Beiträge von BlacK.

    Ich bin nach der suche nach nem Plugin Globale Ankündigung
    aber dies sollte halt nicht wie dem Original entsprechen sondern
    SAMP Name | Teamspeak
    IP: | ip
    Useranzahl | Useranzahl

    also da sollten solche dinger getrennt sein oder so ;)

    hoffentlich versteht ihr.


    //edit: Bild:

    Alles Komplet von xampp gelöscht immer noch:

    16:55:18 [main] Initializing Control Panel
    16:55:18 [main] Windows Version: Windows 7 Home Premium SP1 64-bit
    16:55:18 [main] XAMPP Version: 1.8.3
    16:55:18 [main] Control Panel Version: 3.2.1 [ Compiled: May 7th 2013 ]
    16:55:18 [main] You are not running with administrator rights! This will work for
    16:55:18 [main] most application stuff but whenever you do something with services
    16:55:18 [main] there will be a security dialogue or things will break! So think
    16:55:18 [main] about running this application with administrator rights!
    16:55:18 [main] XAMPP Installation Directory: "c:\xampp\"
    16:55:18 [main] Checking for prerequisites
    16:55:29 [main] All prerequisites found
    16:55:29 [main] Initializing Modules
    16:55:30 [Apache] Apache Service detected with wrong path
    16:55:30 [Apache] Change XAMPP Apache and Control Panel settings or
    16:55:30 [Apache] Uninstall/disable the other service manually first
    16:55:30 [Apache] Found Path: "C:\program files (x86)\xampp\apache\bin\httpd.exe" -k runservice
    16:55:30 [Apache] Expected Path: "c:\xampp\apache\bin\httpd.exe" -k runservice
    16:55:30 [code=sql] MySQL Service detected with wrong path
    16:55:30 [code=sql] Change XAMPP MySQL and Control Panel settings or
    16:55:30 [code=sql] Uninstall/disable the other service manually first
    16:55:30 [code=sql] Found Path: "C:\program files (x86)\xampp\mysql\bin\mysqld.exe" --defaults-file="c:\program files (x86)\xampp\mysql\bin\my.ini" mysql
    16:55:30 [code=sql] Expected Path: c:\xampp\mysql\bin\mysqld.exe --defaults-file=c:\xampp\mysql\bin\my.ini mysql
    16:55:30 [main] Starting Check-Timer
    16:55:30 [main] Control Panel Ready

    15:30:58 [main] Initializing Control Panel
    15:30:58 [main] Windows Version: Windows 7 Home Premium SP1 64-bit
    15:30:58 [main] XAMPP Version: 1.8.3
    15:30:58 [main] Control Panel Version: 3.2.1 [ Compiled: May 7th 2013 ]
    15:30:58 [main] You are not running with administrator rights! This will work for
    15:30:58 [main] most application stuff but whenever you do something with services
    15:30:58 [main] there will be a security dialogue or things will break! So think
    15:30:58 [main] about running this application with administrator rights!
    15:30:58 [main] XAMPP Installation Directory: "c:\neuexamppmodus\"
    15:30:58 [main] Checking for prerequisites
    15:30:58 [main] All prerequisites found
    15:30:58 [main] Initializing Modules
    15:30:58 [Apache] Apache Service detected with wrong path
    15:30:58 [Apache] Change XAMPP Apache and Control Panel settings or
    15:30:58 [Apache] Uninstall/disable the other service manually first
    15:30:58 [Apache] Found Path: "C:\program files (x86)\xampp\apache\bin\httpd.exe" -k runservice
    15:30:58 [Apache] Expected Path: "c:\neuexamppmodus\apache\bin\httpd.exe" -k runservice
    15:30:58 [code=sql] MySQL Service detected with wrong path
    15:30:58 [code=sql] Change XAMPP MySQL and Control Panel settings or
    15:30:58 [code=sql] Uninstall/disable the other service manually first
    15:30:58 [code=sql] Found Path: "C:\program files (x86)\xampp\mysql\bin\mysqld.exe" --defaults-file="c:\program files (x86)\xampp\mysql\bin\my.ini" mysql
    15:30:58 [code=sql] Expected Path: c:\neuexamppmodus\mysql\bin\mysqld.exe --defaults-file=c:\neuexamppmodus\mysql\bin\my.ini mysql

    15:30:58 [main] Starting Check-Timer
    15:30:58 [main] Control Panel Ready

    Wenn ich etwas starten will gehts einfach nicht, Wobei kann das problem liegen?

    Hab mir einfach mal was Sinnloses ausgedacht wie wäre es wen wir hier einfach mal die Flappy Birdh rekorde von euch "Bild" Mal posten würden?
    es Sollten 2Bilder sein einmal 2Punkte und einmal Mehr Punkte damit es nicht aus Google kopiert ist:)

    Fang ich mal an: