Beiträge von Rolex_
Ich habe einen Killzähler gemacht doch Ingame wird es zwar ausgelesen aber die API des GetZone/CityNAme wird nicht ausgelesen.
CodeNumpad0:: IniRead, Kills, Killzähler.ini, Gesamte Kills, Kills Kills++ IniWrite, %Kills%, Killzähler.ini, Gesamte Kills, Kills GetCityName(Stadt) GetZoneName(Bezirk) SendInput t/f Ich habe soeben einen Feind in %Stadt% %Bezirk% gekill. Gesamte Kills: %Kills% {enter} return
Alles anzeigen#NoEnv ; UGBASE.EU ; Error-Codes API_ERROR_NONE := 0 API_ERROR_SNAPSHOT_FAILED := 1 API_ERROR_SAMP_NOT_FOUND := 2 API_ERROR_REMOTE_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_FAILED := 3 API_ERROR_WRITEPROCESSMEMORY_FAILED := 4 API_ERROR_GETPROCADDRESS_FAILED := 5 API_ERROR_REMOTETHREAD_FAILED := 6 API_ERROR_INVALID_GTA_HANDLE := 7 API_ERROR_PIPE_DOESNT_RESPOND := 8 API_ERROR_STRING_TOO_LONG := 9 PLAYER_STATE_LEAVING_VEHICLE := 0 PLAYER_STATE_NORMAL := 1 PLAYER_STATE_DRIVING := 50 PLAYER_STATE_DYING := 54 PLAYER_STATE_DEAD := 55 CALLBACK_HEAL := 0 CALLBACK_ARMOR := 1 CALLBACK_POSITION := 2 CALLBACK_ENTEREXIT := 3 CALLBACK_VEHICLE_ENTEREXIT := 4 CALLBACK_VEHICLE_HEALTH := 5 CALLBACK_VEHICLE_ENGINE := 6 CALLBACK_VEHICLE_LOCK := 7 CALLBACK_VEHICLE_SPEED := 8 CALLBACK_WEAPON_CLIP := 9 CALLBACK_WEAPON_TOTALCLIP := 10 CALLBACK_WEAPON_SWITCH := 11 CALLBACK_CHATLOG := 12 PATH_API := RelToAbs(A_ScriptDir, "API.dll") hModule := DllCall("LoadLibrary", Str, PATH_API) if(hModule == -1 || hModule == 0) { MsgBox, 48, API - Fehler, Die API.dll konnte nicht gefunden werden.`nDer Keybinder wird nun beendet. ExitApp } ; Funktionsadressen in der DLL Init_func := DllCall("GetProcAddress", UInt, hModule, Str, "API_Init") SetParam_func := DllCall("GetProcAddress", UInt, hModule, Str, "API_SetParam") ReadMemory_func := DllCall("GetProcAddress", UInt, hModule, Str, "API_ReadMemory") WriteMemory_func := DllCall("GetProcAddress", UInt, hModule, Str, "API_WriteMemory") GetBasePointer_func := DllCall("GetProcAddress", UInt, hModule, Str, "API_GetBasePointer") GetCommandLine_func := DllCall("GetProcAddress", UInt, hModule, Str, "API_GetCommandLine") GetLastError_func := DllCall("GetProcAddress", UInt, hModule, Str, "API_GetLastError") SetLastError_func := DllCall("GetProcAddress", UInt, hModule, Str, "API_SetLastError") SendChat_func := DllCall("GetProcAddress", UInt, hModule, Str, "API_SendChat") ShowGameText_func := DllCall("GetProcAddress", UInt, hModule, Str, "API_ShowGameText") AddChatMessage_func := DllCall("GetProcAddress", UInt, hModule, Str, "API_AddChatMessage") ShowDialog_func := DllCall("GetProcAddress", UInt, hModule, Str, "API_ShowDialog") IsDialogOpen_func := DllCall("GetProcAddress", UInt, hModule, Str, "API_IsDialogOpen") GetLastDialogId_func := DllCall("GetProcAddress", UInt, hModule, Str, "API_GetLastDialogId") GetLastDialogType_func := DllCall("GetProcAddress", UInt, hModule, Str, "API_GetLastDialogType") BlockChatInput_func := DllCall("GetProcAddress", UInt, hModule, Str, "API_BlockChatInput") GetChatLine_func := DllCall("GetProcAddress", UInt, hModule, Str, "API_GetChatLine") GetChatLineFromFile_func:= DllCall("GetProcAddress", UInt, hModule, Str, "API_GetChatLineFromFile") IsChatOpen_func := DllCall("GetProcAddress", UInt, hModule, Str, "API_IsChatOpen") GetScreenSizeX_func := DllCall("GetProcAddress", UInt, hModule, Str, "API_GetScreenSizeX") GetScreenSizeY_func := DllCall("GetProcAddress", UInt, hModule, Str, "API_GetScreenSizeY") GetFramerate_func := DllCall("GetProcAddress", UInt, hModule, Str, "API_GetFramerate") GetCurrentWeatherId_func := DllCall("GetProcAddress", UInt, hModule, Str, "API_GetCurrentWeatherId") GetZoneName(Bezirkname)_func := DllCall("GetProcAddress", UInt, hModule, Str, "API_GetZoneName") GetCityName(Stadtname)_func := DllCall("GetProcAddress", UInt, hModule, Str, "API_GetCityName") GetZoneNameByCoords_func:= DllCall("GetProcAddress", UInt, hModule, Str, "API_GetZoneNameByCoords") GetCityNameByCoords_func:= DllCall("GetProcAddress", UInt, hModule, Str, "API_GetCityNameByCoords") GetMarkerPos_func := DllCall("GetProcAddress", UInt, hModule, Str, "API_GetMarkerPos") GetLastMousePosOnMenuMap_func := DllCall("GetProcAddress", UInt, hModule, Str, "API_GetLastMousePosOnMenuMap") GetMapMarkerPos_func := DllCall("GetProcAddress", UInt, hModule, Str, "API_GetMapMarkerPos") FindGroundZForPosition_func := DllCall("GetProcAddress", UInt, hModule, Str, "API_FindGroundZForPosition") WorldToScreen_func := DllCall("GetProcAddress", UInt, hModule, Str, "API_WorldToScreen") ScreenToWorld_func := DllCall("GetProcAddress", UInt, hModule, Str, "API_ScreenToWorld") RegisterTextBind_func := DllCall("GetProcAddress", UInt, hModule, Str, "API_RegisterTextBind") UnregisterTextBind_func := DllCall("GetProcAddress", UInt, hModule, Str, "API_UnregisterTextBind") UnregisterAllTextBinds_func := DllCall("GetProcAddress", UInt, hModule, Str, "API_UnregisterAllTextBinds") TextBindTimer_func := DllCall("GetProcAddress", UInt, hModule, Str, "API_TextBindTimer") IsMenuOpen_func := DllCall("GetProcAddress", UInt, hModule, Str, "API_IsMenuOpen") GetPlayerId_func := DllCall("GetProcAddress", UInt, hModule, Str, "API_GetPlayerId") GetPlayerName_func := DllCall("GetProcAddress", UInt, hModule, Str, "API_GetPlayerName") GetServerIp_func := DllCall("GetProcAddress", UInt, hModule, Str, "API_GetServerIp") GetServerPort_func := DllCall("GetProcAddress", UInt, hModule, Str, "API_GetServerPort") ; ////////////////// ; CPed.h ; ////////////////// GetPlayerCPed_func := DllCall("GetProcAddress", UInt, hModule, Str, "API_GetPlayerCPed") GetPlayerHealth_func := DllCall("GetProcAddress", UInt, hModule, Str, "API_GetPlayerHealth") GetPlayerArmor_func := DllCall("GetProcAddress", UInt, hModule, Str, "API_GetPlayerArmor") GetPlayerMoney_func := DllCall("GetProcAddress", UInt, hModule, Str, "API_GetPlayerMoney") GetPlayerWanteds_func := DllCall("GetProcAddress", UInt, hModule, Str, "API_GetPlayerWanteds") GetPlayerPosition_func := DllCall("GetProcAddress", UInt, hModule, Str, "API_GetPlayerPosition") IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint_func := DllCall("GetProcAddress", UInt, hModule, Str, "API_IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint") IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint2D_func := DllCall("GetProcAddress", UInt, hModule, Str, "API_IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint2D") IsPlayerInAnyInterior_func := DllCall("GetProcAddress", UInt, hModule, Str, "API_IsPlayerInAnyInterior") IsPlayerFrozen_func := DllCall("GetProcAddress", UInt, hModule, Str, "API_IsPlayerFrozen") GetPlayerWeaponSlot_func := DllCall("GetProcAddress", UInt, hModule, Str, "API_GetPlayerWeaponSlot") GetPlayerWeaponId_func := DllCall("GetProcAddress", UInt, hModule, Str, "API_GetPlayerWeaponId") GetPlayerWeaponName_func := DllCall("GetProcAddress", UInt, hModule, Str, "API_GetPlayerWeaponName") GetPlayerWeaponClip_func := DllCall("GetProcAddress", UInt, hModule, Str, "API_GetPlayerWeaponClip") GetPlayerWeaponTotalClip_func := DllCall("GetProcAddress", UInt, hModule, Str, "API_GetPlayerWeaponTotalClip") GetPlayerWeaponState_func := DllCall("GetProcAddress", UInt, hModule, Str, "API_GetPlayerWeaponState") GetPlayerState_func := DllCall("GetProcAddress", UInt, hModule, Str, "API_GetPlayerState") ; ////////////////// ; Vehicle.h ; ////////////////// GetVehiclePointer_func := DllCall("GetProcAddress", UInt, hModule, Str, "API_GetVehiclePointer") GetVehicleModelId_func := DllCall("GetProcAddress", UInt, hModule, Str, "API_GetVehicleModelId") GetVehicleModelName_func := DllCall("GetProcAddress", UInt, hModule, Str, "API_GetVehicleModelName") GetVehicleModelNameById_func := DllCall("GetProcAddress", UInt, hModule, Str, "API_GetVehicleModelNameById") GetVehicleType_func := DllCall("GetProcAddress", UInt, hModule, Str, "API_GetVehicleType") GetVehicleHealth_func := DllCall("GetProcAddress", UInt, hModule, Str, "API_GetVehicleHealth") GetVehicleRadioStation_func := DllCall("GetProcAddress", UInt, hModule, Str, "API_GetVehicleRadioStation") GetVehicleRadioStationName_func := DllCall("GetProcAddress", UInt, hModule, Str, "API_GetVehicleRadioStationName") GetVehicleFreeSeats_func := DllCall("GetProcAddress", UInt, hModule, Str, "API_GetVehicleFreeSeats") GetVehicleSpeed_func := DllCall("GetProcAddress", UInt, hModule, Str, "API_GetVehicleSpeed") GetVehicleFirstColor_func := DllCall("GetProcAddress", UInt, hModule, Str, "API_GetVehicleFirstColor") GetVehicleSecondColor_func := DllCall("GetProcAddress", UInt, hModule, Str, "API_GetVehicleSecondColor") GetVehicleColor_func := DllCall("GetProcAddress", UInt, hModule, Str, "API_GetVehicleColor") GetVehicleColorRGB_func := DllCall("GetProcAddress", UInt, hModule, Str, "API_GetVehicleColorRGB") GetVehicleColorARGB_func := DllCall("GetProcAddress", UInt, hModule, Str, "API_GetVehicleColorARGB") IsPlayerInAnyVehicle_func := DllCall("GetProcAddress", UInt, hModule, Str, "API_IsPlayerInAnyVehicle") IsPlayerDriver_func := DllCall("GetProcAddress", UInt, hModule, Str, "API_IsPlayerDriver") IsPlayerPassenger_func := DllCall("GetProcAddress", UInt, hModule, Str, "API_IsPlayerPassenger") IsVehicleSeatUsed_func := DllCall("GetProcAddress", UInt, hModule, Str, "API_IsVehicleSeatUsed") IsVehicleLocked_func := DllCall("GetProcAddress", UInt, hModule, Str, "API_IsVehicleLocked") IsVehicleSirenEnabled_func := DllCall("GetProcAddress", UInt, hModule, Str, "API_IsVehicleSirenEnabled") IsVehicleHornEnabled_func := DllCall("GetProcAddress", UInt, hModule, Str, "API_IsVehicleHornEnabled") IsVehicleAlternateSirenEnabled_func := DllCall("GetProcAddress", UInt, hModule, Str, "API_IsVehicleAlternateSirenEnabled") IsVehicleEngineEnabled_func := DllCall("GetProcAddress", UInt, hModule, Str, "API_IsVehicleEngineEnabled") IsVehicleLightEnabled_func := DllCall("GetProcAddress", UInt, hModule, Str, "API_IsVehicleLightEnabled") IsPlayerInCar_func := DllCall("GetProcAddress", UInt, hModule, Str, "API_IsPlayerInCar") IsPlayerInPlane_func := DllCall("GetProcAddress", UInt, hModule, Str, "API_IsPlayerInPlane") IsPlayerInBoat_func := DllCall("GetProcAddress", UInt, hModule, Str, "API_IsPlayerInBoat") IsPlayerInTrain_func := DllCall("GetProcAddress", UInt, hModule, Str, "API_IsPlayerInTrain") IsPlayerInBike_func := DllCall("GetProcAddress", UInt, hModule, Str, "API_IsPlayerInBike") ; ////////////////// ; Draw ; ////////////////// TextCreate_func := DllCall("GetProcAddress", UInt, hModule, Str, "API_TextCreate") TextDestroy_func := DllCall("GetProcAddress", UInt, hModule, Str, "API_TextDestroy") TextSetShadow_func := DllCall("GetProcAddress", UInt, hModule, Str, "API_TextSetShadow") TextSetShown_func := DllCall("GetProcAddress", UInt, hModule, Str, "API_TextSetShown") TextSetColor_func := DllCall("GetProcAddress", UInt, hModule, Str, "API_TextSetColor") TextSetPos_func := DllCall("GetProcAddress", UInt, hModule, Str, "API_TextSetPos") TextSetString_func := DllCall("GetProcAddress", UInt, hModule, Str, "API_TextSetString") TextUpdate_func := DllCall("GetProcAddress", UInt, hModule, Str, "API_TextUpdate") BoxCreate_func := DllCall("GetProcAddress", UInt, hModule, Str, "API_BoxCreate") BoxDestroy_func := DllCall("GetProcAddress", UInt, hModule, Str, "API_BoxDestroy") BoxSetShown_func := DllCall("GetProcAddress", UInt, hModule, Str, "API_BoxSetShown") BoxSetBorder_func := DllCall("GetProcAddress", UInt, hModule, Str, "API_BoxSetBorder") BoxSetBorderColor_func := DllCall("GetProcAddress", UInt, hModule, Str, "API_BoxSetBorderColor") BoxSetColor_func := DllCall("GetProcAddress", UInt, hModule, Str, "API_BoxSetColor") BoxSetHeight_func := DllCall("GetProcAddress", UInt, hModule, Str, "API_BoxSetHeight") BoxSetPos_func := DllCall("GetProcAddress", UInt, hModule, Str, "API_BoxSetPos") BoxSetWidth_func := DllCall("GetProcAddress", UInt, hModule, Str, "API_BoxSetWidth") LineCreate_func := DllCall("GetProcAddress", UInt, hModule, Str, "API_LineCreate") LineDestroy_func := DllCall("GetProcAddress", UInt, hModule, Str, "API_LineDestroy") LineSetShown_func := DllCall("GetProcAddress", UInt, hModule, Str, "API_LineSetShown") LineSetColor_func := DllCall("GetProcAddress", UInt, hModule, Str, "API_LineSetColor") LineSetWidth_func := DllCall("GetProcAddress", UInt, hModule, Str, "API_LineSetWidth") LineSetPos_func := DllCall("GetProcAddress", UInt, hModule, Str, "API_LineSetPos") ImageCreate_func := DllCall("GetProcAddress", UInt, hModule, Str, "API_ImageCreate") ImageDestroy_func := DllCall("GetProcAddress", UInt, hModule, Str, "API_ImageDestroy") ImageSetShown_func := DllCall("GetProcAddress", UInt, hModule, Str, "API_ImageSetShown") ImageSetAlign_func := DllCall("GetProcAddress", UInt, hModule, Str, "API_ImageSetAlign") ImageSetPos_func := DllCall("GetProcAddress", UInt, hModule, Str, "API_ImageSetPos") ImageSetRotation_func := DllCall("GetProcAddress", UInt, hModule, Str, "API_ImageSetRotation") DestroyAllVisual_func := DllCall("GetProcAddress", UInt, hModule, Str, "API_DestroyAllVisual") ShowAllVisual_func := DllCall("GetProcAddress", UInt, hModule, Str, "API_ShowAllVisual") HideAllVisual_func := DllCall("GetProcAddress", UInt, hModule, Str, "API_HideAllVisual") ; //////////////// ; CALLBACK ; //////////////// SetCallbackPointer_func := DllCall("GetProcAddress", UInt, hModule, Str, "API_SetCallbackPointer") UnSetCallbackPointer_func := DllCall("GetProcAddress", UInt, hModule, Str, "API_UnSetCallbackPointer") SetListenCallback_func := DllCall("GetProcAddress", UInt, hModule, Str, "API_SetListenCallback") UnSetListenCallback_func := DllCall("GetProcAddress", UInt, hModule, Str, "API_UnSetListenCallback") UnSetListenCallbackAll_func := DllCall("GetProcAddress", UInt, hModule, Str, "API_UnSetListenCallbackAll") ; //////////////// ; PlayerData.h ; //////////////// UpdateServerData_func := DllCall("GetProcAddress", UInt, hModule, Str, "API_UpdateServerData") GetPlayerNameById_func := DllCall("GetProcAddress", UInt, hModule, Str, "API_GetPlayerNameById") GetPlayerIdByName_func := DllCall("GetProcAddress", UInt, hModule, Str, "API_GetPlayerIdByName") Init() { global Init_func res := DllCall(Init_func) return res } SetParam(str_Name, str_Value) { global SetParam_func res := DllCall(SetParam_func, Str, str_Name, Str, str_Value) return res } ReadMemory(addr, size, ByRef data) { global ReadMemory_func VarSetCapacity(data,size) res := DllCall(ReadMemory_func, UInt, addr, UInt, size, StrP, data) return res } WriteMemory(addr, size, data) { global WriteMemory_func res := DllCall(WriteMemory_func, UInt, addr, UInt, size, Str, data) return res } GetBasePointer(dll) { global GetBasePointer_func res :=DllCall(GetBasePointer_func, Str, dll) return res } GetCommandLine(ByRef line) { global GetCommandLine_func VarSetCapacity(line,512,0) res := DllCall(GetCommandLine_func, StrP, line) return res } GetLastError() { global GetLastError_func res:=DllCall(GetLastError_func) return res } SetLastError(error) { global SetLastError_func res := DllCall(SetLastError_func, Int, error) return res } SendChat(msg) { global SendChat_func res := DllCall(SendChat_func, Str, msg) return res } ShowGameText(str_Text, int_Time, int_Style) { global ShowGameText_func res := DllCall(ShowGameText_func,Str , str_Text, Int, int_Time, Int, int_Style) return res } AddChatMessage(int_Color, str_Text) { global AddChatMessage_func res := DllCall(AddChatMessage_func, Int, int_Color, Str, str_Text) return res } ShowDialog(style, caption, text, button) { global ShowDialog_func res := DllCall(ShowDialog_func, Int, style, Str, caption, Str, text, Str, button) return res } IsDialogOpen() { global IsDialogOpen_func res := DllCall(IsDialogOpen_func) return res } GetLastDialogId() { global GetLastDialogId_func res := DllCall(GetLastDialogId_func) return res } GetLastDialogType() { global GetLastDialogType_func res := DllCall(GetLastDialogType_func) return res } BlockChatInput(block) { global BlockChatInput_func res := DllCall(BlockChatInput_func,UChar,block) return res } GetChatLine(id, ByRef line) { global GetChatLine_func VarSetCapacity(line,256,0) res := DllCall(GetChatLine_func,Int,id,StrP,line) return res } GetChatLineFromFile(id, ByRef line) { global GetChatLineFromFile_func VarSetCapacity(line,256,0) res := DllCall(GetChatLineFromFile_func,Int,id,StrP,line) return res } IsChatOpen() { global IsChatOpen_func res := DllCall(IsChatOpen_func) return res } GetScreenSizeX() { global GetScreenSizeX_func res := DllCall(GetScreenSizeX_func) return res } GetScreenSizeY() { global GetScreenSizeY_func res := DllCall(GetScreenSizeY_func) return res } GetFramerate() { global GetFramerate_func res := DllCall(GetFramerate_func) return res } GetCurrentWeatherId() { global GetCurrentWeatherId_func res := DllCall(GetCurrentWeatherId_func) return res } GetZoneName( ByRef str_ZoneName) { global GetZoneName_func VarSetCapacity(str_ZoneName, 32) res := DllCall(GetZoneName_func, StrP, str_ZoneName) return res } GetCityName( ByRef str_CityName) { global GetCityName_func VarSetCapacity(str_CityName, 32) res := DllCall(GetCityName_func, StrP, str_CityName) return res } GetZoneNameByCoords(x, y, ByRef str_ZoneName) { global GetZoneNameByCoords_func VarSetCapacity(str_ZoneName, 32) res := DllCall(GetZoneNameByCoords_func, Float, x, Float, y, StrP, str_ZoneName) return res } GetCityNameByCoords(x, y, ByRef str_CityName) { global GetCityNameByCoords_func VarSetCapacity(str_CityName, 32) res := DllCall(GetCityNameByCoords_func, Float, x, Float, y, StrP, str_CityName) return res } GetMarkerPos(ByRef x, ByRef y, ByRef z) { global GetMarkerPos_func res := DllCall(GetMarkerPos_func, FloatP, x, FloatP, y, FloatP, z) return res } GetLastMousePosOnMenuMap(ByRef x, ByRef y) { global GetLastMousePosOnMenuMap_func res := DllCall(GetLastMousePosOnMenuMap_func, FloatP, x, FloatP, y) return res } GetMapMarkerPos(ByRef x, ByRef y) { global GetMapMarkerPos_func res := DllCall(GetMapMarkerPos_func, FloatP, x, FloatP, y) return res } FindGroundZForPosition(x,y) { global FindGroundZForPosition_func res := DllCall(FindGroundZForPosition_func, Float, x, Float, y, "Cdecl float") return res } WorldToScreen(worldX, worldY, worldZ, ByRef screenX, ByRef screenY) { global WorldToScreen_func res := DllCall(WorldToScreen_func, Float, worldX, Float, worldY, Float, worldZ, FloatP, screenX, FloatP, screenY) return res } ScreenToWorld(screenX, screenY, ByRef worldX, ByRef worldY, ByRef worldZ) { global ScreenToWorld_func res := DllCall(ScreenToWorld_func, Float, screenX, Float, screenY, FloatP, worldX, FloatP, worldY, FloatP, worldZ) return res } RegisterTextBind(str_TextBind, float_PosX, float_PosY, float_PosZ, float_Radius, int_Delay, int_Loop, int_GroupId, int_isChild, int_Timeout) { global RegisterTextBind_func res := DllCall(RegisterTextBind_func, Str, str_TextBind, Float, float_PosX, Float, float_PosY, Float, float_PosZ, Float, float_Radius, Int, int_Delay, Int, int_Loop, Int, int_GroupId, Int, int_isChild, Int, int_Timeout) return res } UnregisterTextBind(int_TextBindId) { global UnregisterTextBind_func res := DllCall(UnregisterTextBind_func, Int, int_TextBindId) return res } UnregisterAllTextBinds() { global UnregisterAllTextBinds_func res := DllCall(UnregisterAllTextBinds_func) return res } TextBindTimer(int_TextBindSleep) { global TextBindTimer_func res := DllCall(TextBindTimer_func, Int, int_TextBindSleep) return res } IsMenuOpen() { global IsMenuOpen_func res := DllCall(IsMenuOpen_func) return res } GetPlayerId() { global GetPlayerId_func res := DllCall(GetPlayerId_func) return res } GetPlayerName(ByRef szName) { global GetPlayerName_func VarSetCapacity(szName,25) res := DllCall(GetPlayerName_func, StrP, szName) return res } GetServerIp(ByRef szHost) { global GetServerIp_func VarSetCapacity(szHost, 30) res := DllCall(GetServerIp_func, StrP, szHost) return res } GetServerPort() { global GetServerPort_func res := DllCall(GetServerPort_func) return res } ; /////////////////////// CPED //////////////////////////// ; /////////////////////// CPED //////////////////////////// ; /////////////////////// CPED //////////////////////////// GetPlayerCPed() { global GetPlayerCPed_func res :=DllCall(GetPlayerCPed_func) return res } GetPlayerHealth() { global GetPlayerHealth_func res := DllCall(GetPlayerHealth_func) return res } GetPlayerArmor() { global GetPlayerArmor_func res := DllCall(GetPlayerArmor_func) return res } GetPlayerMoney() { global GetPlayerMoney_func res := DllCall(GetPlayerMoney_func) return res } GetPlayerWanteds() { global GetPlayerWanteds_func res := DllCall(GetPlayerWanteds_func) return res } GetPlayerPosition(ByRef flo_posX, ByRef flo_posY, ByRef flo_posZ, ByRef flo_Rotation) { global GetPlayerPosition_func res := DllCall(GetPlayerPosition_func, FloatP, flo_posX, FloatP, flo_posY, FloatP, flo_posZ, FloatP, flo_Rotation) return res } IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(flo_posX, flo_posY, flo_posZ, flo_posRadius) { global IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint_func res := DllCall(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint_func, Float, flo_posX, Float, flo_posY, Float, flo_posZ, Float, flo_posRadius) return res } IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint2D(flo_posX, flo_posY, flo_posRadius) { global IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint2D_func res := DllCall(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint2D_func, Float, flo_posX, Float, flo_posY, Float, flo_posRadius) return res } IsPlayerInAnyInterior() { global IsPlayerInAnyInterior_func res := DllCall(IsPlayerInAnyInterior_func) return res } IsPlayerFrozen() { global IsPlayerFrozen_func res := DllCall(IsPlayerFrozen_func) return res } GetPlayerWeaponSlot() { global GetPlayerWeaponSlot_func res := DllCall(GetPlayerWeaponSlot_func) return res } GetPlayerWeaponId(int_WeaponSlot) { global GetPlayerWeaponId_func res := DllCall(GetPlayerWeaponId_func, Int, int_WeaponSlot) return res } GetPlayerWeaponName(int_WeaponSlot, ByRef str_WeapName) { global GetPlayerWeaponName_func VarSetCapacity(str_WeapName, 32) res := DllCall(GetPlayerWeaponName_func, Int, int_WeaponSlot, StrP, str_WeapName) return res } GetPlayerWeaponClip(int_WeaponSlot) { global GetPlayerWeaponClip_func res := DllCall(GetPlayerWeaponClip_func, Int, int_WeaponSlot) return res } GetPlayerWeaponTotalClip(int_WeaponSlot) { global GetPlayerWeaponTotalClip_func res := DllCall(GetPlayerWeaponTotalClip_func, Int, int_WeaponSlot) return res } GetPlayerWeaponState() { global GetPlayerWeaponState_func res := DllCall(GetPlayerWeaponState_func) return res } GetPlayerState() { global GetPlayerState_func res := DllCall(GetPlayerState_func) return res } ; /////////////////////// VEHICLE //////////////////////////// ; /////////////////////// VEHICLE //////////////////////////// ; /////////////////////// VEHICLE //////////////////////////// GetVehiclePointer() { global GetVehiclePointer_func res := DllCall(GetVehiclePointer_func) return res } GetVehicleModelId() { global GetVehicleModelId_func res := DllCall(GetVehicleModelId_func) return res } GetVehicleModelName(ByRef str_VehicleName) { global GetVehicleModelName_func