l--)
    if(BizzInfo[i][bProducts] == BizzInfo[i][bMaxProducts])
    GameTextForPlayer(playerid, "~r~Our stores are full", 5000, 1);
    format(string, sizeof(string), "Cash Earned $%d.", cashmade);
    SendClientMessage(playerid, TEAM_GROVE_COLOR, string);
    format(string, sizeof(string), "Products: %d/%d.", PlayerHaul[tmpcar][pLoad],PlayerHaul[tmpcar][pCapasity]);
    SendClientMessage(playerid, TEAM_GROVE_COLOR, string);
    PlayerPlaySound(playerid, 1052, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
    return 1;
    if(BizzInfo[i][bPriceProd] > BizzInfo[i][bTill])
    GameTextForPlayer(playerid, "~r~We Cant Afford The Deal", 5000, 1);
    format(string, sizeof(string), "Cash Earned $%d.", cashmade);
    SendClientMessage(playerid, TEAM_GROVE_COLOR, string);
    format(string, sizeof(string), "Products: %d/%d.", PlayerHaul[tmpcar][pLoad],PlayerHaul[tmpcar][pCapasity]);
    SendClientMessage(playerid, TEAM_GROVE_COLOR, string);
    PlayerPlaySound(playerid, 1052, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
    return 1;
    cashmade = cashmade+BizzInfo[i][bPriceProd];
    ConsumingMoney[playerid] = 1;
    BizzInfo[i][bTill] -= BizzInfo[i][bPriceProd];
    if(PlayerHaul[tmpcar][pLoad] == 0)
    GameTextForPlayer(playerid, "~r~Truck is empty, return to the stock house", 5000, 1);
    format(string, sizeof(string), "Cash Earned $%d.", cashmade);
    SendClientMessage(playerid, TEAM_GROVE_COLOR, string);
    format(string, sizeof(string), "Products: %d/%d.", PlayerHaul[tmpcar][pLoad],PlayerHaul[tmpcar][pCapasity]);
    SendClientMessage(playerid, TEAM_GROVE_COLOR, string);
    PlayerPlaySound(playerid, 1052, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
    return 1;
    return 1;

    MfG Joga

  • Habs geändert, jedoch steht da bei jeweils /sellprods und /load Unknow Command und bei /buyprods passiert einfach gar nichts.
    Hoffe ihr wisst was Falsch ist.

    Weiß niemand den Fehler ? ;(

    MfG Joga

  • Versuch mal die drei hier.

