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    Hey Leute, ich mache bei einem recht vielversprechendem Projekt für einen Rollenspielserver mit und wollte euch die Möglichkeit zur Mitwirkung nicht nehmen :D

    Beachtet bitte dass das nur der zitierte Post vom Projektleiter ist. Da das ganze international aufgestellt wird auch auf Englisch. Solltet ihr Englisch nicht verstehen, wäre das sowieso ein Ausschlusskriterium. :P
    Bei Interesse erreicht ihr ihn in Discord unter ermachtdenbeat#4860


    TL;DR: Amazing server in early development stages looking for Graphic Designers, Community Architects and one more Developer (C# and/or JS). We're also looking for testers - currently for our alpha!

    Hello everyone,

    me any my team of 7 are currently building a new GTA5 server community. I know, many are doing so these days, but you want to keep reading, because this is gonna be the real thing.

    The first server we're going to focus on is a roleplaying server. Once that is done, we will offer more servers with other game modes. This posts is focusing on the roleplay server for now.

    You need to know that I won't waste your time, so let me convince you:
    I built several successful communities (professionally and privately) over the past 12 years. During the other half of my career I have been in a senior position as a region manager, which included sales responsibility and (more importantly) marketing, PR and leadership skills. So I'd say that management-wise this project is in good hands, no?

    Past and current paid jobs in the gaming industry:

    • Community Manager (5 years in a 2+ million user gaming community, 4 years in other communities)
    • Marketing Manager (DACH)
    • Senior Region Manager (DACH)
    • Community Strategist (Freelancing)

    Now that we have that out of our way, let's continue: My experience with other servers is that you timeout, face amateurish roleplayers and have incomplete features while the one thing that always works is the donation button. |(

    I don't like that attitude. I get that it's a hobby for all of us, but in my opinion you can't promise the world, take donations and then offer an unplayable (in many aspects, not just technical) server. I want to get rid of the things that kill the joy of playing GTA with others, so here is my server:

    • Powerful infrastructure: Most server owners are students with student income (guess why the donations have highest priority). I've been working for the last 12 years, I am a passionate gamer with IT background and a senior level income. I'm sure you can imagine what that means. If not: In our current stage (early development), we already clustered as much as possible: 4 machines in 3 datacenters and Microsoft Azure. You can get the idea of what we will have once we go live.
    • An actual enjoyable experience that lasts: The biggest mistake every other server is doing is to assume that it is enough to throw a player into some eye-candy environment and tell him to obey the roleplaying rules.
    • I think that a server has to offer roleplay as something a player can dive into. Tell a story, let players participate and let them decide whether to dive in or not. I don't like that players are on their own when they join a server. We will have three factions led by our Community Architects. Those factions are not only providing an entry into the life on our server, but will be a constant variable (heh, programmer joke) throughout the gameplay on our server. They're part of the story that we and our players will tell.

      That doesn't mean that players will have to follow that idea. Factions operated by players will still be there and will continue to be a viable option, since we will introduce an overhauled gang and faction system.

    • Admins with the right utilities: We're implementing a vast amount of features for our game admins for a very simple reason: The more features they have, the higher the chances that nothing can disrupt the gameplay experience on our server. It doesn't matter if a cheater can manage to circumvent our measures taken against them. Anything can be easily undone in order to preserve the most important things, like a true player-run economy.
    • Economy done right: Mike fishes fish and sells it to the fish plant. The fish plant produces tuna cans with it, which the store will buy in order to sell it to either a player or a restaurant, where the player can buy a tuna sandwich. If Mike doesn't fish, the fish plant won't produce tuna cans and so on and so forth. And those tuna cans, if produced, won't magically end up at the restaurant. Doug needs to get his lazy delivery-guy ass up to take it from the fish plant to the (player-owned) restaurant. If Doug doesn't work, there is no tuna for anyone.
      Another aspect is that money won't magically pop up somewhere. Business owners pay employees an hourly rate. No more commission basis jobs. Even the government has a bank account with a specific amount of money on it. Will you be part of the virtual 99% or the virtual 1%?

    There is a lot more to tell, but I feel like I've given other servers too many good ideas already.

    I want you to join because you like doing what you do and you love to look at what you did: something with quality. I'm not only talking about the content or the server itself, but also about the community and how it's built.

    In short, I imagine

    • A very helpful and open community
    • Quality roleplay without the need of hardcore-RP
    • Down-to-earth cops, admins and mods
    • Very clear and streamlined rules, no misunderstandings, no room for interpretation

    I want people to have a rewarding experience. I want them to feel a thrill of anticipation when they think about playing on our server. This server will be heaven for passionate roleplayers (and remember: I am not talking about hardcore roleplay. Just quality roleplay).

