Zeig uns deinen aktuellen Command.
Beiträge von AroX
Nein, dass funktioniert nicht.
Das Control Panel von NaMe oF LiFe ist nicht WBB kompatible.
Gibt es ein Link noch zum script?
Du bietest ein UCP mit an aber hast es wieder rausgeholt was für eine abzocke soll das werden?
Was ist bei dir nicht richtig?
Sei doch froh das es noch Leute gibt die ein UCP kostenlos zum Download stellen. -
Herzlich Willkommen auf Breadfish!
Guten Morgen,
ich bin derzeit auf der Suche von dieser Animation:
leider habe ich sie bisher nicht finden können.
Lediglich habe ich bisher nur Animationen gefunden wo ich nach hinter oder zur Seite falle.MfG,
AroX -
Besitzt du Teamviewer 10?
Dann kann ich dir gerne Helfen.MfG,
AroX -
WBB 3!
Hat mehr Funktionen gehabt, die WBB 4 nicht hat (Interne Forum etc)Diese Möglichkeit bietet dir WBB 4 ebenfalls.
Sind ja beide China Roller.. Sind ja meistens gleich aufgebaut..
Yamaha ist auch aus Japan, und sie sind nicht alle gleich aufgebaut.
Ich denke nicht das es passt, aber warum schaust du nicht einfach mal nach? -
Günstig, einfach, schnell.
Wer lesen kann ist klar im Vorteil.
ich bin derzeit Kunde bei samp4you, und besitze dort einen Webspace.
Nur leider gibt es dort enorme Sicherheitsprobleme, weswegen ich einen neuen und vor allem zuverlässigen Webspace Anbieter suche.Nun Frage ich euch, welchen Webspace Anbieter ihr mir empfehlen würdet?
Für mich ist das alles nur billige Werbung,
oder was macht eure ServerIP dort ?Achja ich hab euch ja schon drauf hingewiesen, bei dem
Logo das "by Shox" zu entfernen, da dies ja von mir bzw @Devine_kommt.|- San Reallife Design -|
Tachschön,ich habe es schon von einem Kollegen gehört, und habe daraufhin das Logo editiert.
Es wird so bald ich Home bin hochgeladen.MfG,
AroX -
Ich hab es alles gemacht so wie du sagtest.
Ist es nicht dies hier?
Abschnitt server.cfg:
C129.[19:34:17] [debug] AMX backtrace: 130.[19:34:17] [debug] #0 00000020 in public ocmd_werbetafel () from WB.amx 131.[19:34:17] [debug] #1 native CallLocalFunction () from samp7010_5510 132.[19:34:17] [debug] #2 0000480c in public OnPlayerCommandText (8, 12847316) from WB.amx 133.[19:34:18] [debug] Run time error 5: "Invalid memory access" 134.[19:34:18] [debug] AMX backtrace:
Alles anzeigen---------- Loaded log file: "server_log.txt". ---------- SA-MP Dedicated Server ---------------------- v0.3.7-R2, (C)2005-2015 SA-MP Team [19:33:07] [19:33:07] Server Plugins [19:33:07] -------------- [19:33:07] Loading plugin: crashdetect.so [19:33:07] CrashDetect v4.15.1 is OK. [19:33:07] Loaded. [19:33:07] Loading plugin: mysql.so [19:33:07] > MySQL plugin R5 successfully loaded. [19:33:07] Loaded. [19:33:07] Loading plugin: sscanf.so [19:33:07] [19:33:07] =============================== [19:33:07] sscanf plugin loaded. [19:33:07] Version: 2.8.1 [19:33:07] (c) 2012 Alex "Y_Less" Cole [19:33:07] =============================== [19:33:07] Loaded. [19:33:07] Loading plugin: filemanager.so [19:33:07] ****************** [19:33:07] ** FILE MANAGER ** [19:33:07] ** Loaded ** [19:33:07] ** Version 1.1 ** [19:33:07] ****************** [19:33:07] Loaded. [19:33:07] Loading