    if(strcmp(cmd, "/load", true) == 0)
    new tmpcar = GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid);
    GameTextForPlayer(playerid, "~r~Du bist nicht im Truck", 5000, 1);
    return 1;
    format(string, sizeof(string), "Products: %d/%d.", PlayerHaul[tmpcar][pLoad],PlayerHaul[tmpcar][pCapasity]);
    SendClientMessage(playerid, TEAM_GROVE_COLOR, string);
    return 1;
    if(strcmp(cmd, "/buyprods", true) == 0)
    new tmpcar = GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid);
    new compcost = 50;
    if(PlayerToPoint(60.0, playerid, -53.3220,-1140.0674,1.0781))
    if(PlayerHaul[tmpcar][pLoad] < PlayerHaul[tmpcar][pCapasity])
    new amount;
    tmp = strtok(cmdtext, idx);
    SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GRAD1, "Benutze: /buyprods [Summe]");
    return 1;
    amount = strval(tmp);
    if(amount < 1 || amount > 500) { SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GREY, " Produktvergabe 1 - 500"); return 1; }
    new check= PlayerHaul[tmpcar][pLoad] + amount;
    if(check > PlayerHaul[tmpcar][pCapasity])
    format(string, sizeof(string), " Du brichst das Limit %d, Momentane Produkte: %d.",PlayerHaul[tmpcar][pCapasity],PlayerHaul[tmpcar][pLoad]);
    SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GREY, string);
    return 1;
    new cost = amount*compcost;
    if(GetPlayerMoney(playerid) >= cost)
    PlayerHaul[tmpcar][pLoad] += amount;
    // format(string, sizeof(string), "Produkte: %d/%d.", PlayerHaul[tmpcar][pLoad],PlayerHaul[tmpcar][pCapasity]);
    SendClientMessage(playerid, TEAM_GROVE_COLOR, string);
    format(string, sizeof(string), "Du kaufst %d Produkte Kosten: $%d.", amount,cost);
    SendClientMessage(playerid, TEAM_GROVE_COLOR, string);
    PlayerMoney[playerid] -= cost;
    PlayerPlaySound(playerid, 1052, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
    return 1;
    format(string, sizeof(string), "You cant afford %d Products at $%d !", amount,cost);
    SendClientMessage(playerid, TEAM_GROVE_COLOR, string);
    return 1;
    // format(string, sizeof(string), "Produkte: %d/%d.", PlayerHaul[tmpcar][pLoad],PlayerHaul[tmpcar][pCapasity]);
    SendClientMessage(playerid, TEAM_GROVE_COLOR, string);
    return 1;
    SendClientMessage(playerid, TEAM_GROVE_COLOR, " Dies ist kein Lieferwagen.");
    return 1;
    return 1;
    if(strcmp(cmd, "/sellprods", true) == 0)
    new cashmade;
    new tmpcar;
    tmpcar = GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid);
    GameTextForPlayer(playerid, "~r~Du bist nicht im Lieferwagen", 5000, 1);
    return 1;
    if(PlayerHaul[tmpcar][pLoad] == 0)
    GameTextForPlayer(playerid, "~r~Fahrzeug ist Leer", 5000, 1);
    // format(string, sizeof(string), "Produkte: %d/%d.", PlayerHaul[tmpcar][pLoad],PlayerHaul[tmpcar][pCapasity]);
    SendClientMessage(playerid, TEAM_GROVE_COLOR, string);
    return 1;
    for(new i = 0; i < sizeof(BizzInfo); i++)
    if (PlayerToPoint(10, playerid,BizzInfo[i][bEntranceX], BizzInfo[i][bEntranceY], BizzInfo[i][bEntranceZ]))
    for(new l = PlayerHaul[tmpcar][pLoad]; l > 0; l--)
    if(BizzInfo[i][bProducts] == BizzInfo[i][bMaxProducts])
    GameTextForPlayer(playerid, "~r~Our stores are full", 5000, 1);
    format(string, sizeof(string), "Cash Earned $%d.", cashmade);
    SendClientMessage(playerid, TEAM_GROVE_COLOR, string);
    format(string, sizeof(string), "Products: %d/%d.", PlayerHaul[tmpcar][pLoad],PlayerHaul[tmpcar][pCapasity]);
    SendClientMessage(playerid, TEAM_GROVE_COLOR, string);
    PlayerPlaySound(playerid, 1052, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
    return 1;
    if(BizzInfo[i][bPriceProd] > BizzInfo[i][bTill])
    GameTextForPlayer(playerid, "~r~We Cant Afford The Deal", 5000, 1);
    format(string, sizeof(string), "Cash Earned $%d.", cashmade);
    SendClientMessage(playerid, TEAM_GROVE_COLOR, string);
    format(string, sizeof(string), "Products: %d/%d.", PlayerHaul[tmpcar][pLoad],PlayerHaul[tmpcar][pCapasity]);
    SendClientMessage(playerid, TEAM_GROVE_COLOR, string);
    PlayerPlaySound(playerid, 1052, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
    return 1;
    cashmade = cashmade+BizzInfo[i][bPriceProd];
    ConsumingMoney[playerid] = 1;
    PlayerMoney[playerid] += BizzInfo[i][bPriceProd];
    BizzInfo[i][bTill] -= BizzInfo[i][bPriceProd];
    if(PlayerHaul[tmpcar][pLoad] == 0)
    GameTextForPlayer(playerid, "~r~Truck is empty, return to the stock house", 5000, 1);
    format(string, sizeof(string), "Cash Earned $%d.", cashmade);
    SendClientMessage(playerid, TEAM_GROVE_COLOR, string);
    format(string, sizeof(string), "Products: %d/%d.", PlayerHaul[tmpcar][pLoad],PlayerHaul[tmpcar][pCapasity]);
    SendClientMessage(playerid, TEAM_GROVE_COLOR, string);
    PlayerPlaySound(playerid, 1052, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
    return 1;
    return 1;
    for(new i = 0; i < sizeof(SBizzInfo); i++)
    if (PlayerToPoint(10, playerid,SBizzInfo[i][sbEntranceX], SBizzInfo[i][sbEntranceY], SBizzInfo[i][sbEntranceZ]))
    //printf("Found House :%d",i);
    for(new l = PlayerHaul[tmpcar][pLoad]; l > 0; l--)
    if(SBizzInfo[i][sbProducts] == SBizzInfo[i][sbMaxProducts])
    GameTextForPlayer(playerid, "~r~Our stores are full", 5000, 1);
    format(string, sizeof(string), "Cash Earned $%d.", cashmade);
    SendClientMessage(playerid, TEAM_GROVE_COLOR, string);
    format(string, sizeof(string), "Products: %d/%d.", PlayerHaul[tmpcar][pLoad],PlayerHaul[tmpcar][pCapasity]);
    SendClientMessage(playerid, TEAM_GROVE_COLOR, string);
    return 1;
    if(SBizzInfo[i][sbPriceProd] > SBizzInfo[i][sbTill])
    GameTextForPlayer(playerid, "~r~We Cant Afford The Deal", 5000, 1);
    format(string, sizeof(string), "Cash Earned $%d.", cashmade);
    SendClientMessage(playerid, TEAM_GROVE_COLOR, string);
    format(string, sizeof(string), "Products: %d/%d.", PlayerHaul[tmpcar][pLoad],PlayerHaul[tmpcar][pCapasity]);
    SendClientMessage(playerid, TEAM_GROVE_COLOR, string);
    return 1;
    cashmade = cashmade+SBizzInfo[i][sbPriceProd];
    ConsumingMoney[playerid] = 1;
    PlayerMoney[playerid] += SBizzInfo[i][sbPriceProd];
    SBizzInfo[i][sbTill] -= SBizzInfo[i][sbPriceProd];
    if(PlayerHaul[tmpcar][pLoad] == 0)
    GameTextForPlayer(playerid, "~r~Truck is empty, return to the stock house", 5000, 1);
    format(string, sizeof(string), "Cash Earned $%d.", cashmade);
    SendClientMessage(playerid, TEAM_GROVE_COLOR, string);
    format(string, sizeof(string), "Products: %d/%d.", PlayerHaul[tmpcar][pLoad],PlayerHaul[tmpcar][pCapasity]);
    SendClientMessage(playerid, TEAM_GROVE_COLOR, string);
    return 1;
    return 1;
    GameTextForPlayer(playerid, "~r~To Far From A Business", 5000, 1);
    return 1;


  • Dieser SERVER: Unknown COmmand kommt meistens, wenn man eine Arrygröße überschreitet, z.B. "new bla[20];" und dann in etwa so "bla[40]=55;"
    Und zu dem IsATruck, du müsstest mir dann immernoch mal die Frage beantworten, ob der mit AutoIDs oder ModelIDs läuft. Wenn es AutoIDs sind und due jetzt Fahrzeuge hinzufügt/entfernst verschiebt sich das natürlich alles