Beiträge von Marschl
Alles anzeigen<?php /** * CodeIgniter * * An open source application development framework for PHP * * This content is released under the MIT License (MIT) * * Copyright (c) 2014 - 2019, British Columbia Institute of Technology * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. * * @package CodeIgniter * @author EllisLab Dev Team * @copyright Copyright (c) 2008 - 2014, EllisLab, Inc. ( * @copyright Copyright (c) 2014 - 2019, British Columbia Institute of Technology ( * @license MIT License * @link * @since Version 1.0.0 * @filesource */ /* *--------------------------------------------------------------- * APPLICATION ENVIRONMENT *--------------------------------------------------------------- * * You can load different configurations depending on your * current environment. Setting the environment also influences * things like logging and error reporting. * * This can be set to anything, but default usage is: * * development * testing * production * * NOTE: If you change these, also change the error_reporting() code below */ define('ENVIRONMENT', isset($_SERVER['CI_ENV']) ? $_SERVER['CI_ENV'] : 'development'); /* *--------------------------------------------------------------- * ERROR REPORTING *--------------------------------------------------------------- * * Different environments will require different levels of error reporting. * By default development will show errors but testing and live will hide them. */ switch (ENVIRONMENT) { case 'development': error_reporting(-1); ini_set('display_errors', 1); break; case 'testing': case 'production': ini_set('display_errors', 0); if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.3', '>=')) { error_reporting(E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE & ~E_DEPRECATED & ~E_STRICT & ~E_USER_NOTICE & ~E_USER_DEPRECATED); } else { error_reporting(E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE & ~E_STRICT & ~E_USER_NOTICE); } break; default: header('HTTP/1.1 503 Service Unavailable.', TRUE, 503); echo 'The application environment is not set correctly.'; exit(1); // EXIT_ERROR } /* *--------------------------------------------------------------- * SYSTEM DIRECTORY NAME *--------------------------------------------------------------- * * This variable must contain the name of your "system" directory. * Set the path if it is not in the same directory as this file. */ $system_path = 'system'; /* *--------------------------------------------------------------- * APPLICATION DIRECTORY NAME *--------------------------------------------------------------- * * If you want this front controller to use a different "application" * directory than the default one you can set its name here. The directory * can also be renamed or relocated anywhere on your server. If you do, * use an absolute (full) server path. * For more info please see the user guide: * * * * NO TRAILING SLASH! */ $application_folder = 'application'; /* *--------------------------------------------------------------- * VIEW DIRECTORY NAME *--------------------------------------------------------------- * * If you want to move the view directory out of the application * directory, set the path to it here. The directory can be renamed * and relocated anywhere on your server. If blank, it will default * to the standard location inside your application directory. * If you do move this, use an absolute (full) server path. * * NO TRAILING SLASH! */ $view_folder = ''; /* * -------------------------------------------------------------------- * DEFAULT CONTROLLER * -------------------------------------------------------------------- * * Normally you will set your default controller in the routes.php file. * You can, however, force a custom routing by hard-coding a * specific controller class/function here. For most applications, you * WILL NOT set your routing here, but it's an option for those * special instances where you might want to override the standard * routing in a specific front controller that shares a common CI installation. * * IMPORTANT: If you set the routing here, NO OTHER controller will be * callable. In essence, this preference limits your application to ONE * specific controller. Leave the function name blank if you need * to call functions dynamically via the URI. * * Un-comment the $routing array below to use this feature */ // The directory name, relative to the "controllers" directory. Leave blank // if your controller is not in a sub-directory within the "controllers" one // $routing['directory'] = ''; // The controller class file name. Example: mycontroller // $routing['controller'] = ''; // The controller function you wish to be called. // $routing['function'] = ''; /* * ------------------------------------------------------------------- * CUSTOM CONFIG VALUES * ------------------------------------------------------------------- * * The $assign_to_config array below will be passed dynamically to the * config class when initialized. This allows you to set custom config * items or override any default config values found in the config.php file. * This can be handy as it permits you to share one application between * multiple front controller files, with each file containing different * config values. * * Un-comment the $assign_to_config array below to use this feature */ // $assign_to_config['name_of_config_item'] = 'value of config item'; // -------------------------------------------------------------------- // END OF USER CONFIGURABLE SETTINGS. DO NOT EDIT BELOW THIS LINE // -------------------------------------------------------------------- /* * --------------------------------------------------------------- * Resolve the system path for increased reliability * --------------------------------------------------------------- */ // Set the current directory correctly for CLI requests if (defined('STDIN')) { chdir(dirname(__FILE__)); } if (($_temp = realpath($system_path)) !== FALSE) { $system_path = $_temp.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; } else { // Ensure there's a trailing slash $system_path = strtr( rtrim($system_path, '/\\'), '/\\', DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR ).DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; } // Is the system path correct? if ( ! is_dir($system_path)) { header('HTTP/1.1 503 Service Unavailable.', TRUE, 503); echo 'Your system folder path does not appear to be set correctly. Please open the following file and correct this: '.pathinfo(__FILE__, PATHINFO_BASENAME); exit(3); // EXIT_CONFIG } /* * ------------------------------------------------------------------- * Now that we know the path, set the main path constants * ------------------------------------------------------------------- */ // The name of THIS file define('SELF', pathinfo(__FILE__, PATHINFO_BASENAME)); // Path to the system directory define('BASEPATH', $system_path); // Path to the front controller (this file) directory define('FCPATH', dirname(__FILE__).DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR); // Name of the "system" directory define('SYSDIR', basename(BASEPATH)); // The path to the "application" directory if (is_dir($application_folder)) { if (($_temp = realpath($application_folder)) !== FALSE) { $application_folder = $_temp; } else { $application_folder = strtr( rtrim($application_folder, '/\\'), '/\\', DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR ); } } elseif (is_dir(BASEPATH.$application_folder.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR)) { $application_folder = BASEPATH.strtr( trim($application_folder, '/\\'), '/\\', DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR ); } else { header('HTTP/1.1 503 Service Unavailable.', TRUE, 503); echo 'Your application folder path does not appear to be set correctly. Please open the following file and correct this: '.SELF; exit(3); // EXIT_CONFIG } define('APPPATH', $application_folder.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR); // The path to the "views" directory if ( ! isset($view_folder[0]) && is_dir(APPPATH.'views'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR)) { $view_folder = APPPATH.'views'; } elseif (is_dir($view_folder)) { if (($_temp = realpath($view_folder)) !== FALSE) { $view_folder = $_temp; } else { $view_folder = strtr( rtrim($view_folder, '/\\'), '/\\', DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR ); } } elseif (is_dir(APPPATH.$view_folder.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR)) { $view_folder = APPPATH.strtr( trim($view_folder, '/\\'), '/\\', DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR ); } else { header('HTTP/1.1 503 Service Unavailable.', TRUE, 503); echo 'Your view folder path does not appear to be set correctly. Please open the following file and correct this: '.SELF; exit(3); // EXIT_CONFIG } define('VIEWPATH', $view_folder.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR); /* * -------------------------------------------------------------------- * LOAD THE BOOTSTRAP FILE * -------------------------------------------------------------------- * * And away we go... */ require_once BASEPATH.'core/CodeIgniter.php';
Was für Code wird benötigt? Die .htaccess ist oben zu finden im Startpost
Nein? Die App kann ja so gebaut sein, das index.php/login geht.
Dein Problem liegt im index.php rewrite.
hast du eine Idee wie ich das rewrite denn richtig setze?
Das UCP liegt im httpdocs/ (standartverzeichnis bei netcup).
Wie finde ich herraus ob Ajax getriggert wird?
Nein tatsächlich nicht. Sobald ich aufrufe bekomme ich das Loginfenster gezeigt..
Ich gehe mal nicht davon aus das es am php Code liegt. Der Webserver läuft mit der gleichen PHP Version wie lokal und lokal geht ja alles ohne Fehler.