VarSetCapacity(str_VehicleName, 32) res := DllCall(GetVehicleModelName_func, StrP, str_VehicleName) return res } GetVehicleModelNameById(int_VehicleId, ByRef str_VehicleName) { global GetVehicleModelNameById_func VarSetCapacity(str_VehicleName, 32) res := DllCall(GetVehicleModelNameById_func, Int, int_VehicleId, StrP, str_VehicleName) return res } GetVehicleType() { global GetVehicleType_func res := DllCall(GetVehicleType_func) return res } GetVehicleHealth() { global GetVehicleHealth_func res := DllCall(GetVehicleHealth_func) return res } GetVehicleRadioStation() { global GetVehicleRadioStation_func res := DllCall(GetVehicleRadioStation_func) return res } GetVehicleRadioStationName(ByRef str_RadioName) { global GetVehicleRadioStationName_func VarSetCapacity(str_RadioName, 32) res := DllCall(GetVehicleRadioStationName_func, StrP, str_RadioName) return res } GetVehicleFreeSeats(ByRef int_SeatFL, ByRef int_SeatFR, ByRef int_SeatBL, ByRef int_SeatBR) { global GetVehicleFreeSeats_func res := DllCall(GetVehicleFreeSeats_func, IntP, int_SeatFL, IntP, int_SeatFR, IntP, int_SeatBL, IntP, int_SeatBR) return res } GetVehicleSpeed(float_SpeedMult) { global GetVehicleSpeed_func res := DllCall(GetVehicleSpeed_func, Float, float_SpeedMult) return res } GetVehicleFirstColor() { global GetVehicleFirstColor_func res := DllCall(GetVehicleFirstColor_func) return res } GetVehicleSecondColor() { global GetVehicleSecondColor_func res := DllCall(GetVehicleSecondColor_func) return res } GetVehicleColor(ByRef int_ColorFirst, ByRef int_ColorSecond) { global GetVehicleColor_func res := DllCall(GetVehicleColor_func, IntP, int_ColorFirst, IntP, int_ColorSecond) return res } GetVehicleColorRGB(int_Color, ByRef uint_ColorRGB) { global GetVehicleColorRGB_func res := DllCall(GetVehicleColorRGB_func, Int, int_Color, UIntP, uint_ColorRGB) return res } GetVehicleColorARGB(int_Color, ByRef uint_ColorARGB) { global GetVehicleColorARGB_func res := DllCall(GetVehicleColorARGB_func, Int, int_Color, UIntP, uint_ColorARGB) return res } IsPlayerInAnyVehicle() { global IsPlayerInAnyVehicle_func res := DllCall(IsPlayerInAnyVehicle_func) return res } IsPlayerDriver() { global IsPlayerDriver_func res := DllCall(IsPlayerDriver_func) return res } IsPlayerPassenger() { global IsPlayerPassenger_func res := DllCall(IsPlayerPassenger_func) return res } IsVehicleSeatUsed(int_SeatId) { global IsVehicleSeatUsed_func res := DllCall(IsVehicleSeatUsed_func, int, int_SeatId) return res } IsVehicleLocked() { global IsVehicleLocked_func res := DllCall(IsVehicleLocked_func) return res } IsVehicleSirenEnabled() { global IsVehicleSirenEnabled_func res := DllCall(IsVehicleSirenEnabled_func) return res } IsVehicleHornEnabled() { global IsVehicleHornEnabled_func res := DllCall(IsVehicleHornEnabled_func) return res } IsVehicleAlternateSirenEnabled() { global IsVehicleAlternateSirenEnabled_func res := DllCall(IsVehicleAlternateSirenEnabled_func) return res } IsVehicleEngineEnabled() { global IsVehicleEngineEnabled_func res := DllCall(IsVehicleEngineEnabled_func) return res } IsVehicleLightEnabled() { global IsVehicleLightEnabled_func res := DllCall(IsVehicleLightEnabled_func) return res } IsPlayerInCar() { global IsPlayerInCar_func res := DllCall(IsPlayerInCar_func) return res } IsPlayerInPlane() { global IsPlayerInPlane_func res := DllCall(IsPlayerInPlane_func) return res } IsPlayerInBoat() { global IsPlayerInBoat_func res := DllCall(IsPlayerInBoat_func) return res } IsPlayerInTrain() { global IsPlayerInTrain_func res := DllCall(IsPlayerInTrain_func) return res } IsPlayerInBike() { global IsPlayerInBike_func res := DllCall(IsPlayerInBike_func) return res } ;////////////////// DRAW /////////////////// ;////////////////// DRAW /////////////////// ;////////////////// DRAW /////////////////// TextCreate(Font, fontsize, bold, italic, x, y, color, text, shadow, show) { global TextCreate_func res := DllCall(TextCreate_func,Str,Font,Int,fontsize,UChar,bold,UChar,italic,Int,x,Int,y,UInt,color,Str,text,UChar,shadow,UChar,show) return res } TextDestroy(id) { global TextDestroy_func res := DllCall(TextDestroy_func,Int,id) return res } TextSetShadow(id, shadow) { global TextSetShadow_func res := DllCall(TextSetShadow_func,Int,id,UChar,shadow) return res } TextSetShown(id, show) { global TextSetShown_func res := DllCall(TextSetShown_func,Int,id,UChar,show) return res } TextSetColor(id,color) { global TextSetColor_func res := DllCall(TextSetColor_func,Int,id,UInt,color) return res } TextSetPos(id,x,y) { global TextSetPos_func res := DllCall(TextSetPos_func,Int,id,Int,x,Int,y) return res } TextSetString(id,Text) { global TextSetString_func res := DllCall(TextSetString_func,Int,id,Str,Text) return res } TextUpdate(id,Font,Fontsize,bold,italic) { global TextUpdate_func res := DllCall(TextUpdate_func,Int,id,Str,Font,int,Fontsize,UChar,bold,UChar,italic) return res } BoxCreate(x,y,width,height,Color,show) { global BoxCreate_func res := DllCall(BoxCreate_func,Int,x,Int,y,Int,width,Int,height,UInt,Color,UChar,show) return res } BoxDestroy(id) { global BoxDestroy_func res := DllCall(BoxDestroy_func,Int,id) return res } BoxSetShown(id,Show) { global BoxSetShown_func res := DllCall(BoxSetShown_func,Int,id,UChar,Show) return res } BoxSetBorder(id,height,Show) { global BoxSetBorder_func res := DllCall(BoxSetBorder_func,Int,id,Int,height,Int,Show) return res } BoxSetBorderColor(id,Color) { global BoxSetBorderColor_func res := DllCall(BoxSetBorderColor_func,Int,id,UInt,Color) return res } BoxSetColor(id,Color) { global BoxSetColor_func res := DllCall(BoxSetColor_func,Int,id,UInt,Color) return res } BoxSetHeight(id,height) { global BoxSetHeight_func res := DllCall(BoxSetHeight_func,Int,id,Int,height) return res } BoxSetPos(id,x,y) { global BoxSetPos_func res := DllCall(BoxSetPos_func,Int,id,Int,x,Int,y) return res } BoxSetWidth(id,width) { global BoxSetWidth_func res := DllCall(BoxSetWidth_func,Int,id,Int,width) return res } LineCreate(x1,y1,x2,y2,width,color,show) { global LineCreate_func res := DllCall(LineCreate_func,Int,x1,Int,y1,Int,x2,Int,y2,Int,Width,UInt,color,UChar,show) return res } LineDestroy(id) { global LineDestroy_func res := DllCall(LineDestroy_func,Int,id) return res } LineSetShown(id,show) { global LineSetShown_func res := DllCall(LineSetShown_func,Int,id,UChar,show) return res } LineSetColor(id,color) { global LineSetColor_func res := DllCall(LineSetColor_func,Int,id,UInt,color) return res } LineSetWidth(id, width) { global LineSetWidth_func res := DllCall(LineSetWidth_func,Int,id,Int,width) return res } LineSetPos(id,x1,y1,x2,y2) { global LineSetPos_func res := DllCall(LineSetPos_func,Int,id,Int,x1,Int,y1,Int,x2,Int,y2) return res } ImageCreate(path, x, y, rotation, align, show) { global ImageCreate_func res := DllCall(ImageCreate_func, Str, path, Int, x, Int, y, Int, rotation, Int, align, UChar, show) return res } ImageDestroy(id) { global ImageDestroy_func res := DllCall(ImageDestroy_func,Int,id) return res } ImageSetShown(id,show) { global ImageSetShown_func res := DllCall(ImageSetShown_func,Int,id,UChar,show) return res } ImageSetAlign(id,align) { global ImageSetAlign_func res := DllCall(ImageSetAlign_func,Int,id,Int,align) return res } ImageSetPos(id, x, y) { global ImageSetPos_func res := DllCall(ImageSetPos_func,Int,id,Int,x, Int, y) return res } ImageSetRotation(id, rotation) { global ImageSetRotation_func res := DllCall(ImageSetRotation_func,Int,id,Int, rotation) return res } DestroyAllVisual() { global DestroyAllVisual_func res := DllCall(DestroyAllVisual_func) return res } ShowAllVisual() { global ShowAllVisual_func res := DllCall(ShowAllVisual_func) return res } HideAllVisual() { global HideAllVisual_func res := DllCall(HideAllVisual_func ) return res } ;////////////////// CALLBACK /////////////////// ;////////////////// CALLBACK /////////////////// ;////////////////// CALLBACK /////////////////// SetListenCallback(int_Id) { global SetListenCallback_func res := DllCall(SetListenCallback_func, Int, int_Id) return res } UnSetCallbackPointer() { global UnSetCallbackPointer_func res := DllCall(UnSetCallbackPointer_func) return res } SetCallbackPointer(int_Id) { global SetCallbackPointer_func res := DllCall(SetCallbackPointer_func, Int, int_Id) return res } UnSetListenCallback(int_Id) { global UnSetListenCallback_func res := DllCall(UnSetListenCallback_func, Int, int_Id) return res } UnSetListenCallbackAll() { global UnSetListenCallbackAll_func res := DllCall(UnSetListenCallbackAll_func) return res } GetCallbackHealParams(ptr_HealStruct, ByRef iOldHeal, ByRef iNewHeal) { ioldHeal := NumGet(ptr_HealStruct+0, "int") inewHeal := NumGet(ptr_HealStruct+4, "int") } GetCallbackArmorParams(ptr_ArmorStruct, ByRef iOldArmor, ByRef iNewArmor) { ioldArmor := NumGet(ptr_ArmorStruct+0, "int") inewArmor := NumGet(ptr_ArmorStruct+4, "int") } GetCallbackPositionParams(ptr_PositionStruct, ByRef fOldPosX, ByRef fOldPosY, ByRef fOldPosZ, ByRef fOldPosR, ByRef fNewPosX, ByRef fNewPosY, ByRef fNewPosZ, ByRef fNewPosR) { fOldPosX := NumGet(ptr_PositionStruct+0, "float") fOldPosY := NumGet(ptr_PositionStruct+4, "float") fOldPosZ := NumGet(ptr_PositionStruct+8, "float") fOldPosR := NumGet(ptr_PositionStruct+12, "float") fNewPosX := NumGet(ptr_PositionStruct+16, "float") fNewPosY := NumGet(ptr_PositionStruct+20, "float") fNewPosZ := NumGet(ptr_PositionStruct+24, "float") fNewPosR := NumGet(ptr_PositionStruct+28, "float") } GetCallbackEnterExitParams(ptr_EnterExitStruct, ByRef iOldInteriorState, ByRef iNewInteriorState) { iOldInteriorState := NumGet(ptr_EnterExitStruct+0, "int") iNewInteriorState := NumGet(ptr_EnterExitStruct+4, "int") } GetCallbackVehicleEnterExitParams(ptr_VehicleEnterExitStruct, ByRef iOldVehicleEnterExit, ByRef iNewVehicleEnterExit) { iOldVehicleEnterExit := NumGet(ptr_VehicleEnterExitStruct+0, "int") iNewVehicleEnterExit := NumGet(ptr_VehicleEnterExitStruct+4, "int") } GetCallbackVehicleHealthParams(ptr_VehicleHealthStruct, ByRef iOldVehicleHealth, ByRef iNewVehicleHealth) { iOldVehicleHealth := NumGet(ptr_VehicleHealthStruct+0, "int") iNewVehicleHealth := NumGet(ptr_VehicleHealthStruct+4, "int") } GetCallbackVehicleEngineParams(ptr_VehicleEngineStruct, ByRef iOldVehicleEngine, ByRef iNewVehicleEngine) { iOldVehicleEngine := NumGet(ptr_VehicleEngineStruct+0, "int") iNewVehicleEngine := NumGet(ptr_VehicleEngineStruct+4, "int") } GetCallbackVehicleLockParams(ptr_VehicleLockStruct, ByRef iOldVehicleLock, ByRef iNewVehicleLock) { iOldVehicleLock := NumGet(ptr_VehicleLockStruct+0, "int") iNewVehicleLock := NumGet(ptr_VehicleLockStruct+4, "int") } GetCallbackVehicleSpeedParams(ptr_VehicleSpeedStruct, ByRef iOldVehicleSpeed, ByRef iNewVehicleSpeed) { iOldVehicleSpeed := NumGet(ptr_VehicleSpeedStruct+0, "int") iNewVehicleSpeed := NumGet(ptr_VehicleSpeedStruct+4, "int") } GetCallbackWeaponSwitchParams(ptr_WeaponSwitchStruct, ByRef iOldWeaponId, ByRef iNewWeaponId) { iOldWeaponId := NumGet(ptr_WeaponSwitchStruct+0, "int") iNewWeaponId := NumGet(ptr_WeaponSwitchStruct+4, "int") } GetCallbackWeaponClipParams(ptr_WeaponClipStruct, ByRef iOldWeaponClip, ByRef iNewWeaponClip) { iOldWeaponClip := NumGet(ptr_WeaponClipStruct+0, "int") iNewWeaponClip := NumGet(ptr_WeaponClipStruct+4, "int") } GetCallbackWeaponTotalClipParams(ptr_WeaponTotalClipStruct, ByRef iOldWeaponTotalClip, ByRef iNewWeaponTotalClip) { iOldWeaponTotalClip := NumGet(ptr_WeaponTotalClipStruct+0, "int") iNewWeaponTotalClip := NumGet(ptr_WeaponTotalClipStruct+4, "int") } GetCallbackChatlogParams(ptr_ChatlogStruct, ByRef string) { VarSetCapacity(string, 256, 0) string := StrGet(ptr_ChatlogStruct) } UpdateServerData() { global UpdateServerData_func res := DllCall(UpdateServerData_func) return res } GetPlayerNameById(id,ByRef name) { VarSetCapacity(name,24,0) global GetPlayerNameById_func res := DllCall(GetPlayerNameById_func,UShort,id,StrP,name) return res } GetPlayerIdByName(name) { global GetPlayerIdByName_func res := DllCall(GetPlayerIdByName_func,Str,name) return res } DecimalToHex(Var){ ; Convert a decimal integer to hexadecimal: SetFormat, IntegerFast, hex Dec2Hex += Var ; Sets Dec2Hex (which previously contained 11) to be 0xb. Dec2Hex .