plugin: streamer.so [19:33:07] *** Streamer Plugin v2.7.8 by Incognito loaded *** [19:33:07] Loaded. [19:33:07] Loaded 5 plugins. [19:33:07] [19:33:07] Filterscripts [19:33:07] --------------- [19:33:07] Loaded 0 filterscripts. [19:33:07] SERVER: Der Server wurde erfolgreich gestartet [19:33:07] SERVER: Versucht die Verbindung zur Datenbank aufzubauen [19:33:07] OnGamemodeInt: LoadBiz (1ms) [19:33:07] OnGamemodeInt: LoadSBiz (1ms) [19:33:07] OnGamemodeInt: LoadTankenBiz (1ms) [19:33:07] OnGamemodeInt: LoadStuff (3ms) [19:33:07] OnGamemodeInt: LoadKassenInfo (0ms) [19:33:07] OnGamemodeInt: LoadGangfightZones (1ms) [19:33:07] OnGamemodeInt: LoadGangWarInfos (2ms) [19:33:07] OnGamemodeInt: LoadGangBNDInfos (0ms) [19:33:07] sscanf warning: String buffer overflow. [19:33:07] OnGamemodeInt: LoadHauser (2ms) [19:33:07] OnGamemodeInt: loadDynamicPickups (2ms) [19:33:07] OnGamemodeInt: loadDynamicMapIcons (0ms) [19:33:07] OnGamemodeInt: loadDynamicTextLabels (1ms) [19:33:07] OnGamemodeInt: loadGangWeapons (0ms) [19:33:07] OnGamemodeInt: loadAmmuWeapons (0ms) [19:33:07] OnGamemodeInt: loadHausWeapons (0ms) [19:33:07] OnGamemodeInt: LoadFactionVehicles (3ms) [19:33:07] Totaltime taken to load MySQL Stuffs: 17sm [19:33:07] Beginne Autos zu spawnen [19:33:07] Autos wurden erfolgreich Geladen und Gespawnt [19:33:07] 3DTexte erfolgreich Geladen [19:33:07] [19:33:07] [19:33:07] Project-RedBull [19:33:07] _____________________ [19:33:07] Project-RedBull erfolgreich geladen! [19:33:07] [19:33:07] Number of vehicle models: 80 [19:33:08] [connection] requests connection cookie. [19:33:08] [connection] requests connection cookie. [19:33:08] [connection] requests connection cookie. [19:33:08] [connection] requests connection cookie. [19:33:08] [connection] requests connection cookie. [19:33:08] [connection] requests connection cookie. [19:33:08] [connection] requests connection cookie. [19:33:08] [connection] requests connection cookie. [19:33:09] [connection] incoming connection: id: 0 [19:33:09] [connection] incoming connection: id: 1 [19:33:09] [connection] incoming connection: id: 2 [19:33:09] [npc:join] Drogendealer has joined the server (0: [19:33:09] [connection] incoming connection: id: 3 [19:33:09] [npc:join] Mitarbeiter has joined the server (1: [19:33:09] [npc:join] Coinshop has joined the server (2: [19:33:09] [connection] incoming connection: id: 4 [19:33:09] [connection] incoming connection: id: 5 [19:33:09] [npc:join] Stadthalle has joined the server (3: [19:33:09] [connection] incoming connection: id: 6 [19:33:09] [npc:join] BSN has joined the server (4: [19:33:09] [npc:join] Dimitri has joined the server (5: [19:33:09] [connection] incoming connection: id: 7 [19:33:09] [npc:join] Manfred has joined the server (6: [19:33:10] [npc:join] Nico has joined the server (7: [19:33:19] Der Server wurde für Spieler freigegeben! [19:33:25] [connection] requests connection cookie. [19:33:25] [connection] requests connection cookie. [19:33:26] [connection] incoming connection: id: 8 [19:33:26] [connection] incoming connection: id: 9 [19:33:26] [join] AroX has joined the server (8: [19:33:27] [join] OptiK has joined the server (9: [19:33:35] OptiK hat sich eingeloggt. [ID: 9] [19:33:35] AroX hat sich eingeloggt. [ID: 8] [19:34:09] [debug] Run time error 5: "Invalid memory access" [19:34:09] [debug] AMX backtrace: [19:34:09] [debug] #0 00000020 in public ocmd_werbetafel () from WB.amx [19:34:09] [debug] #1 native CallLocalFunction () from samp7010_5510 [19:34:09] [debug] #2 0000480c in public OnPlayerCommandText (8, 12847316) from WB.amx [19:34:14] [debug] Run time error 5: "Invalid memory access" [19:34:14] [debug] AMX backtrace: [19:34:14] [debug] #0 00000020 in public ocmd_werbetafel () from WB.amx [19:34:14] [debug] #1 native CallLocalFunction () from samp7010_5510 [19:34:14] [debug] #2 0000480c in public OnPlayerCommandText (8, 12847316) from WB.amx [19:34:17] [debug] Run time error 5: "Invalid memory access" [19:34:17] [debug] AMX backtrace: [19:34:17] [debug] #0 00000020 in public ocmd_werbetafel () from WB.amx [19:34:17] [debug] #1 native CallLocalFunction () from samp7010_5510 [19:34:17] [debug] #2 0000480c in public OnPlayerCommandText (8, 12847316) from WB.amx [19:34:18] [debug] Run time error 5: "Invalid memory access" [19:34:18] [debug] AMX backtrace: [19:34:18] [debug] #0 00000020 in public ocmd_werbetafel () from WB.amx [19:34:18] [debug] #1 native CallLocalFunction () from samp7010_5510 [19:34:18] [debug] #2 0000480c in public OnPlayerCommandText (8, 12847316) from WB.amx [19:35:12] endstring: UPDATE `users` SET `Level`='1', `AdminLevel`='0', `Checkpoint`='0', `CPrison`='0', `RunningCP`='0', `TeamRadar`='0', `BNDRadar`='0', `Rolex`='0', `Swissonic`='0', `Casio`='0', `Breitling`='0', `Nixon`='0', `IceWatch`='0', `StartCoints`='0', `Coints`='0', `SpawnhealZeit`='0', `DeaglespawnZeit`='0', `M4SpawnZeit`='0', `MP5SpawnZeit`='0', `MehrZinsenZeit`='0', `Medickit`='0', `Startbonus`='0', `Kreditkarte`='0', `KreditkarteBenutzung`='0', `Personalausweis`='0', `Namechange`='0', `DonateRank`='0', `UpgradePoints`='0', `ConnectedTime`='0', `Registered`='0', `Sex`='0', `Age`='0', `Origin`='1', `Muted`='0', `Respect`='0', `Gehalt`='0', `Money`='5000', `Bank`='0', `Jobgeld`='0', `Crimes`='0', `Kills`='0', `sKills`='0', `Deaths`='0', `Arrested`='0', `ArrestTime`='0', `PhoneBook`='0', `LottoNr`='0', `Fishes`='0', `BiggestFish`='0', `Job`='0' WHERE `Name`='OptiK' [19:35:12] endstring: UPDATE `users` SET `HeadValue`='0', `Jailed`='0', `JailTime`='0', `Leader`='-1', `Member`='-1', `Rank`='0', `Skin`='26', `Vertragszeit`='5' WHERE `Name`='OptiK' [19:35:12] endstring: UPDATE `users` SET `NewsSkill`='0', `House`='0', `Mieten`='0', `HealPaket`='0', `ArmourPaket`='0', `WaffenPaket`='0', `OverHealPaket`='0', `FishSkill`='0', `MechSkill`='0', `pSHealth`='50.0', `PhoneNr`='2250', `Hotel`='-1', `Biz`='-1', `CarLic`='0', `FlyLic`='0', `BoatLic`='0', `FishLic`='0', `GunLic`='0', `Zollpass`='0' WHERE `Name`='OptiK' [19:35:12] endstring: UPDATE `users` SET `Gun1`='0', `Gun2`='0', `Gun3`='0', `Gun4`='0', `Ammo1`='0', `Ammo2`='0', `Ammo3`='0', `Ammo4`='0', `CarTime`='0', `PayDay`='9', `PayDayHad`='0', `CDPlayer`='0', `AlcoholPerk`='0', `PainKillerPerk`='0', `PistolSkill`='2', `MaschinePistolSkill`='2', `SturmgewehrPistolSkill`='2', `ShotGunSkill`='1', `DrugPerk`='0', `MiserPerk`='0', `TraderPerk`='0', `Tutorial`='1', `Cptut`='0', `kh`='0', `Warnings`='0' WHERE `Name`='OptiK' [19:35:12] endstring: UPDATE `users` SET `Fuel`='0', `Married`='0', `MarriedTo`='Niemand', `WantedLevel`='0', `Spawn`='0', `SavedMaterials`='0', `SavedDrugs`='0', `BikeLic`='0', `LKWLic`='0', `DonatorTime`='0', `WerberName`='55', `FightingStyle`='0', `Handy`='0' WHERE `Name`='OptiK' [19:35:12] endstring: UPDATE `users` SET `OnDutySkin`='60', `CarLicPoints`='0', `BikeLicPoints`='0', `InviteSperre`='0', `warntime1`='0', `warntime2`='0', `Ticketsopen`='0', `DonatorTime`='0', `OldName`='Niemand', `ClientIP`='', `OrgMember`='-1', `OrgLeader`='-1', `OrgManager`='-1', `OrgName`='Keine' WHERE `Name`='OptiK' [19:35:12] endstring.: UPDATE `users` SET `Money`='5000' WHERE `Name`='OptiK' [19:35:12] [part] OptiK has left the server (9:0) [19:35:45] [chat] [AroX]: 7q [19:35:53] [connection] requests connection cookie. [19:35:54] [connection] incoming connection: id: 9 [19:35:54] [join] OptiK has joined the server (9: [19:36:02] OptiK hat sich eingeloggt. [ID: 9]
Alles anzeigen---------- Loaded log file: "server_log.txt". ---------- SA-MP Dedicated Server ---------------------- v0.3.7-R2, (C)2005-2015 SA-MP Team [18:49:55] [18:49:55] Server Plugins [18:49:55] -------------- [18:49:55] Loading plugin: crashdetect.so [18:49:55] CrashDetect v4.15.1 is OK. [18:49:55] Loaded. [18:49:55] Loading plugin: mysql.so [18:49:55] > MySQL plugin R5 successfully loaded. [18:49:55] Loaded. [18:49:55] Loading plugin: sscanf.so [18:49:55] [18:49:55] =============================== [18:49:55] sscanf plugin loaded. [18:49:55] Version: 2.8.1 [18:49:55] (c) 2012 Alex "Y_Less" Cole [18:49:55] =============================== [18:49:55] Loaded. [18:49:55] Loading plugin: filemanager.so [18:49:55] ****************** [18:49:55] ** FILE MANAGER ** [18:49:55] ** Loaded ** [18:49:55] ** Version 1.1 ** [18:49:55] ****************** [18:49:55] Loaded. [18:49:55] Loading plugin: streamer.so [18:49:55] *** Streamer Plugin v2.7.8 by Incognito loaded *** [18:49:55] Loaded. [18:49:55] Loaded 5 plugins. [18:49:55] [18:49:55] Filterscripts [18:49:55] --------------- [18:49:55] Loaded 0 filterscripts. [18:49:55] SERVER: Der Server wurde erfolgreich gestartet [18:49:55] SERVER: Versucht die Verbindung zur Datenbank aufzubauen [18:49:55] OnGamemodeInt: LoadBiz (1ms) [18:49:55] OnGamemodeInt: LoadSBiz (0ms) [18:49:55] OnGamemodeInt: LoadTankenBiz (2ms) [18:49:55] OnGamemodeInt: LoadStuff (2ms) [18:49:55] OnGamemodeInt: LoadKassenInfo (0ms) [18:49:55] OnGamemodeInt: LoadGangfightZones (1ms) [18:49:55] OnGamemodeInt: LoadGangWarInfos (2ms) [18:49:55] OnGamemodeInt: LoadGangBNDInfos (0ms) [18:49:55] sscanf warning: String buffer overflow. [18:49:55] OnGamemodeInt: LoadHauser (2ms) [18:49:55] OnGamemodeInt: loadDynamicPickups (1ms) [18:49:55] OnGamemodeInt: loadDynamicMapIcons (0ms) [18:49:55] OnGamemodeInt: loadDynamicTextLabels (2ms) [18:49:55] OnGamemodeInt: loadGangWeapons (0ms) [18:49:55] OnGamemodeInt: loadAmmuWeapons (0ms) [18:49:55] OnGamemodeInt: loadHausWeapons (0ms) [18:49:55] OnGamemodeInt: LoadFactionVehicles (3ms) [18:49:55] Totaltime taken to load MySQL Stuffs: 16sm [18:49:55] Beginne Autos zu spawnen [18:49:55] Autos wurden erfolgreich Geladen und Gespawnt [18:49:55] 3DTexte erfolgreich Geladen [18:49:55] [18:49:55] [18:49:55] Project-RedBull [18:49:55] _____________________ [18:49:55] Project-RedBull erfolgreich geladen! [18:49:55] [18:49:55] Number of vehicle models: 80 [18:49:55] [connection] requests connection cookie. [18:49:55] [connection] requests connection cookie. [18:49:55] [connection] requests connection cookie. [18:49:55] [connection] requests connection cookie. [18:49:55] [connection] requests connection cookie. [18:49:56] [connection] requests connection cookie. [18:49:56] [connection] requests connection cookie. [18:49:56] [connection] requests connection cookie. [18:49:56] [connection] incoming connection: id: 0 [18:49:56] [connection] incoming connection: id: 1 [18:49:56] [connection] incoming connection: id: 2 [18:49:56] [npc:join] Drogendealer has joined the server (0: [18:49:56] [connection] incoming connection: id: 3 [18:49:56] [npc:join] Mitarbeiter has joined the server (1: [18:49:56] [npc:join] Coinshop has joined the server (2: [18:49:56] [connection] incoming connection: id: 4 [18:49:57] [npc:join] Stadthalle has joined the server (3: [18:49:57] [connection] incoming connection: id: 5 [18:49:57] [npc:join] BSN has joined the server (4: [18:49:57] [connection] incoming connection: id: 6 [18:49:57] [npc:join] Dimitri has joined the server (5: [18:49:57] [connection] incoming connection: id: 7 [18:49:57] [npc:join] Manfred has joined the server (6: [18:49:57] [npc:join] Nico has joined the server (7: [18:50:07] Der Server wurde für Spieler freigegeben! [18:50:56] [connection] requests connection cookie. [18:50:57] [connection] incoming connection: id: 8 [18:50:58] [join] AroX has joined the server (8: [18:51:06] AroX hat sich eingeloggt. [ID: 8] [18:51:37] sscanf warning: Strings without a length are deprecated, please add a destination size. [18:51:37] [debug] Run time error 5: "Invalid memory access" [18:51:37] [debug] AMX backtrace: [18:51:37] [debug] #0 00000020 in public ocmd_werbetafel () from WB.amx [18:51:37] [debug] #1 native CallLocalFunction () from samp7010_5510 [18:51:37] [debug] #2 0000480c in public OnPlayerCommandText (8, 12846872) from WB.amx [18:51:38] sscanf warning: Strings without a length are deprecated, please add a destination size. [18:51:38] [debug] Run time error 5: "Invalid memory access" [18:51:38] [debug] AMX backtrace: [18:51:38] [debug] #0 00000020 in public ocmd_werbetafel () from WB.amx [18:51:38] [debug] #1 native CallLocalFunction () from samp7010_5510 [18:51:38] [debug] #2 0000480c in public OnPlayerCommandText (8, 12846872) from WB.amx
MAX_WERBETAFELN hat den Wert 4
Guten Tag,
bei meinem Werbetafelsystem funktioniert der Command nicht so wirklich.