Moin zusammen,
ich habe mir ein kleines UCP anfertigen lassen und hab es nun lokal ausprobiert und getestet. Da hat alles prima funktioniert.
Nach dem Upload auf mein Webserver wurde ich wenn ich beispielsweiße auf den Login Button geklickt habe zu weitergeleitet
und nicht zu Wenn ich die Loginseite dann so Aufrufe ist sie auch sichbar. Logge ich mich aber ein wird die
URL wieder verfälscht.
Ich hoffe jemand kann mir helfen
//PUSH 25.03.2021
Moin zusammen
aktuell bin ich auf der suche nach einem Entwicker für meinen AltV Gamemode. Es handelt sich um kleinere Dinge( mehr Infos gibts per PN )
Du solltest können: JS, HTML, CSS / umgang mit vuejs
Die höhe der Vergütung würde ich privat aushandeln
Mit freundlichen GrüßenMarschl
Antminer S5+
Antminer S17 -
ich habe mir einen Bitmain Antminer U1 gekauft um ihm an meinem Raspberry Pi autark zu betreiben.
Leider scheitere ich bereits am Windows PC mit dem cgminer. Der Worker connectet zu meinem Pool aber es kommt keine Hashrate an.
eventuell kann mir vllt jemand weiter helfen
Mit freundlichen GrüßenMarschl
Ich will mich ja nicht beschweren aber die Server Werbung hat null Aussagekraft und gibt das Projekt nicht wieder. Du hast den Server in einem Satz beschrieben….
Ein „wenig“ MEHR Informationen zu dem Projekt wäre ein Schritt vor raus. So werdet ihr sicherlich keine wachsende Community aufbauen wenn ihr das Projekt so fortführt
Dafür musste jeder user seinen Instagram Namen eingeben damit du abfragen kannst ob der Instagram Account vom User deinem Insta folgt.
ja das ist mir klar habe gedacht eventuell gibt es da einen bot der dann auf dem account checkt ob er folgt oder ähnliches
gibt es einen Discord Bot der checken kann ob ein User einem Instagram Account folgt und ihm dann eine Rolle zuweisen b.z entfernen kann?
dankegruß marschl
Anycubic Mega X
2 Kilo Filament
Du hast in der server.cfg sccanf stehen sscanfheißt es aber.
Moin zusammen,
und zwar habe ich aktuell folgendes Problem:
Alles anzeigen[23:16:29] filterscripts = "" (string) [23:16:29] weburl = "" (string) [23:16:29] [23:16:29] Server Plugins [23:16:29] -------------- [23:16:29] Loading plugin: [23:16:29] CrashDetect plugin 4.20 [23:16:29] Loaded. [23:16:29] Loading plugin: [23:16:29] >> plugin.mysql: R41-4 successfully loaded. [23:16:29] Loaded. [23:16:29] Loading plugin: [23:16:29] Failed (plugins/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory) [23:16:29] Loaded 2 plugins. [23:16:29] [23:16:29] Filterscripts [23:16:29] --------------- [23:16:29] Loaded 0 filterscripts. [23:16:29] [debug] Run time error 19: "File or function is not found" [23:16:29] [debug] SSCANF_Init [23:16:29] [debug] SSCANF_IsConnected [23:16:29] [debug] SSCANF_Join [23:16:29] [debug] SSCANF_Leave [23:16:29] [debug] sscanf [23:16:29] [debug] Run time error 19: "File or function is not found" [23:16:29] [debug] SSCANF_Init [23:16:29] [debug] SSCANF_IsConnected [23:16:29] [debug] SSCANF_Join [23:16:29] [debug] SSCANF_Leave [23:16:29] [debug] sscanf [23:16:29] Script[gamemodes/Reallife.amx]: Run time error 19: "File or function is not found" [23:16:29] Number of vehicle models: 0
Benutze die aktuellste Serverversion und ebenso das aktuellste Plugin.
Auf dem Localhost(Windows) läuft es ohne Probleme. Jedoch auf meinem Linux Server kommen allerdings diese Error's.
Grüße Marschl
Im Bett schlafend