Tag, habe das gestern im englischen Forum releast, also release ich es hier.
Sorry, Ich hatte überhaupt garkeine Zeit das zu testen!
Also, das ist mein allererstes Release bzw eigen gescriptetes Include!
> Scripttype
This is an include. It has 10 different Functions. Here the native's:
native SetVehicleParamsForAll(carid, playerid, objective, carlocked(0-1)
Example: SetVehicleParamsForAll(carid, playerid, 0, 1*); *0 means unlocked, 1 means locked.
native RespawnAllVehicles()
This respawns all Vehicles on the Server. I don't know if it's running!
native RespawnVehicle(vehicleid)
Example: RespawnVehicles(482); , respawns a Vehicle.
native RepairVehicle()
This repair's your Vehicle, so it set's the Health of the Vehicle to 1000.
native KillVehicle()
This kill's your Vehicle, so it set's the Health of the Vehicle to 0.
native RemoveAllTuning(vehicleid);
Example: RemoveAllTuning(5); - this removes all the Tuning from a Vehicle
native LockVehicle(vehicleid);
Lock's a Vehicle, uses the SetVehicleParamsForAll function.
native UnlockVehicle(vehicleid);
Unlock's a Vehicle, uses the SetVehicleParamsForAll function.
This show's you the current Position, Health and Model.
Example: GetVehicleStates(281); -> Get's the States from Vehicle ID 281.
native GetVehicleHere(vehicleid);
This get's the Vehicle to you, Example: GetVehicleHere(281);
Pastebin: http://pastebin.com/m4905d377
Sendspace: http://www.sendspace.com/file/iezgqz