Wenn ich /werbetafel eingebe kommt zwar "Benutzung: /werbetafel [werbung]".
Aber wenn ich /werbetafel Testwerbung
Oder ähnliches eingebe kommt "Der Befehl /werbetafel existiert nicht".C
Alles anzeigenocmd:werbetafel(playerid,params[]) { new wwtext[55],tafeln; if(sscanf(params,"s",wwtext))return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_ERRORTEXT,"Benutzung: /werbetafel [Werbung]"); if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pLevel]>=3) { if(strlen(wwtext)<=50) { if(GivePlayerMoney(playerid)>=strlen(wwtext)*500) { if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid,200,1541.18225, -1609.68896, 20.89506)) { tafeln=0; if(WerbeTafel[tafeln][wrent]==0) { format(WerbeTafel[tafeln][wtext],55,"%s",wwtext); WerbeTafel[tafeln][wrent]=1; GivePlayerMoney(playerid,-strlen(wwtext)*500); //FraktionsKasse[8]+=strlen(wwtext)*500; createwerbetafel(playerid); } } else if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid,100,1352.12415, -914.61041, 46.74793)) { tafeln=1; if(WerbeTafel[tafeln][wrent]==0) { format(WerbeTafel[tafeln][wtext],55,"%s",wwtext); WerbeTafel[tafeln][wrent]=1; GivePlayerMoney(playerid,-strlen(wwtext)*500); createwerbetafel(playerid); //FraktionsKasse[8]+=strlen(wwtext)*500; } } else if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid,100,1370.27332, -1281.22900, 33.03162)) { tafeln=2; if(WerbeTafel[tafeln][wrent]==0) { format(WerbeTafel[tafeln][wtext],55,"%s",wwtext); WerbeTafel[tafeln][wrent]=1; GivePlayerMoney(playerid,-strlen(wwtext)*500); //FraktionsKasse[8]+=strlen(wwtext)*500; createwerbetafel(playerid); } } else if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid,200,1808.40674, -1692.30286, 27.14870)) { tafeln=3; if(WerbeTafel[tafeln][wrent]==0) { format(WerbeTafel[tafeln][wtext],55,"%s",wwtext); WerbeTafel[tafeln][wrent]=1; GivePlayerMoney(playerid,-strlen(wwtext)*500); createwerbetafel(playerid); //FraktionsKasse[8]+=strlen(wwtext)*500; } } else { SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR_ERRORTEXT,"Du bist nicht in der Nähe einer Werbetafel!"); } } } else { SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR_ERRORTEXT,"Der Text ist zu lang!"); } } else { SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR_ERRORTEXT,"/werbetafel erst ab Level 3 möglich"); } return 1; }
AroX -
Mh, was genau ist bei der Registration mit Sicherheitsfrage gemeint?
Egal was ich eintippe dauerhaft bekomme ich diese Fehlermeldung "Ihre Angaben sind ungültig. Bitte überprüfen Sie die markierten Eingabefelder.".//EDIT
Hat nun geklappt, ich habe aber die "behinderts**" Sicherheitsfrage genommen die überhaupt möglich ist.
Seid neusten bei BladeTec.de , und ich muss sagen der Support ist sehr schnell und das Control Panel ist der Oberhammer. *-*
Zumal gehen sie wirklich auf die Kunden ein, und machen einem Top Angebote etc.