    What I want to build differs from most of the projects you have been seeing here. And as I said, I want you to join for the right reasons. But nevertheless, proceedings won't be kept by me, but will be put in the hands of the team after covering the running costs.

    I am looking for (# still needed):

    • Graphic Designer (1)
    • Community Architect (1)
      The community Architect is an amazing concept that I am very excited about. I don't want to go into the specifics here. But if you're a great Roleplayer and you like to interact with players, write fascinating stories and be part of something fun and amazing, this is absolutely for you. CAs are also the people who run the three staff-led criminal factions on our server. Although they don't need to. We also have CAs who just take care of general roleplay-related things.
    • Developer (C#/Node.js) (1)

    I won't tell you how to apply, because I expect common sense from the people I am starting this awesome project with. So bring it on! Send me a PM or post here - whatever you feel comfortable with.

    You like what you just read? Ask your questions here or over Discord (ermachtdenbeat#4860) or visit us at!

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    Hi Blizzn danke für deine Antwort also aktuell mach ich alles über die eingabekonsole von Windows ich hatte vor Ewigkeiten composer installiert. Aber denkst du das macht so ein großen Unterschied ?

    Hm eine VM auszusetzen wäre auch eine gute Idee, haha ich hab zwar nix gegen meinen Laptop aber mein PC ist doch eine große Ecke schneller. Anscheinend hast davon Ahnung du nutzst wahrscheinlich iOS auf einem Mac ?

    Ich entwickel hauptsächlich auf dem Mac (sowohl Android als auch iOS) und teilweise unter Ubuntu, auf Windows ist es einfach immer ein Krampf wenn man nicht gerade mit Visual Studio arbeiten kann.
    Ich hab die Erfahrung gemacht, dass über die Git Bash (wird mit Git mitinstalliert) die meisten Tools besser funktionieren. Ansonsten mal die üblichen Grundlagen (Node, NPM, Ruby, PHP, etc.) updaten bzw. die empfohlenen Versionen installieren.

    ein paar mehr persönliche Informationen wären super. Name, Alter und wie lange du sowas schon machst.

    Steht alles in meinem Profil, deshalb habe ich es auch hier nicht nochmal extra wiederholt. Angefangen habe ich mit 14, sind also fast 9 Jahre in denen ich das mache.

    Verlangst du dafür Gegenleistungen ?

    Nein, hier suche ich nur ein Hobbyprojekt bei dem ich als Teammitglied mitwirke.

    Eine Grundsatzfrage: wie gut schätzt Du dich selber in Hinblick auf PHP und Javascript ein?

    Sehr gut, mit den neuen Features seit PHP7 bin ich noch nicht sehr vertraut, alles andere kenne ich wie meine Westentasche. Mit Javascript im Frontend-Bereich arbeite ich seit über 8 Jahren, im Backend (sprich: NodeJS) erst seit ein paar Monaten.

    Ah vielen Dank, habe grade noch versucht die eckigen Klammern darum zu entfernen, es wird jedoch nichts ausgegeben, liegt es am array?

    Einfach mit str_replace und trim arbeiten:

    So passts

    Der Geschmack hängt teilweise trotzdem vom Gemisch ab. Bei mehr VG, kommt mehr Geschmack bei PG mehr Dampf. Da muss man die beste Mischung finden.

    Ich dosiere immer nach Empfehlung. :)

    Genau andersrum. VG = dichter Dampf, PG = mehr Geschmack.

    Ich dampfe jetzt seit 2 Jahren, bin von über einer Schachtel Kippen am Tag auf 24mg Liquid umgestiegen und hab es kontinuierlich bis auf 1mg gesenkt. Liquid mische ich nur noch selber, meistens 80/20 VG/PG, zur Zeit ist Pfirsich Tee mein Standard-Liquid.

    Ich hab eine IPV2, eine selbstgebaute DNA40 (Temperature Control) Box, einen Nemesis Clone und noch ein paar alte EGO Akkus (damit habe ich angefangen). Verdampfer benutze ich vor allem den Velocity und den Marquis. Ich habe auch noch ein Lemo und einen Kayfun v4, aber die Tanks können geschmacklich einfach nicht mithalten, da sind mir die Tröpfler lieber. Demnächst werd ich mir wohl eine neue Box holen, vielleicht die Vaporflask.