= "" ; Necessary due to the "fast" mode. SetFormat, IntegerFast, d StringTrimLeft, Dec2Hex, Dec2Hex, 2 ; removes 0x from the string StringUpper, Dec2Hex, Dec2Hex ; makes it all caps sDec2Hex .= Dec2Hex return sDec2Hex } RelToAbs(root, dir, s = "\") { pr := SubStr(root, 1, len := InStr(root, s, "", InStr(root, s . s) + 2) - 1) , root := SubStr(root, len + 1), sk := 0 If InStr(root, s, "", 0) = StrLen(root) StringTrimRight, root, root, 1 If InStr(dir, s, "", 0) = StrLen(dir) StringTrimRight, dir, dir, 1 Loop, Parse, dir, %s% { If A_LoopField = .. StringLeft, root, root, InStr(root, s, "", 0) - 1 Else If A_LoopField = root = Else If A_LoopField != . Continue StringReplace, dir, dir, %A_LoopField%%s% } Return, pr . root . s . dir } GetZoneName(Bezirk) GetCityName(Stadt)
Woran kann es liegen? -
@Jeff_Hardy Ja vielen Dank dafür
Man seit ihr Cool
Applaus xD
Was?? du wolltest erstmal 10Euro dann ahbe ich ok gesagt dann hast du gesagt wenn ich Rcon System einfüge will ich 20Euro
und das fande ich ein wenig zu hoch
Hier der Beweis :
Ach und @Jeff_Hardy damit es dich Glücklich macht [Danke für deine Hilfe] Paysafe Code (10Euro) kriegst du Morgen per PN -
C:\Users\Acer\Desktop\GTA - San Andreas\Neon.pwn(41) : warning 217: loose indentation
C:\Users\Acer\Desktop\GTA - San Andreas\Neon.pwn(41) : error 029: invalid expression, assumed zero
C:\Users\Acer\Desktop\GTA - San Andreas\Neon.pwn(41) : error 004: function "OnDialogResponse" is not implemented
C:\Users\Acer\Desktop\GTA - San Andreas\Neon.pwn(43) : error 017: undefined symbol "dialogid"
C:\Users\Acer\Desktop\GTA - San Andreas\Neon.pwn(45) : error 017: undefined symbol "response"
C:\Users\Acer\Desktop\GTA - San Andreas\Neon.pwn(47) : error 017: undefined symbol "listitem"
C:\Users\Acer\Desktop\GTA - San Andreas\Neon.pwn(56) : error 017: undefined symbol "listitem"
C:\Users\Acer\Desktop\GTA - San Andreas\Neon.pwn(65) : error 017: undefined symbol "listitem"
C:\Users\Acer\Desktop\GTA - San Andreas\Neon.pwn(74) : error 017: undefined symbol "listitem"
C:\Users\Acer\Desktop\GTA - San Andreas\Neon.pwn(83) : error 017: undefined symbol "listitem"
C:\Users\Acer\Desktop\GTA - San Andreas\Neon.pwn(92) : error 017: undefined symbol "listitem"
C:\Users\Acer\Desktop\GTA - San Andreas\Neon.pwn(120) : error 030: compound statement not closed at the end of file (started at line 20)
Pawn compiler 3.2.3664 Copyright (c) 1997-2006, ITB CompuPhase11 Errors.
Hallo. Ich wollte fragen wie kann man das machen das ich meinen NeonSystem mit Rcon Login öffnen kann.
Alles anzeigen// System by ryaN.jeZoo #define FILTERSCRIPT #define COLOR_WHITE 0xFFFFFFAA #include <a_samp> #define NEON 1337 #if defined FILTERSCRIPT public OnFilterScriptInit() { print("\n--------------------------------------"); print(" Neon System für Rolex "); print("--------------------------------------\n"); return 1; } #endif public OnPlayerCommandText(playerid, cmdtext[]) { if (strcmp("/createneon", cmdtext, true, 10) == 0) { if(IsPlayerInAnyVehicle(playerid)) { if(GetPlayerState(playerid) == PLAYER_STATE_PASSENGER) { SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_WHITE, "Du bist nicht der Fahrer!"); return 1; } ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, NEON, DIALOG_STYLE_LIST, "Wähle eine Farbe aus!","Blau\nGrün\nGelb\nWeiß\nPink\nNeon abbauen","Bauen","Schließen"); } else { SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_WHITE, "Du bist in keinem Fahrzeug!"); } return 1; } return 0; } public OnDialogResponse(playerid, dialogid, response, listitem, inputtext[]) { if(dialogid == NEON) { if(response) { if(listitem == 0) { SetPVarInt(playerid, "neon", 1); SetPVarInt(playerid, "blue", CreateObject(18648,0,0,0,0,0,0)); SetPVarInt(playerid, "blue1", CreateObject(18648,0,0,0,0,0,0)); AttachObjectToVehicle(GetPVarInt(playerid, "blue"), GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid), -0.8, 0.0, -0.70, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0); AttachObjectToVehicle(GetPVarInt(playerid, "blue1"), GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid), 0.8, 0.0, -0.70, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0); GameTextForPlayer(playerid, "~b~ Blaues ~w~Neon wurde an dein Fahrzeug angebaut!",3500,5); } if(listitem == 1) { SetPVarInt(playerid, "neon", 1); SetPVarInt(playerid, "green", CreateObject(18649,0,0,0,0,0,0)); SetPVarInt(playerid, "green1", CreateObject(18649,0,0,0,0,0,0)); AttachObjectToVehicle(GetPVarInt(playerid, "green"), GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid), -0.8, 0.0, -0.70, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0); AttachObjectToVehicle(GetPVarInt(playerid, "green1"), GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid), 0.8, 0.0, -0.70, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0); GameTextForPlayer(playerid, "~g~Grünes ~w~Neon wurde an dein Fahrzeug angebaut!",3500,5); } if(listitem == 2) { SetPVarInt(playerid, "neon", 1); SetPVarInt(playerid, "yellow", CreateObject(18650,0,0,0,0,0,0)); SetPVarInt(playerid, "yellow1", CreateObject(18650,0,0,0,0,0,0)); AttachObjectToVehicle(GetPVarInt(playerid, "yellow"), GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid), -0.8, 0.0, -0.70, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0); AttachObjectToVehicle(GetPVarInt(playerid, "yellow1"), GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid), 0.8, 0.0, -0.70, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0); GameTextForPlayer(playerid, "~y~Gelbes~w~ Neon wurde an dein Fahrzeug angebaut!",3500,5); } if(listitem == 3) { SetPVarInt(playerid, "neon", 1); SetPVarInt(playerid, "white", CreateObject(18652,0,0,0,0,0,0)); SetPVarInt(playerid, "white1", CreateObject(18652,0,0,0,0,0,0)); AttachObjectToVehicle(GetPVarInt(playerid, "white"), GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid), -0.8, 0.0, -0.70, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0); AttachObjectToVehicle(GetPVarInt(playerid, "white1"), GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid), 0.8, 0.0, -0.70, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0); GameTextForPlayer(playerid, "~w~Weißes~w~ Neon wurde an dein Fahrzeug angebaut!",3500,5); } if(listitem == 4) { SetPVarInt(playerid, "neon", 1); SetPVarInt(playerid, "pink", CreateObject(18651,0,0,0,0,0,0)); SetPVarInt(playerid, "pink1", CreateObject(18651,0,0,0,0,0,0)); AttachObjectToVehicle(GetPVarInt(playerid, "pink"), GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid), -0.8, 0.0, -0.70, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0); AttachObjectToVehicle(GetPVarInt(playerid, "pink1"), GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid), 0.8, 0.0, -0.70, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0); GameTextForPlayer(playerid, "~p~Pinkes~w~ Neon wurde an dein Fahrzeug angebaut!",3500,5); } if(listitem == 5) { DestroyObject(GetPVarInt(playerid, "blue")); DeletePVar(playerid, "neon"); DestroyObject(GetPVarInt(playerid, "blue1")); DeletePVar(playerid, "neon"); DestroyObject(GetPVarInt(playerid, "green")); DeletePVar(playerid, "neon"); DestroyObject(GetPVarInt(playerid, "green1")); DeletePVar(playerid, "neon"); DestroyObject(GetPVarInt(playerid, "yellow")); DeletePVar(playerid, "neon"); DestroyObject(GetPVarInt(playerid, "yellow1")); DeletePVar(playerid, "neon"); DestroyObject(GetPVarInt(playerid, "white")); DeletePVar(playerid, "neon"); DestroyObject(GetPVarInt(playerid, "white1")); DeletePVar(playerid, "neon"); DestroyObject(GetPVarInt(playerid, "pink")); DeletePVar(playerid, "neon"); DestroyObject(GetPVarInt(playerid, "pink1")); DeletePVar(playerid, "neon"); GameTextForPlayer(playerid, "~g~Das Neon wurde von deinem Fahrzeug abgebaut!",3500,5); } } } return 1; }
Und ich würde gerne einen Rcon Login einfügen doch weiß leider nicht wie es geht.
Könntet ihr mir vllt helfen?
Ich brauche einen Neonsystem.
Wenn ich in einen Fahrzeuge einsteige das ich mit /createneon ein Neonlicht ins Fahrzeug einbauen kann wie zbs so:
Dialog: Blau,Grün,Gelb,Rot
Dann habe ich auf Rot getippt.
Du bist in keinem Fahrzeug.
Dann steige ich in einen Car ein.
Dialog Rot
Du hast in den %fahrzeugname% einen Neonlicht eingebaut.Ich bezahle für diesen System maximal 15-20 Euro Paysafe Card
Ah ok
danke dir hat geklappt
Ich wollte einen LSPD Keybinder machen. Und wollte mit Numpad + die Rüstung nehmen lassen doch wenn ich
SendInput t/equip {enter}
SendInput t/equip {wait}
returnschreibe kommt ein Error wenn ich es öffnen will.
warum geht denn kein Numpad + weil bei meinem anderen Member geht es und er will mir nicht dabei helfen.
deshalb frage ich euch.
Bitte so schnell wie möglich antworten
Aber ich will mein Namen in denn Anruf einfügen
wenn ich /p mache
Ich wollte fragen wie man das einstellt zbs. wenn ich einen Textbind /p für /pickup mache.
Das es mit /p animmt und sagt Guten Tag, Hier ist Officer (Sein Name) Wie kann ich ihnen helfen
Also das mit dem Textbind habe ich es geschafft aber wie mache ich es mit /pickup namen erkennen
Das er wenn er mit /p annimmt das dann Guten Tag, Hier ist Officer (Sein Name) Wie kann ich ihnen helfen kommt?
Brauche Hilfe
Gehört dies zu einer API?
das git es im Script wow Probiere es direkt mal aus
habe ja kein Code dafür will es ja besitzen
Ich wollte ein kleines Vertrag System.
Was ist das/nütz es?
Wenn zbs ein Spieler ein Haus kaufen will und der Käufer nicht viel Geld hat, können sie einen Vertrag schließen.
/vertrag (ID)
(Grey) - *** hat dir einen Vertrag zum unterschreiben gegeben, Du nimmst es mit /accept vertrag an
Wenn das Angenommen wurde soll stehen
(Grey) - Ihr habt einen Vertrag geschlossen macht einen Screen als Beweis.So in der Art soll ein Vertrag System sein.
Könntet ihr mir bitte so eins machen?
Wenn ich /efa mache (Fraktionfahtzeug erstellen) und dann /dtc das Fahrzeug lösche kommt es wieder wenn ich /ramfa /gmx (Server restart), /rafa usw. Ich wil ein Befehl wie man die Fraktion Fahrzeuge die man mit /efa erstellt löschen kann.
Wie zbs /delefa
Oder so dann sollen sie auch nie wieder spawnen oder sagen wie ich das machen soll das es mit /dtc weg geht -
du musst im Map Editor erst alle gespeicherten Objecte löschen und dann im GTA Ordner einen Ordner wo die Bilder der Objekte sind. Dann muss du die Bilder die im Ordner sind löschen und dann denn Map Editor neu starten.
Dann müsste es klappen
Ich möchte einen ganz Eayse Coins System.
Ich möchte die genauen Commands wie in /givemoney aber nur in /givecoin.
Es soll natürlich unter diesem Geldzähler ()
Da wo dieses Schwarze ist soll der Coins Zähler sein also unter der Leben anzahl. Natürlich wenn man zbs. /givecoin (ID) 1000 macht soll einfach ein Coinzähler unter der Lebensanzahl sein [man kann maximal von 0-5000Coins vergeben können) natürlich wenn man /givecoin (ID) 0 macht soll er dann 0 Coins bekommen oder /givecoin (ID) -1000 Soll man dann Minus bekommen [man kann natürlich mit den Coins garnichts kaufen usw.) Es soll einfach nur ein /givecoin System sein.
Das wehre echt Nice.